HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170508 CCM WSROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MAY 8, 2017 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Monday, May 8, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at Fire Station 2, 2000 Connemara Trail W, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Freske, Weisensel and Nelson attending. Also in attendance were Port Authority Commissioner Smith, and Planning Commissioners Kenninger, Mele, VanderWeil, Clements and Freeman. Staff present included the following; o City Administrator Martin o City Clerk Hadler o Community Development Director Lindquist o Senior Planner Klatt o Parks & Recreation Director Schultz o Chief of Fire Schroeder o Planner Nemcek Mayor Droste invited residents present to speak. An unknown resident suggested the city add more refuse containers along the trails for dog waste. Vanessa Demuth, a Utility Commissioner, supported that statement. Parks and Recreation Director Schultz stated he would look into it. DISCUSSION 2.a. UMore Park Update Community Development Director Lindquist introduced Dale Glowa of the UMore Park organization. Mr. Glowa presented information regarding some of the changes in the UMore Park organization and the future build out of UMore Park. He noted the sale of land to Opus is a catalyst for the rest of the project. Mr. Glowa speculates the first piece of land that will be available for development will be approximately 400 acres. He reviewed different types of developers and builders who might be interested in purchasing the property or portions thereof. UMore has hired Ehlers to do some planning so that potential developers can see the vision of the development as a whole. Mayor Droste inquired about the status of efforts to get federal cleanup of the site. Mr. Glowa stated he is not certain if there will be a federal cleanup, but the organization is examining other options. Council member Nelson inquired about financial restraints regarding the cleanup and how it might relate to development. Mr. Glowa stated it was a case of the University being ready. Ms. Lindquist clarified her understanding of the cleanup efforts and the University's policy regarding paying for cleanup. Mr. Glowa stated they are still hoping to come to an agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers regarding the areas that need to be cleaned up, but they have received the "go ahead" for development of areas that do not need cleanup. Mr. Glowa noted a couple of impediments to development that will be addresses; a mine "haul road", a beef production facility, and a turkey production facility. 6.b. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MAY 8, 2017 The university is working on design guidelines and covenants that would guide development. He likened it to the Stapleton (Denver Area) project. Council member Weisensel inquired if the university was still pursuing efforts around sustainability and whether they would seek a developer who could implement more sustainability efforts. Mr. Glowa stated they are hoping to give more consideration to developers that can address sustainability issues. Planning Commissioner Clements inquired about how soon a developer might get started. Mayor Droste inquired if the University will seek some type of educational aspect to the development. Mr. Glowa said they are not currently. 2.b. Comprehensive Plan Update Senior Planner Klatt began the discussion giving an overview of the current Land Use Plan. There are a number of working groups addressing various quadrants of the city and topics of the Comprehensive Plan Update. Mr. Klatt introduced the Proposed Land Use Plan changes, which includes areas UMore West, UMore East, areas east of Highway 52, which will expand the MUSA (Metropolitan Urban Service Area), as well as a few other areas with recommended changes. Mr. Klatt reviewed the Proposed 2040 Land Use Plan map, which reflects the changes noted above. Mayor Droste noted that the land uses can be changed in the future depending on market demands. Mayor Droste inquired about where someone could currently build high-density. Planning Commissioner Mele inquired if the City can help to guide the UMore project to incorporate more density. Council members, commissioners and staff discussed the proposed densities in UMore Park. Council member Nelson inquired about the potential for a business park along the Mississippi River bluffs. Mayor Droste stated that area is a National Park. Mr. Nelson inquired about adding park area near the existing Flint Hills soccer fields. Council member Weisensel asked if staff thought there was enough community commercial areas planned. Mr. Klatt stated that the planning to date has focused mainly on residential and staff is still working on developing commercial density numbers. Council member Freske noted concerns that there is not enough commercial serving the north end of the city, because many people work to the north, so that's where they shop. Council members, commissioners and staff discussed the possible commercial areas. Mr. Klatt reviewed the Land Use Table, which addresses the estimated densities in each land use should the city develop as proposed. He explained the methodology of these estimates and the purposes of each. Mr. Klatt stated staff is not currently taking UMore into account in the projections, but those will need to be incorporated. The projections show a population in 2040 around 37,000. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MAY 8, 2017 Commissioner Kenninger inquired how UMore will change the projections. Mr. Klatt explained that if the UMore was able to develop faster, that would assist in meeting the projections sooner. Commissioner Mele speculated that the Met Council Comprehensive Plan discussion may differ than the local discussion, which is more market-based. Mayor Droste stated the Met Council demographers were very accurate. Mr. Klatt noted the city received a grant to add a Resiliency chapter to the Comprehensive Plan. 2.c. Council Goals City Administrator Martin gave an overview of the Council Goals discussion and invited discussion with regard to the activities of the Planning Commission and Port Authority. Commissioner Clements noted the difficulty in getting landowners to sell their land at today's prices when they are expecting 2005-2006 prices. Mayor Droste discussed the time investment of participating on the Planning Commission and thanked commissioners for their work. Council member Weisensel noted the importance of life-cycle housing in the long run. Mayor Droste invited Planning Commissioners to comment on Parks and introduced Parks & Recreation Director Schultz. Commissioner Kenninger noted that staff did a great job of explaining park dedication and the philosophy behind neighborhood park developments. UPDATES 3.a. Updates from Council and Staff City Administrator Martin discussed the information staff received at a meeting with Dakota County Transportation. Inver Grove Heights has pulled funding for paving Akron Avenue, so the county is revising the plan for Akron. Also, there is a potential Enerkem development in Inver Grove Heights, which would bring significant truck traffic into Rosemount. Council members and staff expressed concerns with the proposed plans and the potential outcomes of it. Mr. Martin reassured Council that the County generally does not force projects on cities. Council members and staff discussed next steps to address the issue. City Clerk Hadler asked for a Council volunteer to sit on a Potentially Dangerous Dog hearing panel. Council member Freske volunteered. Council member Nelson thanked Fire Chief Schroeder for the great Fire banquet. Council member Nelson inquired about the locked gates at some ball fields. Parks and Recreation Director Schultz explained how residents are using the ball fields as dog parks and leaving the waste, so RAAA (Rosemount Area Athletic Association) has requested that the fields be locked. Council member Weisensel suggested staff look at every park to determine if there is space for dog parks. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MAY 8, 2017 Council member Weisensel noted the lack of signage at the tree giveaway. Council member Weisensel stated Friday is a Regional Indicators meeting. Ms. Lindquist and Mr. Martin stated they will also be attending. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was adjourned at 9:49 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Clarissa Hadler City Clerk