HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.h. Parranto / Bituminous Roadways - Mining Permit Renewali CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1987- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE RENEWAL OF MINING PERMIT #1981-2 WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount issued Mining Permit No. 1981-2 to Hardrives, Inc., June 29, 1981, for a two-year period, and renewed the permit for subsequent two-year periods by Resolution 1983-21 and Resolution 1985-32. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount has received an application for a two-year renewal of Mining Permit #1981-2 and recommended approval of the renewal. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount approves the renewal of Mining Permit #1981-2 to Bituminous Roadways, Inc., subject to permit exhibits dated July 9, 1987 and the "Conditions of Bituminous Roadways, Inc. Mining Permit." Adopted this 21st day of July, 1987. Leland S. Knutson, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk REPORT TO: ' BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS, INC. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR MINING PERMIT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' *nude Wngiineering, inc. ' 9001 E. Bloomington Freeway (35W) Bloomington, Minnesota 55420 (812) 881-3344', JULY 91 1987 ' Report to: BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS, INC. ' Minneapolis, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR MINING PERMIT ' Rosemount, Minnesota Submitted by: SUNDE ENGINEERING, INC. Bloomington, Minnesota July 9, 1987 ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR MINING PERMIT 71 L 1-7 L Mining Permit # Date Applicant Bituminous Roadways, Inc. (represented by Palmer Peterson) Address 2825 Cedar Ave. South, Mpls, MN 55407 Telephone 612/721-2451 STATUS OF APPLICANT: Owner , Buyer , Lessee X , Other Property Description The SW 1/4 of Section 14, T 115, R 19, Dakota Count.y. Minnesota Type of Material to be Extracted: Gravel Cubic Yards of Material to be Extracted: Approximately 1,127,300 cy Access Routes: The site will be accessed by County State Aid Highway No. 71 ' Estimated Number of Years of Operation: 20 years Thus permit .vs good bon a peh iod two yeau bnom the date o5 appnovat2 by the City. The excavation wilt be nev.iewed .in tight o6 the on iginat plan, and i6 con i.6tent theti.ew.c th, a new penmit may be ".hued. The appticant hereby agnees to comply with the plan bubmitted by him and approved by the City. The apptiicant undeutand6 that baieune to comply with said plan bhat2 be zubb.ici.ent reason ' bor the City to deny subsequent appti.cations and teAminate the opeAation. efa'-� �---x' tgn une a pp ca e ----------------------------- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application Received by Date Fee Date ' Plan Submitted Planning Commission Action ' Date Council Action .Date ' Conditions if approved I Authorization Clerk Date ICopy to Applicant The following information is submitted with the intent of providing support- ing information concerning the proposed reissuance of a mining permit for a gravel operation located in part of the SW 1J4 of Section 14, Township 115N, Range 19W. Bituminous Roadways, Inc. is applying for the reissuance of Mining Permit No. 1981-2 to Hardrives, Inc. originally issued June 29, 1981 and last renewed in June, 1985. Bituminous Roadways, Inc. has entered into an agreement with Parranto, Inc., the owners of the site, to extract gravel from the site. Immediately to the North of the site is another gravel mining operation on land owned by Lance Johnson under a permit held by Bituminous Roadways, Inc. Plans included in this application have been designed so that the mining activity on both sites is complimentary to one another. Specifically, the 50 foot setback indicated along the southern boundary of the Lance Johnson mining operation's plans and a corresponding 50 foot setback along the northern property line of the Parranto property would be eliminated. This results in eliminating a ridge which would remain between the two properties should the setbacks exist. Elimina- ting the ridge provides a more practical excavation plan for the two sites as well as enhanced surface water drainage for the area. GENERAL INFORMATION: The site is located on the west side of Rich Valley Boulevard and just south of 125th Street (see Location Map, Figure 1, Page 2). The entire site consists ' of approximately 154 acres. A 10" buried pipeline runs in a northeast -southwest direction through the site. There is a 100 foot pipeline easement associated ' with the pipeline. The location is illustrated on the plan titled "Existing Condi- tions Plan", Sheet 1 of 5, in the back of the report. In the future it is antici- pated that the areas to the north and the south of the pipeline will be mined, I i ' and possibly the entire length of the pipeline within the property will be relo- cated. However, at this point in time a permit is requested only for the portion of the site north of the pipeline easement. The area of this portion of the site is approximately 64 acres. ' Previous plans for the mining site which included the Parranto property called for the relocation of the 10" pipeline. The pipeline was to be relocated along the northern boundary of the Parranto property then south along the western boundary of the property until it met with the existing pipeline. Although the ' Markhamwas J ro'ect proposed in the mid 1970'x, Williams Brothers Pipeline Company p P p ' obtained an easement for the same area described above on September 28, 1966. The easement is described as the following: ' The north one hundred (100) feet of the southwest Quarter (SW -4L) and the west one hundred (100) feet of the north eighteen hundred (1800) feet of the southwestq uarter (SW4) Section 14, Township 115 North, Range 19 West. Further pursuit of this easement must be made to determine if a pipeline currently exists in this location or if it was an easement obtained by Williams ' Brothers Pipeline Company in anticipation of placing or relocating a pipeline in the area covered by the easement. Field observation of the area on a site ' visit, pipeline markers were not noted along the northern property line and most likely there is not a pipeline presently running along the northern portion of the site. If this is the case, the easement must be vacated prior to initial ' excavation procedures on the site. The vacation of the easement is a straight forward procedure and no problems are anticipated in obtaining the easement re ' lease. This issue is currently being pursued and the City will be notified of ' any developments and the final outcome of the situation. The site will be accessed by County State Aid Highway No. 71. Entrance to the site from CSAH 71 will be along the existing dirt road which is used for the Johnson pit. The entrance will be shared by the two gravel mining operations. This haul road is located along the southern boundary of the Johnson property and the northern boundary of the Parranto property. The location is illustrated on the Location Map, Figure 1, Page 2. PLANS: The following information describes each of the plans submitted with the proposal. The plans are included in pockets located in the back of this report. Existing Conditions: Sheet 1 of 5 This plan is drawn at the scale of 1" = 3,000'. The entire site is outlined by a heavy dashed line, and the area to the north of the pipeline easement to which this application pertains is indicated by shading. The various properties surrounding the site are also shown and the corresponding property owner indicated on each of these adjacent properties. Existing Topography: Sheet 1 of 5 This plan is drawn at a scale of 1" = 100' and shows the topography of the portion of the site north of the pipeline. The topogaphy, was taken from the en- vironmental assessment report prepared by Urbanscope, Inc. for Markham Sand & Gravel several years ago (no date on report) for a much larger project which ' included but was not limited to, the Parranto property. The topography which was used in the Markham report was taken from maps available from the City Engineer. The actual mapping was done by Mark Hurd Aerial Surveys, Inc. in November 1974. Since 1974, extraction of gravels has occurred. Markham Sand & Gravel ob- tained a permit for gravel extraction which included the proposed site. However, they worked the area to the south of the pipeline and did not proceed north before ' they discontinued their operation. Hardrives, Inc. worked north of the pipeline in an area corresponding to the area covered in this proposal. Exact figures ' on the volume of materials removed during the 6 years that Hardrives, Inc. held their permit are not available. It is believed that only a limited amount of ' material was removed from the site. -Because more recent topography is not ' available and the amount of materials removed from the site is not known exactly, the excavation plans, phasing plans and calculations of material to be removed ' from the site are based on the 1974 topography with the understanding that the actual volumes removed in at least some of the phases may be smaller as a result ' of the previous mining activity occurring in portions of the site. Excavation Grades: Sheet 3 of 5 ' This plan is drawn at a scale of 1" = 100' and shows the level of excavation expected to be reached during the mining operation. Due to the irregularity of ' the gravel deposits expected to occur on the site, slight variations from the ' excavation plans may take place. As work proceeds from phase to phase, additional borings or test pits may be put down which would further define the excavation ' grades. Any changes concerning the excavation grades will be submitted at the time of permit reissuance every two years. It should be kept in mind that the ' grades shown on this plan indicate excavation levels. Approximately 30% of the ' excavated material will be useable gravels. The remaining materials, predomi- nantly sands, will be backfilled to elevations exceeding these excavation grades. ' (See Final Conditions Sheet 5 of 5 for more information concerning finished eleva- tions.) ' Phasing Plan: Sheet 4 of 5 This plan is also drawn at a scale of 1" = 100'. The plan shows phase by on. As shown on the plan, work will begin phase development of the mining operati in the eastern portion of the site proceeding to the west and then to the south ' to the limit of filling, north of the pipeline easement. Once excavation in the initial phase has been completed, the operation will proceed to Stage 2, moving in a westerly and then northerly direction. While excavation is occurring in ' Phase 2, backfilling of unused materials will be occurring in Phase 1 and areas of Phase 2 for which excavation has already been completed. The mining operation ' will proceed in this manner until gravel in the area to the west, Phase 5 has been completed removed and the area backfilled with the unuseable materials. Previous to finishing this area, plans will be finalized concerning the area ' to the south of the pipeline easement and issues regarding the pipeline, excavation levels, phasing, etc. will be addressed in an appropriate permit reissuance application. Final Conditions: Sheet 5 of 5 This plan is drawn at a scale of 1" = 100'. The Final Conditions plan illus- trates the elevation expected after backfilling of unuseable materials has , occur- red. In developing g to in this plan, it was estimated that 30% of the material would be hauled off the site and 70% would remain to be backfilled. The final grades are shown at a 2% minimum slope", steep enough to promote surface water runoff, ' and a 25% maximum slope. The 25% slope (4 horizontal to 1 vertical) will prevent excessive erosion along these slopes Should the amount of material to be hauled ' from the site vary greatly from the 30% anticipated, the final grades will be - Y adjusted accordingly at the time of the permit reissuance request. Independent of whether or not the grades will have to be adjusted higher or lower, maximum ' and minimum slopes will be maintained. In addition to the information and plans submitted with this application for permit reissuance, the applicant will be responsible for operating under the terms and conditions of the mining permit as issued by the City of Rose- mount. I certify that the plans, specifications, or reports for the above described facility were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duty Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Gerald M. Sunde Name (typed or printed) G. M. Sunde, Consulting Engineer Firm Name 10524 Zion Avenue South Address Bloomington, Minnesota 55437 881-3344 Telephone Number -7- Signature of Engineer 8734 Registration Number July 9, 1987 Date