HomeMy WebLinkAbout14246 ALDBOROUGH AVE �9�.7
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Servlce invert elevatlon =928.90 • Denot� iron Pipe
(As-buqt by others) Lowest floor elevotion per groding ptan :830.9
'� Denotea smvice
Lot ar� =8775 SF � oenot� televiaion box
House area =1887 SF � Dm�otea eleetric box Houae elewt}ons (,Proqosed�I As-built
Porch area =125 Sf ❑� Denotes telephone box Lowest Fl�r Elewtion :(�1.8) `931.7
Sldewalk area a29 SF x OOo.� Denotes extating elewtian To Of Faundatlon Elev.
DTIYewoy areo =685 SF ( 000.� ) Denot� proposed elewtEon p :�839.8� �939.8
Total Impervlous Area =2886 SF � Denotes dralnage flow dlr�Uon �rage Slab Elev. 0 Doar ;(939.3) /939.8
Impenrioua Coverage =30.6% T.O.F. Elevatton � Lookout:(934.8) /938.4
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��, _�_ � �/aaji7 ,0� REVISED 6/2/2017 GRADING AS-BUILT B��,m�:
�016` �3�'rp Top Nut Hydrant L5-6 B2
General Plotes• Elevation �939.72
1. Grading plan by Westwood last dated 8/8/14] was ueed to
deter►nine proposed elevationa shown herein. we hereby certify to Lennar Corporattor► thot thb survey, ptan ar report
2. No speciftc solls investigatlo� has been performed on th(s lot by WO8 Prepared by me or under my dfrect superviaion, and that 1 am a
the surveyor. The suitabflity of soils to support the specific house duly Iicenaed Land Surveyor under the lawa of the State of Minnesota,
is not the responsibility of the surveyor. dated 11/16/16.
3. this certi�cate does not purport to show easements other than Signed: to eer En ineering, P.A. ����
those shown on the recorded plat. 1.>1�-1�-�bsm�etio�
4. bearings shown are based on an ossumed datum. z.>o6-oz-»c�g.a�-awic
e er . aw nson, ro ess ona an rveyor
Minnesota License No. 42299 emafl-phowktnson�pioneereng.com
PI�r� Lot 4. Block 2,
1 ��.��77�P� PRESTiMCK PLACE 11 TH ADDI110N Certificate of Survey for:
���.�� ��.� ,.�S���oa� ��
according to the recorded plat thereof Lennar Corporation
2422 Enterprise Drive Ph.:(651)681-1914 Dakota County� Minnesota 16305 36th Ave N Ste#600
Mendota Heights,MN 55120 Fa�c:(651)681-9488
www.pioneereng.com Addresa: 14246 Aldboraugh Avenue. Rosemount. Mtnnesota Plymourt►,1vnv 5544�6-4270
House Model: Lewis 5006 Elevation: 63 Phone:(952)249-3000/Fax:(952)444-1909
Project#:115221025 Folder#:7846 Drawn by:MTHI Buyer: Zaotori
c�Pioneer Engineering