HomeMy WebLinkAbout12. 1988 Budget - 1st Presentationi 1 I! 0 2875-145TH ST. W. w ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 ?01semount 612-423-4411 TO: Mayor Knutson Councilmembers: Napper Tucker Walsh Willard FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk DATE: August 27, 1987 RE: 1988 Operating, CIP and Debt Service Budgets Gentlemen: Attached is the proposed budget package for operating year 1988 and a CIP budget for years 1988 through 1992. The amount required to fund this proposed budget package falls beneath the amount the city is allowed to levy for taxes payable in 1988. If we look at page 12(f)(3) of the draft, we see that the breakdown of the total proposed budget follows as such: Departmental Operating Budgets $1,884,129.00 Capital Improvement Projects (87 levy) 469,520.00 Retirement/Severance Funding 3,500.00 Bonded Indebtedness Payment Levy 187,087,00 Fire Relief Levy 13,417.00 Expenditure Total $2,557,653.00 As referenced on page 12(f)(3) of the package, the amount needed to be levied, for these general operating needs for 1988 is $1,428,132. With the exception of the operating and capital improvement budgets, requirements for funding are pretty well strai ht forward; i.e. bonded debt levy required to pay off our debt (sheet 12(f)?4) shows breakdown of debt service needs), and fire relief levy needed to fund balance of retirement fund service and retirement/severance funding, a special levy for funding the severance pay accrued by city employees. A few comments on the proposed budget package: (1) 1 have not asked staff to come to this first meeting for discussion. I will ask them to attend the September 15 meeting. I would suggest this first discussion be preliminary in nature, mostly to clear up any misunderstanding that may arise over the figures presented.and more specific areas you may wish to address on the 15th and for which staff may prepare for you. 1988 Operating Budget August 27, 1987 Page 2 (2) The operating budgets include several items that, if funds are appropriated through budget approval, will require additional approval by the Council before the monies are spent or action is taken. These are specifically: (a) Taking action to transfer Cindy Dorniden to a position as full time administrative support for public works. This is being recommended because of the need for full time support for public works in the areas of secretarial, clerical and utility billing duties. The work load is such that a full time position is necessary. This would transfer full cost of her position to utilities. General fund now pays 50% of her cost. (b) Hiring a receptionist for Cindy's replacement at a lower salary ($14,000/yr.) just to handle the duties at the front desk and pick up typing work from other departments as work load demands. (c) Hire a field technician to work with Rich Hefti to pick up some of the field work and office work associated with Rich's duties on street and utility projects, help with the development of assessment rolls and hearings, the writing of specs for city projects when outside engineering isnot required (i.e. park lighting, irrigation systems, park projects) and to accomplish some in house drafting for map updating. The budget salary amount for this position is $24,000. (d) Hire an additional police officer in May of 1988 and another in September of 1988. This would require an expenditure equal to one full time officer for the entire year of 1988, but two full time salaried positions in 1989. An additional squad car is also budgeted to meet the population growth and the area to be covered under our present growth pattern, and it will take the addition of another "squad" which means the addition of two officers is necessary. (e) Commission a study, by an outside consultant, to recommend to the Council what direction we should take on the following items: (i) Number and location of fire department stations to be built based upon our present needs and future development. (ii) The consideration of combining the police and fire departments into a "public safety" department and the staffing of it. (iii)The location of and special needs for a new/expanded public works facility. The budgeted amount for this study is $10,000. 1988 Operating Budget . August 27, 1987 Page 3 (3) The budgets also include approximately $50,000 for increases, to be considered later, in salaries and benefits for employees. Both unions have notified the city of their intent to open discussion on the salary schedule for 1988. This option was open to them in the contracts. Also, in review of comparable worth and the salary and benefit report of other cities, there will become, I believe, a realization that adjustments are warranted in both areas of salary and benefits. Discussion on these areas will be forthcoming. I am meeting September 4, 1987 with the police union to discuss their proposal. Acceptance of the $50,000 in this proposed budget does not mean any adjustments will be made, only that monies are set aside for that need if it arises. I hope to be back to you by October 19th with recommendation on these items or possibly prior to that. (4) The community development department has for budgeting purposes, assumed the building official department. So, those expenses are combined under "Comm. Dev." - 41910 on sheet 12(f)(11). Thus the large increase is reflected in 41910 from 1986 to 1987. (5) Under "General Government Buildings", we have carried over $41,000 to make repairs to the fire department building. A recommendation will be coming this fall yet on the approach to take to repair the cracked blocks on the exterior of the building which is beginning to cause concern over moisture problems. The CIP budget sheets 12(f)(5) through 12(f)(10) for 1988 through 1992 reflects the expenditure of $1,247,000 over the fire year period with current (1988) expenditure of $310,500 and a current funding of $469,520. Please review the CIP budget as some items were changed for scheduling from other years to 1988 and from 1988 to future years based upon departmental recommendation and staff review. Staff has met several times over the last four months in preparing these budgets for your consideration. I have met with department heads and discussed to my satisfaction specific items regarding staff changes and major expenditures as outlined in the CIP. I am satisfied that this is a budget that reflects the true needs of the operation of city government to provide the services at their current level in a manner which the community needs are met. I will entertain any questions you may have on this budget, and I will be prepared to make a brief presentation Tuesday evening. Considering the amount of business to attend to Tuesday, I expect our discussion that evening to be fairly brief. As you review this proposed budget and as we discuss it over the next few weeks, always understand that I am available for your questions and concerns on it. Discussing it outside the Council room may be the better way of assuring your understanding of any areas you may question. smj Attachments 0 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1987- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1988 OPERATING BUDGET, THE 1988-1992 CIP BUDGET AND THE 1988 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that budgets and special needs (Fund 107 Reimbursement) for the year 1988 will be in the amount of $1,887,629; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that special levies for bonded general obiigation debts and fire relief fund total $200,504; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, fund_ transfers and anticipated aids will total $1,129,521; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that special levies for bonded indebtedness and fire relief association of $194,939 are outside the levy limit; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised that the levy limit for 1987 for the City of Rosemount is $1,233,193. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the total 1 evy certi f ed to the Dakota County Auditor shall be $1,428,132; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $1,233,193 of this levy is subject to the levy limit; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that departmental budget figures shall be line item budget amounts as indicated as Exhibit of this resolution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1988 through 1992 (Five Yard CIP Program) as indicated as Exhibit of this resolution is made a part of the 1988 budget package. ADOPTED this day of September, 1987. Leland S. Knutson, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk A LGA FORM 280 1987/1988 SPECIAL LEVIES CERTIFICATION Name of Governmental Unit MailAddre ss s875 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 COMPLETE AND RHURN TO: Department of Revenue Local Government Aids/Analysis Division P. 0. Box 64446 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164 Phone: (612) 296-2286 Name of Person Filling Out Form 1. Total Levy Certified to County Auditor. (Do NOT Include Local Government Aid or Taconite Aids in this Amount.) 2. Total Special Levies (from bottom of page 1) 3. Levy Subject to Levy Limitation (1 minus 2) 4. 1987/1988 Levy Limitation (see page 1 of the instructions.) Telephone X612) 423-4411 Schedule Special Levies Total Schedule A Social Services and Public Assistance* $ A B Bonded Indebtedness 187.OB7 B C Certificates of Indebtedness C D Principal -and Interest.on Amory Bonds D E Payments for Bonds of Another Governmental Unit E F Unfunded Accrued Liability of Public Pension Funds 7,852 F `G Payments for Energy Conservation Loans G N Costs of Constructing Public Libraries N LAWS 1987 Minnesota Laws LAWS Total Special Levies Is * Applies only to county governments. I, the budget representative of the above mentioned county or city, certify that the foregoing figures are accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF BUDGET OFFICER TITLE DATE -1- SCHEDULE C: CERTIFICATES qW NDEBTEDNESS Authorizing 1987/1988 Statutes or Law Purpose Certified Levy (1) (1) $ (2) (2) Total Special Levy C (1 + 2) $ SCHEDULE I PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS Amount for this schedule is entered only on page 1. SCHEDULE E: PAYMENTS FOR BONDS OF ANOTHER GOVERNMENTAL UNIT ` Political 1987/1988 Subdivision Paid Purpose Certified Levy (1) (1) $ (2) (2) Total Special Levy E (1 + 2) SCHEDULE F UNFUNDED ACCRUED LIABILITY OF PUBLIC PENSION FUNDS (1) (2) (3) (4) 1987/1988 1976/1977 1976/1977 Difference Certified Levy Certified Levy Levy x 106% (1-3) (1) PERA a) Basic a).$ $ b) Coordinated b) c) Total (a + b) c) $ (lc)$ (2) Police and Firefighter's Relief Associations (Under Guidelines Act) $ $ $ (2)$ (3) Volunteer Firefighter's Relief Associations $_ 13,417 $ $.SSG Sj (3)$ 7,852 Benefits $ (4) Volunteer Firefighter's Relief Associations (Minimum obligation under Laws 1979, Chapter 201) A special levy may be claimed under (3) or (4) but not under both, (4) $ Total Special Levy F (1c+2+3) or (1c+2+4) $ 7,852 -3- ` 1988 BUDGETS EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS Council Budget 46,950 Administration Budget 105,139 Finance Budget 81,507 Insurance Budget 90,000 Planning Budget 175,413 General Government 118,650 Government Buildings 90,075 Election Budget 21,150 Police Budget 430,365 Fire Department Budget 80,250 Maintenance Budget 391,499 Traffic Contol 4,100 Streets & Roads 75,700 Street Lights & Sirens 25,100 Snow Removal 6,800 Parks & Recreation 111,431 Council Designated 30,000 TOTAL BUDGETS 1,884,129 5 Year CIP 469,520 Retirement/Severance Fund 107 3,500 Bonded Indebtedness 187,087 Fire Relief 13,417 ***INCOMES*** Local Government Aid 567,227 Internal Revenue Generated 295,669 1986 Positive Balance from Budgets 257,220 Anticipated MSA Maintenance Funds 9,405 TOTALS 2,557,653 1,129,521 TOTAL TO LEVY 1,428,132 /2- i 1987/1988 SPECIAL LEVIES SCHEDULE B: Cost of Principal and Interest on Bonded Indebtedness Certified to the County Auditor DESCRIPTION OF BOND 1988 Required 1988 Levy 5525-303 950,000 GO Impr Bonds of 1976 59,130 -0- 6604-305 210,000 GO Park Bonds of 1976 20,013 20,013 4630-306 90,000 GO Bonds of 1981 14,605 14,605 308 1,200,000 GO City Hall Bonds of 1986 82,101 82,101 312 4,995,000 GO Improvement Bonds 1987A 70,368 70,368 TOTAL GO FUNDS REQUIRED FOR 1988 246,217 EXCESS BOND FUNDS PER RESOLUTION 1985.30 59,130 TOTAL LEVY FOR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS 187,087 REQUIRED FOR 1988 a 444 4444 44444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444444444444 4444444444444 444 444 44444 TTTTTTTT TT FJFiH HHH E:F .EEEEEEE xz (v vs) TTTTTTT T HHH HHH E EEEEEE TTT HHH HHH E TTT HHHHHHHHHHHH EEEEEE TTT HHHHHHHHHHHH EEEEEE TTT HHH HHH EEE TTT HHH HHH EEEEEEEEEE TTT HHH HHH EEEEEEEEEE ## 8888888 8888888 ### 888888888 888888888 ### 88 88 88 . 88 Be 88 Be 88 8888 88 ,'88 888888888 888888888 888888888 88 88 88 88 Be 88 88 Be 888888888 888888888 8888888 8888888,E ccccC:cccc IIIIIII PPPPPPPP G'cccccCC ccc I I I I I I I PPPPPPPPP GGC III PPP PPF' cEGD III PPF" PPP f_'cc III PPPPPPPPP Ccr III PPPPPPPP GDc III PPP ccc III PPP cccc acccecc IIIIIII PPP cccc Gcccc IIIIIII PPPPP I:,DDDDDDDD RRRRRRR AA FFFFFFFFF TTTTTTTTTTT DDDDDDDDDD RRRRRRRR AAAA FFFFFFFFF TTTTTTTTTTT DOD DDD RRR RRR AAA AAA FFF ' TTT DDD DDD RRR RRR AAA AAA FFF TTT DDD DDD RRR RRR AAAAAAAAAA FFFFFFF TTT DDD DDD RRRRRRR AAAAAAAAAA FFFFFFF TTT DDD DDD RRR RRR AAA AAA FFF TTT DDD DDD RRR RRR AAA AAA FFF TTT r+TIDDDDDDDD RRR RRR AAA AAA FFF TTT DDDDDDDD RRR RRR AAA AAA FFF TTT 444 4444 44444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444444444444 4444444444444 444 444 44444 IM DRAFT —#-Four--CIL BU1KT 1.2 - f f) i 6� Proposed 1988 GIP Budget Presented For oil Consideration _ .._..COST OP WORKSHEET ALL DEPARTMEIffS ITEM�_--- I DEPARTMENT #203 Sweeper (replace) i 75,000 1 1 Maintenance --------_� _. i 1-----_-_____.�_.______� l— #217 Posthole Digger (replc)1 out 2,000 out 1 drop altogether as Bob Cat has Post Holt Digger with it Maintenance #215 Tractor Loader (replc)l 20,000 1 keep unit #215 now and Program a 35 hp Tractor & equipment 1 Maintenance �33—___-_ _ _._. _�- ~Field instead __-____3 Lighting 46,000 1 Erickson Park Field #1 & #3 1 Parks ~ ~Police Radio Update 1 87000 1 Update Radio System to state of the art equipment 1 General —..__ -5___. Field Lighting 1 -0- 1 Erickson Park Field #1 - Combined with #4 1 Parks #213 Roadside Mower 1 31000 1 1 Maintenance #207 Trac/Ldr/BH (replace) 1 65,000 1 1 Maintenance _8____________________ #210 Power Roller (replace) 1 51000 1 1 Maintenance ---9 - — — -- _____9____—_ —_____9 Shannon Park Trail 1 30,000 1 CIP share of Shannon Trail from 160th north to Connemara 1 General Highpointe Siren 1 .91000 1 1 central 165 Ford Pumper Refit 1 out40,000out 1 move to '89 in favor of a Replacement Tank for Tanker 1 Fire Replacement Tanker Tank 1 21,000 1 needed sooner than refit of Pumper 1 Fire Mezanine in Maint Strge Bay 1 6,000 1 increase storage space for small items 1 lainttnance _14 _w .__ _.. 14r,_- —14----- Computer Computer Mapping Capability 1 81000 1 to enhance Public Works Information Generation 1 Maintenance .. .�----------- -------- —�..15__.. Chip TO 42 to 155th 1 8,500 1 carried forward from 1987 1 Parks 16 ---16— __. _16—Fire FireDept Storage Space 1 6,000 1 Mezanine storage area for storing small items 1 Fire ----I _ 1 1 _—_.._N _._— ---- — _— , 1 1 1 1 20 —20- 22- ------------ - — ------- — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .—.._--_--__--_-_25—_--__-.--26--��__�-r__�_ Total 1 310,500 1 1 1489 DRAFT ---#_Four_ BUDGET Proposed 1988 CIP Presented For Councilesideration 12 - (f) (7) OlP WORKSHEET ALL DEPARTMENTS - ---ITEM ------- -- 1 w COST ! -- ----------------------------- —..._.----- --------------------- ! DEPARTMENt #211 MOWER (replace) ! 10,000 - 1 1 Maintenance ----1 —____1_—_._ ___—. ��_—_.._..—________._____. __ _.�—..___..._.___1 #201 Pickup (replace) ~ I 12,000 ! I Maintenance #506 Toro Mower (replace) 1 11,000 1 upgrading to larger mover unit - request changed I Maintenance #212 Blade (replace) 1 51000 ! replace rear mount blade 1 Maintenance ---------- 4._. ,___..___-4 _._-4___.. _____ ....— Shannon TO Cty 42 to 145th 1 moved to 188 1 City Share of Trail Construction in development area I Parks —5_------ --5-----------_—_ _--__—__________r., —Replace .ate .—_ ._____5__. _ South Hockey Rink 1 11,000 ?? 1 Reconstruction South Hockey Rink due to age and condition 1 Parks ..—..____._._b —_._-6 _-discuss_status_change_next_meeting.._.;. _-6— 6_..Ned Nev Reel for Ladder Support 1 moved to 190 1 Replace 1972 Pickup with hose reel mounted on it 1 Fire _____7 — — - — 7____ _-_7__ .�. #221 Pulverizer (replace) 1 3,000 1 1 Maintenance Replace Chevette 1 10,000 ! Replace Unit 1 Building '65 Ford Pumper Refit 1 40,000 1 Moved from 188 1 Fire Waiter Wagon 75,000 ! 1 Maintenance Crack Filler Equipment 1 15,000 1 1 Maintenance .�_—_____,.-_12.._ .--_r_...___12 12--______�_ r Computer Upgrade 1 25,000 1 Program or Hardvard replacement for Fund Budget Accounting ! Finance ENFORS Program Update 1 2,500 1 Police Package Program update ! Police 1 � 1 1 1 1 — 1 1 , 22 — 1 1 I 1 1 1 _____24_____24_ 24 1 � ! ! ! 1 Total 1 219,500 1 ! , , IM DRAFT ___#_Four_—CIP MWET /Z - CO ( 8) Proposed 1988 GIP Presented For Councilesideration �_-------- --- OCIP WGRKSHEET ALL DEPARTMENTS ;-----T---- ----w _ __�__�_���---------------- '--------ITEM COS 0 DEPARTMENT #202 Truck (replace) 78,000 1 Replace Truck with Package (Plow and wine) ! Maintenance #202a Plow (replace) !combined above 1 for above 1 Maintenance #202b Wing (replace) !combined above 1 for above 1 Maintenance ---3 — Chippendale Trail 1 8,500 1 Trail completion 155th south to 160th ! Parks Highway 3 ! 190,000 1 Part of State Reconstruction Project ! General Playground Equip Camfield 1 12,000 1 Replacement Prog for Park Equip due to age/condition ! Parks Shannon Trail 155th to 160th! moved to 188 1 CIP Share of Trail ! Parks ..,_7_ Replace North Hockey Rink ??1 11,000 1 Reconstruction North Hockey Rink due to age and condition 1 Parks ____«8__________._«8«..__—to_be_reviewd_at_next_staff-meting_as_to_future_need-e«« Replace Grass Rig Pickup 1 16,000 1 Replace truck only - reuse splip in grass rig unit 1 Fire —9 Replace 183 LTD 1 12,000 1 *83 LTD entered Motor Pool from Police in April of 187 1 Planning Westridge Park Irrigation 1 11,000 1 Irrigation System for Athletic Area 1 Parks _««------ —__«__« __.._11 Westridse Park fencing 1 3,000 1 Outfield Fence for Ball Fields 1 Parks ��««------------- —12—w__..«__..12�_. New Reel for Ladder Support 1 9,000 1 Replaced hose reel and Place it on Grass Rig Unit above 1 Fire «« 13.—13_being_taken_off_as_grass_ris_truck__ ____13_____ _._ --13- 1 ! 1 1 1 1 , , _. 17— « _____ ��..�-17- --17 17_______-- -- — ——_...__«___22—.._««-22,.__«�.._..«�««____ 22— i 1 1 ! ! ! , i 1 , Total 11 350,500 ! 1 _«--------- ._._._-------- --- !- 1991 DRAFT —_#_Four_._ BUDGET Proposed 1988 CIP Presented For Councilisideration 12- CO (9) OCIP WORKSHEET ALL DEPARTMENTS ITEM COST i DEPARTMENT Playground Equip Chip Park 1 14,000 Playground Equip Replacement Program due to ase/condition S Parks Sprinkle Fire Hall 1 12,000 1 Retrofit system 1 Fire ----2--- Road Shouldering Machine 1 1040 1 new equipment for maintaining Rural _._�.2 Blacktop Street Shoulders Maintenance --------------------._-3______..�__ Westridge Park Shelter 1 35,000 1 Park Shelter in new park 1 Parks Computer Hardware Replace 1 18,004 1 Replace existing Police Department Computer Hardware 1 Police —. ----------------M — —___.5__.�________5_� Tandem Dump Truck 1 80,004 1 Additional Tandem Truck for feet 1 Maintenance Replace Grass Rig Pickup 1 16,000 1 Replace Truck only - reuse slip in grass rig unit 1 Fire _7— 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ..�_..___----__-----_�__i4_� 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ---- --------- ------- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 23- 3--_.--24—Total ----24— Total174,004 1 1 -------------------. 1992 DRAFT _...#_Four BUDGET Proposed I988 CIP Presented For Councilesideration 1z - M C 0) *CIP W K%M ALL DEPARTMENTS «ITEMM----------- -1 COST --....i .__«..��---------- -------- 1 DEPARTIENT�-- Replace 0246 Tandem We ; 80,000 ; replace existing equipment ; Maintenance Replace #227 Chev Pickup t Moved to '93 replace existing equipment - moved 418,000 , 1 Maintenance Replace #228 & 228A i Moved to '94 replace existing equipment - moved $45400 1 Maintenance Replace 4508 Toro ; 15,000 1 replace existing equipment 3 Maintenance Additional Pickup 1 15,000 1 1 Maintenance Nestridse Irrigation 1 12,000 1 Irrigate Athletic Complex 1 Parks Yestridge Lights 1 18,000 1 Lighting Balt Fields 1. Parks ------ «..____----7- .__7__________________ �w Tr.____.._________. r.. Kidder Park Equipment 1 7,500 1 ReplacementProgram for Park Equip due to age/use 1 Parks Country Hills Park 1 35,000 1 Park Shelter in Nev Park 1 Parks ------------- -----------l0— 1 1 ; 1 1 ; 1 ' ; , _---_ _—_—.__13__ TOTAL !988 CIP AMOUNTS AND FUNDING REQUIRED CIP AMOUNTS '88 % TO FUNDING AMT####---- 1 1 ##*# FUND *### 1988 CIP 310,500 100 310,500 #### 1 #### 1989 CIP 219,500 80 175,520 #### 1990 CIP 350,500 60 210,300 1991 GIP 174,000 40 69,640 #f## 1992 CIP 182,500 20 36,500 ______—_—___—ZFIVE YEAR CIP 1,247,000 1 ###e- 1 1 #### _-_---.---_-__ ------ 21_________21_#### 1988 FINDING REQUIRED 1 802,420 1 1 #### «_.22 1988 LEVY REQUIRED 1 469,520 1 ; #### 1 ; , ------ _ 76____ ---------- 26 -------`—____------- Total 1 182,500 1 , 1988 Spreadsheet *43121 *43125 Council Admin Treas Elect Com Devel Bldg Off Police Fire Pub Works Park & Rec Gen Gov Gov Bldgs St Lites Sig Lites Ins Totals 41110 41320 41520 41410 41910 42401 42110 42210 43110 45110 41810 41940 *43160 *43170 47240 1 1101 Full Time 1 - 99,301 2 3 - 78,407 - 4 5 - 166,538 1 6 0 - 7 367,265 - 8 9 - 306,099 - 68,256 10 - 11 1 12 13 _ - 14 15 - - 1,085,866 2 1103 Part Time 16,600 3 - - - 6,000 - 1,200 2 - - 46,500 - 15,000 - 15,225 - 2 - �- - - 100525 1111 Clothing Fire - - - - 3 U - - 3,500 - - - 3 3500 4 1112 Clothing PD - - - - 4 - 3,600 - - - - 4 - - - 3,500 5 2201 Off Sup Acces 6 2202 Dupl & Copy - - - - - - - 5 - 6 T - - - - 500 - - - - 7,500 5 - - - - 8 600 7 2203 Printed Forms - - - - 350 7 - - - - - - 3,000 - 1,000 6 7 - - - - - - - - 3,000 1,350 8 2204 Env & Ltr Hd 9 2207 Tng & Inst Sup - 235 - - 8 - 9 - 2,400 - 2,500 - - - - - 1,200 - 8 9 - - - - - - 1,200 10 2209 Supplies -Other - - - 2200 , - 10 - 1,000 - - 400 - - 5,500 10 - - - - - - 5,135 9,100 11 2211 Cleaning Sup _ - - - 1 P - - - 100 - - 100 1 100 - - - 300 12 2212 Motor Fuels - - - - 700 2 A - 10,000 - 1,000 - 13,000 - - 600 2 - - - - 25,300 13 2213 Lubs & Additives - - - 3 R - - - 1,000 - - 3 - - - - 00 14 2215 Shop Mtls/Park Supp - - - - 4 T - - - 10,000 - - 4 100 - - - - 10,100 15 2216 Chemicals 16 2219 Other - - - - - 5 - - - - 3,500 5 - - 3,000 - - 6,500 17 2221 Equip Parts - - - - - - 6 - 7 0 - F - - 4,000 - 5,000 - 1,800 - - 15,000 - 3,500 - - 6 7 200 - 1,000 - - - - - - - 2,000 28,500 18 2222 Tires 19 2223 Bldg Rep&Sup 1 - - 3 - - - 5 - 9 - - 1,200 7 - 500 - 1,400 9 - 11 - 13 - 15 3,100 20 2224 St Maint - - - - 20 4 - - - - - - - - 9 20 9,500 - - - 30,600 - 800 - - - - 9,500 31,400 21 2225 Landscp Mtls 22 2226 Repair Mtls - - - - - - - 1 - 2 1 - 9 - - - 5,000 - 1,500 - 1 500 - - - - 7,000 23 2227 Syst Maint - - - - 800 - - 2 100 - 1,000 - - - 1,900 24 2229 Other - - ,000 - - 2,500 3,000 25 2241 Small Tools - - - - 5 - 150 - 1,000 - 1,500 - - 5 100 - - - 2,750 26 2242 Minor Equip - - - - 6 - - - 6,550 - - 6 100 - - - - 6,650 27 3301 Aud & Act 28 3303 Engr 10,000 - - - - - - - 7 - 8 - - - - - - - 2,000 - - 8,000 - 7 8 - - - - 8,000 29 3304 Legal 7,000 - - - - 1,000 9 - 16,000 - - - - 9 - - 3,000 - - - - 15,000 24,000 30 3305 Med &Dental - - - 30 - 1,000 - 3,500 - - - 30 - - - - 4,500 31 3307 Management 2,000 - - - 1 - - - - 12,000 32 3309 Miscellaneous 5,000 33 3321 Telephone - - ^ - 800 - - 150 - 2 - 3 0 - - 7,000 - - - - - 10,000 2 1,500 - 42,500 - - - 66,800 34 3322 Postage - - - - 4 U - - - - - - - 16,000 - 5,500 3 4 - - - - - - - 16,150 5,500 35 3323 Radio - - - 5 - 1,500 - 6,500 - 600 - - 750 5 - - 9,350 36 3329 Comm. Other 600 - - - - 6 T - - - 50 - - 6 X650 37 3331 Travel 750 1 2,475 - 500 3 - 1,525 5 - 1,000 7 - 50 9 250 - 11 - 13 - 15 6,550 38 3333 Freight - - - - 8 - - - 50 - - 200 8 - - - - 250 39 3339 Trans. Other - 2,100 - 2100 - - 2,100 9 - - - 1,050 - 2,100 - 9 - - - - 9,450 40 3341 Employment - - -, - 40 - - - 150 - - 40 - - - ,150 41 3350 Prtg & Pub - - - - 200 1 - - - - 1 - - - - 200 42 3351 Legal Notice - - - - 750 2 - - - - - 2 - - - 750 43 3352 Gen Notices - - - - 150 3 - - - - - 6,000 3 - - - - 6,150 44 3359 Prtg & Bindg Other I - - - - 4 - - - 5,000 - 4 - - - - 5,000 45 3365 Ins W/C 46 3369 Ins Other - - - - - _ 5 - 6 - - - T 5 - - - 50,000 - 50,000 47 3381 Electric 48 3382 Water - - - - - - 7 - - - - 4,000 - - 6 7 - 15,000 - - 23,000 - 2,000 - 40,000 - - 40,000 44,000 49 3383 Gas - - - - - 8 - 9 - - - - 550 - - 550 - 8 - - 1,100 50 3384 Refuse - - - - 50 - - - _ - - - - 9 50 18,000 - 1,400 - - - - - - - 18,000 1,400 40- 51 3389 Other - - - - 1 - - - - - 1. - - - 52 3401 Buildings - - - - 2 0 - - - - - 2 - - - - -0- 53 3404 Mach & Equip - - - 3 - - - 2,000 - - 3 - - - - 2,00 0 54 3409 Other Rep Cont - - - - 4 U - - - - - 4 - - - - _00 55 3412 Buildings 56 3413 DP Equip - 1 250 - - - 3 - 5 - 5 - T - - - - 5 41,000 - - - 41,000 57 3414 DP Rental - 300 - - - 7 - 7 - - 9 - - - - 21,600 11 7 - - 13 - - 15 - - 250 21,900 58 3415 Other Equip - - - - 8 - - - 4500 - , - 8 - - - - 4,500 59.3419 Other Rental 60 3429 Other - _ - - - 9 - _ - 600 - 4,500 - 17,000 9 275 - - 2,800 - - 25,175 61 3433 Dues and Subs - 278 - - - 60 500 1 _ 100 - - 500 - - 60 1 200 - - - - - - 200 1,378 62 3435 Books & Pamphlets - 200 - - - 150 2 - 150 - - 300 - 250 - 2 - - - - 1,050 63 3439 Misc Other 5,000 - - 500 - - 250 3 - 2,000 - 3,000 - 2,000 - 2,800 - 3 - 200 - 300 _ - 16,050 64 5539 Impr Other - - - - 4 - - - - - 4 - - - - -0- 65 5551 Cap Out Auto - - - - 5 - 12,000 - - - - 5 - - - 12,000 66 5561 Cap Out Furn - - - - 6 - - - - _ 6 - - - - -0- 67 5572 Office Furniture - - - - 7 - - - - - 13,500 7 - - - - 13,500 68 5579 Cap Out Other 30,000 - - - - 8 - - - - - 8 - - - - 30,000 69 5581 Other Equip - - - 12,000 - 9 - - - - - 9 - - _ - 12,000, 70 5589 Other Equip 71 5591 Books Purchased - - 1 - - - 3 70 5 - - - 7 4,200 - - 1,000 70 - - - - 5 200 ,200 ----------'---------------------------------------------------------------------^-------------------------------_----------------------------------------------------_------------ - 9 - 200 11 - 13 - 15 TOTALS' 76,950 105,139 81,507 21,150 175,413 0- 430,365 80,250 391,499 111,431 -118,650 - 90,075 - 100,800 - 10,900 - 90,000 - 1,884,129