HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.h. Salary RecommendationITEM $(h) 2875 -145TH ST. W. os� ��� j ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 l 612--423-4411 T0: Mayor Knutson Councilmembers Napper Tucker Walsh Willard FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Cler DATE: November 13, 1987 RE: Salary and Benefit Plan for 1988 and Beyond Gentlemen: Over the last several months I have worked on putting together a salary plan for nonunion employees for the City of Rosemount. In consideration of our existing plan, which is a reflection of a "multitude of recommendations at various junctures in hiring and promoting, I felt it was essential to review all nonunion positions, their relationship`to each other and a basis for compensation for the positions. The present plan reflects several instances of negotiation and "special circumstance" causing a skewing of relativeness of pay to position. My intent' in formulating this pian was to bring an integrity to our pay structure here so that two things could be accomplished. They are: (1) implement a pay plan for individual positions which reflected, at least, ('average" compensation for our employees when compared to other "comparable communities. (2) the plan should be such that management has the ability to work within certain salary ranges, once established, to hire individuals and reward them for their accomplishments and maintain them in a competitive governmental employment market. The methodology of my approach to this project is attached on page iii and page iv. The methodology used may not be the one chosen by each of you, but I am satisfied that it accomplishes several tasks before us in this compensation issue; and they are: (1) It brings all employees to a salary level of at least "mid point" when compared to other cities compared to Rosemount when using factors such as population, types of departments a city has, number of employees, employees supervised and location in relation to central city. (2) It places salary ranges on "positions" and not "personalities" and yet allows administration the ability to recognize the performance, through salary control, and i r Salary & Benefit Plan for�88 and Beyond November 13, 1987 (3) Gives administration the ability of working with an accepted wide salary range in hiring, promoting and retaining employees. (4) Sets salary ranges based upon the relation of "worth" of one position to a "rank" in the structure. Under my proposal some position will be adjusted upward, from existing salary base, some six thousand dollars over the next two years. Some will only be adjusted by some $1,200.00 in this same time frame. All will receive some increases. The important issue is that all will be brought to at least the average. Some adjustments are recommended to be made on January 1, 1988, Some are to be made on anniversary dates, or at such increments that will allow adjustments to be "phased in" over the next couple of years. Under the plan all employees would be at their "midpoint" at three years of employment. If an employee is already at three or more years of service in a position, adjustments to midpoint will be made at January 1, 1988 or by January 1, 1989 depending on the size of the proposed adjustments. Please review the attached methodology and attached detail for an explanation of and recommendations for the adoption of this plan. D The estimated cost of these adjustments would be approximately8 over 1987 salary costs. I had budgeted approximately 3%. Additional costs could be taken out of council designated funds. I feel the adoption of this plan warrants this expenditure. In addition to the adoption of this plan, I ask that we authorize the completion of our comparable worth study. Because of problems in completing the initial phases of the study a couple of years ago, and because of the changes in positions since then, we will need to go back almost to square one to accomplish this. My cost estimate to get this completed is $2,000.00. Adoption of my proposed plan presented here is a large step toward achieving comparable worth. I have reviewed this proposal with all department heads,- and they with their staff. I have received favorable input from all at this point. I have also reviewed it with Mayor Knutson. Following our discussion he suggested we have an opportunity for to explain this in more detail prior to your consideration of it at a regular council meeting. We would like, therefore, to have a short session, in our council lounge, to discuss this. We will do this at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday evening, the 17th prior to the regular council meeting. Also, please contact me Monday or Tuesday with any questions you may have on this so that Tuesday's session can be more productive. Thank you for your consideration. smj Attachments ii r CITY OF ROSEM0 UNT EMPLOYEE SALARY REVIEW, ADJUSTMENT AND COMPENSATION PROPOSAL FOR 1988 AND BEYOND The attached salary review, proposed adjustments and resulting salary schedule plan has been completed with two tasks in mind. They are'to: (1) bring relative equality of pay to comparable positions within the City of Rosemount; and (2) bring relative pay to Rosemount employees relative to positions in other communities in Minnesota. This is a step in completing a "comparable worth" plan without having the entire benefit of completing the actual study and plan itself. The numbers listed below correspond to the numbers on the individual position sheets attached for your reference. Research Methods Applied: I-1: The Stanton Report for salaries and benefits for metropolitan municipalities was used in the initial phase. The report for salaries and benefits in effect for 1987 was used. I attempted to match cities and job descriptions with positions in Rosemount. My intent was to find enough cities to get a "good sampling". In some cases this was 8 cities. In some cases it was 13. I recorded such items as salaries, number of persons supervised and population of city for each position. I-2: I then set salary ranges based upon the high and low for cities compared and developed a midpoint for the range. I then added 4% to these results to reflect an estimated adjustment generally expected in 1988 in the metropolitan communities. This resulted in a new range and midpoint for each position. I-3: Then, in order to establish a relevant ranking of positions within the structure in Rosemount, I reviewed several other cities and the county's approach in completing their comparable worth plan. These included Lakeville, Apple Valley, Brooklyn Park, Brainard, Princeton and Dakota County. I decided to use the approach followed by Lakeville. I found that it offered what I was looking for in setting up salary ranges, salary rankings and a three tier (A, B, C) salary schedule which benefits employees and management. The Lakeville plan sets ranks for all positions resulting in a highest ranking for city administrator at 19 and a lowest ranking for janitor of 1. It also utilizes the A, B, C subranges to give management the opportunity to move persons through a broad range of salaries based on experience and performance. I-4: At this point I matched Rosemount positions to Lakeville rankings and recorded salary ranges and midpoints for Lakeville's relative positions. iii 'Employee Salary Review, e 'November 13, 1987 . I-5: Then to find a relative position of what the "average" salary was based on the Stanton report, to Lakeville's, I compared the entire range of Lakeville to Stanton for our positions and found we were at about an 85% position. I-6: I then made adjustments, if necessary, to Stanton results to bring Rosemount ranked position salary ranges to within that relative range. These results are shown as "adjusted". Recommendations: II -1: My intent, as was also referenced in the Lakeville program, is to bring all employees doing satisfactory work to at least midpoint in the new proposed range at their completion of three years in a given position. In order to do this, I recommend adjustments at January 1, 1988 and beyond. Some are significant adjustments and would be phased in over a period of two years. These are shown on the individual sheets. The resulting ranking and salary ranges are shown on a separate sheet attached, 1I-2: Adjustments coming after 1988 are listed separately under the comment section of the individual sheets. II -3: For all department heads, I am further recommending an automobile allowance be granted. In reviewing benefit packages, this seems to be totally in line. The $150 per department head and $175 for the administrator seems to be low to midrange compared to other cities. A minimum mileage reimbursement would be included in this allowance and a final cost sharing beyond that yet to be determined. iv POSITION TITLE: ADMINISTOOR/CLERK ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $39,000-$42,000 1987 Salary Base $41,500 Other Salary Items -0- Total Salary $41,500 Comparable Worth Points 108 STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 12 Population Range 3,177-14,168 Avg. Persons Supervised 28.5 I-2: 1987 Salary Range $37,700-$48,100 Salary Median $43,730 Salary Range + 4% $39,208-$49,924 Survey Median + 4% $45,479 Proposed Median $45,500 Proposed Range $39,000-$50,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: I-4: Position Rank 19 Point Value 877 Salary Range $46,000-$69,000 Salary Range Midpt. $57,500 ADJUSTED: I-6: Range $40,000-$55,000 Midpoint $47,500 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $40,000-$55,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988 $1,500 on 1/1/88 $1,000 on 11/1/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $44,000 Other Salary Items -0- Total for 1988 $44,000 II -2: Comments: Move to $45,500 on 6/1/89 Move to $47,500 on 11/1/89 II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: $175 for Auto Allowance (budgeted), P-1 POSITION TITLE: COUNCIL *RETARY/DEPUTY CLERK ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $22,000-$24,000 1987 Salary Base $23,333 Other Salary Items -0- Total Salary $23,333 Comparable Worth Points N/A STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 12 Population Range 4,291-14,212 Avg. Persons Supervised 0 1-2: 1987 Salary Range $18,132-$27,456 Salary Median $23,400 Salary Range + 4% $18,852-$28,560 Survey Median + 4% $24,336 Proposed Median $23,000 Proposed Range $18,000-$28,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: I-4: Position Rank 9 Point Value 341 Salary Range $24,000-$34,000 Salary Range Midpt. $29,000 ADJUSTED: I-6: Range $20,000-$30,000 Midpoint $25,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $20,000-$30,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988 $1,667 on 1/1/88 $1,000 on 5/13/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $26,000 Other Salary Items -0- Total for 1988 $26,000 11-2: Comments: None 11-3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: None P'2 POSITION TITLE: DIRECTORO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $33,500-$36,500 1987 Salary Base $36,500 Other Salary Items 365 longevity 1,200 HRA Total Salary $38,065 Comparable Worth Points 103 STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 13 Population Range 6,548-51,267 Avg. Persons Supervised 3.2 1-2: 1987 Salary Range $32,448-$44,700 Salary Median $37,772 Salary Range + 4% $33,746-$46,488 Survey Median + 4% $39,283 Proposed Median $40,000 Proposed Range $34,000-$46,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: I-4: Position Rank 16 Point Value 639 Salary Range $37,000-$55,000 Salary Range Midpt. $46,000 ADJUSTED: I-6: Range $34,000-$46,000 Midpoint $40,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $34,000-$46,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988 $1,500 on 1/1/88 $1,000 on 1/1/89 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $39,000 Other Salary Items 1,200 HRR 780 longevity Total for 1988 $40,980 II -2: Comments Increase Base to $40,000 + longevity + HRA on 1/1/89. II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: $150 Auto Allowance p-3 POSITION TITLE: B UILDING19FICIAL ROSEMOUNT: 1987 SalaryRange $27,000-$30,000 1987 Salary Base $30,000 Other Salary Items -0- Total Salary $30,000 Comparable Worth Points 84 STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 10 Population Range 6,548-.15,211 Avg. Persons Supervised 1.4 r I-2: 1987 Salary Range $29,700-$38,400 Salary Median $32,970 Salary Range + 4% $30,888-$39,936 Survey Median + 4% $34,289 Proposed Median $35,500 Proposed Range $31,000-$39,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: I-4: Position Rank 12 Point Value 454 Salary Range $29,000-$42,000 Salary Range Midpt. $35,500 ADJUSTED I-6: Range $31,000-$39,000 Midpoint $35,000 RECOMMENDATIONS; II -1: Proposed Range $31,000-$39,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988 $2,000 on 1/1/88 $1,000 on 4/1/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $33,000 Other Salary Items _0_ Total for 1988 $33,000 II -2: Comments: Raise to $34,000 on 1/1/89 II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: None. P-4 POSITION TITLE: BUILDINGOSPECTOR ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $22,000-$24,000 1987 Salary Base $22,000 Other Salary Items -0- Total Salary $22,000 Comparable Worth Points N/A STANTON SURVEY• I-1: No. Cities Used 8 Population Range 5,010-13,837 Avg. Persons Supervised 0 I-2: 1987 Salary Range $23,500-$29,784 Salary Median $25,260 Salary Range + 4% $24,440-$30,975 Survey Median + 4% $26,270 Proposed Median $23,000-$29,000 Proposed Range $26,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: I-4: Position Rank 9 Point Value 325 Salary Range $24,000--$34,000 Salary Range Midpt. $29,000 ADJUSTED I-6: Range $20,000-$30,000 Midpoint $25,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $20,000-$30,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $1,000 @ 6 mos. $1,000 @ 1 yr. Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $24,000 Other Salary Items -0- Total for 1988 $24,000 II -2: Comments: Raise to $26,000 @ 2 years II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: None p-5 POSITION TITLE: ASSISTAN*ANNER ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $22,000-$24,004 1987 Salary Base' $23,000 Other Salary Items -0- Total Salary $23,000 Comparable Worth Points N/A STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 10 Population Range 2,000-28,538 Avg. Persons Supervised 0 I-2: 1987 Salary Range $17,500-$29,750 Salary Median $23,700 Salary Range + 4% $18,200-$30,940 Survey Median + 4% $18,500-$31,000 Proposed Median $25,000 Proposed Range $18,500-$31,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: I-4: Position Rank 9 Point Value 341 Salary Range $24,000-$34,000 Salary Range Midpt. $29,000 ADJUSTED: I-6: Range $20,000-$30,000 Midpoint $25,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $20,000-$30,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $1,000 on 1/1/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $24,000 Other Salary Items -0- Total for 1988 $24,000 II -2: Comments: Raise to $25,000 on 1/1/89 II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: None P-6 POSITION TITLE: COMMUNITOVELOPMENT SUPPORT PERSON ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $21,000-$23,000 1987 Salary Base $23,000 Other Salary Items 1 230 longevity Total Salary $23,230 Comparable Worth Points 61 STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 12 Population Range 4,291-14,212 Avg. Persons Supervised 0 1-2: 1987 Salary Range $18,132-$27,456 Salary Median $23,400 Salary Range + 4% $18,852-$28,560 Survey Median + 4% $24,336 Proposed Median $24,000 Proposed Range $18,000-28,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: 1-4: Position Rank 7 Point Value 272 Salary Range $20,000-$28,000 Salary Range Midpt. $24,000 ADJUSTED: 1-6: Range $20,000-$28,000 Midpoint $24,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $20,000-$28,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $1,000 @ 1/1/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $24,000 Other Salary Items 240 longevity Total for 1988 $24,240 11-2: Comments: None II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: None P-7 POSITION TITLE: CHIEF OF OLICE ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $34,000-$37,000 1987 Salary Base $37,000 Other Salary Items 1,100 longevity Total Salary $38,100 Comparable Worth Points N/A STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 10 Population Range 3,392-9,710 Avg. Persons Supervised 8.4 I-2: 1987 Salary Range $33,100-$44,000 Salary Median $38,450 Salary Range + 4% $34,424-$45,760 Survey Median + 4% $39,988 Proposed Median $40,000 Proposed Range $34,000-$46,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: 1-4: Position Rank 16 Point Value 641 Salary Range $37,000-$55,000 Salary Range Midpt. $46,000 ADJUSTED: 1-6: Range $34,000-$46,000 Midpoint $40,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: !I-1: Proposed Range $34,000-$46,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $2,000 on 1/1/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $39,000 Other Salary Items 1,170 longevity Total for 1988 $40,170 1I-2: Comments: Increase to $40,000 + longevity on 1/1/89 13-3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: $150 Auto Allowance F-8 POSITION TITLE: POLICE SERGEANT ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $31,000-$33,000 1987 Salary Base $33,000 Other Salary Items 990 longevity Total Salary $33,990 Comparable Worth Points 82 STANTON SURVEY: 1-1: No. Cities Used li Population Range 4,797-13,837 Avg. Persons Supervised 1-2: 1987 Salary Range $30,948-$38,016 Salary Median $35,300 Salary Range + 4% $32,186-$39,537 Survey Median + 4% $36,712 Proposed Median $35,500 Proposed Range $32,000-$39,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: 1-4: Position Rank 12 Point Value 466 Salary Range $29,000-$42,000 Salary Range Midpt. $35,500 ADJUSTED: I-6: Range $29,000-$39,000 Midpoint $35,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $29,000-$39,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $1,000 on 1/1/88 $1,000 on 6/1/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $35,000 Other Salary Items 1,050 longevity Total for 1988 $36,050 1I-2: Comments: None II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: None P-9 POSITION TITLE: POLICE DISPATCHER/SECRETARY ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $21,000-$23,000 1987 Salary Base $23,000 Other Salary Items 460 longevity Total Salary $23,460 Comparable Worth Points STANTON SURVEY: I -1r No. Cities Used 12 Population Range 5,360-21,54I Avg. Persons Supervised 0 I-2: 1987 Salary Range $18,700-$23,460 Salary Median $20,916 Salary Range + 4% $19,448-24,398 Survey Median + 4% $21,753 Proposed Median $22,000 Proposed Range $18,500-$25,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: 1-4: Position Rank 8 Point Value 302 Salary Range $22,000-$31,000 Salary Range Midpt. $26,500 ADJUSTED: I-6: Range $19,000-$29,000 Midpoint` $24,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $19,000-$29,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $1,000 on 1/1/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $24,000 Other Salary Items 480 longevity Total for 1988 $24,480 1I-2: Comments: None II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: None P-10 POSITION TITLE: DIRECTOR 0 PARKS & RECREATION • ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $32,000-$34,000 1987 Salary Base $34,000 Other Salary Items -0- Total Salary $34,000 Comparable Worth Points 88 STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 10 Population Range 6,548-22,5560 Avg. Persons Supervised 7.2 1-2: 1987 Salary Range $32,400-$43,600 Salary Median $36,350 Salary Range + 4% $33,696-$45,344 Survey Median + 4% $37,804 Proposed Median $38,000 Proposed Range $34,000-$45,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: 1-4: Position Rank 16 Point Value 639 Salary Range $37,000-$55,000 Salary Range Midpt. $46,000 ADJUSTED: 1-6: Range $34,000-$46,000 Midpoint $40,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: Ii -1: Proposed Range $34,000-$46,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $2,000 on 1/1/88 $1,000 on 6/1/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $37,000 Other Salary Items 370 longevity Total for 1988 $37,370 II -2: Comments: Raise to $40,000 on 1/1/89 11-3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: $150 Auto Allowance P-11 u } POSITION TITLE: ADMINISTOIVE ASSISTANT - PARKS & RECREAgN ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $21,000-$23,000 1987 Salary Base $22,000 Other Salary Items -0- Total Salary $22,000 Comparable Worth Points n/a STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 12 Population Range 4,291-14,212 Avg. Persons Supervised 0 I-2: 1987 Salary Range $18,132-$27,456 Salary Median $23,400 Salary Range + 4% $18,852-$28,560 Survey Median + 4% $24,336 Proposed Median $23,000 Proposed Range $18,000-$28,500 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION I-4: Position Rank 9 Point Value 341 Salary Range $24,000-$34,000 Salary Range l+tidpt. $29,000 ADJUSTED: I-6: Range $24,000=$34,000 Midpoint $29,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $24,000-$34,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $1,000 on 1/1/88 $1,000 on 7/1/$8 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $24,000 Other Salary Items -0- Total for 1988 $24,000 II -2: Comments Raise to $25,000 on 1/1/89 Raise to $26,000 on 7/1/89 Raise to $27,000 on 1/1/90 II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: None p-12 POSITION TITLE: DIRECTORIDPUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $33,000-$36,000 1987 Salary Base $36,000 Other Salary Items -0- Total Salary $36,000 Comparable Worth Points 98 STANTON SURVEY: I -l: No. Cities Used 9 Population Range 2,601-13,116 Avg. Persons Supervised 9 I-2: 1987 Salary Range $32,500-$46,300 Salary Median $39,500 Salary Range + 4% $33,800-$48,152 Survey Median + 4% $41,080 r Proposed Median $39,000 Proposed Range $33,000-$45,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: 1-4: Position Rank 16 Point Value 640 Salary Range $37,000-$55,000 Salary Range Midpt. $46,000 ADJUSTED: I-6: Range $34,000-$46,000 Midpoint $40,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $34,000-$46,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $1,500 on 1/1/88 $1,000 on 11/15/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $38,500 Other Salary Items -0- Total for 1988 $38,500 I1-2: Comments: Raise to $40,000 on 11/15/89. I1-3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: $150 Auto Allowance p-13 POSITION TITLE: PUBLIC Woos SUPPORT PERSON ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $21,000-$23,000 1987 Salary Base $23,000 Other Salary Items 460 longevity Total Salary $23,460 Comparable Worth Points n/a STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 12 Population Range 4,291-14,212 Avg. Persons Supervised 0 I-2: 1987 Salary Range $18,132-$27,456 Salary Median $23,400 Salary Range + 4% $18,852-$28,560 Survey Median + 4% $24,336 Proposed Median $24,000 Proposed Range $18,000-$28,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: I-4: Position Rank 7 Point Value 272 Salary Range $20,000-$28,000 Salary Range Midpt. $24,000 ADJUSTED: I-6: Range $20,000-$28,000 Midpoint $24,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $20,000-$28,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $1,000 @ 1/1/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $24,000 Other Salary Items 480 longevity Total for 1988 $24,480 II -2: Comments: None II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: None p-14 POSITION TITLE: FINANCE OCTOR ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $32,000-$34,000 1987 Salary Base $34,000 Other Salary Items 2,400 deputy registrar 1,200 HRA 1,020 longevity Total Salary $38,620 Comparable Worth Points 100 STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 11 Population Range 4,788-22,770 Avg. Persons Supervised 2.4 I-2: 1987 Salary Range $30,700-$41,000 Salary Median $37,130 Salary Range + 4% $32,00-$42,640 Survey Median + 4% $38,615 Proposed Median $37,500 Proposed Range $32,000-$43,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: I-4: Position Rank 16 Point Value 645 Salary Range $37,000-$55,000 Salary Range Midpt. $46,000 ADJUSTED: 1-6: Range $34,000-$46,000 Midpoint $40,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $34,000-$46,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: 1,600 on 1/1/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988: $38,000 Other Salary Items 1,200 HRR 1,140 longevity Total for 1988 $40,340 11-2: Comments: Raise base to $40,000 on 1/1/89 1I-3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: $150 Auto Allowance p-15 POSITION TITLE: FINANCE SORT PERSON ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $21,000-$23,000 1987 Salary Base $22,333 Other Salary Items -0- Total Salary $22,333 Comparable Worth Points 63 STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 8 Population Range 5,010-19,549 Avg. Persons Supervised 0 I-2: 1987 Salary Range $18,324-$24,800 Salary Median $21,400 Salary Range + 4% $19,057-$25,792 Survey Median + 4% $22,256 Proposed Median $22,500 Proposed Range $18,000-$25,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: I-4: Position Rank 7 Point Value 272 Salary Range $20,000-$28,000 Salary Range Midpt. $24,000 ADJUSTED: I-6: Range $20,000-$28,000 Midpoint $24,000 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $20,000-$24,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $750 on 1/1/88 $500 on 5/6/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $24,250 Other Salary Items -0- Total for 1988 $24,250 II -2: Comments: None II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988: None p-16 POSITION TITLE: DEPUTY REGISTRAR CLERK ROSEMOUNT: 1987 Salary Range $16,500-$18,500 1987 Salary Base $18,500 Other Salary Items -0- Total Salary $18,500 Comparable Worth Points STANTON SURVEY: I-1: No. Cities Used 9 Population Range 3,671-15,950 Avg. Persons Supervised 0 I-2: 1987 Salary Range $13,000-$19,000 Salary Median $18,372 Salary Range + 4% $13,520-$20,888 Survey Median + 4% $19,107 Proposed Median $18,000 Proposed Range $15,500-$21,000 LAKEVILLE COMPARABLE WORTH INFORMATION: I-4: Position Rank 5 Point Value 232 Salary Range $15,000-$24,000 Salary Range Midpt. $19,500 ADJUSTED; I-6: Range $15,000-$24,000 Midpoint $19,500 RECOMMENDATIONS: II -1: Proposed Range $15,000-$24,000 Proposed Adjustment(s) for 1988: $1,000 on 1/1/88 Proposed Base Salary for 1988 $19,500 Other Salary Items -0- Total for 1988 $19,500 II -2: Comments None II -3: Other Benefit Proposed for 1988 None p-17 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY. RANKING AND SALARY SCHEDULES Position Salary Rank Salary Range A B C Mid Pt. Administrator 19 40-44 44:1--45.5--50 50.1--55 Chief of Police 16 34--37.5 37.6-40-43 43.1-46 Finance Dir. 16 34--37.5 37.6-40-43 43.1-=46 Comm. Dev. Dir. 16 34--37.5 37.6-40-43 43.1--46 Public Works Dir. 16 34--37.5 37.6-40-43 43.1-46 Parks & Rec. Dir. 16 34--37.5 37.6--40--43 43.1-46 Building Official 12 29--32 32.1--34--36 36.1--39 Police Sergeant 12 29--32 32.1--34--36 36.1--39 Foreman (Parks & PW) 12 29--32 32.1--34--36 36.1--39 Police Patrolofficer 10 21--24.5 24.6--26.5--28.5- 28.6--32 Parks Admin. Asst. 9 20--23 23.1--25--27 27.1--30 Maintenance III 9 20--23 23.1--25---27 27.1--30 Asst. Planner 9 20--23 23.1--25--27 27.1--30 Council Sec/Dep. C1k. 9 20--23 23.1--25--27 27.1--30 Building Inspector 9 20--23 23.1--25--27 27.1--30 Police Disp/Secy. 8 19--22 22.1--24--26 26.1--29 Maintenance II 7 18--21 21.1--23--25 25.1--28 Com. Dev. Support 7 18--21 21.1--23--25 25.1--28 Accountant 7 18--21 21.1--23--25 25.1--28 Public Works Support 7 18--21 21.1--23--25 25.1--28 Dep. Reg. Clerk 5 15--18 18.1--19.5--21 21.0--24 Maintenance I 4 13--14 14.1--15--16 16.1--17 Receptionist 4 13--14 14..1-=15--16 16.1--17 v