HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.d. Grey Cloud Island Township - Vento Bill HR2530IU JAIAI.-GREY CLOUD ISLAND TOWNSHIP -� ! l 0 51987 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON q= ISTATE OF MINNESOTA COPIED TO, COPIED September 25, 1987 A&'snis#ramr R 11ding Qcph Mayor Leland Knutson ( Ar -c. City of Rosemount'• P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Re: H R 2 5 3 0 Tri surer Vento Bill to Nationalize Mississippi River in Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan Area Dear Mayor Knutson: Enclosed is a copy of the Resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Grey Cloud Island Township, Washington County, Minnesota, urging the members of Congress to oppose the Vento Bill, HR2530, which proposes to nationalize the Mississippi River through our area. We are enclosing a copy of the Bill from the Congressional Record' in the event that you have not received a copy. Perhaps your governmental unit might consider similar action if you share our concerns. A mailing list of the affected governmental units in our area is enclosed for your convenience, along with a list of the members of Congress. The mailing address for all Senators is United States Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510, and the mailing address of all House members is United States House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20215. Please contact us if you have any questions, or desire any assistance or participation. Sincerely, Carroll J. O' oyle, erk 612/459-2861 Loretta Stone, Chair - 612/298-2518 tt. Gordon Nesvig, Supervisor 612/339-6500 Lee Edwards, Supervisor - 612/228-2620 /gmd Enclosures Box 4. ST. PAUL PARK, MINNESOTA 5555071 1 x Al;ay 27,-1987 CONGROONAL RECORD — Extensions of Rent* E 2075 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS VENTO INTRODUCES LEGISLA- TION TO ESTABLISH TIIE MIS- SISSIPPI NATIONAL RIVER AND RECREATION AREA HON. BRUCE F. VENTO OF MINNESOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, Alay 27, 1987 Mr. VENTO. Mr. Speaker, 1 am pleased to reintroduce today major legislation to desig- nate the 80 -mile segment of the Mississippi River through the St. PaulWinneapolis metro- politan area as the "Mississippi National River and Recreation Area." This legislation was originally introduced late in the 99th Congress. Since that time t have been pleased with the input 1 have re- ceived from public officials and private individ- uals concerned with the care and utilization of this magnificent river resource. The Mississippi as it flows through the Twin Cities metropolitan area is truly a national asset, containing a diversity of resources found in no other stretch of this great river. The river itself undergoes a transformation in its passage through the Twin Cities area— going from a wild and shallow river to channel cutting through a deep scenic gorge before breatting out into a broad floodplain over- looked by magnificent bluffs. It eras because of the diversity of natural re- sources that man was drawn here. Former Indian sites abound along the river, and when whites entered the area they drew upon the river's natural features to establish the major miltiary post of the upper Midwest, Fort Snell- ing, along the Mississippi's bluffs. The river further spurred the economic life of the area, an important role it still plays today. At St. Anthony Falls in Minneapolis, the only significant waterfall along the entire Mis- sissippi, commerce boomed through the de- velopment of sawmills and flour mills and the operation of the first hydroelectric dam on the Mississippi. As with the river's early history, the Twin Cities today still serve as the termi- nus for commercial navigation on the upper Mississippi. The unique historic, cultural, recreational, economic and other values of the river through the seven -county metropolitan river corridor make the Mississippi a special nation- al resource. However, the value of this re- source is, unfortunately, not being fully real- ized. The preservation and utilization of the river i3 impeded by the lack of a coordinated plan for the rivers management. A large number of Federal, State, and local agencies have jurisdiction over various aspects of the river, with the result that there are conflicting and overlapping policies in the land and water management of this magnificent resource. The legislation 1 am introducing today rec- ognizes the national significance and interest in the river. It builds upon that to develop a framework that draws upon the ideas and ex- pertise at the Federal, State, and local levels. The effective care and management of this river segment needs to be a cooperative effort. For too long, Federal, State, and local plans and policies have run in different direc- bons—the result of this being that the river environment has suffered. Following a National Park Service recon- naissance study in 1980 which I requested, 1 offered legislative language that became law, creating the Metropolitan River Corridor Study Committee. The committee's report submitted to Congress in 1986 has provided further im- petus for the need for a comprehensive effort to address the Mississippi River's future man- agement and use. The legislation i am introducing also con- tains provisions autharizing Federal participa- tion in a Tri -Rivers Board, which will provide a forum for consultation and cooperation in the management of the Mississippi, St. Croix, and Minnesota Rivers within the Twin Cities metro- politan area. By working with State and local governments, we can significantly improve the management of these rivers. The recent public and private efforts to en- hance the river are evidence of the emer- gence of a community consensus that recog- nizes what an outstanding physical feature the Mississippi River is, its important role in the development of the region, as well as the im- portant role it continues to play today in the recreation and economic life of the communi- ty. believe my legislation can build upon this recognition to define the appropriate national role and implement a cooperative plan that recognizes the valued historical, cultural, natu- ral, recreational and economic resources which the Mississippi has to offer. The text of the bill follows: H.R. — Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America fn Congress assembled, SECT ION 1. FINDiNG.9 AND PURPOSES. (A) Fmriinas.-The Congress finds that: (1) The Mississippi River Corridor within the St. Patel -Minneapolis Metropolitan Area represents a nationally significant histori- cal, recreational, scenic, cultural, natural, and scientific resource. (2) There is a national interest in the pres- ervation, protection and enhancement of these resources for the benefit of the people of the United States. (3) State and local planning efforts along the River Corridor provide a unique founda- tion for coordinating Federal. State, and local planning and management processes. (9) Existing Federal agency programs lack sufficient coordination with State and local planning and regulatory authorities to pro- vide for adequate and comprehensive re- source management and economic develop- ment consistent with the protection of the Mississippi River Corridor's nationally sig- nificant resources, and the public use and enjoyment of the area. (5) The preservation, enhancement, enjoy- ment, and utilization of the nationally sig- nificant resources of the Mississippi River Corridor can be accomplished by a coopera- tive Federal. State and local comprehensive planning and management effort. (b) PvnPOSEs.—The purposes of this Act are: (1) To protect. preserve and enhance the significant values of the waters and land of the Mississippi River Corridor within the St. Paul -Minneapolis Metropolitan Area. (2) To encourage adequate coordination of all governmental programs affecting the land and water resources of the Mississippi River Corridor. (3) To provide management framework to assist the State of Minnesota and its units of local government in the development and Implementation of the Integrated resource management programs for the Mississippi River Corridor in order to assure orderly public and private development In the area consistent with the findings of this Act. SEC. 2. ESTARIASHdIENT OF NATIONAL RIVF1t AND RECREATION AREA. (a) ESTABLISIIMENT.—There is hereby es- tablished the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (hereinafter in this Act re- ferred to as the "Area") which shall consist of that portion of the Mississippi River and adjacent lands generally within the St. Paul -Minneapolis Metropolitan Area, as de- pleted on the map entitled Mississippi Na- tional River and Recreation Area numbered MI-NRA/80,000 and dated April 1987. The map shall be on file and available for public inspection in the offices of the Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C., anti in the offices of the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cit.les Area In St. Paul, Minnesota. (b) DOURDARms.—The Secretary of the In- terior (hereafter referred to as the "Secre- tary") shall publish in the Federal Register, as soon as practicable after the date of en- actment of this Act a detailed description and map of the boundaries established under subsection (a). SEC. :1. M1SSf5ti11111t RIVER COORDINATING COM- MISSION. (a) ESTABLISHMENT. -There is hereby es- tablished a Mississippi River Coordinating Commission whose purpose shall be to assist Federal, State, and local authorities In the development and implementation of an inte- grated resource management plan for those lands and waters as specified in section 2. The Commission shall consist of the follow- ing 18 members appointed by the Secretary of the Interior: (1) The Director of the National Park Service, or his designee. (2) The Chief of the Corps of Engineers, or his designee. (3) The Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service, or his designee. (9) 3 individuals, nominated by the Gover- nor of Minnesota, to represent the interests of the State of Minnesota. (5) 1 individual, nominated by the Gover- nor of Wisconsin to represent the Interests of the State of Wisconsin, (6) 1 individual. to represent the Metro- politan Council of the Twin Cities Area. (7) 2 individuals, to represent the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. (8) 2 Individuals. nominated by the Gover- nor of Minnesota. to represent the interests of the other affected municipalities and counties. (9) 1 individual, to represent the Metro- politan Parks and Open Spaces Commission. ® This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Metter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E 20 G CONGIT0iONAL I1 ECORD — Ext(')),imn of Rel Irks Alay 17, 1987 ( l0) I ioditidual, nominated by the Gover- nor of Minnesota, to represent the interests of commercial navigation. (11) 4 individual;;, nominated by the Gov- ernor of Minnesota, to be chosen from the general public. (n) TERMs.---(i) Except, as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), metubers (other than ex officio members) shall be appointed for terms of 3 years. (2) Of the members first appointed— (A) Under paragraph (4) of subsection (a): (i) I shall be appointed for a term of i yea r. (ii) 1 shall be appointed for a term of 2 years. (13) Under paragraphs (7) and (8) of sub- section (a), one shall be appointed for a term of i year. (C) tinder paragraph (11) of subsection (a): (f) 1 shall be appointed for a term of 1 year. (ii) 1 shall be appointed for a term of 2 years. (iii) 1 shall be appointed for a term of 4 s ears. (3) Any member appointed to fill a vacan- cy occurring before the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appoint- ed shall be appointed only for the remain- der of such term. A member may serve after the expiration of his term until his succes- sor his taken office. (C) COMPENSATION.—Members of the Com- mission shall serve without pay. While away from their homes or regular places of busi- ness in the performance of services for the Commission, members of the Commission ::hall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, in the same manner as persons employed intermittently In Government service are allowed expenses under section 5703 of title 5 of the United States Code, (d) CIIA:RPEnsom.-The Chairperson of the Commission shall be appointed by the Sec rotary front among the members of the Commission to serve for a term of 3 years. (e) QuoRttM.-7 members of the Commis- sion shall constitutes quorum. (f) MErrINGS.—The Commission shall meet at the call of the Chairman or a ma- jority of its members. (g) DEVELOPMENT OF POLICIES AND PRO- GxAMs.—As a coordinator and advisory orga- nization, the Commission shall assist time Secretary, the State of Minnesota and local units of government. utilizing existing site plans, in developing the following: (1) Policies and programs for tine preserva- tion and enhancement of the environmental values of the Area. (2) Policies and programs for enhanced public outdoor recreation opportunities in the Area. (3) Policies and programs for the conser- vation and protection of the scenic, histori- cal, cultural, nutural and scientific values of the Area. (4) Policies and programs for the commer- cial utilization of the Area and its related natural resources, consistent with the pro- tection of the values for which the Area is established as tile Mississippi National River and Recreational Area. (h) STAFF.—The Secretary shall provide the Commission with such staff and techni- cal assistance as the Secretary, after consul- tation with the Commission, considers ap- propriate to enable ttie Commission to carry out its duties. Upon request of the Secre- tary, any Federal agency may provide infor- mation, personnel, property, and services on a reimbursable basis, to the Commission to assist. in carrying out its duties under tills Act. The Secretary may accept the services of personnel detailed from the State of Min- nesota or any political subdivision of the Slate and may reimburse the State or such political subdivision for such services. (f) PLAN.—Within 3 years after enactment of this Act, the Commission ,hail submit to the Secretary and the Governor of Minneso- ta a comprehensive plan for land and coater use measures for the area to be developed and implemented by the responsible Federal agencies, the State of Minnesota, and local political subdivisions. The plan shall utilize existing site pians but shall coordinate those pians to present a unified comprehen- sive plan for the Area. The plait shall in- clude but not be limited to each of the fol- lowing: (1) A program for management of exising and future land and water use. (2) A program providing for coordinated Implementation and administration of the plan with proposed assignment of responsi- bilities to tate appropriate governmental unit at the Federal, State, regional and local levels. (3) A coordination and consistency compo- nent which details the ways in which local, State and Federal programs and policies may best be coordinated to promote the purpose of this Act. (4) A program for the consolidation of permits that may be required by Federal, Stats, and local agencies having jurisdiction over land and waters within the Area. (j) DEVELOPMENT OF PLAN.— (1) In developing the plan the Commission shall consult on a regular basis with appro- priate officials of any local government, or Federal or State agency which has jurisdic- tion over lands and waters within the Area. (2) In developing the plan the Commission shall consult with interested conservation, business, professional and citizen' orga.ntza tions. (3) In developing the plan the Commission shall conduct public hearings within the Area, and at such other places as may be ap- propriate, for the purposes of providing in- terested persons with the opportunity to testify with respect to matters to be ad- dressed by the plan. (k) APPROVAL OF PLay.—Thc Commissions plan shall be submitted to the Secretary and the Governor of Minnesota, for their review. The Secretary shall act on the plan within 90 days. In determining whether to approve or disapprove the plan, the Secre- tary shall consider any comments submitted by the Governor. In reviewing the pian the Secretary shall also consider each of the fol- lowing: (1) The adequacy of public participation. (2) Assurances of plan Implementation from State and local officials, (3) The adequacy of regulatory and finan- cial tools are In place to implement the plan. (4) Plan provisions for continuing over- sight of the plan implementation by the Secretary and the Governor of Minnesota. If the Secretary disapproves the plan, he shall, within 60 days after the date of such disapproval advise the Commission in writ- ing of the reasons therefor, together with his recommendations for revision. The Com- mission shall within 90 days of receipt of such notice of disapproval revise and resub- mit tyle plan to the Secretary who shall ap- prove or disapprove a proposed revision within 60 days after the date it is submitted to him. (1) INTERIM PROGRAM.—Prior to the adop- tion of the Commission's plait, the Secre- tary shall monitor all land and water use ac- tivities within the Area to ensure that said activities are fn keeping with the purposes of this Act, and shall consult and cooperate with lite Stats of Minnesota and its political subdivisions to minimize adverse impacts oil the values for which the Area is established. (in) COMMISSION REvn;w.--The Comunls- sion shall assist the Secretary and the Gov- ernor of Minnesota in reviewing and inoul- toring the implementation of the plan by Federal, State, and focal governmental agencies having jurisdiction in lite Area. The Commission may, after providing, for public comment and subject to the Secre- tary's approval, as set forth in subsection (j), modify said plan, if the Commission de- termines that such modification is necessary to further rte purposes of this Act. (it) TERMINATION OF COMMISSION.—The Commission shall terminate on the date 10 years after the enactment of this Act. SFC.4. FF DF RAI. LANDS AND nF t'F;t.OP51F;NT5. (a) LANDs.-Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any Federal property locat- ed within the boundaries of the Area as Identified on the map referred to in section 2, Is hereby transferred without consider- ation to the administrative jurisdiction of the Secretary for use by him in implement- ing the purposes of this Act, except as fol- , lows: (1) 1" acilit.ios and lands administered by the Secretary of the Army through the Corps of Engineers for navigational pur- poses may continue to be used by the Secre- tary of 'tie Army subject to the provisions of subsection (b), (2) Federal property on which there is lo- cated any building or other Structure which Is in use (as of the enartment of this Act) shall not be transferred under this subsec- tion without the concurrence of the admin- istering agency. (b) FEDERAL AoENCY ACTIVITIFS.— (1) IN GF,NERAI..--Before any department., agency, or instrumentality of the United States issues or approves any license or permit for any facility or undertaking within the Area and before any such depart- ment, agency or Instrumentality commences any undertaking or provides any Federal as- sistance to the State or any local govern- mental jurisdiction for any undertaking within the Area, the department, agency, or instrumentality shall notify the Secretary. The Secretary shall review the proposed fa- cility or undertaking to assess its compat- ibility with the plan approved under section 3. The Secretary shall make a determina- tion with respect to the compatibility or in- compatibility of a proposed facility or un- dertaking within 60 days of receiving notice under this subsection. Unless the Secretary determines that the proposed facility or un- dertaking Is compatible with the plan, or that such proposed facility or undertaking is essential for the protection of public health or safety or t5 necessary for national security or defense, no license or permit may be Issued by a department, agency, or Instrumentality of the United States for the facility or undertaking and no such depart- ment., agency, or Instrumentality may com- mence the undertaking or provide Federal assistance for such undertaking. (2) WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENTS.—The authority of the Secretary of the Army, through the Corps of Engineers, to under- take or contribute to water resources devel- opments, including shore erosion control and navigation Improvements on lands and waters within the Area shall be exercised in accordance with plans that are mutually ac- ceptable to the Secretary and the Secretary of the Army. Such authority shall be exer- cised in a manner consistent with the pur- poses of this Art and the purposes of exist. Ing statutes dealing with water and related resources development. May 27, 1987 %6C. S. ADIIINISTRATION. CONGRAONAL RECORD — Lvensions of Reni irks (a) AUTHORITIEs.—The Secretary shall ad- minister the Area in accordance with this Act, and in accordance with the provisions Of law generally applicable to units of the national park system. In the case of any conflict between the provisions of this Act and such generally applicable provisions of law, the provisions of this Act shall govern. (b) SLATE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES.—In ad- ministering the Area, tile Secretary shall consult and cooperate with the State of Minnesota and Its political subdivisions con- cerning Lite development and management of Federal lands within the Area. (c) LAND AcQUISITIoN. Within the bound- aries of the Area, the Secretary is author- ized, in consultation with the State of Min- nesota and the affected local governmental unit, to acquire land and interests therein by donation, purchase with donated or ap- propriated funds, exchange or transfer, except is provided in paragraphs (1) and (2). (1) Any lands or Interests therein owned by the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof may be acquired only by donation. (2) Privately owned lands or interests therein may be acquired only with the con- sent of the owner thereof unless the Secre- tary makes a determination pursuant to subsection (d)(2). (d) REVIEW OF LOCAL PLANS.— (1) AUTHORITY.—For the purpose Of pro- tecting the integrity of the Area the Secre- tary shall review all relevant local plans, laws and ordinances to determine whether they substantially conform to the plan ap- proved pursuant to section 3. Additionally the Secretary shall determine the adequacy of enforcement of such plans, laws, and or- dinances, including review of building per- mits and zoning variances granted by local governments, and amendments to local laws and ordinances. (2) PURPOSE.—The purpose of review under paragraph (1) shall be to determine the degree to which actions by local govern- ments are compatible with the purposes of this Act. Following the approval of the plan under section 3 and after a reasonable period of time has elapsed, upon a finding by the Secretary that such plans, laws and ordinances are nonexistent, are otherwise not in conformance with the plan or are not being enforced in such manner as will carry out the purposes of this Act (as determined by the Secretary), and if the Secretary de- termines that there is no feasible alterna- tive available to prevent uses which would be substantially incompatible with the plan, the Secretary may exercise the authority available to him under the provisions of paragraph (3). (3) ACQUISITION.—In those sections of the Area where local plans, laws and ordinances, or amendments thereto or variances there. from are found by the Secretary not to be in conformance with the plan approved pursu- ant to section 3, or are not being enforced in such manner as will carry out the purposes of this Act (as determined by the Secre- tary), the Secretary shall notify the local government authority concerned. Unless, within 00 days after the date of such notice, the plan, law, or ordinance, amendment, or variance is modified to conform with the plan or enforced in such manner as will carry out the purposes of this Act (as deter. inined by the Secretary), the Secretary may acquire land or interests in land without the consent of the owner thereof. Land and in- terests in land acquired pursuant to this subsection shall be restricted to the geo- graphical area of the local g(ivernutental unit hailing to conform with the plan and shall be limited to those lands clearly and directly required. In the judgment of the Secretary, for the protection of the Area in a manner compatible with the plan. (e) USE AND OCCUPANCY or ACQUIRED IM- PROVED PROPERTY.—(1) The Secretary may permit the owner or owners of any im- proved residential property acquired by the Secretary under this Act to retain a right of use and occupancy of the property for non- commercial residential uses not Incompati- ble with the plan approved under to section 3. Except as provided in this subsection, such rights shall before a definite term ending not more than 25 years from the date of acquisition or a term ending at the death of the owner. The owner shall elect the term to be reserved, except that if the owner is a corporation, trust, partnership or any entity other than an individual, the term shall not exceed 25 years. Unless the property is wholly or partially donated, the Secretary shall pay to the owner reserving a right of use and occupancy under this sec- tion the fair market value of the property on the date of its acquisition, less the fair market value on that date of the right re- tained by the owner. (2) The Secretary may terminate at any time a right retained pursuant to this sub- section if it is being exercised in a manner Incompatible with the plan approved pursu- ant to section 3. (3) As used in this subsection—the term "improved residential property" means a single-family dwelling, the construction of which began before January 1, 1937, togeth- er with such land on which the dwelling and appurtenant buildings are located as is in the same ownership as such dwelling and as the Secretary designates is reasonably nec- essary for the owner's continued use and oc- cupancy of the dwelling. SEC. 6. STATE AND LOCAL ASSISTANCE AND JURIS- DICTION. (a) GRANTS.—Upon approval of ttte plan under section 3, the Secretary is authorized to make grants to the State of Minnesota, or its political subdivisions, for tl)e acquisi- tion within the Area of lands and waters or Interests therein in a manner consistent with the purposes of this Act. (b) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.—The Secre- tary is authorized and directed to enter Into cooperative agreements with the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof pursuant to which he may assist In the planning for and interpretation of non - Federal publicly owned lands within the At -ea. (c) TEcIINICAL AssISTANcF. -To enable the State of Minnesota and Its political subdivi- sions to develop and implement programs compatible with the plan, the Secretary shall provide such technical assistance to the State and Its political subdivisions Its he deems appropriate. (d) STATE AND LOCAL JURISDICTION.—Noth- ing in this Act shall diminish. enlarge, or modify any right of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof, to exer- cise civil and criminal jurisdiction within the Area, or to tax persons, corporations, franchises, or private property on the lands and waters included in the Area. SEC. 7. Atg1IORi'LATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated such sutras as may be necessary to carry out this Act. TITLE II—TRI-RIVERS MANAGEMENT SEC. 261. TRI -RIVERS MANA(:t MENT HOARD. (a) FEDERAL REPRESENTATivEs.—In further- ance of the inti grated management of those portions of the Mississippi, St. Croix, and Mhuiesota Rivers within the St. Paut•Min- neapolis Metropolitan Area, the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the Army are authorized and directed to ap- E 20?7 point representatives to a Tri -Rivers Man- agement Board (hereafter referred to as the "Board"), or any similar organization, which may be established by the State of MInneso- ta to assist in the development and imple- mentation of consistent and coordinated land use planning and management policy for such portions of such rivers. (b) PERSONNEL.—Upon request of the Board, the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the Army may detail, on a re- imbursable basis, any personnel to the Board. (c) AUTHORIZATION of APPROPRIATIONS.— There Is hereby authorized to carry out the purposes of this section the sum of $100,000 annually; except that the Federal contribu- tion to the Board shall not exceed one-third of the annual operating costs of the Board. TIIE MARYLAND PHYSICAL FITNESS COMMISSION HON. ROY DYSON OF MARYLAND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, May 27, 1987 Mr. DYSON. Mr. Speaker, 1 rise today to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Maryland Physical Fitness Commission. Since its establishment in 1861, the commission has performed an invaluable service to the Mary- land community. The commission was established in order to fulfill the goals of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Maryland was the first to form a State commission on physi- cal fitness. The commission originally consist- ed of 25 board members and a chairman. The first chairman was Harry D. Kaufman, who presided over the commission until 1978, when my distinguished colleague, the Honora- ble BEVERLY B. BYRON, replaced him. The goals of the Maryland Commission remain the same: working cooperatively with the Mary- land Department of Education toward the pro- motion of physical fitness for all Maryland citi- zens. While the commission's primary focus is on school children, adults also benefit from commission programs. Finally, the Maryland Commission on Physical Fitness works coop- eratively with various private groups in the promotion of physical exercise programs. Throughout the years, the commission has created a variety of different programs to help Marylanders of all ages to get in shape. The commission established the "Five Points Pro- gram, which established minimum exercise standards for all physical education programs in county schools. The Maryland Commission also converted old railroad right-of-ways into new hiking and biking traits. In 1967 the "Active People Over 60" program was initiat- ed, encouraging elderiy citizens to join in a physical exercise program especially designed to keep them fit. Mr. Speaker, in these and innumerable other ways, the Maryland Physical Fitness Commission has enriched the physical health and well being of all Marylanders. For this reason, Mr. Speaker, on this occasion of its 25th anniversary, on behalf of all Marylanders, 1 would like to express our heartfelt giatitude for the outstanding work the commission has done throughout the years. i RESOLUTION OPPOSING HR2530 WHEREAS, Congressman Vento has introduced a bill, HR2530, which affects over 80 miles of property on both sides of the Mississippi River running through the Minneapolis -St. Paul metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, this area is the largest, most highly developed, and the most expensive, metropolitan area in the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, there are twenty cities and five counties regulating development along this portion of the Mississippi River, all with appropriate planning departments and comprehensive plans which interrelate, and the area is further coordinated by the Metropolitan Council for the seven county metropolitan area, various watershed districts, and other agencies; and WHEREAS, HR2530 takes control of planning, development, and other matters, away from the "state and local units of government and places it in the hands of a single nonelected official in Washington D.C.; and WHEREAS HR2530 5 30 tends to nationalize a tremendous amount of private property, with thousands of individual and corporate owners, which would ultimately cost the federal government and taxpayers an immeasurably large amount of money in acquisition costs, as well as costing local governments an immeasurably large amount of lost revenue as a result of losing such property off the property tax rolls; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Grey Cloud Island Township, Washington County, Minnesota, an Urban Township, that all members of Congress and the Senate be, and they hereby are requested and urged to vote against HR2530. Dated this _ day of September, 1987. c. ATTES Lor tta S e, Chair Carroll J. Bo erk If rdoI Nes` i ,-Supery sor Lee Edwards, Supervisor