HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of September 29, 1987 Special MeetingROSEMOUNT CJ& PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETW SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, September 29, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. Mayor Knutson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Community Development Director Dean Johnson informed Council he had been approached by county staff members about the possibility of scheduling a tour of the processing facilities located in West Germany and Denmark. The tour would allow city and countyofficials an opportunity to review technology not yet available in this country and to be able to tour a facility which would be similiar to the one selected for construction in Dakota County and possibly Rosemount. Due to the complexity of such a project, Johnson felt a tour of such a facility would further educate the council on resource recovery and prepare them for future hearings involving the site and facility selection. Chairman of County Commissioners Steven Loeding stated it has not been determined who will be attending from the county. Loeding added the large dollar investment of this project merited expenditure of funds for such a tour. Council were in unanimous agreement for the European tour but requested the number be minimized to two staff members and one council member. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the attendance of one councilmember and two staff members on the tour of resource recovery facilities in Europe and to authorize the expenditures for this tour from council designated funds. Second by Napper. Ayes._ Walsh, Napper, Knutson, Tucker, Willard. Nays: 0. Community Development Director Dean Johnson requested Council authorization to hire Steve Kirchman for the position of building inspector at the range of $22,000-$26,000 a year. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the employment of Steve Kirchman for the position of building inspector at the yearly salary range of $22,000- $26,000. Second by Napper. Ayes: Napper, Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays: 0, Mayor Knutson call for a recess at 7:55 p.m. The meeting continued at 8:00 p.m. Mayor Knutson announced the purpose of the three assessment hearings is to fulfill legal obligations for publication and notice and to allow any remaining written objections to be presented. Mayor Knutson noted that anyone who previously submitted a written objection need not resubmit an objection during this hearing. The mayor further advised that after the close of the three hearings, an informal hearing will be held to allow any objector to present evidence or witnesses regarding each individual contestment. c i ROSEMOUNT CIT PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEET SEPTEMBER 29, 987 Mayor Knutson reopened the 130th Street assessment hearing continued from the public hearing held on September 1, 1987. The administrator/clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1987-23. The administrator/clerk noted receipt of two written objections. See Clerk's Fine 1987-23. Richard Lucking, 12766 Bolivia Avenue West objected to the amount assessed against his property. Several residents in the audience voiced concerns regarding the configuration of the curve at 130th Street West and 130th Way and the absence of a guardrail, delineators and warning sign for the curve. Complaints were also heard from residents regarding the condition of the railroad crossing and the gravel shoulders.` MOTION by Knutson to close the public hearing. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Mayor Knutson reopened the County Road 38 assessment hearing continued from the public hearing held on September 8, 1987. The administrator/clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailing to five property owners previously omitted from the mailing list for the September 8, 1987 hearing. See Clerk's File 1987-23. Dennis Wippermann, 12538 Danbury Way, reiterated his questions and comments presented at the September 8, 1987 hearing. No objections were heard from the audience. MOTION by Willard to close the public hearing. Second by Tucker. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Mayor Knutson reopened the White Lake Acres assessment hearing continued from the assessment hearing held on September 15, 1987. The administrator/clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailed Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1987-23. No objections were received from the audience. MOTION by Willard to close the public hearing. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Mayor Knutson opened the informal hearing to allow any objector to present evidence or witnesses regarding any contestment. Community Development Director Dean Johnson reviewed the informal hearing process and advised recommendations on all objections will be made by staff to Council for adoption of the assessment rolls at the October 6, 1987 regular Council meeting. ROSEMOUNT CIT PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEET SEPTEMBER 29, 9$7 Reid Hansen, 12490 Canada Court, restated his objection and the objection of his client, Karen Coffee, 3839 125th Street West, to the assessment amount against their properties in relation to the benefits received. MOTION by Knutson to close the hearing. Second by Willard. AYes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1.987-67, A RESOLUTION REQUESTING 45 MILE PER HOUR SPEED LIMIT ON DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD 38/125TH STREET IN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. Second by Tucker. Ayes: Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh, Napper. Nays: 0. MOTION by Willard to adopt Resolution 1987-68, A RESOLUTION RELATING TO AREA -WIDE ASSESSMENTS ON MAJOR STREETS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. Second by Knutson. Ayes: Tucker, Willard, Walsh, Napper, Knutson. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Susan M. Johnson ATTEST: Council Secretary/Deputy Clerk Stephan Jilk Administrator/Clerk