HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of October 6, 1987 Regular MeetingROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEE&G OCTOBER 6, M7 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, October 6, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council- Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilmember Napper absent. Mayor Knutson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended to include Item 9(i) Fire Department Personnel Recommendation. MOTION by Willard to approve the Consent Calendar as corrected. Second by Tucker. Ayes: Walsh, Knutson, Tucker, Willard. Nays: 0. Discussion was held on the engineering report for storm sewer improvements in Section 30 and the expanded feasibility report on drainage improvements for Sections 19 and 30, City Project #176. City Engineer Rich Hefti recommended that Council authorize a feasibility report for the storm sewer improvements in Section 30, Project #177. Consulting Engineer Steve Campbell provided a brief presentation on each report. Campbell noted the engineering report for Section 30 proposed to eliminate the retention basins in subdistricts C, and B-4, and change both the D-1 and D-2 basins from retention to detention basins allowing them to drain immediately after a storm by means of storm sewer rather than by percolation. Questions were raised by some of the Council and audience on whether the Twin Puddles area was originally designated as a park system or a holding pond and whether this area should be designated as a permanent park. See Clerk's File 1987- 24. MOTION by Walsh to accept the feasibility report on drainage improvements for Section 19 and 30, City Project #176 and to place it on file. Second by Knutson. Ayes: Knutson, Tucker, Walsh. Nays: Willard. NOTION by Knutson to accept the engineering report for storm sewer improvements in Section 30, Project #177 and to place it on file. Second by Tucker. Ayes: Tucker, Walsh, Knutson. Nays: Willard. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the feasibility report for storm sewer improvements in Section 30 for review at the November 3, 1987 meeting. Ayes: Walsh, Knutson, Tucker, Willard. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti requested Council authorization for city staff to contact the residents within the Birchview Terrace 2nd Addition to inform them the city will not proceed any further with a feasibility study for street improvements until utilities are made available to their property. Because of surrounding development, Hefti advised utilities could be installed within the next couple of years. See Clerk's File 1987-24. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the city engineer to contact the residents of Birchview Terrace 2nd Addition advising them further work on the feasibility report will cease until utilities are made available. Second by Willard. Ayes: Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays: 0. Police Chief James Staats presented for Council review the revised amendments to parking regulations. ROSEMOUNT C. PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEEIPG OCTOBER 6, 1987 Mayor Knutson suspended the regular agenda at 8:00 p.m. to allow the Council to conduct a public hearing scheduled for that time. Mayor Knutson opened the public hearing explaining the purpose of the hearing is to consider the Carrollton 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat/Concept PUD. Administrator/Clerk Stephan Jilk had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailed Notice. Administrator Jilk advised the city has not received the Affidavit of Publication from the newspaper but verification has been made with the official newspaper that the notice was in fact published. This notice will be made part of the file when received by staff. Jilk also noted the public notice was posted at city hall. See Clerk's File 1987-24. Community Development Director Dean Johnson advised the 128 -lot development is located in Section 30 between Dodd Boulevard and CSAH 42 and will contain single family dwellings. Johnson answered questions regarding storm sewer drainage and the capacity of the major trunk sewer running through this property. Johnson informed the audience and Council the Parks and Recreation Committee has reviewed the project and recommended a cash contribution from the developer in lieu of land dedication. Johnson stated the Planning Commission has reviewed the preliminary plat/concept PUD and has recommended approval subject to several conditions. MOTION by Knutson to close the public hearing. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION by Willard to adopt Resolution 1987-69, A RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL TO THE CARROLLTON 2ND ADDITION CONCEPT PUD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SETTING OUT THE CONDITIONS FOR FINAL APPROVAL. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Tucker, Willard, Walsh, Knutson. Nays: 0. Mayor Knutson opened the public hearing scheduled for this time to receive input on a public alley way vacation located behind Ken Rose Shopping Center. The administrator/clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and stated the public notice had been posted at city hall. See Clerk's File 1987-24, Community Development Director Dean Johnson recommended Council authorization to vacate the public alley and to place drainage and utility easements on the west ten feet of Lot 47, Lot 48 and the north 70 feet of Lot 61. Johnson stated there appeared to be no particular reason for having the public alley, and recent remodeling and code improvements to the shopping center has caused a stairway, as a fire exit, to extend into the alley causing a public liability. See Clerk's File 1987-24. MOTION by Willard to close the public hearing. Second by Knutson. Ayes: 4. Nays: 1 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEE OCTOBER 6, MOTION by Tucker to adopt Resolution 1987-70, A RESOLUTION FOR THE VACATION OF A PUBLIC ALLEY. Second by Knutson. Ayes: Willard, Walsh, Knutson, Tucker. Nays: 0. Mayor Knutson opened the public hearing scheduled for this time to consider the applications submitted by Kady's Restaurant & Saloon, Inc. for on -sale and Sunday on -sale liquor licenses for Kady's Restaurant & Saloon, to be located at 14550 South Robert Trail. The administrator/clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and stated the public notice had been posted in city hall. See Clerk's File 1987-24. Kathryn L. Bierbrauer, president; Dawn M. Youngdahl, vice president and Kenneth Herman Youngdahl, Jr., secretary -treasurer were present. Ken Youngdahl briefly informed Council of their plans for the restaurant and lounge. MOTION by Knutson to close the public hearing. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION by Knutson to approve the applications submitted by Kady's Restaurant & Saloon, Inc. for on -sale liquor license and on -sale Sunday liquor 1icense to be in effect until January 1, 1988. Second by Willard. Ayes: Walsh, Knutson, Tucker, Willard. Nays: 0. Regular agenda discussion resumed at this time. Regarding the revised parking ordinance, Police Chief Staats reviewed the areas of concern addressed by Council at a previous meeting. Considerable discussion ensued regarding truck parking and the definition of a truck as it relates to parking on residential streets and on private property. Following this discussion, Council indicated the ordinance should include language restricting trucks, tractors or semi -trailer combinations from parking on residential zoned streets, except for loading or unloading, and to further restrict tractors or semi -trailer combinations from parking on residential zoned property. See Clerk's File 1987-24. MOTION by Knutson to refer the revised draft back to staff for final ordinance form for adoption at the October 20, 1987 regular Council meeting. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk informed Council he has received information from Delta Environmental, Inc., the company retained by the University of Minnesota for the rural water project, that the university has taken the position to proceed with the city's fourth alternative proposal which is to install two wells at the old city hall site and to provide water to the contaminated areas as well as the vocational school. Jilk stated he should be receiving cost estimates for this proposal in the near future. Community Development Director Dean Johnson informed Council and audience the final assessment rolls for the assessment projects are posted in the lobby area. Johnson requested Council authorization for execution of legal documents related to the assessment proceedings. . ROSEMOUNT C PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEE OCTOBER 6, 1 87 MOTION by Willard to authorize the necessary signatures on the easement agreements, lot combination agreements and deferment agreements necessary to complete the assessment projects. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1987-71, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS, JAY SIMON'S ADDITION, (PROJECT NO. 152). Second by Tucker. Ayes: Tucker, Willard, Walsh, Knutson. Nays: 0. MOTION by Tucker to adopt Resolution 1987-72, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL, 130TH STREET WEST (PROJECT NO. 152). Second by Knutson. Ayes: Willard, Walsh, Knutson, Tucker. Nays: 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1987-73, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL, COUNTRY HILLS FIRST ADDITION UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 159.. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Walsh, Knutson, Tucker, Willard. Nays: 0. MOTION by Willard to adopt Resolution 1987-74, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL, COUNTY ROAD 38 (BETWEEN APPLE VALLEY CITY LIMITS AND TRUNK HIGHWAY 3), CITY PROJECT NO. 150. Second by. Knutson. Ayes: Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1987-75, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL, WHITE LAKE ACRES (PROJECT NO. 148). Second by Willard. Ayes: Tucker, Willard, Walsh, Knutson. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1987-76, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL, COUNTY ROAD 42 BETWEEN COUNTY ROAD 71 AND STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY 52 (PROJECT NO. 163). Second by Tucker. Ayes: Willard, Walsh, Knutson, Tucker. Nays: 0. MOTION by Willard to approve the revised City Hall Guidelines, dated October 6, 1987. Second by Knutson. Ayes: Walsh, Knutson, Tucker, Willard. Nays: 0. Community Development Director Dean Johnson advised the city has received written appeals to decisions rendered by the Planning Commission from Gerald Burg, for a denial of a side yard setback variance and from Phil's Body Shop, for a denial of an expansion of a non -conforming use. MOTION by Knutson to set a public hearing on Tuesday, October 20, 1987, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall to consider the appeal of Gerald Burg for a side yard setback variance. Second by Tucker. Ayes: Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Knutson to set a public hearing for Tuesday, October 20, 1987, to immediately follow the preceding hearing to consider the appeal received from Phil's Body Shop on the denial of an expansion of the body shop. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Tucker, Willard, Walsh, Knutson. Nays: 0. See Clerk's File 1987-24. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEET OCTOBER 69 1 Community Development Director Dean Johnson advised the city has received a request from the Karnicks on 160th Street, to combine three lots to allow them to construct a garage on one of the parcels. Johnson stated the Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommended approval. See Clerk's File 1987-24. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1987-77, A RESOLUTION APPROYTNG A COMBINATION OF PROPERTY BY METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION. Second by Tucker. Ayes: Willard, Walsh, Knutson, Tucker. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti requested Council's authorization to prepare a request for proposal to select a consulting firm to prepare a master storm sewer comprehensive plan for the western third of the city. Hefti cited several reasons for this request and estimated sending out the requests by December 31, 1987. See Clerk's File 1987-24. MOTION by Knutson to approve the city engineer's request to prepare a request for proposal for a master storm sewer comprehensive plan. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Walsh, Knutson, Tucker, Willard. Nays 0. Administrator/Clerk Stephan Jilk presented for review the 1988-1990 fire service contract between the city and the University of Rosemount for service to the university property lying in Rosemount and Empire township. The administrator reviewed the areas of the contract that were either revised or new to the proposed agreement. Council also agreed the contract should include a paragraph requesting the university to inform the city of their fire fighting equipment and procedures and a thirty day termination clause. Jilk stated he will incorporate these revisions and forward the agreement to the university for signature. See Clerk's File 1987-24. MOTION by Willard to accept the 1987 audit proposal from Boeckermann, Heinen & Mayer and to authorize this accounting firm to conduct the audit of city financial records and the preparation of the 1987 operating year finance statement. Second by Tucker. Ayes: Walsh, Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays: 0. Administrator/Clerk Stephan Jilk reviewed with Council his recent meetings with the business agent for the police union, Law Enforcement labor Services, and the union steward regarding salary adjustments for 1988 for union members of the police department. The administrator advised that he and the union have agreed to a four (4%) percent increase to the 1987 salary schedule and requested Council's approval of this increase. See Clerk's File 1987-24. MOTION by Knutson to approve the four (4%) percent increase to the 1987 salary schedule for the police union and to adopt the 1988 salary range schedule for the police union as presented by the administrator. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays: 0. Community Development Director Dean Johnson reviewed the proposed Cooperation Agreement between the Dakota County HRA and the City of Rosemount which would allow the HRA to purchase two housing units in the proposed condominium for older adults in downtown Rosemount. The HRA would rent the units to low and moderate income senior citizens. See Clerk's File 1987-24. ROSEMOUNT CIM PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEEIWU OCTOBER b, 1987 MOTION by Walsh to authorize the necessary signatures on the Cooperation Agreement between the Dakota County NRA and the City of Rosemount. Second by Willard. Ayes: Tucker, Willard, Walsh, Knutson. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to approve distribution of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for Carrollton 2nd Addition. Second by Tucker. Ayes: Willard, Walsh, Knutson, Tucker. Nays: 0. The administrator advised Dan McMenomy has successfully completed his probationary year for the fire department, and the members of the fire department approved a change from probationary to regular membership status. See Clerk's File 1987-24. MOTION by Willard to accept the membership change of Dan McMenomy from probationary to regular membership of the Rosemount Volunteer Fire Department. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Walsh, Knutson, Tucker, Willard. Nays: 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk advised he has had discussion with Ed Kranz, the city's representative on the Regional Transit Board, regarding the city's position of opting out of the metropolitan transit system. Jilk advised there will be a panel discussion presented by the Southwest Mobility Group on October 22, 1987, at 7:00 p.m. at Rosemount City Hall. Jilk added the panel is comprised of Ed Kranz and other system coordinators of communities who have opted out of the program and formed this group, and who are willing to share their experience on the opt out program, how they have established their own transit system and the problems/benefits they have experienced with that systema See Clerk's File 1987-24. Administrator Stephan Jilk requested Council's endorsement of designating Assistant Planner Mike Wozniak as the city's 1990 census coordinator and to approve his attendance at various workshops and conferences regarding the upcoming census year. See Clerk's File 1987-24. MOTION by Knutson to designate Mike Wozniak as the city staff representative for the 1990 census and to authorize his attendance at various workshops and training seminars. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays: 0. Administrator Jilk informed Council of the Dakota County Legislative Network meeting scheduled for October 8, 1987. The speaker will be Walter Rockenstein, Chair of the Metropolitan Aircraft South Abatement Council. Council reviewed the letter received from Karen Mogen, Mayor of Coates. Mayor Mogen advised that the City Council of Coates unanimously approved the agreement between the two cities for Rosemount to provide building inspector services. Mayor Mogen also relayed her Council's desire to support the efforts of Rosemount's building inspector and to increase their efforts in supporting the permit process and building code. See Clerk's File 1987-24. ROSEMOUNT CITLL PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEET OCTOBER 6, 1997 MOTION by Willard to adjourn. Second by Knutson. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Susan M. Johnson Council Secretary/Deputy Clerk Published this day of 1987, in Dakota County Tribune.