HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.h. City Hall Guidelines Reviewi 1! of 2875..145TII CT dry OS�/rl o� N FTOSEMOUNi. MINN 55t1F,R �'! ,l 612- 423-4411 VP TO: Mayor Knutson Councilmembers Napper Tucker Walsh Willard FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk DATE: October 1, 1987 RE: City Hall Guidelines Gentlemen: Staff has completed its review of the "City Hall Guidelines." The revised version is attached for your review and consideration for adoption. There were several minor changes in the following areas: (1) Smoking -- eliminated the lunchroom and added the police lounge as designated smoking areas. (2) Lunchroom - clarified the need for cooperation in keeping it clean. (3) Work breaks - clarified times for taking them and the need to have all employees take them. (4) Telephone etiquette`- added section to support conscientious use of telephone system to obtain better service to the public and reduce noise level in office areas. (5) Visitors in building - added language to clarify responsibility of visitors to building, whether employees or others. This we felt was necessary to increase productivity and reduce disruptions to office employees. Staff is in agreement with these revised guidelines, and I recommend your approval of them. smj Attachment tdopted 3/17/87 evised 10/6/87 ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL GUIDELINES The following guidelines have been adopted in an effort to maintain our city hall in a "like new" condition while maximizing its use by city employees. All employees are expected to follow these guidelines and conduct themselves in a manner so as to minimize conditions leading to building depreciation. These guidelines are further intended to support the quality of service to the residents of Rosemount and others. 1. PARKING -- The attached sketch shows the east (upper) and west (lower) parking lots. The east parking lot has areas designated for handicap parking, temporary staff parking for those staff members, who by their daily work assignments, require them to be in and out of the office area several times daily and for Rosemount residents and others served by the city. The west lot has designated areas for city staff cars, police vehicles and personal employee vehicles. Employee parking spaces are not assigned and are on a first come first served basis. Employees are encouraged to utilize those parking spots on the north end of the lot first. The remainder of this west lot is available for use by Rosemount residents and others served by the city government. 2. CUSTOMER SERVICE -- To promote smooth service to Rosemount residents, persons should not be allowed to walk into the office area unless they are invited to do so or are escorted. It is the responsibility of the receptionist to insure that persons presenting themselves for business and need to meet with staff members of a specific department are directed to the counter to the right or left of the reception area. The receptionist should then contact the appropriate department and request that someone come forward to provide assistance; and if the person needs to enter the office area, escort the person to the specific department. When the person is finished with his/her business, he/she should be escorted back to the lobby area or to the other department where the person has further business. Employees not normally employed in the city hall staff area should, upon entering the office area, use every consideration in contacting others in the office area to conduct business and keep disruption to a minimum. 3. OVERSHOES -- Protect our carpets. Overshoes must be taken off before entering carpeted areas. Boot mats will be available at all outside entrances to the building for boot storage. 4. STORAGE OF OUTSIDE CLOTHING -- Coat racks are provided in the kitchen area, upstairs in the open office area and the police department for employees working in open areas. In private offices, the back of the door is permitted for storage of outside clothing. 5. KEYS -- Keys have been distributed to all staff members as to their specific needs. The distribution and duplication of all keys are under the control of the Public Works Director. 6. DRESS CODE All employees are expected to dress in a manner which would be considered appropriate for their position, work requirements and their interaction with the public. Rosemount City Guidelines Page 2 7. SMOKING - Smoking will not be allowed in the city hall building with the following exceptions The city council lounge area, public lobby areas and the police quiet room when not in use for police matters. B. USE OF CONFERENCE ROOMS Individuals wishing to use the two designated conference rooms must schedule them through the council secretary. Those with reservations will be given preference in the event of a conflict. Users are expected to clean conference rooms after their use. A sign up sheet is available at the desk of the council secretary. When visitors attend conference room meetings, they should be escorted to the lobby areas following the meetings. 9. USE OF COUNCIL CHAMBERS -- Reservations for the use of the council chambers shall be made through the.council secretary. Regular council meetings and city commission meetings have priority. Any use other than normal city use must be approved by the city administrator. 10. TELEPHONE CALLS -- Telephone calls made or received on department phones are restricted to official city business or personal business of an urgent nature. Employees shall not abuse their access to telephones. Personal calls will be limited to five minutes. All long distance calls will be logged on forms provided and the cost of long distance personal calls will be reimbursed by the employee. 11. MANNING OF TELEPHONES -- To maintain continuity in service to the public, telephones must be manned at all times throughout the work day. The receptionist is the position responsible for manning the city "switchboard" and in the absence of the receptionist, the following positions, in this order, will support this responsibility: council secretary, community development department administrative assistant, parks and recreation department administrative assistant. Each department shall make an attempt to provide staffing of phones during lunch breaks and work assignments. When staff is unable to provide coverage, the "call forward" feature of the telephone system will be used to direct telephone calls to their work assignment area or to other department staff to respond. When an employee receives a telephone call and is in a meeting, the receptionist or staff member taking a call will not interrupt the meeting unless there is an emergency or the employee has requested it. Ongoing telephone conversations will not be interrupted unless there is an emergency. The "all page" feature of the phone system will not be used except in an emergency. All department head calls and department staff calls are directed to that department's designated staff member to handle calls. When a staff member is dispatched a telephone call and is not available to receive the call, the person sending the call should wait until the 30 second ring limit feature built into the system is completed, then a message should be taken. Rosemount City Hall Guidel Page 3 Manning of Telephones Cont'd A message center will be maintained by the receptionist, and it will be the responsibility of each employee to check the center for messages. Voice Override -- Thin should only be used in an emergency or if a staff member has specifically asked that receiving a call from, say their spouse, is always an override situation. Volume buttons should all be kept at mid-range or below. When receptionist gets call back beep (call has not been taken), receptionist will take message. Everyone's responsibility is to check the message center to insure they are picking up messages. Intercom use --This should not be used to interrupt meetings, whether the meeting is formal or two department heads discussing something. The person receiving a call should be able to take the call through the handset (intercom not necessary) or the receptionist should take a message. Department head support person should already be doing this. Answering phones -- We all need to understand they way sound travels in our new environment, and this should be eliminated as much as possible. If a person has a call, please respond as soon as you can. There are certain positions where work demands are such that it is sometimes difficult to answer or respond to a telephone call right away. We must all become tuned into our telephone responsibilities to help improve the work environment for us all. Call forward and being away from work -- During planned absences such as meetings, lunch breaks and working away from regular site, we should be conscientious about using "call forward" feature and advising support people of our location. During these times, use of call forward and message taking should be utilized more extensively. This will eliminate having someone paged or use of intercom to locate someone. 12. PLANTS -- Employees may have plants on their desks, in offices and workstations provided the number and size are within a range of acceptability appropriate to the site. 13. RADIOS -- Because of the open office landscape format and the radio built into the telephone system, employees will not be allowed to use personal radios during business hours. The police department dispatch area will maintain a separate radio with commercial station reception for weather and emergency communication. Administration will designate the radio station allowed for telephone system use. 14. WALL DECORATIONS -- Wall decorations such as family photos, landscape photos, pictures of pets, diplomas, awards and certificates are allowed and must be neatly framed.Decorations must be in good taste and not overwhelming. Only hook and nail type fasteners are allowed to hang decorations. Rosemount City Hall Guideli 4 Page 4 0 0 15. LANDSCAPE SCREENS Maps and other graphics'or materials which are necessary for efficient job performance may be attached to the landscape screens (workstation panels) on the inside of work areas and must be neatly maintained and replaced if worn or obsolete. - 16. VISUAL OBSTRUCTIONS - To maintain the attractiveness of the office landscaping, it is important that items not be placed on the top of file cabinets or other locations where they constitute a visual obstruction in the office area. 17. HOUSEKEEPING -- Work surfaces, files, etc. should be maintained in a neat and orderly fashion. 18. CONDITION OF DESK TOPS -- Desks in all working areas must have working materials stacked as neatly as possible. 19. COVERING OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- Typewriters and computer keyboards should be covered with covers provided at the end of the workday. 20. EATING/DRINKING AT INDIVIDUAL DESKS-- Eating at individual desks is not permitted. Drinking of coffee and softdrinks is allowed but cups should be used for any drinks consumed at the workstations.' 21. LUNCHROOM - The lunchroom is equipped with pop, coffee, snacks, a refr g rator, microwave and conventional stove. Seating is provided for the employees at two separate tables. It is the responsibility of each individual employee to clean up after themselves and to return all utensils to the sink area. and rinse them before leaving them to be washed. Foods left in the refrigerator or open areas should be checked regularly to insure that any spoiled foods are removed. Microwave and electric stove units and areas should be wiped clean after individual use. Napkins, paper cups and other disposable items should be discarded by each individual into the trash receptable. 22. LUNCH/WORK BREAKS Lunch Breaks 1 Limited to 30 minutes. (2) One per eight hour shift. (3) Location (a) City hall lunchroom (b) Any location away from city hall Work Breaks (11 All employees,when working under the conditions where the use of a break is practical, shall be granted two 15 minute breaks each workday, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Employees should be encouraged to take their allotted breaks. (2) Supervisors shall schedule the taking of breaks consistent with good department management. In this regard, it may be necessary to vary, rotate, or stagger schedules according to the work at hand and necessary service to the public. (3) The lunchroom, outside veranda area or police quiet room should be used for work breaks. job.Rosemount City Hall Guidelir • Page 5 23. IDENTIFICATION CARDS -- The practice of issuing city employee identifications cards will be reinstated as soon as possible after moving into the new city hall. 24. OPENING AND LOCKING OF BUILDING -- The receptionist will be responsible for opening and locking the two public entrances to the city hall. In the absence of the receptionist, the finance director administrative assistant is to respond to this need. The deputy registrar clerk will close the two service windows at closing time unless another staff member has business at one of the windows. That staff member will then be responsible for closing the window he/she is at. 25. CONTROL OF THERMOSTAT-- All building thermostats will be under the control of the public works director and in his absence or unavailability, the building official. 26. FITNESS/SHOWER ROOMS - All employees will be required to follow the guidelines established for the smooth and safe use of these two areas as set out in a separate document, "Rosemount City Hall Fitness Center Guidelines."