HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Minnesota Economic Summit Meeting19 8? j; 3 or1to TO CWIVUL Congressm of the Eniteb Otateg MAY 2 6198 Rfut=0111010 The 1987 Minnesota Economic Summit CONGRESSMAN BILL FRENZEL JUNE 19, 1987 CONGRESSMAN MARTIN OLAV SABO HOLIDAY INN DOWNTOWN CO-CHAIRMEN May 12, 1987 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Mr. Leland Knutson Mayor 1367 E. 145th Street Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Mayor Knutson: On Friday, June 19, 1987, we will convene and moderate the 1987 Minnesota Economic Summit, at the Holiday Inn Downtown in Minneapolis. As chairmen of the summit, we take pleasure in inviting you to attend and participate in the summit. The purpose of the Economic Summit is to bring together a diverse group of leaders to assess the changes that are taking place in Minnesota's economy. We will examine the opportunities that these changes bring for increasing income and employment for the people of our state. The program will feature presentations by national and regional authorities on the implications of economic trends for Minnesota and on the specific steps that can be taken to attract new business and stimulate investment and expansion of regional industries. The summit will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among leaders from government and the private sector in a cooperative endeavor to map a strategy that will respond to future needs and opportunities. A great deal of effort has gone into planning this conference to insure that it will focus on defining solutions, rather than simply restating the problems confronting the region's economy. The conference is being coordinated by the Columbia Institute and is sponsored by a number of local business and civic groups. The program will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 4:00 p.m. There is no registration fee. The only expense will be the cost of the luncheon. To confirm your attendance, please complete the enclosed form along with a check for $15.00 made payable to the Columbia Institute. We do hope that you will plan to attend and look forward to seeing you on June 19. Sincerely, Bill Frenzel Martin Olav Sabo Member of Congress Member of Congress GLERrs 1987 3 FILE Partial List of Speakers for THE 1987 MINNESOTA ECONOMIC SUMMIT Friday, June 19, 1987—Holiday Inn Downtown -Minneapolis, Minnesota Congressmen Bill Frenzel and Martin Olav Sabo Co-chairmen CONGRESSMAN BILL FRENZEL United States Congressman from the Third District of Minnesota Congressman Frenzel has served in the United States House of Representatives since 1971. He serves on the House Ways and Means Committee and he is Ranking Minority Member of the House Administration Committee. His legislative specialties include taxes, trade, budget, and election law issues. Congressman Frenzel serves as the Congressional Representative to the General Agree- ment on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in Geneva, Switzerland and prior to his position as a U.S. Congressman, he served in the Minnesota House of Representatives. Congressman Frenzel received both his B.A. and his M.B.A. from Dartmouth College. CONGRESSMAN MARTIN OLAV SABO United States Congressman from the Fifth District of Minnesota Congressman Sabo was elected to the U.S. House of Representa- tives in 1978. He serves on the Committee on Appropriations and its Defense, Transportation, and District of Columbia Subcommit- tees. Congressman Sabo is also vice president of the Democratic Study Group and he was a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives from 1961 to 1978 serving as both speaker and minority leader during this period. Congressman Sabo received his B.A. from Augsburg College and did his graduate studies at the University of Minnesota. GOVERNOR RUDY PERPICH Governor of the State of Minnesota Governor Perpich, the 36th governor of the Minnesota, can aptly be called a "jobs governor." He campaigned on the need for job growth in Minnesota and he has brought labor and business, edu- cation, agriculture and the public sector together in an effort that has helped to put 100,000 more Minnesotans to work than ever before in history. In recognition of his efforts to bring jobs to Min- nesota, Governor Perpich was identified as the best governor for promoting growth within the high-technology industry by a 1984 survey in U.S.A. Today. Governor Perpich also considers education to be one of his top priorities, championing a 26% increase in the state's investment in elementary, secondary, and post -secondary education. Governor Perpich is a native Minnesotan. MR. LEE BERLIN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of LecTec Corporation Mr. Bertin joined LecTec in 1982 bringing with him thirty-five years experience in foreign and domestic marketing, product develop- ment and general management. Prior to his position with LecTec, Mr. Berlin was Managing Director of 3M France and International Group Marketing Executive and Vice President of Foreign Ventures at 3M. Mr. Berlin is Chairman of the Governor's Commission on Medical Technology in Minnesota, the founder and director of Medical Alley Association and the Chairman of District Export Council. Mr. Berlin received his Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota and his J.D. from the St. Paul College of Law. DR. GERALD W. CHRISTENSON Chancellor, Minnesota Community College System Dr. Gerald Christenson has served as Chancellor of the Minnesota Community College System since July 1983. As the chief executive officer of the Minnesota Community College System, Dr. Christen- son directs the operation of an eighteen college system that serves over 40,000 full and part-time students. Dr. Christenson also has served as the Legislative Auditor for the State of Minnesota, as Executive Director of the Committee on Rules and Administration and as Executive Assistant to the Majority Leader in the Minnesota State Senate. He has also served as State Planning Director and as Commissioner of Finance for the State of Minnesota. Dr. Chris- tenson holds a B.A. degree from St. John's University and both an M.A. and Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota. MR. DAN W. GUSTAFSON President, Minnesota AFL-CIO Mr. Gustafson was elected President of the Minnesota AFL-CIO on January 1, 1985. Prior to this position, he served as Secretary - Treasurer of the Minnesota AFL-CIO and as Business Manager of the Minneapolis Building Trades Council. Mr. Gustafson presently serves on the State Advisory Council on Workers' Compensation; the Advisory Council to the State Economic Security Department; the Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health Review Board; and the Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation. He is the treasurer of the Workers' Compensation Reinsurance Association of Minnesota, and he is a member of the Minnesota Racing Com- mission. Mr. Gustafson served on the boards of the Minneapolis Industrial Development Commission and the Minneapolis Capital Long -Range Improvements Committee. DR. WALTER HELLER Regents' Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Minnesota Dr. Heller is currently the Regents' Professor of Economics Emeritus at the University of Minnesota. He has served as the chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, as a consultant to the Executive Office of the President, and as a con- sultant to the Congressional Budget Office. Dr. Heller is co-chair- man of the Center for National Policy's Economic Study Group and he is a member of the TIME Board of Economists. He has appeared on "Meet the Press", "Issues and Answers", "Face the Nation" and "Wall Street Week". In addition, he has served as a commentator on PBS's "Nightly Business Report". and has been.featured in cover stories in Time, U.S. News, and Business Week. Dr. Heiler has been published in numerous economic journals and has authored such works as The Economy: Old Myths and New Realities, New Dimensions of Political Economy, and Monetary vs. Fiscal Policy which he co-authored with Milton Freedman. Dr. Helier received his B.A. from Oberlin College and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. MR. AL HUNT Bureau Chief, The Wall Street Journal, Washington, D.C. Mr. Hunt joined The Wall Street Journal in 1965 in New York. He was transferred to the Boston bureau in 1967 and to the Washington, D.C. bureau in 1969. From 1972 to 1983 he covered Congress and national politics. In October of 1983, he became Washington bureau chief. He has been a regular participant on Public Television's "Washington's Week in Review", an analyst on the CBS Morning News and now is a regular panelist on NBC's "Meet the Press." In 1976, Mr. Hunt received the Raymond Clapper Award for Washington reporting. He is a co-author of the American Enterprise Institute's "The American Elections of 1980", "The Amer- ican Elections of 1982", and "The American Elections of 1984". Mr. Hunt received his B.A. from Wake Forest University. Conference Coordinated by ttre Colu nbla bxsfilif+, BE Sheer, S.E., Washington; D.C. 20003,- 202154 7-24 70 and 100 Mrjrcer Street. Seattle, Washington 9(3109 206/2(35-2929