HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Receive Feasibility Report - Project #177, Section 30 Drainage; Set Public Hearing - Project #176, Hawkins Pond, and Project #177, Section 30 Drainage0 7J��C07 5o, - I DATE: OCTOBER 29, 1987 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL C/O STEVE JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: RICH HEFTI, CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTO RE: ITEMS FOR NOVEMBER 3, 1987 COUNCIL AGENDA OLD BUSINESS Receive Feasibility Report for Project #177, Section 30 Storm Sewer Improvements At the October 6, 1987 Council meeting our consultants submitted an engineering report in which they briefly discussed how storm sewer could be constructed in the Broback Additions to convey storm water from these additions into Hawkins Pond. Council then authorize the preparation of a feasibility report on storm sewer improvements within the engineering study area. Our consultants have now completed this report and will be presenting it to Council this evening. Representatives from our Consulting Engineering firm will be present to provide a brief summary of their findings and recommendations regarding this project. I would recommend that Council accept the feasibility report for Project #177, Section 30 Storm Sewer Improvements. Set Public Hearings for Projects X6176 & 4177 (Hawkins Pond and Section 30 Storm Sewer Improvements) Because these projects are so closely related Staff is recommending that Council set a public hearing date for both these projects at the same time. Staff would recommend setting this public hearing date for 8:00 p. m. on December 1, 1987. i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT -- RESOLUTION 1987- i A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CITY PROJECT 1176, HAWKINS POND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient- that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to -wit: City Project #176, Hawkins Pond Drainage, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by Short -Elliott- { Hendrickson, Inc., consulting engineers; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the consulting engineers that said drainage improvement project, City Project #176, is j feasibile and should best be made as proposed, and the consulting engineers' report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the Administrator/Clerk on October 6, 1987; and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made i until the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City o_f Rosemount that a public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #177, Hawkins Pond Drainage Improvements to be held on Tuesday, December 1, 1987, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. ADOPTED this 3rd day of November, 1987. Leland S. Knutson, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk i i l i FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 30 CITY PROJECT NO. 177 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 3, 1987 SEH FILE NO: 88076 I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. A& DATE: November_3, 1987, RE, NO. _ 12691 REVIEWED BY: /�.►..,44 1 _ DATE: lo --3j —,i?� 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE CERTIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSMITTAL LETTER CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS AUTHORIZATION SCOPE DATA AVAILABLE GENERAL BACKGROUND EXISTING DRAINAGE SUBDISTRICT B3 SUBDISTRICT B4 SUBDISTRICT C SUBDISTRICT Dl SUBDISTRICT D2 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SUBDISTRICT D2 SUBDISTRICT Dl SUBDISTRICT C SUBDISTRICT B3 SUBDISTRICT B4 CONSTRUCTION PHASING EASEMENTS COST ESTIMATES PROJECT DISTRICT FEASIBILITY APPENDIX ESTIMATE OF COST - PHASE I ESTIMATE OF COST PHASE II ESTIMATE OF COST - PHASE III A ENG October 29,',1987 222 EAST LITTLE CANADA ROAD, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55117 612 484-0272 RE: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA SECTION 30 STORM SEWER SEH FILE NO: 88076 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Attn: Richl,Hefti, City Engineer Gentlemen: In accordance with your authorization we have prepared the attached Feasibility Report for storm sewer improvements in the. southwest quarter of Section 30. This report has been prepared as an expansion of an engineering report and in conjunction with the Report on Drainage Improvements for Sections 19 & 30, which were both submitted on October 6, 1987. We find that the improvements proposed herein are feasible and recommend that they be considered in conjunction with City Project No. 176. We would be available to review this report in detail with you upon request. SDC/cih Enclosure Respectfully submitted, SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. Steve Campbell SHORT ELLIOTT ST PAUL, CHIPPEWA FALLS, HENDRICKSON INC MINNESOTA WISCONSIN CONCLUSIONS AND RECON14EMATIONS CONCLUSIONS 1. The proposed improvement is feasible from an engineering standpoint. 2. Existing drainage facilities in the study area are not up to City standards and do not always provide adequate drainage due to the deposition of debris and ice build-up. 3. Construction of the proposed improvement will increase the availability of an existing recreational area. 4. Construction of the proposed improvement will provide an additional residential and industrial lot for development, the value of which could be applied against the project costs. 5. The total estimated cost of the proposed improvement is $470,000. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The City construct this project in one phase. 2. The City verify or obtain all easements required for the construction of the proposed system. 3. The proposed improvements be constructed in general compliance with the provisions of this report. 4. The proposed, improvements be considered and constructed in conjunction with the proposed Hawkins Pond improvement, City Project No. 176. C & R - 1 1 AUTHORIZATION On October 6, 1987 the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility report for the construction of storm sewer facilities in the southwest quarter of Section 30 in the City of Rosemount. This improvement has been designated as City Project No. 177. SCOPE The purpose of this report is to analyze present conditions, make recommendations and provide cost estimates for the construction of local storm sewer facilities in the southwest quarter of Section 30. This report has been prepared as an expansion of an ■ engineering report which was presented on October 6, 1987. DATA AVAILABLE Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include: 1. Engineering Report for Storm Sewer Improvements in Section 30 (October 6, 1987). 2. Report on Drainage Improvements for Sections 19 and 30 (Revised September, 1987). 3. City of Rosemount Construction Record Drawings. 4. City Topographic and Base Maps of Section 30. a GENERAL BACKGROUND The study area consists of the southwest quarter of Section 30 and is shown on Drawing No. 1. It is bounded on the north by 145th Street, on the west by the Apple Valley corporate limits, on the south by County Road 42 and on the east by Shannon Parkway which is currently under construction. This area consists primarily of single family residential units with a proposed industrial park along the westerly boundary. EXISTING DRAINAGE The study area is located within the Hawkins Pond Drainage District. It has been divided into internal drainage districts and subdistricts based on local drainage patterns as shown on Drawing No. 2. The acreages of the subdistricts within the study area are summarized as follows SUBDISTRICT AREA B3 24 Acres B4 11 C 40 Dl 38 D2 32 TOTAL 145 Acres Existing drainage in the study area is generally transported by a series of concrete and bituminous gutters together with drainage swales located on side and rear lot lines. These type of facilities do not always provide adequate drainage to all areas due to the deposition of debris and flat grades. These problems are complicated in the spring time due to build-up of ice through the winter. SUBDISTRICT B3 Subdistrict B3 consists of a 24 acre residential area adjacent to 145th Street. Runoff from this area is transported to the south ditch of 145th Street primarily through four discharge points. These points are as follows: A. A concrete swale at Upper 145th Street and Danville Avenue located on property line between residential lots. B. A concrete swale at the north end of Danbury Avenue (cul-de-sac) located on property line between residential lots. C. A backyard drainage swale located north of a low point in 146th Street between Danville Avenue and Danbury Avenue. D. Street drainage on Dallara Avenue. - 2 - Ponding problems at 145th Street have occurred which are associated with item C because of landscaping revisions in the backyard areas. Runoff from B3 is collected in the south ditch of 145th Street and ultimately transported to a low area on the north side of 145th Street by means of an inplace culvert and bituminous swale located just west of Shannon Parkway. SUBDISTRICT B4 Subdistrict B4 consists of an 11 acre residential area adjacent to Shannon Parkway. Runoff from this area is transported by street drainage to a concrete Swale at Upper 145th Street and Dahomey Avenue which discharges into a residential outlot that has been excavated to create a retention pond. This pond is drained by percolation. SUBDISTRICT C Subdistrict C consists of a 40 acre combination residential and industrial park area located adjacent to the Apple Valley corporate limits. Runoff from this area is transported by means of street drainage and an inplace storm sewer to an industrial outlot that has been excavated to create a retention pond. This pond is drained by percolation. SUBDISTRICT Dl Subdistrict D1 consists of a 38 acre residential area located north of and adjacent to Dodd Boulevard. Runoff from this area is transported to a retention area adjacent to Dodd Boulevard by means of street drainage and an inplace backyard storm sewer system. The retention area is drained .. by percolation. SUBDISTRICT D2 Subdistrict D2 consists of a 32 acre residential area located between County Road 42 and Dodd Boulevard. Runoff from this area is transported to a retention area adjacent to Dodd Boulevard by street drainage through two discharge points. These discharge points include the south ditch of Dodd Boulevard and a bituminous swale from a low point in 150th Street. Runoff from Dallara Avenue is transported by means of lot line swale from a low point to the south ditch of Dodd Boulevard. The retention area is drained by percolation. Collectively the two retention areas in Subdistrict D1 and D2 are known as Twin Puddles Park. These areas were originally dedicated for park and recreational use and for storm water ponding. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The goal of this proposed improvement is to provide a more positive drainage system that is in line with current City standards and reduce the incidence of localized ponding within the study area. This improvement will also serve to increase the availability of existing recreational areas and provide an additional industrial and residential lot for development. The proposed storm sewer construction to provide drainage to the study area is shown on Drawing No. 3. In accordance with City policy, all proposed facilities are designed to transport runoff from a 10 year storm event. SUBDISTRICT D2 The proposed construction in subdistrict D2 includes two minor systems. One consists of the installation of catch basins in the low point of 150th Street and piping under Dodd Boulevard to Twin Puddles Park South. Catch basins will be constructed at certain points along this line to act 4 SUBDISTRICT C The proposed construction in Subdistrict C includes the construction of a system which would intercept flows from the discharge point of two inplace systems at the east end of the existing retention area. Flows will then be 1 -5- as inlets for normal rainfall activities and as relief heavy valves on storms. When the flow for heavy events exceeds the pipe capacity, the storm water will be able to flow out the catch basins and temporarily pond in the park. After the event stops, it will flow back into the catch basin and drain dry. This will eliminate the inplace bituminous swale between residential lots. The other system consists of the installation of catch basins on Dallara Avenue with a discharge sewer to the south ditch of Dodd Boulevard. This will eliminate the concrete cross gutter at Dallara Avenue and the lot line drainage swale which currently exists. SUBDISTRICT Dl The proposed construction in subdistrict D1 includes the construction of a back lot line system which would serve to connect the pipe under Dodd Boulevard from the south and transport runoff into Subdistrict B3. This system would be similar to Subdistrict DZ in that the heavy rainfall events would temporarily back up into the park and then flow out when the event ends. This system would be constructed in the same alignment as the inplace system but would be constructed somewhat deeper and would flow to the north lather than south. It would also serve to drain a proposed line from the low point in Danville Avenue as well as two inplace lines from the cul-de-sacs in Damask and Danbury. The construction of an additional catch basin and lead to eliminate a concrete gutter at Danbury and 147th Street is also proposed. SUBDISTRICT C The proposed construction in Subdistrict C includes the construction of a system which would intercept flows from the discharge point of two inplace systems at the east end of the existing retention area. Flows will then be 1 -5- Also proposed are catch basins at Upper 145th Street and Danville and a lot line system which will eliminate the inplace concrete swale between residential lots. The extension from Subdistrict Dl will include a back lot line system which corresponds to back yard Swale between Danville and Danbury. Catch basins are proposed midblock on 146th between Danville and Danbury to relieve the current ponding problem. A catch basin and lead is also proposed from the Danbury Avenue cul-de-sac. This will eliminate the other inplace concrete swale between residential lots. SUBDISTRICT B4 Proposed construction in Subdistrict B4 includes the construction of catch basins at Upper 145th Street and Dahomey and the storm sewer which discharges into the proposed Shannon Parkway system. This will provide for the elimination of the inplace concrete swale and the unsightly and potentially liable retention area. As previously stated the construction of the proposed system will eliminate the use of existing retention areas in - 6 transported to Subdistrict B3 via an existing easement along the east boundary of the industrial park and Delft Avenue. An additional catch basin is proposed at the low point of Delft Avenue. This system will serve to eliminate the unsightliness and potential liabilities associated with the existing retention area in Subdistrict C. SUBDISTRICT B3 The proposed construction in Subdistrict B3 includes the extension of the proposed systems from Subdistricts D1 and C. Flows from these systems will be combined at the south side of 145th Street and discharged to the Hawkins Pond retention area by a system proposed to cross and extend north from 145th Street. Also proposed are catch basins at Upper 145th Street and Danville and a lot line system which will eliminate the inplace concrete swale between residential lots. The extension from Subdistrict Dl will include a back lot line system which corresponds to back yard Swale between Danville and Danbury. Catch basins are proposed midblock on 146th between Danville and Danbury to relieve the current ponding problem. A catch basin and lead is also proposed from the Danbury Avenue cul-de-sac. This will eliminate the other inplace concrete swale between residential lots. SUBDISTRICT B4 Proposed construction in Subdistrict B4 includes the construction of catch basins at Upper 145th Street and Dahomey and the storm sewer which discharges into the proposed Shannon Parkway system. This will provide for the elimination of the inplace concrete swale and the unsightly and potentially liable retention area. As previously stated the construction of the proposed system will eliminate the use of existing retention areas in - 6 Subdistricts B4 and C. These areas could then be filled and upgraded to residential and industrial use respectively. The construction of the proposed system would also revise the function of the existing retention areas in Subdistricts Dl and D2 (Twin Puddles Park) to detention areas after major rainfall events. Storm runoff is presently held in these areas for up to several days while draining by percolation. With the proposed storm sewer system, drainage would be provided by this system at a much faster rate. This would serve to reduce the time that the area is flooded and increase the availability of the area as a recreational facility. All storm runoff generated within the study area will be transported to the Hawkins Pond retention area. This is proposed as City Project No. 176 and is detailed in a separate report. CONSTRUCTION PHASING The City could consider the construction of this project in phases as shown on Drawing No. 3. Phase I includes the discharge sewer from 145th Street to Hawkins Pond as well as all proposed construction in Subdistricts B3 and B4 except the 27" extension from Subdistrict C. Phase II includes all proposed construction in Subdistrict C as well as the 27" extension located in B3. Phase III includes all proposed construction in Subdistricts D1 and D2. Phases II and III could be constructed independent of each other but subsequent to Phase I. The disadvantages of phasing are: 1. Potential for increased costs due to loss of "economy of scale" and inflation. 2. Delay in optimizing the park and recreational uses of Twin Puddles Park area. - 7 - COST ESTIMATES Detailed cost estimates for the proposed improvement are included ' in the Appendix of this report. These estimates are based on projected 1988 unit prices and include allowances for contingencies and anticipated overhead costs. These estimates do not include the cost of easements. The total estimated cost for the proposed improvement is $470,000. These costs are summarized as follows: Phase I $165,000 Phase II 110,000 Phase III 195,000 Total Cost $470,000 PROJECT DISTRICT The following properties are located within the project district. Unpfatted Property 001-55 002-55 003-55 004-55 010-52 010-54 020-52 Therefore, this report would not recommend phasing of this project for these reasons. EASEMENTS All facilities be proposed as a part of this improvement should located in street right-of-way or permanent drainage easements. Many of the easements required have already been obtained on the original plats and all are being used for existing facilities. Easements which must be verified or obtained for the construction of the proposed system are located on the following parcels: Broback 3rd Addition Block 1 Lots 5 & 6 Broback 3rd Addition Block 2 Lots 4 & 5 Broback 4th Addition Block 2 Lots 7 & 8 Broback 8th Addition Block 1 Lots 3 & 4 COST ESTIMATES Detailed cost estimates for the proposed improvement are included ' in the Appendix of this report. These estimates are based on projected 1988 unit prices and include allowances for contingencies and anticipated overhead costs. These estimates do not include the cost of easements. The total estimated cost for the proposed improvement is $470,000. These costs are summarized as follows: Phase I $165,000 Phase II 110,000 Phase III 195,000 Total Cost $470,000 PROJECT DISTRICT The following properties are located within the project district. Unpfatted Property 001-55 002-55 003-55 004-55 010-52 010-54 020-52 020-54 030-52 031-54 040-52 050-52 060-52 061-52 080-52 090-52 100-52 110-52 Platted ProAerty Broback Addition Broback 2nd Addition Broback 3rd Addition Broback 4th Addition Broback 5th Addition Broback 6th Addition Broback 7th Addition Broback 8th Addition Broback 11th Addition - 9 Blk 1 Lot 1 Blk 2 Lots 1-3 Blk 3 Lots 1-11 Blk 4 Lots 1-7 Blk 1 Lots 1-3 Blk 2 Lots 1-4 Blk 3 Lots 1-10 Blk 4 Lots 1-14 Blk 5 Lots 1-7 Outiot 1 Blk 1 Lots 1-11 Blk 2 Lots 1-11 Blk 3 Lots 1-17 Blk 4 Lots 1-8 Blk 1 Lots 1-17 Blk 2 Lots 1-13 Blk 1 Lots 1-13 Blk 2 Lots 1-18 Blk 3 Lots 1-12 Blk 1 Lots 1-8 Blk 2 Lots 1-13 Blk 1 Lots 1-6 Blk 2 Lots 1-15 Blk 3 Lot 1 Blk 4 Lots 1-2 Blk 1 Lots 1-5 Blk 2 Lots 1-7 Outlot A Blk 1 Lots 1-8 Blk 2 Lots 1-3 Blk 3 Lots 1-5 Broback 12th Addition Blk 1 Lots 1-19 Outlot A Broback Industrial Park Bik 1 Lots 1-5 Blk 2 Lots 1-5 Outlot B Evergreen Acres Blk 1 Lots 1-3 FEASIBILITY We find that the improvements described in this report are feasible and recommend that they be constructed in general compliance with the provisions of this report. We further recommend that these improvements be considered and constructed in conjunction with the proposed Hawkins Pond improvement, City Project No. 176. ESTIMATE OF COST PHASE I STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION SW/4 SECTION 30 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 0258.412 12" RC PIPE SEWER L.F. 430 $23.00 $ 9,890 0258.412 15" RC PIPE SEWER L.F. 200 25.00 5,000 0258.412 30" RC PIPE SEWER L.F. 820 53.00 430,460 0258.412 36" RC PIPE SEWER L.F. 500 60.00 30,000 0258.536 36" RC APRON EACH 1 1,100.00 1,000 0258.603 MANHOLE, TYPE C L.F. 30 200.00 6,000 0258.706 CATCH BASIN, TYPE X EACH 3 800.00 21V400 0258.707 CATCH BASIN, TYPE Y EACH 4 950.00 3,800 0258.801 MANHOLE CASTING EACH 3 200.00 600 0341.509 BIT. PAVEMENT REST. S.Y. 200 10.00 2,000 0531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER RESTORATION L.F. 100 10.00 1,000 2575.505 SODDING S.Y. 4,300 2.00 8,600 SUBTOTAL $113,750 +10% CONTINGENCIES . 11,250 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $125,000 +20% OVERHEAD 25,000 EASEMENT COSTS 15,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED CAST $165,000 ESTIMATE OF COST PHASE II STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION SW/4 SECTION 30 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 0258.412 12" RC PIPE SEWER L.F. 30 $23.00 $ 690 0258.412 15" RC PIPE SEWER L.F. 40 25.00 1,000 0258.412 27" RC PIPE SEWER L.F. 1,500 37.00 55,500 0258.603 MANHOLE, TYPE C L.F. 20 200.00 4,000 0258.706 CATCH BASIN, TYPE X EACH 1 800.00 800 0258.801 MANHOLE CASTING EACH 2 200.00 400 0341.509 BIT. PAVEMENT REST. S.Y. 750 10.00 7,500 0531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER RESTORATION L.F. 30 10.00 300 2575.505 SODDING S.Y. 4,200 2.00 8,400 SUBTOTAL $ 78,590 +10% CONTINGENCIES 6,410 - ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 85,000 +20$ OVERHEAD 20,000 EASEMENT COSTS 5,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $110,000 ESTIMATE OF COST PHASE III STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION SW/4 SECTION 30 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 0258.412 12" RC PIPE SEWER L.F. 360 $23.00 $ 81280 0258.412 15" RC PIPE SEWER L.F. 760 25.00 19,000 0258.412 21" RC PIPE SEWER L.F. 930 27.00 25,110 0258.412 27" RC PIPE SEWER L.F. 650 37.00 24,050 0258.515 15" RC APRON EACH 1 500.00 500 0258.603 MANHOLE, TYPE C L.F. 110 200.00 22,000 0258.706 CATCH BASIN, TYPE X EACH 4 800.00 31200 0258.707 CATCH BASIN, TYPE Y EACH 3 950.00 2,850 0258.801 MANHOLE CASTING EACH 8 200.00 1,600 0341.509 BIT. PAVEMENT REST.. S.Y. 600 10.00 6,000 0531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER RESTORATION L.F. 160 10.00 1,600' 2575.505 SODDING S.Y. 7,500 2.00 15,000 SUBTOTAL $129,190 +10$ CONTINGENCIES 10,810 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $140,000 +20$ OVERHEAD 30,000 EASEMENT COSTS 25,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $195,000 500 • 0 1000 SCALE IN FEET i � r ' Ia3Rp STTaEET 1f w Q 12 •S v ( 0,3 -V �O G--�, ..e lSTP°ET 'rIi o URf'E010-44 R las R _ } T 144T STREET STREE, , Z _ ° •f °p•'t E s 1 145 TN STREET r ro ru ER ' 3 ' = to trl/ 2r�o>a•u / -;'• 'r. fI: 'STREET W I eo 6 pis-ee �i�� / Wa Wf 1 $ •' ^r } 0-80� out- No Po 2 J x 4 6 146 TH ST D aoa • w' J ti*4o a • 2 • a o a J� r 2 2• f , i I I T f 'a e t 7 r 6v h r- w f t rfa .•147 TM r r., gT W ' � f 2 H Z .xr rr, r • o i _u t i'f f! r "'� _ /�•. C f fS r UPFi i 148TH Sl IST n ,h 119 TNS W I r nao .tip • i ,ri c1f1� r.TC .T' * f '7 1 / 1 I•)/!II 1 • 1 \. • ii lY.R ill '( W- I •1. rig (� 'r. eT� -'_' /`r 1 a P i �. •. L7 . n t, n 11 yU �� ' fle• 'r t . 1 a ' I I - FILE NO. r88076 STUDY AREA DRG. NO ENGINEERS 8 ARCHITECTS 6 PLANNERS 1