HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.f. O'Leary's Hills EAWJ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1987- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR O'LEARY'S HILLS RESIDENTIAL PUD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET WHEREAS, notice of the EAW availability for O'Leary's Hills Residential PUD published in the EEB Monitor on June 1, 1987; and WHEREAS, notice of the EAW availability was published in the city's official newspaper; and WHEREAS, copies of the EAW were distributed to all points on the EQB Distribution List; and WHEREAS, the thirty -day EAW review period ended on July 1, 1987; and WHEREAS, the EAW was reviewed at a public meeting on July 21, 1987. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City CCounon cil of the y's City of Rosemount hereby makes a Negative ills Residential PUD EAW, based upon the following Findings of Fact: 1. The EAW content was adequate for review. 2. There were no recommendations for further environmental review. 3. Mitigation of impacts of dust and noise, associated with routine construction practices, will be required by the City as part of its process. Any mitigation of noise from area highways and railways will be evaluated as highway traffic volumes increase and future development occurs in closer proximity to highways and railways. 4. Growth in this area is well planned and contiguous with the Metropolitan Urban Service Area. The loss of prime agricultural soils in this and future projects is unavoidable as the region and community grow. 5. The project represents typical suburban single family residential development. No potential for significant adverse environmental impacts are associated with the project. Adopted this 21st day of July, 1987. Leland S. Knutson, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk Minnesota Environmental Quality Board 100 Capitol Square Building 550 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone May 26, 1987 Dean Johnson Director of Community Development 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for O'Leary Hills Residential P.U.D. Dear Mr. Johnson: This letter acknowledges receipt of the EAW for the above-named project. The Environmental Review Program rules (at Minnesota Rules, part 4410.15008.) require that a press release containing notice of the EAW availability be provided to at least one newspaper of general circulation within the area and that copies of the EAW be distributed to all points on the EQB distribution list. We presume that these requirements have been met. Notice of the EAW availability will be published in the EQB Monitor on June 1, 1987. The 30 -day comment period will begin on that day and will expire on July 1, 1987. Pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 4410.3100, subpart 1, no final governmental decision to grant a permit or other approval required to commence the project shall be made until a negative declaration or EIS adequacy determination has been made. Please contact me if any questions arise about the Environmental Review process. My phone number is (612) 296-8253, or you may call toll-free by dialing 1-800-652-9747 and asking for the Environmental Quality Board, Environmental Review Program. Sincerely, T Gregg M. Downing Environmental Review Coordinator cc: Steve Broback AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ...Q) r Olita t7 OQ �0 Metropolitan Council �h!300 Metro Square Building Seventh and Robert Streets two St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Telephone (612) 291-6359 F June 11, 1987 Dean Johnson Director of Community Development City of Rosemount P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 RE: City of Rosemount Environmental Asssessment Worksheet for O'Leary's Hills Residential PUD Received 06/01I87t Metropolitan Council Referral File NO. 13790-2 Dear Mr. Johnson: This is to acknowledge that the Metropolitan Council has received the above Environmental Assessment Worksheet. h Council If there are an questions or if further information is needed the Y 9 � will contact your office. Thank you. Sincerely, METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 6�4 6k i ohn Rutford Referral Coordinator JR:ch cc: Don Darling, Clerk, City of Rosemount Patrick Scully, Metropolitan Council District 16 An Equal Opportunity Employer MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 'FOUNDED 1N 1849 Fort Snelling History Center, St. Paul, MN 55111 • (612) 726-1171 June 22, 1987 Mr. Dean R. Johnson City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Mr. Johnson: Re: O'Leary's Hills Residential P.U.D.) Rosemount, Dakota Cty. MHS Referral File Number: EE -426 Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the above project. It has been reviewed pursuant to responsibilities given the State Historic Preservation Officer by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Procedures of the National Advisory Council of Historic Preservation (36CFR800) This review reveals the location of no known sites of historic, architectural, cultural, archaeological, or engineering significance within the area of the proposed project. There are no sites in the project area which are on the National Register or eligible for inclusion on the National Register, and therefore, none which may be affected by your proposal. Again, thank you for your participation in this important effort to preserve Minnesota's heritage. Sincerely, DI - Dennis A. Gimmestad Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DAG:dmb June 26, 1987 -'WIN CVV%'r Dean Johnson Director of Community Development City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) City of Rosemount O'Leary's Hills Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) Metropolitan Council Referral File No. 13790-2 Dear Mr. Johnson: Metropolitan Council 300 Metro Square Building Seventh and Robert Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Telephone (612) 291-6359 At its meeting on June 25, 19879 the Metropolitan Council considered the EAW for O'Leary's Hills Residential P.U.D. This consideration was based on the following statement from the Consent List which was approved by the Council. This EAW proposes to build 158 single-family homes on 59 acres in the south- west corner of the city. The development will occur in seven phases, with the first and second phases already complete. All phases will be served by the Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant. Part of the site is located outside the city's urban service area and will require a comprehensive plan amendment to include the whole site within the MUSA. Assuming the approval of a plan amendment adding the area outside the urban service area, the project is in conformity with metropolitan system plans, consistent with other chapters of the Metropolitan Development Guide and compatible with the plans of adjacent communities. With the exception of not noting that a plan amendment is required, the EAW is accurate and complete insofar as regional policies and plans are concerned and an EIS is not necessary. The Council approved the above statement as its comments on the EAW. Sincerely, S Xe - Steve Keefe Chair SK:ll cc: Greg Downing, Environmental Review Coordinator, Environ. Rev, Sec.f EQB Don F. Darling, Clerk, City of Rosemount Steve Brobak, Parkview, Inc. Tori Flood, Metropolitan Council Staff An Equal Opportunity Employer er�Nt�EsoT4 Id ° Minnesota Department of Transportation 3� Transportation Building, St. Paul, MN 55155 s�P�� June 26, 1987 Phone 296-1652 Mr. Dean Johnson Director of Community Development 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: O'Leary's Hills Residential P.U.D. Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) District 9 (Rosemount, Dakota County) Dear Mr. Johnson: The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) has completed a review of the above-referenced EAW. We anticipate that the proposed project will cause little adverse impact to our transportation facilities. If you require additional information from Mn/DOT, please contact Jerry Skelton, Planning Coordinator at our District Office in Oakdale, phone number (612) 779-1210. Sincerely, Cha�?&a Cheryl Heide, Environmental Coordinator Environmental Services Section An Equal Opporiuntiy Employer fl Minnesota Environmental Quality Board 100 Capitol Square Building 550 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone July 2, 1987 Dean Johnson Director of Community Development 2875 145th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Close of EAW Review Period for O'Leary Hills Residential P.U.D. Dear Mr. Johnson: The 30 -day review and comment period for this EAW ended on July 1, 1987. A decision on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is to be made within 15 working days of the expiration of the comment period unless the decision will be made by a body which meets only periodically, in which case the decision is to be made at the first meeting 10 or more days after the expiration date and in no case more than 30 calendar days afterwards. In making the EIS decision please note the following requirements (given at Minnesota Rules, part 4410.1700, page 16 of the rules): 1. You must maintain a written record of some sort, including specific findings of fact, which supports your decision. The record must reflect the findings about the project with respect to the criteria of subpart 7 and should consider the information in the EAW itself and any timely comments reseived. 2. A notice of the decision is to be sent within five working days to the EQB, all persons on the EAW distribution list, all persons who commented, and anyone who makes a request (see B.4.). The EQB will publish notice of your decision in the EOB Monitor. 3. If your decision is to prepare an EIS, your notice must also include your proposed scope of the EIS and the date, time and place of the scoping meeting. Please call me before scheduling a scoping meeting to assure that the meeting will fall between 10_ working days and 20 calendar days after publication of the notice in the EOB Monitor. The scoping meeting must also be noticed by a press release. Sincerely, Gregg M. Downing Environmental Review Coordinator (612) 296-8253 Toll-free: 1-800-652-9747; ask for EQB, Environmental Review Program AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER n STATE OF aa1Ez©Ma DEPARTMENT OF NATURALRESOURCES BOX 500 LAFAYETTE ROAD • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA • 55146 DNR INFORMATION (612) 296-6157 July 15, 1987 Mr. Dean Johnson City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 RE: O'LEARY'S HILLS RESIDENTIAL P.U.D. - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET (EAW) Dear Mr. Johnson: The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has reviewed the above -referenced document and we offer the following comments for your consideration. We do not expect this project to have significant adverse environmental effects on the resources with which we are concerned. Consequently, from our perspective there is no need to prepare an environmental impact statement. Nevertheless, we are concerned about the effect that runoff water from the O'Leary's Hills project will have on Wachter Lake (protected basin #19-345W). Because Wachter Lake does not have an outlet, additional discharges could have a detrimental effect on the lake's wildlife habitat by raising water levels. Increased water levels may reduce the ability of the lake to support emergent aquatic vegetation. The lake has already received substantial quantities of sediment from an existing city stormwater outfall We recommend that you urge the developer to provide landscaping that will replace lost wildlife habitat and enhance that natural habitat which will remain. Our Department can provide assistance with landscaping design. Thank you for the opportunity to review this project. If you have questions about our comments, please contact Don Buckhout of my staff at (612) 296-8212. fSncerely, I� yt �-y Vonny Ha n Planning Admin ator VH/DB:jI c: Kathleen Wallace Tom Keefe Laurel Reeves Mike Mueller Gregg Downing EQB Steve Broback - Parkview, Inc, 547 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER