HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Personnel Recommendations: Receptionist, Engineering Technicial, Public Works Foreman, Parks Foreman, Workstations• • =ASW 6. i�7 Q 2875 -145TH ST. W. QSeI r! Uu 2 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 J ' R t 612-423-4411 Mrs TO: Mayor Knutson Councilmembers Napper Tucker Walsh Willard FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk DATE: October 15 1987 RE: Personnel Recommendations for October 20 Council Meeting Gentlemen: There are four staff positions which I would like to have you consider for establishing and filling at this time. Two of these positions will require the hiring of additional personnel and the other two will require realignment and reassignment of existing personnel. At our meeting of October 20, I would ask that these positions be considered separately so the recommendation on each stands on its own merit and that your concerns on each will not influence your feelings on the others. The additional costs to add the two new positions are budgeted for 1988, and I will comment further on costs for 1987 for the individual positions. 1. Parks Foreman Public Works Foreman: The following is a recommendation for these positions. (a) Vacate the position of maintenance supervisor. Retain the position on the personnel structure of the city. (b) Revise the position description for the Public Works Foreman to reflect that position's responsibility for certain personnel functions not now inherent to that position. Clarify, in the position description, that this position will be mainly responsible for the actions of the "public works enployees" doing "public works" duties. (c) Create a new position known as Parks Foreman for which the responsibility of supervision of personnel and equipment conducting maintenance of city park facilities would lie.Direction and daily supervision for this position would come from the parks and recreation director. Responsibility for completion of all tasks relating to the maintenance of parks and park facilities would then lie with the director of parks and recreation. (d) Place Don Brown in the position of Public Works Foreman. Personnel Recommendations . October 15, 1987 Page 2 (e) Place Rich Cook in the position of Parks Foreman. (f) Set salary levels for both of these foreman positions at a range of $28,000 to $33,000. Don Brown's base salary is now at $33,500 plus longevity and license pay. Recommend to allow Don to maintain his salary of $33,500. Rich Cook is presently at $31,075 plus longevity and license pay. Recommend moving Rich to $32,000 at May 15, 1988 and to $33,000 at November 15, 1988 upon successful completion of six month and twelve month probationary periods. (g) I would recommend that on December 31, 1988, license pay for both of these positions be dropped. These are stated requirements for the positions, and I don't feel it is proper to be paying these foremen extra for these licenses. For Don it would be a loss of $.15 per hour or $312/year, and for Rick it would be a loss of $.10 per hour or $208/year. For Rick, if he successfully completes his six month probation period, he would not experience any loss. Don would, as he is already at the top of the schedule. (h) Assign two regular maintenance persons to work for the Parks Foreman. Additional personnel may be necessary as needs are determined for park work. (i) It is felt that separating work forces to accomplish operational duties in parks and public works will better serve these specific areas. To do this, it is necessary to provide continued separate supervision; thus the establishment of a Parks Foreman. With this separation of duties, it is felt that it will be unnecessary to maintain a person in the maintenance supervisor position at this time. In the future, as growth determines, filling the maintenance supervisor position may be necessary. This may be in 1 year, 2 years or longer. The double layer of management at this level is not necessary, somewhat burdensome and seemingly inefficient. (j) Recommend that this action be approved and will go into effect November 15, 1987. (k) Action required would be to approve: -- Both new job descriptions for Parks Foreman and Public Works Foreman. -- The establishment of a Parks Foreman position per attached job description -- Set salary ranges for both positions at $28,000-$33,000 with no additional license pay for these positions effective December 31, 1988. -- Appoint Don Brown to the position of Public Works Foreman at his existing salary of $33,500 plus longevity and license pay. Personnel Recommendations October 15, 1987 Page 3 -- Appoint Rich Cook to position of Parks Foreman at his existing salary of $31,075 and license pay and longevity with increases to $32,000 at 6 month and $33,000 at 12 month successful probationary periods. - Action effective November 15, 1987. 2. Receptionist Position: Having a public works director/engineer who has the responsibility to maintain control over construction projects for development requires an immense amount of Rich Hefti's time. It also has a relationship to the amount of typing and clerical work required to be performed by his administrative assistant. This responsibility is supported by the "receptionist" position, now held, of course, by Cindy Dorniden. That position also takes care of the water/sewer billing process. With the increase in development projects and the additional water/sewer operational needs arising out of our growth, this position is being overburdened. We recommend that Cindy Dorniden be totally dedicated to the public works department as Rich Hefti's support person to provide the stenographic, clerical and billing services needed. Her salary would remain the same, barring general increases to employees, as it is in line with Donna Quintus as support persons We further recommend and request approval to advertise, interview and recommend the hiring of a Receptionist as described in the attached position description. The salary range for this position is recommended to be $6.50/hr. to $8.00/hr. The duties and responsibilities of this person are outlined in the position description. This position would report to Susan Johnson as Council Secretary/Deputy Clerk. The reason for this is that the position is simply an "administration" or "general support position and will, in times of need, provide typing support to Sue and other support positions. Someone needs to direct the work of this position and make decisions on what work will be done; thus Sue as "administrative support" person. We would like to proceed immediately to advertise for this position and attempt to bring a recommendation to you on it by the November 17 meeting with a starting date of December 7. The position is funded for 1988 in the budget as approved. One half of Cindy Dorniden's salary and benefit is now paid by utilities. With this change, all of her cost will come out of utilities. With a starting wage of $6.50 to $8.00 per hour for the new position of receptionist, there is really no increase on cost to the general fund because of Cindy's total cost being charged to utilities. Your action would be to approve the advertisement to fill the position as described in the Receptionist position description at a salary range of $6.50- $8.00/hr, and benefits. Personnel Recommendations October 15, 1987 Page 4 3. Field Technician: With the many projects that are ongoing and those already in planning stages which are strictly development oriented such as streets, sewer and water extensions; Rich Hefti's time is consumed, almost entirely by such projects as assessments, project coordination, easement agreements and working with planning and parks for plat approval, etc. Clarifying the role of the consultant engineer as to how and by whom decisions will be made on all projects will help Rich in this area. Assignment of Cindy Dorniden to full time status as Rich's support person will also help Rich dedicate more time in coordination of and setting direction to the operation of maintenance personnel. Taking steps to setup the split foreman positions will alleviate some of the day to day need for Rich to be available in those areas also. We have found though that to allow Rich to control, regulate and coordinate all of the construction projects and other city projects requiring some engineering expertise, it is necessary to have someone else inhouse with that ability to assist. We would therefore recommend the hiring of a Field Technician. This person would perform duties as outlined in the attached position description. There are many other tasks that could and should be completed inhouse which are not now able to be done, which a person with the capabilities outlined in the job description could complete. Because the majority of this person's time would be spent assisting in the engineering aspect of the projects for development, we would charge back, to the projects, appropriately for his time spent on them. We are estimating that up to 75% of his time would be spent on these projects. This would not add to the project costs substantially and would, we feel, provide a smoother project completion. Assistance in field work, inspection, developer meetings, assessment work and more could be done by this person. Assisting the planning and parks department in review of development proposals would also be part of this position. Conservatively we have budgeted for 50% of the cost for this position to the operating budget. We recommend a salary range of $22,000 to $24,000 for the position. We would ask for approval to proceed to advertise for this position to fill by January 1, 1988. 4. Workstations: It As part of the addition of two of the above personnel, moving Cindy and hiring a technician, it would be necessary to purchase additional workstations to extend our cubicles which now house Sue, Donna, Mike and our building inspector. Our recommendation is that we purchase the pieces necessary to add four additional workstations which would complete the open area and house the field technician and Cindy Dorniden. We also recommend moving Lisa Jost into one of the new stations and have one open for staff to use as needed. If we add two complete stations, completing the third and fourth will not add substantially to the cost; and it is felt that adding the necessary panels and countertops later for the third and fourth areas may actually be more expensive. Personnel Recommendations October 15, 1987 Page 5 We propose to move Lisa to get her a more reasonable work environment away from the "closeness" of her supervisor and the steady traffic past her area. Her present station would be used by interns and temporary help as needed. The estimated cost of these four stations is $10,000. Most of that is available in the 1987 budget with the remainder available in the 1988 budget for this purpose. We ask your approval to proceed with this purchase with approval to spend an amount not to exceed $10,000. Thank you for your consideration of these recommendations and again, please consider each on their own merits. I would be pleased to discuss any of these recommendations with you individually prior to the meeting. smj Attachments CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP POSITION TITLE: PUBLIC WORKS FOREMAN DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNTABLE TO: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER Primary Objective of Position This position is responsible for supervision of work crews in the Public Works areas of water distribution system, wastewater collection, street, and building & grounds maintenance,' along with equipment operation and training. Also to work with the Public Works Director in formulating goals and objectives for the Public Works Department. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Major Areas of Accountability A. Supervision Defines and clearly delegates work responsibilities to employees engaged in public works construction or maintenance operations and is responsible for obtaining effective, timely and efficient performance from subordinates in carrying out assigned tasks 1. Plan and schedule, on a weekly basis, and assign, on a daily basis, the overall work schedule to make the best possible use of manpower, materials, and equipment. 2. Provide supervision and technical assistance, including training, to utility, street, equipment, and building & grounds maintenance personnel. 3. Provides for on-the-job training for employees in the safe operation and use of specialized and heavy equipment and performance of routine maintenance tasks. 4. Evaluates on a continuing basis the effectiveness of assigned personnel and the results being achieved as a basis for training and guidance to achieve the desired level of work performance. S. Develops and maintains a level of discipline and working climate in which personnel are motivated to perform to the best of their abilities. a) Maintaining discipline may involve effectively recommending temporary suspension of employees and reviewing and adjusting grievances. 0 6. Provide input in matters relating to hiring, discharge, promotion, and other procedures elaborated in the City's personnel policy. 7. Demonstrates, by personal, example the desired standards of conduct and work performance for all personnel. B. Communicates City and Department policies to employees so that employees have a clear understanding of the policies and the reasons for them. 9. Maintains accurate employee records as directed. B. Maintenance I. Supervise a comprehensive maintenance program for City streets, parking lots, sidewalks, curbs, street and traffic signs, street lights, water distribution and storage systems, wastewater collection systems, and building and grounds so as to insure the highest and most cost-effective level of maintenance, within budgetary limits. 2. Participates, when needed, in functions performed by public works personnel in the areas of utility, street, equipment, and building & grounds maintenance. 3. Coordinates the maintenance of machinery and equipment so as to assure that it is in good repair and safe operating condition and maintains accurate maintenance and repair records. 4. Coordinates locations with utility companies (gas, electric, telephone, cable) for installation of street identification signs and traffic control signs, and for the repair, replacement, or installation of underground city utilities. S. Investigates citizen complaints regarding maintenance of city facilities (streets, utilities, and buildings grounds). 6. Implements snow and ice control operations using entire maintenance force, including parks maintenance personnel. 7. Assists in final inspection of new public utilities, streets, boulevards, streetlights, and signs and makes recommendation regarding acceptance. S. Estimates and requisitions supplies as needed and maintains accurate inventory. 9. Inform Public Works Director of significant maintenance problems. C. Special Project/Duties 1. Serve as assistant weed inspector, 2. Performs other duties and responsibilities as apparent or assigned by the Public Works Director. 3. Assists Park Foreman with personnel supervision when directed. Examples of Performance Criteria 1. Sound organizational and supervisory practices are being followed so that personnel are being used effectively. 2. Achieving planned objectives and priorities set in conjunction with Public Works Director. 3. Controlling operating costs within the limitations of the budget. 4. Maintaining a favorable climate and working relationship with the Public Works Department and management so that personnel are motivated to work to their potential in implementing various projects and services being provided to the public. 5. Projecting a positive and favorable public image to citizens in all phases of public works. Responsibilities for Work of Others 1. Direct supervision over Maintenance Level I, II, III's and temporary help within the Public Works Department. Desirable Qualifications 1. Graduate from a standard high school or equivalent. 2. Graduate of a vocational school in heavy equipment operation, construction and maintenance methods, equipment maintenance and related fields or experience equivalent. 3. Knowledge of and experience in street, building & grounds, storm and sanitary sewer collection systems, and water distribution system maintenance. 4. Knowledge of equipment operation, repair, and maintenance. S. Minimum five (5) years experience in the operation of equipment used in the maintenance and construction of public utilities and streets. 6. Minimum of two (2) years supervisory experience in the construction or municipal field. Minimum Requirements Applicant must now have or be willing to obtain a Class B Minnesota driver's license within probationary period. Must have or acquire within probationary period Class SC sewer and Class B water certificates as required by Minnesota Health Department and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Ability to perform strenuous physical labor and heavy manual tasks for extended periods of time when required. Ability to supervise workers performing varied maintenance activities and obtain effective results. Ability to understand and follow written and oral instructions. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, staff members, and the general public akill in the use of all tools, equipment and vehicles associated with the work. 0 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP POSITION TITLE: ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNTABLE TO: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Primary Objective of Position This position is responsible for providing technical assistance in the areas of engineering, surveying, construction and maintenance of the City's infastructure for streets and utilities. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Major Areas of Accountability A. Maintenance 1. Assist with maintaining infastructure inventories and records. 2. Provide technical assistance for in-house projects. B. Engineering 1. Implement comprehensive engineering program for the extension of new or replacement of old City infastructure that will best serve the City's current and future needs. a) Implement enforcement of engineering and construction of City's infastructure to City standards. b) Review and recommend for approval plans and specs for public improvements, grading plans, development plans, site plans, etc. c) Design and draft plans and prepare specifications for City Public Improvements Projects. d) Provide construction inspection, staking and contract documentation for City projects. Page 1 2. Maintain maps and files to keep them current. a) Base maps, infastructure maps, section maps, park maps, etc. b) Record plan files, easement files, permit files, etc. 3. Provide technical assistance to other departments. 4. Obtain traffic counts and prepare summarized results. C Equipment 1. Operate and maintain survey and drafting equipment. D. Inspections/Safety 1. Assist with implementing inspection schedules of City's infastructure and maintain records. E. Public Relations 1. Responds to service requests and complaints of citizens in a pleasant and tactful manner and resolves problems in a manner which maintains respect for City government. 2. Represents the City in contacts with the public as well as with other employees, other City officials and outside units of government in a manner which will command respect. F. Special Protects/Duties; I. Keeps City Engineer informed of all matters of major importance as they relate to the engineering division of the Public Works Department. 2. Performs other duties, assumes other responsibilities as apparent or as delegated. Examples of Performance Criteria 1.. Demonstrates ability to perform drafting tasks in a timely, efficient and neat manner. 2. Demonstrates ability to perform engineering design tasks in a timely, efficient and accurate manner. 3. Demonstrates ability to perform field surveying in a Page 2 AWU timely, efficient and accurate manner. 4. Demonstrates ability to perform construction inspection and documentation logically and accurately. S. Projecting a positiveandfavorable image of the Public Works Department to citizens. 6. Demonstrates ability to effectively structure his time and works tasks. Responsibility for Work of Others 1. None regularly assigned. 2. May provide on-the-job direction to temporary employees as required in certain job related situations. Desirable Qualifications 1. Graduate from a 2 year vocational or technical school accredited program as a civil engineering technician. 2. Knowledge of and experience in design, field surveying and staking, inspection of public streets, wastewater collection and water distribution system, etc. 3. Working knowledge of personal computers and typical software applications, database, spreadsheet and word processing. 4. Minimum 5 years experience as engineering technician with 2 years experience with municipal city. Minimum Requirements 1. Must now have or be willing to obtain a Class G Minnesota Drivers License within probationary period. 2. Ability to understand and follow written and oral instructions. 3. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, staff members, and the general public. 4. Skill in the use of all survey and drafting instruments, tools and equipment associated with the work. Page 3 'CITY OR ROS MOM Ah POSITION RESPONSIB i+1Rl M- - UP POSITION TITEZ: Foreman of Parks DIMAR7MW: Parks and Recreation AC ODUNMW E TO: Public Works Director PRIMARY GB7BCiT& OF POSITION This position is responsible for field supervision of work crews in parks maintenance as Directed by the Parks and Recreation Director. 'Phis would be in the areas of ground maintenance, forestry, turf management, building maintenance, equipment operation and training, safety training, and other work being coordinated with other city departments. Work with Director of Parks to formulate goals and objectives for department MiUM AREAS OF ACCX7UrTM]:LI'1'Y I. Manac�enent Supervisor A. Assign and supervise work crews engaged in parks construction and maintenance operations and participate on certain job assignments to obtain timely and efficient completion of tasks in the coordination of work performance from subordinates. B. Provide supervision and technical assistance, including training, to all parks employees and others assigned to work in park maintenance. C. Coordinate locations with utility companies (gast electric, telephone, cable) for installation of lighting, irrigation systems, etc. in park areas. D. Investigate citizen complaints regarding maintenance of park facilities E. Assist in final inspection of new utilities, building, etc. in parks and give input as to recommendations for acceptance of projects. F. Inform Director of Parks of park maintenance problems G. Inspect jabs during completion as well as after completion. H. Give input to Director of Parks for design of new parks and alterations of existing facilities. I. Conduct periodic personnel evaluation in written form for employee's files. Make recommendations for promotions, transfers, and hiring of employees in park maintenance. J. Maintain accurate employee records relating to item I. Record work completed relating to type, facility, number of staff used, and time required. K. Assist as directed in supervision of maintenance crews within the Public Works Department as directed by Director of Parks. II. BLUIPMENr & Sti A. Coordinate the maintenance of park equipment so as to assure it is in good repair and safe operating condition. Keep precise records of repairs and condition of each item. B. Inventory equipment and supplies and keep accurate records. Purchase or make recommendations for purchases of required items for the Parks Department. C. Train park maintenance personnel on equipment use with respect to the technical aspects as well as safety policies that should be followed. III. CXUtDI1VA MM HMMEM & WIM OMM DEPARDUM A. Assist the Public Works Department with snow removal during initial removal operation until such time that major roads are open. Assist Public Works Department with dam town snow removal. (Then assign park maintenance personnel to normal job assignments), B. Assist Public Works Department in clean up operations following heavy snow falls, heavy rains, high winds, etc. that have caused great damage until initial damage is taken care of. (Then assign park maintenance personnel to normal job assignments), C. Assist with work in other departments as assigned by the Director of Parks. In absence of the Director of Parks follow assignments as issued by the Director of Public Works. IV. SPSCIAL PRQ7FJ= & DUTIES A. Perform other duties and functions as assigned by the Director of Parks or the Director of Public Works. B. Perform other duties that become apparent in the normal operations of the parks department or city. DESIRED SKILtS & EXPERIENCE IIDUCAT]C7N 1. College graduate, or graduate of a vocational school, with a degree in forestry or turf management. 2. Three (3) to five (5) years of personnel management 3. Five (5) or more years forestry and/or turf management work 4. Good mechanical ability with skills also in masonry, carpentiry, and utilities. MINI" QUALSETCti MM 1. High school degree 2. Must have Mn. Class B drivers license 3. Ability to maintain accurate records (personnel, equipment, etc.) 4. Ability to skilfully operate all equipment used in park work 5. Three (3) to five (5) years directing staff 6. Possess proven leadership arrd management skills 7. Ability to comm nicate well in both written and oral form to both give and follow instructions in these forms 8. Ability to plan, organize, and carry out work assignments personally as well as with the use of staff. 9. Ability to understand arra implement the "cooperative effort" of city departments 10. Course work om pleted - or to be completed in landscaping, turf management, forestry, and personnel management. Willingness to attend seminars, training, schooling, etc. to upgrade skills and to maintain ability to lead staff. (must be done as part of the job as well as on personal time. 11. Ability to perform strenuous physical labor and heavy manual tasks for extended periods to time when required. 12. Ability to establish and maintain positive and effective relationships with employees, staff members, and the general public, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �4V POSITION RESPASIBILITY ►RITE -UP Date: October 1987 Position Title SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST Department ADMINISTRATION Accountable To COUNCIL SECRETARY/DEPUTY CLERK Primary Objective of Position To serve as receptionist for city offices and provide lead role in operation of city telephone switchboard. Major Areas of Responsibility 1. Telephone Switchboard Operates main telephone switchboard to direct telephone calls to city staff according to city policy procedures and in a manner which represents a courteous tactful and patient approach to dealing with the public and city personnel. 2. Receptionist Acts as primary receptionist for city hall and responds to the general public in directing persons to the proper department to insure the public's needs are met. Provides information to general questions and concerns when able to and directs persons to other city staff when necessary. Completes these receptionist duties in a courteous tasteful and patient manner when dealing with the public. 3. Wiping/Transcribing Types various reports and correspondence for Council Secretary/Deputy Clerk and other departments as directed by Council Secretary/Deputy Clerk. These reports and correspondence can be from transcribing machine and/or handwriting. This typing will be completed on standard typewriters and/or word processing equipment. 4. General Clerical Completes the general clerical duties necessary to provide general clerical assistance to other departments as assigned by the Council Secretary/Deputy Clerk. A CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP POSITION TITLE: ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNTABLE TO: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Primary Objective of Position This position is responsible for providing technical assistance in the areas of engineering, surveying, construction and maintenance of the City's infastructure for streets and utilities. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Major Areas of Accountability A. Maintenance 1. Assist with maintaining infastructure inventories and records. 2. Provide technical assistance for in-house projects. B. Engineering 1. Implement comprehensive engineering program for the extension of new or replacement of old City infastructure that will best serve the City's current and future needs. a) Implement enforcement of engineering and construction of City's infastructure to City standards. b) Review and recommend for approval plans and specs for public improvements, grading plans, development plans, site plans, etc. c) Design and draft plans and prepare specifications for City Public Improvements Projects. d) Provide construction inspection, staking and contract documentation for City projects. Page 1 2. Maintain maps and files to keep them current. a) Base maps, infastructure maps, section maps, park maps, etc. b) Record plan files, easement files, permit files, etc. 3. Provide technical assistance to other departments. 4. Obtain traffic counts and prepare summarized results. C Equipment 1. Operate and maintain survey and drafting equipment. D. Inspections/Safety 1. Assist with implementing inspection schedules of City's infastructure and maintain records. E. Public Relations 1. Responds to service requests and complaints of citizens in a pleasant and tactful manner and resolves problems in a manner which maintains respect for City government. 2. Represents the City in contacts with the public as well as with other employees, other City officials and outside units of government in a manner which will command respect. F. Special Projects/Duties 1. Keeps City Engineer informed of all matters of major importance as they relate to the engineering division of the Public Works Department. 2. Performs other duties, assumes other responsibilities as apparent or as delegated. Examples of Performance Criteria 1. Demonstrates ability to perform drafting tasks in a timely, efficient and neat manner. 2. Demonstrates ability to perform engineering design tasks in a timely, efficient and accurate manner. 3. Demonstrates ability to perform field surveying in a Page 2 timely, efficient and accurate manner. 4. Demonstrates ability to perform construction inspection and documentation logically and accurately. 5. Projecting a positive and favorable image of the Public Works Department to citizens. 6. Demonstrates ability to effectively structure his time and works tasks. Responsibility for Work of Others 1. None regularly assigned. 2. May provide on-the-job direction to temporary employees as required in certain job related situations. Desirable Qualifications 1. Graduate from a 2 year vocational or technical school accredited program as a civil engineering technician. 2. Knowledge of and experience in design, field surveying and staking, inspection of public streets, wastewater collection and water distribution system, etc. 3. Working knowledge of personal computers and typical software applications, database, spreadsheet and word processing. 4. Minimum 5 years experience as engineering technician with 2 years experience with municipal city. Minimum Requirements 1. Must now have or be willing to obtain a Class C Minnesota Drivers License within probationary period. 2. Ability to understand and follow written and oral instructions. 3. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, staff members, and the general public. 4. Skill in the use of all survey and drafting instruments, tools and equipment associated with the work. Page 3