HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171121 ESTF Minutes - DRAFT ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 21, 2017 1. Call to Order Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environmental & Sustainability Task Force of the City of Rosemount was called to order on November 17, 2017 at 5:34 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 2875 145th St West, Rosemount. Attendees included Task force Members: Mark Glende, Rebecca Higgens, Renee Burman, Karen Malkowski, Colleen Corrigan and Katie Koch-Laveen. Staff present: City of Rosemount Senior Engineer Technician Derick Anderson, City of Rosemount Public Works Director Brian Erickson. Others present: Rosemount Resident Vanessa Demuth. 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. 3. APPROVAL OF October 17, 2017 MINUTES Derick Anderson recommended that the minutes be changed in the attendance section to reflect that Derick Anderson and Brian Erickson are city staff and Vanessa Demuth was a guest. Motion by Glende Second by Malkowski Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. Motion carried. 4. PRESENTATIONS Rebecca went through the power point she will present to the Rosemount City Council at 7:00. Rebecca’s presentation emphasized the accomplishments of the task force and the need to continue to network with other Twin City communities as the bases for the Council to continue the Task Force. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Partners in Energy – Monthly Meeting; October 30, 2017. Attendees from the Task Force: Mark Glende, Derick Anderson, Brian Erickson and Vanessa Demuth. All businesses sent representatives and City Officials were present. Rosemount Energy Vision (Draft 11/08/17) Rosemount will build pride in the community by becoming a leader in sustainability and energy conservation. Rosemount will demonstrate widespread support for renewable energy generation, as well as new, smart efficiency technologies. Energy efficiency will help the City of Rosemount and its residents save money, and broad community participation will ensure that savings benefit every family. As a result, energy costs kept low, ensuring the community remains affordable. Community efforts foster collaboration between residents and businesses, and represent an investment that will pay off in the long term. Baseline, Data Analytics and Goals Energy Footprint Segments: Much of the baseline data is already available. Major benefits – energy use analysis, cost analysis before and after, targeting high-needs neighborhoods for partnerships and education There is a weekly Webinar available a bullet point under the PIE meetings. Next PIE Meeting: December 6th, 2017, Room 200 in Steeple Center, Rosemount. 6. NEW BUSINESS Mark Glende brought in samples of recycled trash can bag liners made from recycled agricultural plastics. The company producing the bags is Revolution Bag. The company is looking to create demand for their product, but also looking for more sources of agricultural plastic. The bags are less expensive than other liners available currently and made completely from recycled material. Rebecca Higgens and Renee Burman brought up the need to get the athletic associations to recycle at their concession stands especially for big athletic events like tournaments. Cardboard and organic dumpsters should be made available for concessions stand operators, participants and spectators. Trash haulers should be asked to improve their recycle pickups to weekly, instead of biweekly. Solid Waste Master Plan: Improve from 47% to 70% by 2030. Focus on food waste: Currently 20% of solid waste through education this can change with organic food waste curb side collection by 2025. 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS Happy Thanksgiving 8. ADJOURNMENT Move to adjourn 6:59 by Make Glende, second by Renee Burman. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. Motion carried. Next Task Force Meeting December 19th, 2017.