HomeMy WebLinkAbout8. On Sale Liquor License, On Sale Sunday Liquor License Katy's Restaurant & Salloon, Inc.0 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS County of Dakota NANCY J. GUSTAFSON, being duly swore, on oath says that she is an authorized agent and _ p /', employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Dakota County Tribune, and has full knowledge PUBLIC NOTICE of the facts which are stated below: FWLIC REARM* TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Ci. ty Council of the City of Rosemount, Min. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a legal nesota, has scheduled aPublic Hearing for s:os o'clock p.m., or as soon thereafter as newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 and other opplicable laws, as amended. possible, Tuesday, October 8, 1987, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 - 145tti Street East, Ros6mount, Mine . This public hearing is being held to con.(B) The printed F7. L \� aider an Application for On Sale License for Intoxicating Liquor and an Application for SufWay On Sale Intoxicating Liquor License presented by Kady's,Restaurant & Saloon, restaurant and 'lite MtC�� s prop alft to tat Operate 16�y1 w Seam R*e" 7"ll Item Win , Minnows, ifiirinerly kn'Qwe as Metro'% PiaYa Restaurant. Such persons as desire to be heard with which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once reference. to the above hearing item will be heard at this meeting. Written comments will be accepted up to the time o[ the hearing and will be included in the discussion at this enak-week, for successive -weeks; it was hearingg. Dated this 22nd day of September, 1987. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Z: ' d ministrra or/Clerk first published on Thursday, the C Lk{ IL day of �- � 111r\\011 -x1 i- City of Rosemount ` Dakota County, Minnesota 1439 19 v and was thereafter printed and published on every Thursday to and including Thursday, the day of ,19 , and printed below is o copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: a bedefghilklm nopgrstuvwxyz f BY: Trr E: lolls Subscribed and sworn to before eon thisALl , day Notary Public C.Anoi ,1. HAVERLAND •,�-` NOTAPY ! JZLiC — MINNESOTA DAKOTA COUNTY �`x �` My Commission Expires Oao. 3. IN$ No. 263 — ADoli-H.. for "ON SAGE" Llrenne for W.0 -ting U..., Miller -Davin Co., Minne,polin "ON SALE" ,*tate of Annt!604, � COdr.fi71' OF. tK0T1i ... 1 .1117.17CIP.4LITY OF TO THE 6'111'h'11.Y1,1Y> BODY OF THE .11101'F, X.1.11ED .111'.VICIP.4UTY: 1'ru•.srurnt to ChapIrr• //i elf the lairs of .lfirrrlesrda,.Slerrial srssion of eeWy S �£S7?}u R,t/T . SACDONi TNC hereby apnl �. fnr• a lirenw, for the terra, of V �Kas ._ (' from alar / Sf . _ _. _ day of .._tcm8�re l9_ 9 T. to sell inTnadr•afin lignnrs as deflard by fare- relf retail only fnr rmisrranptiorf "OX TIIE Pi'F,. IBES" deserihrd as follows: _.. /S�SSp �So,�Ql��i��i'P/4.�_.ICOSre�©k NT/,I�!lN .SJ'b%g in, said rrrrrniripa.lity, ort urhirh premises . W control __ and operate a i -r�.6e_.. _ . ; (;rill to that end hereby rcpr•eseld _ anal state ..__ That said nrrinicipali.ty is a ._. ....... which /tax a poprrlatrarr of and whirls sloes Trot maintain sur e,rclitsir•r ligrtm store; Nr That said. 4011 S..RL u!trnyi ? stea/� is _ is ars establishment traria¢ re- resirlrrrl proprietor nasal manager and the follnivirrg cgrriprneitt and foeilitirs. . That said applirtint__ 1$ A.._ citi.xen .... _of the United States,._ ..... .over twenty-one yrar•.s of age, Z L. of Food rnar•al rhar•acter and repute, ...... 04S .................not, since the enactment of the art above spreified, been. conr•irlert of any wil frit violation of any law of the United States, or of the Slate, of .Ifinnestrta, ar of any loewl, or•dina.»ee, will, refard to the »tanufactrrre, sale, distribution, or possr•.vsiov, far (list ribiltion or sale, of intaaicaliatg liguors, and that no liecnse issued to rimer said (,et has ever beers. revoked: - That no ar wholesaler will own m• ronfrol, or has any fnaneia.l• interest in, the lnasrru•.ev of saltine' ill loairatill g liguor•.s at retail on said prernises, nor pourer to ex'ort or rcguire, by con- tr(,rt, anderstandirrg at- otherwise, said applirant_.A. _to handle or sell only the products of such mane- farlur•ev or wholesaler: Tlrsaf no alhrr ve/ailer's lirrrrsr /urs bards, issurrl, durally or• indirectly, to said applicant or fell- Said ar said pi—cmi""; tial as Iicrn.sr of a Hass other therm hrrrbq (,pplie,l for lilts beenissnrd to any person of said premisr.s; and that said premises ata neither owned or Controlled by fifty person to whom, no lirense eorrld lar• i.ssrrrd: That said, prrmises are not within any arra within whir•li the sate of liguor:s is pro- hibilvel by Hrr lairs of the State of .Ilinnesola, Ill(-prosisions of emy Charter, ordinance of, special larv, rye- lhr•outrh zoning ordinanres, prrreeediatgs ar legal prrn•evs regularly held. for that parpose: That said appliraid: __irrrby sagr'rc that any lirrrfse granted pui:strant hereto shtzll be non- lrsrnsfrrerl+ts arilhofet ronsrid of the rnrthority iserr.ioll the samr; that said license stunt rant, be- effrefive rrrrlit a lwevitit shall be i.csurd undrr the lows of the- 1: ni.frd Slates in case siteh permit is regrt.ired under .grid Ism•..; (,feet /hot APPLICA4r re -ill keep .vrrid lirrnsr• /Rested in a rorrspicuents place, in said premises: Th(,I this applirralion is oast/• prn•.vrrarrl and srabieel to all the luras of Ali.ntlesota, the lairs of the t-nilyd • fiflr.s, thr ordinanrrs and irgralolion.s of .said mrrnicipolity, and Ihr• regulations of the litpror (•mutant Courbri.csiouer of ,ilinnrsota, r•rlrrfing to the, ..vale and Wares of sale of nrlox-i.mfing liguars, till of rr•hirh emr hr),rl{rl made re- poet hrr•rof. and whirls ._LtiS -_ hereby agree to observe and obey. (Item, state other rrpaircnrents of loeaI regrilation, if any) Dated19 ....... .: ............. .......... .._7 ..... J Lck � "T�fRsutrr _....... _. .... A"40y'S RsOr Strcoo �v, TW<. *tate inne�ota, SS. COUNTY OTGV ,eo7,4 . �l�✓.✓$r�!.. ' �� 4M}+� yersw%jDANs�..\ / ,,._.... __ helnQ (Lrdy mvorn, om oath say....... that _:.._ 5 /f ....... ............... ............................... ..... _ _ ..... ..:. . the within, applicant _ _.....; that......__ he- _...._.has......frill, and first hand knowledge of the facts stated in. the within application and of the business of said applicant._...... the location thereof, and the contents of the nvithin• application,; and that the statements male rn 8aid, a -p Lication .re t ue of*' . own knorvledge, ubser'rbed and Srnorn to Before .. ......... ...........�!"�+.:J�i�!"7!G.r�.........:. ........ Methis_da;il oj=C" ...... ........ .......... ..... ....... _.......... 47 . 190 .... Yotar PubLr)d,C„ h. n t�_2 Comity,.11inn. VWVN 04'-/ %V~NN.h%VV ,VVVYW'• My Commission Expiles...:.. __:. .... ... ... p ... j �. "m �+ `roqatsi e C/1 u 14 wj ;I+ "' n" rust L002 t CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 APPLICATION FOR SUNDAY ON -SALE INTOXICATING LIRUOR LICENSE TO THE CITY COUNCIL: I •�5 f • as 7�t Name of per n 1"dKing app cation ndi ua wner, v fi er or partner} for and in behalf of 44ij C as .., n} '' -ur-vvra�ion or sociatio hereby submit, in duplicate, this application for a f. On -Sa a or Specrta —CT ub} intoxicating liquor license for the A'meo restaurant, at�,4c4lo-uo-K r n other establishment} located at /1,�i''En . 1 ',, OAA c,5.- x.� for the sale of intoxicating liquor in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340 and the applicable ordinances of the City of -Rosemount commencing � 19847— and ending December 31, 19 Ar In support of said application and in accordance with the requirements as set forth in said ordinance, there is attached hereto, in duplicate, general and personal information about the applicant, the bond, license fee and investigation fees. Do not write in this space Date App" 'o cid. By Fees aid r� Receipt For Da to l c STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA ss. L002 ou /610yM being g first duly sworn, upon his/her oath deposes and says that he/she is the (individual, partner or officer) who has executed the foregoing application and that the statements made therein are true of his/her own knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this IgV, day ofL_,, T, 19 c�7. Notary Public w N rte„ HELEN M. TREML NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA DAKOTA COUNTY MY COMM. EXPIRES APR. 28, 1992 SEA ■