HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10-23-17 PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION
October 23, 2017
Special Meeting
Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Mike Eliason,Barb Farrell, Scott McDonald, Craig Nelson,
Dave Speich,Lincoln Tilson,Jim Young
Members Absent: Bryan Feldhaus
Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Dixectox of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording
Others Present: None
1. CALL TO ORDER: Elia.son called the meeting to oxdex at 8:16 p.m.
approve the minutes of the September 25,2017 meeting. SECOND by McDonald. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0
Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None
a. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget—Project Planning- Schultz xeviewed the
priority project list from last year. (8:20 p.m. Nelson arrived.) Schultz asked if there were other
priority items the Commission wanted to add to the list or if they wexe comfortable with the list
we have. He expla.ined that the Community of Hope Church is planning to bu.ild a facility that
could help meet some of the needs for indoox courts. He also mentioned that RAHA is still
talking with Invex Grove Heights ice a,Yena xegarcling an agreement that would allow RAHA to
puxchase additional hours of ice time in exchange for help paying for repa.irs to the Innex Grove
Heights ice atena.The Commission discussed the projects on the list,includi.ng the Flint Hills
Athletic Complex and what can be built there based on the funds we currendy have. They also
discussed the ice hours being offered by Invex GYove Heights arena and the courts to be built
by Community of Hope Church. The Priority Project List was revised as follows:
• Flint Hills Athletic Fields— (Thi.r ite�a zv�.r revi.red flightly ancl broken into 3 pha.res: It originally
looked like thi.r: 3 natuxal gxass fields, 1 artificial turf field with lights,a track and dome,
and pickle ball courts.) Kevi�ion: Phase 1 —4 natuxal grass fields (we curYently have
funding foY this phase);Phase 2-1 artificial turf field with lights, a track and dome,and
pickle ball courts;Phase 3—Concession sta,nd.
• UMoxe Ball Field Project—3�fields and concession stand.
• Central Park��S�rP'�—Plaza, fire pit and playground.
• Skate Park Equipment Replacement—New pad and equipment.
• Restore NatuYal Resou.tces in Carxoll's Woods/Schwarz Pond Pa.tk—Develop a natural
xesources management pla,n and restore the natuxal resources/xemove buckthorn.
• Addition of a Full Size Indoor Ice Sheet—Develop a new full-size ice sheet.
� Indoor Court Space—Develop a multi-court facility.
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October 23, 2017
Special Meeting
The Commission discussed the possibility of having a survey done to find out what residents'
prioxities are. They talked about what would be the most appropria.te timuig for a survey,and if
the survey supported it,what would be the best way to move forwaxd with a referendum.They
asked how much surveys cost,who approves surveys being done, and how they are conducted.
They wanted to make suxe that if a survey was done at some time in the future, and the results
supported a refexendum,that thexe was enough time to plan for a referendum and conduct it in an
appropria.te way. Schultz mentioned that the City is going to be doing a survey of residents in
2018. He could let the City Council know that the Paxks and Recxeation Commission is inteYested
_ in doing a survey xegaxding paxks and recreation facilities. (9:30 Tilson departed.) 'I'he revised
Pxiority Project List will be brought back to the November Commission meeting for final xeview
and Schultz will also bring back more information on doing a Paxks and Recreation facilities
b. Parks and Recreation Fees—Every yeax we review the Parks and Recxeation section of the
City's fee schedule. Schultz was bringing this to the Commission this month as an
informational item only. Schultz will bring survey xesults to the November meeting showing
how oux fees compare with those of other cities.
c. Director's Report—The park improvement fund balance as of September 30,2017 was
$585,563.65. Dedication fees of$11,400 wexe received. No grants or donations were received.
InteYest was $84.78. There were expenditures of$3,708.84 for Greystone Patk Development.
Splash Pad—'I'he Central Park splash pad closed for the season on Thursday, September 28.
This was the latest the spla.sh pad has been open, due to the warm weather this September.
Greystone Park—A ribbon cutting will be held at Greystone Paxk on Satuxday, October 28,at
10:00 a.m. Neighborhood residents have been invited to attend. The plapgxound has been
installed and the grass is already coming in at the new park.
Inver Grove Heights (IGI� West Rink Ice—Staff will be attending a Rosemount Area
Hockey Associa.tion (RAHA) board meeting in the next few days to continue discussions about
a 10 year agxeement between RAHA and the IGH axena. The pxoposed agreement would
provide RAHA with the opportunity to purchase additional hours of ice time at the IGH arena
in exchange for R.AHA's help to pay for repairs to one of the IGH rinks.
8. ADJOURNMENT -MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Nelson.
Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjouxned at 9:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,Paxks and Recreation Secretary
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