HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.e. National League of Cities ConferenceAMERICAS 0 6-e FOUNTINUORME This year, Americans are doing something that few other people in the world can do. We are celebrating the 200th anniversary of a Constitution that defined a new nation and gave its people the power to choose and shape its future as it grew. We're still choosing our futures—as individuals, At the 1987 Congress of Cities, you'll get a closeup as communities, and as a nation—under that same look at the 1988 presidential contenders and a firsthand Constitution. And next year, as part of that process, we will look at the choices we'll face in 1988 and beyond. go to the polls to choose a president, a third of the Senate, During the Congress of Cities, presidential candidates the entire House of Representatives, several governors, and will appear at special Candidates' Forums. They will present a very large number of local government officials. their positions and discuss issues raised by the League's Election '88 project. Every one of those choices involves more than Making choices is something that municipal officials choosing a leader or a representative. In each case, the understand. After all, that's what you do every day. choice includes a style of governing and a set of ideas. In three well -tailored series of workshops, the 1987 We will be deciding which problems to tackle and how Congress of Cities will give you the information—and the to approach them. inspiration—you need to keep on making those choices for communities, for people, and for local government. When you come right down to it, we'll be doing nothing less than choosing futures—for our country, for our people, and for our cities large and small. As a municipal leader, you have a tremendous 64th Annual Congress of Cities and Exposition opportunity to help shape these choices at the national December 12-16,1987 level, just as you have the daily responsibility and challenge Las Vegas, Nevada of making them at the local level. National League of Cities Please send me full information on the 1987 Congress of Cities: Name Title Address City state Zip Telephone Send this coupon to: NtC Conference Registration Center, P.O. Box 17413, Dulles International Airport, Washington, D.C. 40041, or call {204) 646-3200