HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.DATE: JUNE 12, 1987 T0: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL % ADMINISTRATOR JILK RE: ITEMS FOR JUNE 16, 1987 COUNCIL MEETING OLD BUSINESS 5a. (Part 1) Jay Simon's/130th Street Report A representative from our Consulting Engineering company, S. E. H., will be on hand to present proposed correction items to complete the necessary restoration for this project. Our Consultant has identified forty-six (46) locations that will require some sort of correction. The estimated cost based on these items is about $8,000.00. Our Consultant is also preparing a sketch of all these locations on a set of plans so that they will be easier to review. Our Consultant indicated to me they will be ready to discuss cost sharing responsibilities at the meeting also. 5a. (Part 2) 130th Street and 130th Way Curve Update I checked with Mr. Glen Van Wormer of our Consultants regarding the situation at 130th Street and 130th Way. He proposed three alternatives: 1. Install guard rail at estimated cost of $5,500.00. 2. Install landscape shrubbery along entire slope at estimated cost between $1,500.00-$2,000.00 3. Pavement markings and Pavement delineators. Last November the City crews placed orange and white empty 55 gallon barrels spaced around the outside edge of this curve to provide for traffic delineation. To my knowledge there has been no vehicles that have left the road in this area to date. However, in reviewing the situation again this summer, I still would recommend that we install the guard rail option. I feel a more dangerous hazard exist other than the pond and that is if a east bound vehicle on 130th Street slides down that hill it would collide with some 15" diameter trees. There is no way any vehicles would get down into the pond. Therefore, a guard rail would deflect these vehicles and keep them from colliding with the trees at the end of 130th Street. I would also recommend that the inside curve south of the existing culvert to 130th Street be widened about 2 to 3 feet. I tried to make this maneuver in a regular size pickup and could not help but go off the pavement in this area. I am attaching a sketch of this area to indicate this recommendation. The estimated cost of $5,500.00 is for construction only and does not PAGE 2 ITEMS FOR JUNE 16, 1987 COUNCIL MEETING include any engineering or staking. However, I would propose that our Consulting Engineer provide the engineering, construction staking and inspection services at no cost to the City. I am proposing this because I do not feel the barricades placed on the end of 130th Street are appropriate and that a guard rail would protect the motorist better from the potential hazard the large trees off the end of 130th Street poses to east bound traffic. PUBLIC HEARING 6a. O'Leary's Hills 3rd Addition Streets and Utilities Improvements At the May 19, 1987 meeting the Council approved the O'Leary's Hills 3rd Addition preliminary plat and ordered a public hearing for the street and utility improvements to be held at 8:00 p.m., June 16, 1987. Staff has published all required public notices in the legal newspapers and mailed the required notices to affected properties. To summarize the feasibility report, the installation of public improvements, consisting of streets and utilities within the O'Leary's Hills 3rd Addition, is feasible at an estimated cost of $251,000.00. Of this $251,000.00, about $7,000.00 is the responsibility of Wensmann Addition and $11,000.00 is the responsibility of the City Sanitary Sewer fund. All the remaining cost will be the responsibility of the O'Leary's Hills 3rd Addition. Spreading these cost over the 23 lots amounts to a pending assessment of $10,130.00 per lot. I will have copies of the feasibility report, which was prepared by our Consulting Engineering firm, for distribution at the Public Hearing. I will be conducting the Public Hearing and I hope to be able to answer any questions that Council or the audience may bring up. Should Council approve this project upon completion of the Public Hearing, I would recommend that Council also authorize our Consulting Engineer (S.E.H.) to prepare the plans and specifications. NEW BUSINESS 7a. Approve Plans & Specs/Authorize Advertisement for Bids/West Ridge 2nd Our Consultants have completed the preparations of plans and specifications for the West Ridge 2nd Public Improvements consisting of street and utility installation. The City has received signed easement documents providing for the temporary turnarounds that I required do to phasing of this development. However, I have not yet received a signed copy of the necessary storm sewer easement document. The City must have this easement in hand prior to bid opening. Therefore, I recommend that we advertise for a July 15, 1987 bid opening at 2:00 p.m. I will also put the developer on notice that if he does not get e PAGE 3 ITEMS FOR JUNE 16, 1987 COUNCIL MEETING a signed easement for the storm sewer by July 6, 1987 I will order our Consulting Engineering firm to issue an addendum which would cancel the bid opening. 7b. Request MnDOT to Perform Speed Study on Dodd Blvd/Rosemount Hills 3rd I have had a request from a Mr. Pat Kelly, who resides in the Rosemount Hills 3rd Addition area, regarding the speed limits along Dodd Road. He is concerned about excessive speeds along the stretch of Dodd Road south of County Road 38. I informed Mr. Kelly that in order to have an enforceable speed limit set on Dodd Road that the City Council would have.to petition MnDOT Commissioner of Transportation to perform a speed limit study. I also informed him that MnDOT very rarely will designate a speed limit other than the statutory speed limit (55 mph max) on gravel surfaced roads. But because there is some residential development in this area and some poor sight distance they might consider this request. I have also been talking with Pete Sorenson, Dakota County Traffic Engineer, and he indicated to me that the County will be requesting a speed study on the new County Road 38 alignment. As long as MnDOT will be doing this study Mr. Sorenson indicated that he would request the County Board have the section of County Road 38 from Trunk Highway 3 to new County Road 38 included in this study. Therefore our request for speed study would be the remaining portion of Dodd Road from Trunk Highway 3 to the Eagan border. I am attaching a sample resolution for this speed limit study request. In addition, I am including the streets within the Rosemount Hills 3rd Addition because they do not meet the requirements for an urban section that would allow us to enforce a 30 mph speed limit. 7c. Accept Petition for Partial Vacation of Dodd Boulevard On April 21, 1987 the Council held a Public Hearing to consider a partial street vacation for Dodd Boulevard southwest from Delft Avenue. Since that time, the Teal's attorney has contacted me requesting the vacation of the entire south half right-of-way of Dodd Boulevard in this area. I informed their attorney that we had already vacated a 10 foot strip based upon my conversation with Arnold Teal but he indicated that the 10 foot strip was not adequate. The Teal's attorney contacted me about this request about a month ago and only recently followed up with the actual petition. At this time, I do not recommend that Council consider any public hearing date because I want the petitioners to provide me with the following three items: 1. A legal description the County Recorder will accept. 2. A survey showing all utility, overhead and underground locations, within this proposed vacation area. 3. Written responses from all Utility Companies regarding their R PAGE 4 ITEMS FOR JUNE 16, 1987 COUNCIL MEETING comments. Upon my receiving all of the above information I will then recommend to Council a date to schedule a public hearing. Until then, I just recommend that the Council accept the petition. I will be available to discuss any :of the above items with Council at the June 16, 1987 Council meeting. Re a tfu y submitt , Richard M. Hefti, E. City Engineer/Pub 'c Works Director cc; Steve Campbell, Consulting Engineer S. E. H., Inc.