HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Accept Feasibility Report, Hawkins Pond Drainage, City Project #176DATE: OCTOBER 5, 1987 TO: CITY COUNCIL C/O STEVE JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: RICH HEFTI, CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR RE: ACCEPT SECTION 30 ENGINEERING STUDY ON DRAINAGE ACCEPT FEASIBILITY REPORT, PROJECT 176, HAWKINS POND DRAINAGE Attached are copies of the following reports that Council authorized at their September 1, 1987 meeting on the following: I. Engineering Report for Storm Sewer Improvements in Section 30 2. Report on Drainage Improvements for Sections 19 & 30, City Project #176 The Engineering Report does indicate the feasibility of draining the entire Section 30 into Hawkins Pond. The Project #176 Report maintains the feasibility of the concept for the Hawkins Pond area to provide the ultimate drainage to Section 30, and surrounding area as noted within the report. However, the scope of the Project #176 Report increase some because of more accurate information obtained from the engineer report for Section 30 storm sewer drainage. The Pond volume increased over what was originally anticipated and the easement.estimates were also increased based on recent experience. Though it is evident that Project #176 is necessary and feasible to provide a ponding area for storm water run-off from developed and potential developable surrounding property rather than to continue using property that we do not own to provide the same service. Also, it is evident from the Engineer Report on Section 30 drainage that we need to construct storm sewer to relieve some trouble areas and retrieve the best use of other areas by transporting the storm water to the Project #176 ponding area. The Project #176 feasibility report recommends, and I agree, that the Section 30 storm sewer engineering study be implemented with the Project #176 drainage basin construction. In order to accomplish that, we need to expand the "Engineering Report for Storm Sewer Improvements in Section 30" to a full-fledged feasibility report. I would recommend that Council receive both the report and the feasibility study and authorize a feasibility study for the "Storm Sewer Improvements in Section 30 Project #177". Upon the completion of the feasibility study for Project #177 Council could set a Public Hearing date to consider storm sewer improvements for both projects at the same time. I will be available at the October 6, 1987 Council meeting if Council has questions regarding this matter. REPORT ON DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FOR SECTIONS 19 & 30 CITY PROJECT NO. 176 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Revised: September, 1987 SEH FILE NO: 88026 (Revision of Previous Report Supplement - Files: 81.027 & 81030) I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesoto. DATE: October 2. 1987 REG. NO. 12691 REVIEWED BY: DATE: 0 g --, INDEX LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL PAGE NO. AUTHORIZATION - 1 SCOPE - 1 - DATA AVAILABLE - 1 _ DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS - 1 - TABLE A Generated Storm Water Runoff Volumes -_3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS - 3 - EASEMENTS _ 5 _ CONSTRUCTION TIMING _ 5 - COST ESTIMATES - 5 - PROJECT DISTRICT _ ( _ CONCLUSIONS - 8 APPENDIX: Estimate of Cost Drawing #1 - Assessment District Boundry Drawing #2 - Hawkins Pond Drainage Area AW AMW AAASEH ENCINEERS 2ARCNITECTS8PLANNERS 222 EAST LITTLE CANADA ROAD, ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55117 612 484-0272 October 2, 1987 RE: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA HAWKINS POND DRAINAGE IMP. SEH FILE NO: 88026 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Attn: Rich Hefti, City Engineer Gentlemen: In accordance with your authorization we have revised our previous report on drainage improvements in Sectins 19 & 30 initially presented in December, 1981. This report specifically discusses improvements to Hawkins Pond as well as associated construction. The report includes conclusions, cost estimates and drawings for your review. We would be available to review this report in detail with you upon request: Respectfully submitted, SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. Steve Campbell SDC/cih Enclosure SHORT ELLIOTT ST. PAUL, CHIPPEWA FALLS, HENDRICKSON INC. MINNESOTA WISCONSIN I AUTHORIZATION At the Rosemount City Council meeting of September 1, 1987, the Council authorized the preparation of a revised drainage study for portions of Sections 19 & 30. The report was authorized to address existing drainage flows from the developed area south of 145th Street West and the potential for additional flows from future development in the area. SCOPE This report was originally presented in December, 1981. Since then, the study area has been expanded to include additional areas in Section 30 to accommodate long range planning. The purpose is to study,' make recommendations and provide cost estimates for the construction of drainage facilities within the study area as well as to assist in the future planning of drainage and land development for this area. DATA AVAILABLE Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include: 1. Report on Drainage Improvements for Sections 19 & 30 (December, 1981). 2. Feasibility Report for Highpointe First Addition Utilities and Shannon Parkway Grading and Utilities (May 19, 1981). 3. Topographic maps of Section 30. 4. Preliminary utility plans for Highpointe First Addition. 5. Preliminary grading and utility plans for Shannon Parkway. 6. Grading and drainage plans for Country Hills 1st and 2nd Additions. 7. Engineering Report for Storm Sewer Improvements in Section 30. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The study area consists of three which have been topographically shown on Drawing No. 3. internal drainage districts divided into subdistricts as The subdistricts are listed below with their respective areas: SUBDISTRICT AREA B-1 12 ACRES B-2 188 ACRES B-3 24 ACRES B-4 11 ACRES DISTRICT B TOTAL 235 ACRES C 40 ACRES D-1 38 ACRES D-2 32 ACRES DISTRICT D TOTAL 70 ACRES For the purpose of this report a 100 year frequency, 24 hour duration design storm has been used to determine the runoff volumes for ponding. A 10 year frequency storm was used to size the proposed storm sewer. This is consistent with the past design practices within the city. On the following page, Table A shows the runoff generated from the subdistricts from the design storm for existing and future conditions. Existing conditions are defined as those which exist today. Future conditions are those which will ultimately exist after the complete development of the entire study area. For the purposes of this report all areas not currently proposed for - development have been considered to be ultimately residential. - 2 - TABLE A GENERATED STORM WATER RUNOFF VOLUMES (IN ACRE-FEET) ULTIMATE SUBDISTRICT LAND USE EXISTING PROPOSED B-1 RESIDENTIAL 1.9 3.0 B-2 RESIDENTIAL 29.8 47.0 B-3 RESIDENTIAL 6.0 6.0 B-4 RESIDENTIAL 2.8 2.8 DISTRICT B TOTALS 40.5 58.8 C RESIDENTIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PARK 8.0 10.0 D-1 RESIDENTIAL 9.5 9.5 D-2 RESIDENTIAL 8.0 8.0 DISTRICT D TOTALS 17.5 17.5 TOTAL 66.0 86.3 Although not all of the subdistricts currently drain directly to the proposed ponding area, the pond should be sized to accomodate all runoff within the study area as discussed in the Section 30 Engineering Report. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The drainage facilities proposed as a part of this improvement are shown on Drawing No. 3. These facilities consist of the creation of a storm water retention pond (Pond 30-P1) and a drainage channel. Pond 30-P1 is proposed in an existing low area between Country Hills Addition and 145th Street and lies west of Shannon Parkway. An existing small pond surrounded by trees is located within the proposed Pond. The stage/storage relationship for Pond 30-P1 is as follows: - 3 - STAGE (ELEVATION) STORAGE (ACRE -FEST) 910 0 912 5 914 12 916 19 918 28 920 37 922 48 924 59 926 72 928 86 Construction of a drainage channel is proposed as shown to the east from the pond to transport runoff from the Shannon Parkway storm sewer system across private property. The construction of Pond 30-P1 will provide for the abandonment of the existing pond in Sub -district B-4. This pond will be drained by the storm sewer in proposed Shannon Parkway. The construction of Pond 30-P1 will also provide for the abandonment of the existing pond in District C. This existing pond can be drained by the construction of a storm sewer to transport flows from District C to the proposed Pond 30 -PI. A detailed discussion of this storm sewer is provided in the Section 30 Storm Sewer Report. District D includes two minor retention areas located on either side of Dodd Boulevard in Twin Puddles Park. These areas will ultimately be abandoned when storm sewer is constructed to transport runoff from District D to the proposed Pond 30-P1. A detailed discussion of this storm sewer is also provided in the previously mentioned engineering report. The drainage swales, which are proposed herein, will generally have a depth of 3 to 4 feet with a flat bottom approximately 5 to 10 feet wide. The side slopes will be relatively flat for easy maintenance. These swales will normally remain dry except during and temporarily after storm events. All areas disturbed in the construction of the ponding areas and swales are proposed to be restored to prevent erosion once they become operational. - 4 - EASEMENTS The ponding areas, storm sewer, and drainage swales proposed herein will serve all properties within their respective drainage districts and should be considered as City drainage facilities. It is therefore recommended that the City secure easements from the property owners, for the construction, operation, and maintenance of these facilities. In the case of the ponding areas, the easements should extend to the maximum ponding stage, plus an additional 50+ feet around the perimeter as shown in the drawings to serve as a buffer. In the case of the storm sewer and drainage swales, a 30 foot wide drainage easement should be obtained concurrent with the alignment of the facility. CONSTRUCTION TIMING The facilities proposed herein should be operational at the time of completion of the Shannon Parkway storm sewer construction. It is anticipated at this time that the Shannon Parkway utilities will be completed during the 1988 construction season. Therefore, it is recommended that these improvements be constructed under separate contract in the spring of 1988 so as to assure the establishment of adequate ground cover on these facilities prior to the completion of the storm sewer construction. COST ESTIMATES Detailed estimated costs of the improvements proposed herein can be found in the appendix of this report. It should be noted that this estimate assumes that excavated materials can be disposed of in adjacent areas. These estimates have been based on projected unit prices for the 1988 construction season and include a 10 percent allowance for contingencies and other indeterminate costs plus an additional allowance for engineering, administration, and other overhead costs. This estimate includes the cost of easements for the rights of operation of these facilities. The total estimated cost of the proposed construction is $300,000. 5 PROJECT DISTRICT The following properties are located within the project district. Unplatted Lands NW 1/4 - Section 30 010-30 010-35 010-36 010-38 010-39 010-40 010-41 010-42 010-43 010-44 010-45 011-25 013-37 014-37 020-30 020-35 020-40 020-44 NE 1/4 - Section 30 010-12 SE 1/4 Section 30 012-80 013-80 014-80 SW 1/4 - Section 30 001-55 002-55 003-55 004-55 010-52 010-54 020-52 020-54 030-52 031-54 040-52 050-52 060-52 061-52 080-52 090-52 100-52 110-52 Platted Property Broback Addition Blk 1 Lot 1 Blk 2 Lots 1-3 Blk 3 Lots 1-11 Blk 4 Lots 1-7 Broback 2nd Addition Blk l Lots 1-3 Blk 2 Lots 1-4 Blk 3 Lots 1-10 Blk 4 Lots 1-14 Blk 5 Lots 1-7 Outlot 1 Broback 3rd Addition Blk 1 Lots 1-11 Blk 2 Lots 1-11 Blk 3 Lots 1-17 Blk 4 Lots 1-8 Broback 4th Addition Blk 1 Lots 1-17 Blk 2 Lots 1-13 Broback 5th Addition Blk 1 Lots 1-13 Blk 2 Lots 1-18 Blk 3 Lots 1-12 Broback 6th Addition Blk 1 Lots 1-8 Blk 2 Lots 1-13 Broback 7th Addition Blk 1 Lots -1-6 Blk 2 Lots 1-15 Blk 3 Lot 1 Blk 4 Lots 1-2 Broback 8th Addition Blk 1 Lots 1-5 Blk 2 Lots 1-7 Outlot A Broback 11th Addition Blk 1 Lots 1-8 Blk 2 Lots 1-3 Blk 3 Lots 1-5 Broback 12th Addition Blk 1 Lots 1-19 Outlot A Broback Industrial Park Blk 1 Lots 1-5 Blk 2 Lots 1-5 Outlot B Evergreen Acres Blk l Lots 1-3 Shannon Park 1st Addition Blk 1 Lots 1-4 7 CONCLUSIONS As a result of the investigation and study associated with this report, it is concluded that: 1. The construction of the proposed drainage facilities described herein is feasible. 2. The ponding areas and drainage swales proposed herein should be considered as city drainage facilities. 3. The facilities proposed herein should be operational at the time of completion of the Shannon Parkway storm sewer construction. 4. The total estimated cost of the proposed improvements is $300,000. 5. Consideration should be given to combining the provisions of this report and the Section 30 Storm Sewer Report into one improvement nroieet_ ESTIMATE OF COST HAWKINS POND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS SECTION 30 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT Pond Excavation C.Y. 100,000 1.50 $150,000 Channel Excavation C.Y. 900 3.00 2,700 Salvaged Topsoil C.Y. 5,400 4.00 21,600 42" RC Pipe Sewer L.F. 125 100.00 12,500- 42" RC Apron EACH 2 1,500.00 3,000 Seeding ACRE 10 200.00 2,000 Seed LB. 400 4.00 1,600 Mulch TON 11 400.00 4,400 Disc Anchoring ACRE 10 100.00 1,000 SUBTOTAL $198,800 _ PLUS 10$ CONTINGENCIES 21,200 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST. $220,000 PLUS 15% ENGINEERING, ADMIN. & OVERHEAD 30,000 EASEMENTS 50,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $300,000 a 11 0 500 1000 SCALE IN FEET 'a}a a ez VPER143ERT V°o STR`E3 Q T Ity1 CE, 4 144T STRE A 2 a ti U t Y oro,•9� c o 8 O11-tle /// a f• '` / 0 , t Q don 2 6146 TMA ST U 101 _i2 :,2 • s �• I s I w �• 1 iH r tr� ST W • 1 a u J • i t J /(' tUPPE:R X146 TII� 51 .. 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