HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170418 ESTF MinutesENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, April 18, 2017 1 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environment & Sustainability Task Force of the City of Rosemount was called to order on April 18, at 5:50 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Attendees included: Task Force Members in attendance were Rebecca Higgins, Kathleen Koch-Laveen, Renee Burman, Colleen Corrigan, Wade Miller and Karen Malkowski; Mark Glende was absent. Vanessa Demuth (resident) City Senior Engineer Technician Derick Anderson, Interim Public Works Director John Morast also attended. 2 ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Rebecca Higgins requested road salt training and the federal budget proposal as new agenda items for discussion under New Business; there were no corrections to the agenda. 3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Koch-Laveen. Second by Miller. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried. 4 PRESENTATIONS None 5 OLD BUSINESS a. Partners in Energy Task force members requested city staff inquire with Excel Energy on the status of the City’s Partners in Energy application and for commencing with the plan to develop and implement an energy plan in 2017. b. RETAP No new action c. GreenCorps The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will announce GreenCorps selections at the end of April. City staff will learn then whether the City’s application for a GreenCorps member to implement storm water impact reduction initiatives was selected. NEW BUSINESS a. Mayor’s Water Conservation Challenge Rosemount Mayor Bill Droste joined the national Water Conservation Challenge campaign and is asking residents to take the pledge at mywaterpledge.com to manage 1 water resources more wisely. The challenge runs through April; Task Force members are encouraged to promote the campaign to Rosemount community groups, neighbors, friends and affiliates. The campaign runs through April. John Morast provided an update on the City’s Water Conservation Rebate program that issues rebates to residential customers for the purchase and installation of select water efficient items. The program was so successful that rebate funding ran out so the City is requesting additional funds from Metropolitan Council to continue the program. Task Force members recommended the program be promoted at the city’s annual spring clean- up day in May. b. Conserve MN Water Forum (May 6) Conservation Minnesota is hosting Water Forum: A Clean Water Strategy on Saturday, May 6th at the Eagan Community Center. Vanessa Demuth encouraged task force members to attend the forum to learn what organizations are doing to maintain clean water in Dakota County c. Road Salt Training Road salt use is on the rise and research shows environmental impacts from its use in surface and groundwater. Training and tools are available for municipalities to reduce impacts to local water. Rebecca Higgins will provide city staff with training information. Task Force members recommend review of the City’s “bare road” policy in light of new research on road salt use impacts. In addition, City staff will share the City’s CIP schedule with the goal to review projects for possible environmental opportunities. d. Federal Environmental Budget Proposal Task Force members discussed potential impacts to local environmental programs if the proposed federal budget cuts passed. e. Change Meeting Date Task Force members recommended shifting the monthly meeting date because it conflicts with the City’s Port Authority meeting. Task Force members approved shifting the meeting date to the first Tuesday of the month, effective June 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Welcome New Member Members welcomed newly appointed Coleen Corrigan to the Task Force. b. New Chair Rebecca Higgins was nominated to be the Task Force Chair, replacing Mark Glende. Motion by Burman. Second by Koch-Laveen. Ayes: 6. 2 Nays: 0. Motion carried. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6, 2017. The Task Force Chair will provide the City Council an update on Task Force activities in May. 6 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m. 3