HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Carrollton 2nd Addition EAW Findings of Fact• Minnesota Environmental Quality Board 100 Capitol Square Building 550 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone November 5, 1987 Michael Wozniak Assistant Planner 2875 145th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Close of EAW Review Period for Carrollton 2nd Addition Dear Mr. Wozniak: The 30 -day review and comment period for this EAW ended on November 4, 1987 A decision on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is to be made within 15 working days of the expiration of the comment period unless the decision will be made by a body which meets only periodically, in which case the decision is to be made at the first meeting 10 or more days after the expiration date and in no case more than 30 calendar days afterwards. In making the EIS decision please note the following requirements (given at Minnesota Rules, part 4410.1700, page 16 of the rules) 1. You must maintain a written record of some sort, including specific findings of fact, which supports your decision. The record must reflect the findings about the project with respect to the criteria of subpart 7 and should consider the information in the EAW itself and any timely comments reseived. 2. A notice of the decision is to be sent within five working days to the EQB, all persons on the EAW distribution dist, all persons who commented, and anyone who makes a request (see B.4.). The EQB will publish notice of your decision in the EEOB Monitor. 3. If your decision is to prepare an EIS, your notice must also include your proposed scope of the EIS and the date, time and place of the scoping meeting. Please call me before scheduling a scoping meeting to assure that the meeting will fall between 10 working days and 20 calendar days after publication of the notice in the EQB Monitor., The scoping meeting must also be noticed by a press release. Sincerely, S P\ `' Gregg. Downing Environmental Review Coordinator ( 612) 296-8253 Toll-free: 1-800-652-9747; ask for EQB, Environmental Review Program AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER i 0 N lkgj—1 LV Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Vas"' October 19, 1987 Mr. Michael Wozniak Assistant Planner City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota55068 Dear Mr. Wozniak: Re: Carrollton 2nd Addition, City of Rosemount The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff has reviewed the above referenced project and has determined that he project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects. The staff does, however, have comments to offer in the noise area. The City of Rosemount is evaluating noise mitigation techniques to ensure that noise levels due to traffic on County Road 42 at the southern boundary of the project site meet the state noise standards at the proposed residences. In addition, the staff is concerned that noise due to traffic on Shannon Parkway and Dodd Boulevard may exceed state noise standards (a daytime L level of 65 dBA and a nighttime L level of 55 dBA for land use category NAC -1) at the proposed single family residences. The staff recommends that noise impacts be further evaluated to determine if the state noise standards will be exceeded at the closest proposed residences due to these two roadways. The total average daily traffic (ADT) derived from existing traffic and traffic from the proposed development should be considered in the evaluation of roadway traffic noise. Also, noise from both car and truck traffic should be considered. If the state noise standards are to be exceeded due to traffic on the roadways, the City should ensure that the proposer implements noise control measures to come into compliance with the state standards. Possible noise control measures include 1) requiring the construction of noise "barriers, e.g., earth berms, wood or concrete walls, 2) adjusting the distance of the residences from the roadways and/or 3) the planting of vegetation. This last option, however, is not a very effective noise control measure compared to options 1 or 2. Phone: 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Regional Offices • Duluth/Brainerd/Detroit LakestMarshall/Rochester Equal opportunity Employer Mr. Michael Wozniak Page Two Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact Marlene Voita of my staff at 296-7275. Sincerely, Clifford T. Anderson Director Office of Planning and Review CTA:mf1 MCI, -- 0 • MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOUNDED 1N 1849 fort Snelling IlistoryCenter, St. Paul, MN55111 e (612)726-1171 October 30, 1987 Mr. Michael Wozniak City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Mr. Wozniak: Re: Carrollton 2nd Addition, Rosemount, Dakota County MHS Referral File Number: 88-0013 Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the above project. It has been reviewed pursuant to responsibilities given the State Historic Preservation Officer by the National I3istoric Preservation Act of 1966 and the Procedures of the National Advisory Council of Historic Preservation (35CFR800) This review reveals the location of no known sites of historic, architectural, cultural, archaeological, or engineering significance within the area of the proposed project. There are no sites in the project area which are on the National Register or eligible for inclusion on the National Register, and therefore, none which may be affected by your proposal. Again, thank you for your participation in this important effort to preserve Minnesota's heritage. Sincerely, Dennis A. Gimmestad Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DAG:dmb p O Metropolitan Council 300 Metro Square Building Seventh and Robert Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Telephone (612) 291-6359 R October 14, 1987 Michael Wozniak Assistant Planner City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th St. W. Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: EAW City of Rosemount, Carrolton 2nd Addition Metropolitan Council District 16 Dear Mr. Wozniak: Council staff has conducted a preliminary review of this environmental assessment work sheet to determine its adequacy and accuracy in addressing, regional concerns. The staff review has concluded that the EAW is complete and accurate with respect to regional concerns and raises no major issues of consistency with Council policies. An EIS is not necessary for regional purposes. This will conclude the Council's review of the EAW. No formal action on the EAW will be taken by the Council. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Pat Pahl, Council staff at 291-6392. Sincerely, U� 11 Roger Israel, Director cc: Pat Scully, Metropolitan Council District 16 John Rutford, Metropolitan Council Staff An Equal Opportunity Employer