September 12, 2017
Chair Kenninger called the work session to order at 6:34 p.m. Commissioners Kenninger, VanderWiel,
Freeman, Mele and Clements were present.
The main purpose of the work session was to provide staff with direction in drawing the land use map to
gain consensus from the Planning Commission and send the final draft to Council for approval. Staff also
provided an update of the land use table that shows how the City will accommodate the anticipated
growth over the next 30 years. The work session began with a debriefing of the Open House that took
place in August.
Open House Debriefing
The two subjects that drew the largest number of resident input were the Downtown Framework
Concept Plan and the reguiding of the north central area of Rosemount from RR‐Rural Residential to TR‐
Transitional Residential. There was not a lot of feedback regarding the guiding of portions UMore Park
with the Comprehensive Plan update. Staff and the Commission thought that maybe residents have
been hearing about UMore Park developing for so long that they are skeptical of anything happening in
that site any time soon.
There are no plans to reguide any of the areas around Downtown so the focus of the rest of the work
session revolved around the north central portion of Rosemount.
Future Land Use Map
Staff is recommending planning for services by guiding the north central part of the City as Transitional
Residential but not extending the MUSA. Commissioners were receptive to the comments they heard
from residents of the north central area at the open house. They questioned the benefit of reguiding to
a higher density when there are so many other places within Rosemount to develop that are located
within the MUSA. Some commissioners felt that the conversation was being pushed by developers and
owners of property that could be easily developed if it had municipal services rather than by the what
the people living in that area want for their neighborhood.
Staff shared its understanding that Eagan may not be extending service down to the potentially
developable sites in Rosemount.
Commissioner Clements expressed his strong feeling that the rural residential classification fits with the
way Inver Grove Heights is going to remain over the long term. If the land is reguided, development will
be bumping up to the edge of the MUSA sooner than later and it will only be a matter of time before a
request is made for services within the proposed TR‐guided area. Chair Kenninger stated her opinion
that if the area in question becomes guided for Transitional Residential a developer may then use the
PUD process to push for densities that are even higher. Commissioner VanderWeil believes that this
discussion is really about the character of the city. Keeping the area in question guided as RR‐Rural
Residential maintains a diversity of land uses that is disappearing among the other LDR areas.
September 12, 2017
The Commission discussed the fact that Rosemount isn’t like other suburbs in that there are still parts of
the City that are rural in character that separate Rosemount as an independent community.
Commissioner Mele wondered why, instead of planning for services to the north, why growth isn’t being
spurred elsewhere, namely to the east.
Overall, the Commission felt that it is their duty to represent the voices of the residents who spoke at
the public meeting. In doing so, they opposed changing the guidance of the land in the north central
area from RR‐Rural Residential to TR‐Transitional Residential. The Commission did feel that the MUSA
could be expanded to include an area of smaller lots located just west of Bacardi between 126th and
130th Streets West.
Senior Planner Klatt also discussed other changes to the land use plan that the commission had not yet
seen. Those changes were limited to guiding additional land owned by DCTC as Public Institutional as
well as guiding some land that is already parkland as park.
Land Use Planning Table
Senior Planner Klatt shared with the Commission the latest version of the land use planning table that
shows how the City is planning for the growth that is anticipated over the next 20 years. The biggest
question is how staff will present the reguiding of UMore to the Met Council. As of now, the Met
Council is not taking any of the land within UMore Park into account when developing growth
calculations. The Planning Commission has requested that the land that is proposed to be guided within
UMore be called out on an additional column on the table.
Other Concerns
Commissioner Mele and others remain concerned about the connection between future development
to the east of Highway 52 and the existing developed areas within Rosemount. It is important to the
commission that the City has a cohesive feel. Additionally, Commissioners Mele and VanderWeil take
issue with the large swaths of land being guided as Business Park. They are concerned that Rosemount
will end up with a large monotonous area containing similar building constructed of tilt‐up concrete