HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. University Of Minnesota Fire Contract****MEMORADUM**** DATE: October 30, 1987 TO: Mayor Knutson Councilmembers: Napper Tucker Walsh Willard FROM: Stephan Jilk RE: University of Mi rota Fire Contract The University of Minnesota has accepted the changes in the proposed Fire Protection Contract as you have approved. I would ask than that you give formal approval to the contract on Tuesday night. This approval would include authorizing the Mayor and myself to execute this contract on behalf of the City of Rosemount. M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 30, 1987 TO: Mayor & City Council, c/o Administrator Jilk FROM: City Engineer/Public Works Director [left1 SUBJ: 1988 Utility Budget I am attaching a copy of the 1988 budget for operation and maintenance of the city's water distribution and sanitary sewer collection systems. Their respective totals are: Water . . . . . . $156,146 Sanitary Sewer . . . . . :262,119 Total Utilities Budget 8418,265 The :attached copy shows detailed breakdowns on how the totals were arrived at. I will be available to comment on this item, if necessary, at the November 3, 1987 council meeting. Public,Works Dept • City of Rosemount 1988 Util Budget • 1 WATER 2 Fund Account 1 Description Requested Comments 3 ---------------- --- ----------------- ---- ------------------------------------ --------- 4 601 49400 1101.0 Full Time - reg 934,158 5 1101.1 Secretary (SOV 811,440 6 1101.2 Maint II (501) 813,358 7 1101.3 PWD (25X) 89,360. 8 1102.0 Full Time - OT 82,700 9 1102.1 Secretary (SOV 8750 10 1102.2 Maint II (50X) 811950 11 1103.0 Part Time 83,000 SOO hours 12 1121.0 PERA & FICA 83,928 11.5% 13 1121.1 Secretary (50X) 81,316 14 1121.2 Maint II (501) 91,536 i5 1121.3 PWD (25X) 81,076 16 1132.0 Health 83,750 8250/so 17 1132.1 Secretary (50X) 91,500 18 1132.2 Maint II (SOX) 91,500 19 1132.3 PWD (25X) 8750 20 1133.0 Life 8150 010/so 21 1133.1 Secretary (50X) 860 22 1133.2 Maint I1 (50X) 860 23 1133.3 PWD (25X) 830 24 1141.0 Insurance 83,000 #200/so 2S 1141.1 Secretary (50X) 81,200 26 1141.2 Maint II (501) 81,200 27 1141.3 PWD (25X1 8600 28--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- 29 Total Personnel 850,686 30 31 32 601 49400 2203.0 Printed forms 8100 meter cards,printer paper 33 2204.0 Envelopes & letterhd 80 34 2209.0 Office supplies 8150 diskettes,printer rib,collection box 35 2212.0 Motor fuels 81,200 1103,1/4th 1101(est ♦ 81/9) 36 2215.0 Shop Materials 8200 37 2216.0 Chemicals & chem pro 88,000 Ci,Fl,poly 38 2219.0 Operating suppl 9200 39 2221.0 Equip parts & repair 4400 40 2221.1 vehicles & equip 8200 41 2221.2 sisc 8200 42 2229.0 Repair & saint supl 8600 43 2229.1 hydrants 8400 paint,seat repair,flags 44 2229.2 valve/curb boxes 8200 45 2241.0 Small tools 8150 wrenches,etc 46 2142.0 Minor equipt 86,000 47 2242.1 KW hardware 94,000 48 2242.2 misc 82,000 49 ---- -_ ------------ -------------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- 50 Total Suppl 817,000 51 52 601 49400 3301.0 Auditing 8500 S3 3302.0 Engineer fees 0500 S4 3303.0 Legal fees 9100 55 3309.0 Prof sere - other 01,540 56 3309.1 bacteria tests 8200 57 3309.2 water qual tests 8200 58 3309.3 VOC tests 81,140 eng.vksl P9 1 30 -Oct -87 Public,Works Dept • City of Rosemount 1988 Util Budget 59 3321.0 Telephone 0300 phone lines for telemetry 60 3322.0 Postage 41,800 61 3330.0 Conferences/seminars 0200 MR Health Dept School,miac 62 3331.0 Travel exp $S0 63 3333.0 Freight 6 express 8100 mail -in repairs 64 3339.0 Transportation $SO mist mileage 65 3352.0 Gen notice 9100 mise 66 3419.0 Rentals -others 8200 67 3421.0 Depreciation exp 940,000 68 3431.0 Cash short 00 69 3432.0 Uncollectable checks 90 70 3433.0 Dues 6 subscriptions 9150 AWWA-2 members 71 3435.0 Books 6 pamphlets 970 reference matls 72 3439.0 Misc-other 8150 (0200 in new acct 13330) 73-------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 74 Total Other Sery 945,810 75 76 601 49400 5511.0 Land purchase 90 77 5529.0 Bldg 6 structures 00 78 5539.0 Iapr other than bldg 90 79 5571.0 Off equip purchase 90 80 5572.0 Off furn purchase 9100 computer table add-ons 81 5581.0 Other equip purchase 00 82 SS89.0 Meter deposit refund 9500 83 ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 84 Total Capital Outlay 0604 85 86 WATER - Transfers 87 7001.0 Transfers 00 88 ` 7003.0 Transfers to CIP 815,000 89 -------- ------------------------ ---------------------------- - ---------------------------------- 90 Total Transfers 915,000 91 92 TOTAL MAINT WATER 93 Total Personnel 950,686 94 Total Suppl 917,000 95 Total Other Sery 045,810 96 Total Capital Outlay 0600 97 Total Transfers 0151000 98 --=----------- --=------==-==--------- 99 TOTAL MAINT WATER 9129,096 100 101 102 WATER METERS 103 601 49401 2221.0 Equip parts 6 repair 9450 104 2242.0 Water meter purchase 03,000 105 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 Total Suppl 03,450 107 108 3309.0 Prof services 9500 contracted repairs,accuracy tests, etc 109 3333.0 Freight 6 express 0100 mail -in items 110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III Total Other Services 8600 112 TOTAL WATER METERS 94,050 113 114 WELL 13 115 601 49405 2221.0 Equip parts 6 repair 0300 116 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eng.wksl Pg 2 30 -Oct -87 Public Works Dept City of Rosemount 1988 Util Budget 117 Total Supp1 0300 118 119 3309.0 Prof services 0200 independent well inspection 120 3381.0 Electric util $5,000 121 3383.0 Gas util 0300 122 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123 Total Other Services 05,500 124 TOTAL WELL 13 85,800 125 126 WELL 16 127 601 49406 2221.0 Equip parts & repair 0100 128 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 129 Total Suppl 8100 130 131 601 49406 3309.0 Prof services 0200 independent well inspection 132 3381.0 Electric util 0200 133 3383.0 Gas util 0200 134 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135 Total Other Services 0600 136 TOTAL WELL 16 0700 137 138 WELL 17 139 601 49407 2221.0 Equip parts & repair 8100 140 -------------- =------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 141 Total Suppl 8100 142 143 601 49407 3309.0 Prof services 0200 independent well inspection 144 3381.0 Electric util 89,000 145 3383.0 Gas util 80 146 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 147 Total Other Services 09,200 148 TOTAL WELL 17 89,300 149 ISO SUPERVISORY CONTROL 151 601 49410 2219.0 Operating Suppl 0200 paper,diskettes,ribbon,etc 152 2221.0 Equip parts & repair 8100 153 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 154 Total Suppl 8300 155 1S6 601 49410 3309.0 Prof services 8200 157 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158 Total Other Services 0200 159 160 601 49410 5580.0 Other equip 82,000 new supry control system 161 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 162 Total Other Services 82,000 163 TOTAL SUPRV CONTROL 02,500 164 165 WATER TOWER 166 601 49415 2221.0 Equip parts & repair 0500 touchup paint,etc 167 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 168 Total Suppl 0500 169 170 3309.0 Prof Services 81,500 int & ext tank inspection/rpt 171 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 172 Total Other Services 81,500 173 TOTAL WATER TOWER 82,000 174 eng.wkst Pg 3 30 -Oct -87 Public Works Dept City of Rosemount 1988 Util Budget 175 WELL HOUSE 13 176 601 49420 2223.0 Bldg repair 6 suppl 9200 177--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 178 Total Other Services 9200 179 180 WELL MOUSE 16 181 601 49421 2223.0 Bldg repair 6 suppl 4200 182-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 183 Total Other Services 9200 184 185 WELL MOUSE 17 186 601 49422 2223.0 Bldg repair i suppl 9200 187 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 188 Total Other Services 9200 189 190 WATERMAIMS 191 601 49435 2224.0 Street saint matl 91,000 street patching due to breaks,etc 192 2225.0 Landscape ■atl 9200 topsoil,seed,sod due to patching 193 2227.0 Util sys saint suppl 9400 aleeves,DIP,curb & corp stops,etc 194 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19S Total Suppl 81,600 196 197 601 49435 3309.0 Prof services 9500 thaw frozen lines,etc 198 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 199 Total Other Services 9500 200 TOTAL WATERMAIMS 92,100 201 202 601 BUDGET SUMMARY 203 - =-----==----====•--=-==--===--=-_-- 204 Maint Water 9129,096 20S Water Meters 94,050 206 Well 13 45,800 207 Well 16 9700 208 Well 17 $9,300 209 Supervisory Control 92,500 210 Water Tower 92,000 211 Well Mouses 3,6,7 9600 212 Watermains 92,100 213 ------------------------------------------------------------- 214 Total 9156,146 215 216 SEWER UTILITIES 217 Fund Account 1 Description Requested Comments 218 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 219 602 49450 1101.0 Full Time - reg 934,158 220 1101.1 Secretary (SO%) 911,440 221 1101.2 Maint iI (501) 913,358 222 1101.3 PWD (25x) 99,360 223 1102.0 Full Time - OT 92,700 224 1102.1 Secretary (SO%) 9750 22S 1102.2 Maint 11 (54x) 91,950 226 1103.0 Part Time 83,000 227 1121.0 PERA 6 FICA 93,928 228 1121.1 Secretary (50%) 91,316 229 1121.2 Maint II (501) 91,536 230 1121.3 PWD (25x) 91,076 231 1132.0 Health 93,750 232 1132.1 Secretary (501) 911500 eng,vksl P9 4 30 -Oct -87 Publie.Vntks Dept 0 City of Rosemount 1988 Util Budget 233 1132.2 Maint II (50%) $1,500 234 1132.3 PMD (251) $750 23S 1133.0 Life $150 236 1133.1 Secretary (501) $60 237 1133.2 Maint II (SO%) $60 238 1133.3 PMD (251) $30 239 1141.0 Insurance $3,000 240 1141.1 Secretary (501) $1,200 241 1141.2 Maint II (50%) $1,200 242 1141.3 PND (25%) $600 243 -------------------------- --------------------- ------------- -- -------------------------------- 244 Total Personnel $50,686 245 246 602 49450 2203.0 Printed forms $SO meter cards,printer paper 247 2204.0 Envelopes & letterhd $0 248 2209.0 Office supplies $50 diskettes,printer rlb,collection box 249 2212.0 Motor fuels $1,200 1103,1/4th 1101(eat ! $1/g) 250 su 1 2219.0 Operating PP $400 251 2221.0 Equip parts & repair $1,000 252 2221.1 vehicles & equip $800 253 2221.2 mise $200 254 2229.0 Repair & maint supl $200 255 2241.0 Small tools $150 vrenches,etc 256 2242.0 Minor equipt $3,000 257 2242.1 safety equip $2,000 258 2242.2 mise $1,000 259 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------------ 260 Total Suppl $6,050 261 262 602 49450 3301.0 Auditing $500 263 3302.0 Legal fees $100 264 3309.0 Prof services $500 265 3321.0 Telephone $300 telemetry lease lines 266 3322.0 Postage $600 utility bills 267 3330.0 Conferences/seminars $200 MPCA seminara,misc 268 3331.0 Travel exp $50 269 3333.0 Freight & express $100 mail -in repairs 270 3339.0 Transportation $50 mise mileage 271 3404.0 Machinery & equip $333 trailer for 30KV gen 272 3419.0 Rentals $500 273 3421.0 Depreciation exp $40,000 based on $3.OM from audit 274 3431.0 Cash short $0 275 3432.0 Uncollectable checks $0 276 3433.0 Dues & subscriptions $100 mise 277 3439.0 Miscellaneous $100 278 ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- 279 Total Other Services $43,433 280 TOTAL SEVER MAIMT $49,483 281 282 602 S511.0 Land purchase $0 283 5529.0 Bldg & structures $0 284 5539.0 Impr other than bldg $0 285 5571.0 Off equip purchase $0 286 SS72.0 Off Turn purchase $100 computer table add-ons 287 5581.0 Other equip purchase $0 288 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 289 Total Capital Outlay $100 290 eng.Nksl Pg 5 30 -Oct -87 ` Pablic-Nprks Dept 10 City of Rosemount 1988 Util Budget 291 292 JET MACHINE 293 602 49451 2212.0 Motor fuels 81,000 294 2213.0 Lube & addit 950 295 2221.0 Equip parts & repair 9500 296 2229.0 Repair & saint suppl 9200 297 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 298 Total Suppl 91,750 299 300 5581.0 Other equip purchase 930,000 replace truck & chasis 301 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------- 302 Total Capital Outlay 830,000 303 TOTAL JET MACHINE 031,750 304 305 LIFT STA 11 306 602 494SS 2219.0 Operating suppl 9100 307 2221.0 Equip parts & repair 9500 308 2229.0 Repair & saint suppl 9200 309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=--------- 310 Total Suppl 9800 311 312 3381.0 Electric util 8500 313 3404.0 Machinery & equip 90 314 3439.0 Miscellaneous 9100 31S------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------- --- 316 Total Other Services 9600 317 TOTAL LIFT STA 11 91,400 318 319 LIFT STA 12 320 602 49456 2219.0 Operating suppl 9100 321 2221.0 Equip parts & repair 8504 322 2229.0 Repair & saint suppl 9200 323 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 324 Total Suppi 9800 325 326 3381.0 Electric util 9500 327 3404.0 Machinery & equip 90 328 3439.0 Miscellaneous 9100 329 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 330 total Other Services 9600 331 TOTAL LIFT STA 12 91,400 332 333 LIFT STA 13 334 602 49457 2219.0 Operating suppl 9100 335 2221.0 Equip parts & repair 9500 336 2229.0 Repair & saint suppl 9200 337 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 338 Total Suppl 8900 339 340 3381.0 Electric util 9500 341 3404.0 Machinery & equip 80 342 3439.0 Miscellaneous 8100 343 ----------------------------- ---------------------------- - ----------------------------------- 344 Total Other Services 9600 345 TOTAL LIFT STA 13 91,400 346 347 LIFT STA 14 348 602 49458 2219.0 Operating suppl 950 grease,etc eng.wksi Pg 6 30 -Oct -87 Public -Works Dept 10 City of Rosemount 1988 Util Budget 349 2221.0 Equip parts & repair 9250 350 2229.0 Repair & saint suppl 8100 351 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 352 Total Suppl 8400 353 354 3381.0 Electric util 8600 355 3404.0 Machinery & equip 50 356 3439.0 Miscellaneous 5100 357 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 358 Total Other Services 9700 359 TOTAL LIFT STA 14 $1,100 360 361 SEWER MAINS 362 602 49460 2224.0 Street saint matt 81,000 street patching due to breaks,etc 363 2225.0 Landscape satl 8200 topsoil,seed,sod due to patching 364 2227.0 Util ays saint suppl 81,000 sleeves,wyes,PVC/DIP pipe,casting,etc 36S----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 366 Total Suppl 82,200 367 368 3309.0 Prof services $2,000 televising lines 369 3419.0 Rentals 0500 370 3439.0 Miscellaneous $200 371 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 372 Total Other Services $2,700 373 TOTAL SEWER MAINS 84,900 374 375 METRO SEVER CHARGES 376 602 49465 6602.1 Other long-term oblig 8120,000 377 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 378 TOTAL METRO CHARGES 8120,004 379 380 602 BUDGET SUMMARY 381 382 Personnel. 850,686 383 Sewer Maint 849,483 384 Jet Machine 531,750 385 Lift Sta 11 81,400 386 Lift Sta 12 81,400 387 Lift Sta 13 51,400 388 Lift Sta 14 81,100 389 Sewer Mains 84,900 390 Metro sewer charges 8120,000 391 ---------------------------------------- 392 Total $262,119 eng.wksl P9 7 30 -Oct -87