HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Request by Chase Development for a Minor Amendment to the Harmony PUD and Simple Plat for Harmony Parkview EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting: January 23, 2018 Tentative City Council Meeting: February 20, 2018 AGENDA ITEM: Case 18-01-AMD and 18-02-SMP: Chase Development Minor Amendment to the Harmony PUD and Simple Plat for Harmony Parkview AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 6.a. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map, Harmony Parkview Final Plat, PUD Plans: Overview, Existing Conditions, Preliminary Plat, Erosion and Sediment Control, Grading and Drainage, Utility, Pavement and Street Sign, Landscape, 2008 Master Plan (Harmony 5th), Draft Architectural Drawings, Example Building Photo, City Engineer Review APPROVED BY: KJL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Simple Plat for Harmony Parkview with the following conditions: 1) Dedication of standard drainage and utility easements. 2) Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City Engineer’s Memorandum dated January 23, 2018. 3) Approval and execution of a subdivision agreement. 4) Submission of detailed architectural drawings for the townhouses. 5) Secure formal approval from the holder of the pipeline easement crossing the southern portion of the plat to grade and construct a driveway, parking area and utilities over the pipeline easement. 6) Submission of a revised landscape plan that includes over-story trees within the Bronze Parkway Boulevard consistent with the approved Harmony 5th Addition PUD plans. Staff is approving the Minor PUD Amendment subject to the following conditions (Planning Commission action not required; informational only): 1) Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City Engineer’s Memorandum dated January 23, 2018. 2) Final building plans shall include a minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting on the front façade and any columns in front of the house, and side and rear elevations facing public right of way. 2 SUMMARY The Planning Commission is being asked to consider a Simple Plat (combined preliminary and final plat review) request to replat a portion of the Harmony Planned Unit Development (PUD) area. The proposed subdivision would replace 29 Villa and Row Townhomes with 22 attached townhouse units in buildings with three to seven units in each building for a net reduction of seven units within this portion of Harmony. Outlot F is the last remaining residential outlot within Harmony to be developed. No changes to adjacent public streets or public utilities are planned, and the proposed development will be located entirely with the existing outlot boundaries. The requested amendment is considered a minor amendment because it results in a change of less than 5% of the original density for the Planned Development. Applicant & Property Owner(s): Chase Development, 2140 West County Road 42, Burnsville, MN (Applicant); Metro Land Holdings, LLC (Owner – same address) Location: Outlot F, Harmony Addition – North of Bronze Parkway, West of Brockway Avenue, East of Brockway Park, and South of the Harmony HOA Clubhouse Area in Acres: 2.61 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: MDR – Medium Density Residential Current Zoning: R-3 – Medium Density Residential/PUD BACKGROUND Metro Land Holdings is proposing to develop Outlot F of Harmony Addition for 22 townhouse dwelling units within a series of five two-story buildings on the site. The preliminary plans for the lot were approved as part of the initial development plans for the Brockway/Harmony PUD, which included a mix of single family, townhouse, and multi-family residential units in addition to city parks, a community center, and a small area of neighborhood commercial. Outlot F was originally approved for a 60-unit senior housing complex, but the PUD was later amended to change this portion of the site to the Villa and Row houses found in other portions of the project area. The amended preliminary (master) development plans include 29 of these townhouse units; therefore, the applicant’s proposal would reduce the approved PUD master plan by 7 units. The overall PUD for Harmony has been amended several times since it was originally approved in 2004. These amendments have reduced the overall density of the project, which initially included 624 housing units and now stands at 461 units taking into account recent amendments. The most significant change to the PUD has been the removal of 180 multi-family units from the middle portion of the development (60 of which were planned for Outlot F), and the conversion of these areas to 6- 12 unit townhouses. If approved, the proposed amendment would further reduce the approved number of units by seven, resulting in a new total of 454 housing units within the entire Harmony PUD. 3 The approved plan for Outlot F (as amended) includes a mix of two-story villa townhomes and row townhomes with 3 to 8 units in each building, depending upon building style. The public improvements around the site were installed with previous Harmony additions, and the property is surrounded by two public roads, a City Park (Brockway Park) to the west, and HOA clubhouse/pool to the north. The site was rough graded with earlier projects in accordance with the preliminary layout of villa and row townhomes. Consistent with the approved master plan, the site will be accessed from both Bronze Parkway to the south, and Brockway Avenue to the east. Staff is not aware of any existing planning and zoning issues with the present site, and there are presently no restrictions in place that would prevent development of the property from occurring as proposed. Chase Development is proposing to develop the site for townhouses, and the site plan includes a series of buildings with either three, four, or seven side-by-side units attached to each other all accessed via a private interior roadway system. These units are considered townhouses (or single- family attached units) because each home will be platted on a separate lot with a shared building wall/property line with at least one other unit. The proposed buildings will be two stories in height (slab-on-grade), with a garage at ground level and living space in back of and above the garage. The building design is very similar to the “Villa” and “Row” townhouses found elsewhere within the Harmony PUD and the building design approved for the Timeless Homes subdivision near the subject site. A minor amendment to a PUD does not require formal Planning Commission approval; however, the simple plat (a combined preliminary and final plat request) requires a public hearing and Commission review. The building design changes do not alter the approved PUD plans in a manner that would be considered a “Major” PUD amendment since they do not increase the number of approved units, increase the size of planned buildings, or require additional roads or other public infrastructure. The applicant has submitted updated grading and utility plans to address the building design changes, and these plans have been reviewed by the City Engineer. In general the replat does not require any significant revisions to any existing infrastructure, but the construction plans must be updated to reflect the new building layouts. The Developer has submitted information (including sketches of the updated building designs) concerning the minor PUD changes, and these have been attached for consideration by the Planning Commission. Staff has found that the proposed two-level designs are generally consistent with the approved plans for the Harmony PUD, but is recommending that the final building plans be further reviewed for consistency with the materials, colors, and architectural detailing of the approved building designs through the PUD area. Staff is recommending a general condition consistent with other Harmony approvals concerning the use of brick or stone on a portion of the front and sides of buildings. As noted during recent amendments in the Harmony neighborhood, the City has seen a movement away from the back-to-back multi-unit structures originally approved for the development. Legal Authority . A simple plat (combined preliminary and final plat) request is a quasi-judicial decision for the City Council, meaning that the City Council is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. The Minor Amendment to the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan can be approved on a staff level, and is being presented in conjunction with the simple plat request for Planning Commission consideration. 4 ISSUE ANALYSIS Unit Mix/Design. The proposed site plan includes 3 four-unit buildings, one three-unit building, and one seven-unit structure for a total dwelling unit count of 22. In contrast, the 2008 Harmony PUD amendment calls for a mix of 29 back-to-back and side-by-side units. The proposed development plans will reduce the density within Outlot F by seven units; however, the overall arrangement of buildings follows the preliminary plans very closely, and in particular, the general north/south alignment of homes perpendicular to Brockway Avenue and Bronze Parkway. Comparing the previously approved architectural plans within Harmony to the designs proposed by the applicant, staff would like to point out the following general observations: • The overall PUD plans for the Harmony stress pedestrian connectivity throughout the neighborhood. The applicant’s proposed design does not alter the general orientation of any buildings to the street, and sidewalks have previously been constructed along the entire length of Bronze Parkway and Brockway Avenue adjacent to the applicant’s site. A trail providing access to Brockway park cuts through the extreme southwestern portion of the subject property, and will not impacted by construction. The approved master plan does not identify any additional sidewalk or trail connections through this lot. • The building designs approved through the Harmony PUD require brick or stone wainscoting on the ends of buildings wrapping onto the front of each unit and a brick base on the columns in front of the garages. In previous approvals brick or stone wainscoting was required along public views. Therefore, additional detailing on the sides of the townhouses facing the right- of-way should be provided to address this concern. The applicant’s preliminary architectural drawings only illustrate front elevations and therefore compliance with the anticipated condition is unclear. • The overall architectural design of the townhomes should fit in very well with the existing homes within Harmony. The proposed plans include a covered front entry/stoop area along with garages that are in line with the primary building elevation. Density/Comprehensive Plan. The subject parcel, Outlot F of Harmony Addition, is guided for medium density residential development under the comprehensive plan and is zoned R-3 PUD Medium Density Residential Planned Unit Development. With the changes to the density within the Harmony PUD approved last year (Harmony Villas being the most recent) the overall number of approved units stands at 461 dwelling units. With an overall project area of 91.38 acres, the approved density is 5.5 units per acre. The applicant’s proposed changes would reduce the number of units to 454, which results in an updated density of 4.96 units per acre. The proposed amendments would keep the project within the density range of 5-10 units per acre as specified in the Comprehensive Plan, but would bring this number right to the low end of the range. 5 Parking and Access. All streets internal to the development will be private, with one entrance off of Bronze Parkway and one from Brockway Avenue. The southern entrance will line up with the eastern access in Harmony Villas, while the other will not align with any exiting access on the east side of Brockway Avenue. The streets primarily used for circulation are designed to meet the City’s specification for public roadways at 28 feet in width, while the streets only providing access to individual units are somewhat narrower at 24 feet. The proposed street layout generally matches the preliminary PUD plans and will provide for adequate maneuvering space for service vehicles, residents and visitors to this neighborhood. The City’s single-family attached parking standards, which are mirrored in the overall Harmony PUD agreement, require 2.5 parking stalls per unit. The proposed plans include two garage spaces within each unit along with 11 additional surface stalls at various locations throughout the development. Consistent with the City’s expectations for units along private streets, the site layout provides a minimum of 20 feet between the front face of the garage and the curb line of the street. This garage setback from the street will provide room for all but the largest vehicles to park in the driveway without blocking the street. Landscaping . The applicant has submitted a landscape plan that demonstrates compliance with City’s landscape ordinance: one over story tree per dwelling unit, one street tree for every 50 feet of road frontage (trees have already been installed in Brockway Ave) and one foundation planting for every 10 linear feet of structure. The plans are also consistent with the approved PUD master plan for this area with one exception: the overall landscape plan for Harmony shows boulevard trees along Bronze Parkway that have not been planted yet. These trees should be installed with this current project. With the addition of trees within the Bronze Parkway boulevard, the proposed plan either meets or exceeds the landscape requirements for this area. Gas Line Easement. The proposed plans depict the construction of a private access road, overflow parking area, utilities, and a small portion of a residential driveway over an existing gas line easement. The applicant will need to secure formal approval from the easement holder to construct this infrastructure as shown on the plans, and evidence of this approval must be provided to the City before the plat can be recorded. Storm Water. The overall plans for Harmony include a regional ponding system that was installed with earlier grading and development projects on the site. All storm water runoff from the applicant’s site is being directed into one of these regional basins, so no additional on-site retention is necessary. The development plans include a storm water plan and model that has been reviewed by the City Engineer for consistency with the Harmony plans and City’s current storm water ordinances. Utilities. Although the streets internal to the development will be private, the sanitary sewer and water lines servicing each of the individual homes will be public. The developer is proposing to dedicate drainage and utility easements over all private roads to provide the City with the required access it needs to maintain these lines. Staff is recommending a condition of approval that will require the developer to enter into an agreement with the City concerning the installation of all public infrastructure. Park Dedication. The park dedication requirements have been paid or been achieved through land dedication. There are no new Park fees created by the request. 6 Simple Plat. The Subdivision Ordinance allows residential plats less than 10 acres in size to follow a simple platting procedure that combines the review for preliminary and final plat into one action. The Harmony Parkview plat meets this requirement, and the proposed final plat will be contained entirely within the existing Outlot F, which means there will be no additional right-of-way or other public dedications necessary. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a Simple Plat request for Harmony Parkview. This recommendation for approval is based on the information submitted by the applicant and the findings made in this report and is subject to the conditions listed in the recommended action. Chase Development Property Information January 9, 2018 0 450 900225 ft 0 130 26065 m 1:4,800 Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Chase Development, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, owner of the following described property: Outlot F, HARMONY ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as HARMONY PARKVIEW and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the drainage and utility easements as created on this plat. In witness whereof said Chase Development, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of , 20 . Chase Development, Inc. By: , its STATE OF COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me on day of , 20 , by , its of Chase Development, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. County, My commission expires I Marcus F. Hampton do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of , 20 ______________________________________________________________ Marcus F. Hampton, Licensed Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 47481 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of , 20 , by Marcus F. Hampton. County, My commission expires January 31, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Approved by Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota this day of , 20 By: Chair CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA This plat of HARMONY PARKVIEW was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20 , and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. By: Mayor Clerk DAKOTA COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of , 20 . By: Dakota County Surveyor DAKOTA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION AND RECORDS Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable in the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of , 20 . By: Director Department Of Property Taxation and Records COUNTY RECORDER, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA I hereby certify that this plat of HARMONY PARKVIEW was filed in the office of the County Recorder for public record on this day of , 20 , at o'clock . M. and was duly filed in Book of Plats, Page , as Document Number . County Recorder BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF OUTLOT F, HARMONY ADDITION WHICH IS ^^hDdK,sZ/E'K&EϴϳΣϱϮΖϭϱΗ NOTE: NO MONUMENT SYMBOL SHOWN AT ANY STATUTE REQUIRED LOCATION INDICATES A PLAT MONUMENT THAT WILL BE SET WITHIN ONE YEAR FROM THE RECORDING DATE OF THIS PLAT. SAID MONUMENTS SHALL BE 1/2 INCH x 14 INCH IRON PIPES MARKED BY R.L.S. NO. 47481. DENOTES 1/2 INCH IRON MONUMENT FOUND 40 v. A 1 t j IM I Il Tom. 1 t I I I I I a la d l d 4 g O t J I_ 1 i 1 11 I i P 4 IptigiTh 0 1 iI N 7' 1" A N N t j f mil! 11111 1 14 1 qi 4 4., 6 3A t I ' Mad a 111 at 1111 l is lj 1 i N, I 111 NI an imm 1 ir j' 33o a p I i:: 1 ) 1008 6 J1 r Mu L Ill 1111 11511. 1411 a M I r5 p 03 11111, SZ ;... i 1 y. l1- I 1 Y tia Y F D i,,,, s,,,,,,,,,,... y..,..,,,, i,,,,i;••/".....,, 0 ' Mid yI" J' r i 1 I I I IiH N VB A w L p w I A p AMT p s I a l 7 Ldd ) 1001: 18 a0 • nad N t n' i 1 ii V\T I I L.,,, i 1 11 i I 1 I ti Ma \ I ill UM N III V I V v 1 r k T1 1 14 y I I 1 V j 1 3.. 1 k a 0 1 1 1 s V A I s y t JO- V 0 1 - r•,, 1 : M at'''. x I r 1 1 V 1 I s fit 1 r Cn I it 5 Q'; O 0 0 7O i g mN M O IF y• y rO r g c N i 4 6 iiTT flFj N 2 a' n R eo o P Outlot F/ Harmony Parkview Site Building Examples – Harmony Parkview Building Examples – Harmony Parkview MEMORANDUM DATE: January 23, 2018 TO: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: Mitch Hatcher, Project Engineer RE: Harmony Parkview Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: The plans for Harmony Parkview have been prepared by James R Hill dated December 6, 2017. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal:  Preliminary Development Plans ▫ Existing Conditions ▫ Preliminary Plat ▫ Erosion and Sediment Plan ▫ Grading and Drainage Plan ▫ Utility Plan ▫ Paving and Dimension Plan ▫ Construction Details GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. Development fees are required based on the current Schedule of Rates and Fees. For 2017, the estimated development fees are listed below:  Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $ 6,865 / acre  Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $ 1,075 / acre  Watermain Trunk Charge: $ 6,500 / acre 2. Prior to submittal of the final plat, the developer should notify the city if they would like to privately install the infrastructure or if a public process is desired. Preparation of the subdivision agreement cannot begin until a public or private process is selected. 3. Street and utility construction shall be installed in accordance with the 2015 City of Rosemount General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates and the Engineering Guidelines. 4. Final construction plans for grading, street, and utilities should be submitted to the City for review and approval. 5. City inspection of public infrastructure is required during construction. 6. The developer is required to coordinate with the gas pipeline owner to obtain all permits and agreements for the installation of streets, parking spaces, driveways, and utilities within the gas easement. The city will need a copy of these agreements prior to approval of the plat. 7. More information regarding the gas pipelines and easement are required on the plan. Contact information, pipeline sizes and material, and warnings are typically required. The developer is required to meet the plan requirements of the gas pipeline owner. 8. A landscape plan should be submitted for review. STREET & UTILITY COMMENTS: 9. Road stationing should be shown on the plan. 10. Street centerline elevations and grades or street profiles should be shown on the plan. Minimum street grades are 1.0%. 11. Driveway grades, lot corner elevations, and property line elevations should be shown on the plan. 12. Based on the recent projects in the Harmony neighborhood and the existing soils, it is likely the street pavement section will need to be increased with a select granular section and possibly geotextile fabric. Soil borings and a geotechnical report are recommended. 13. Street light locations should be shown on the plan. 14. The entrance on to Brockway Avenue will require boulevard tree removals. 15. Existing concrete sidewalk along the west side of Brockway Avenue and north side of Bronze Parkway are not shown on the plans. ADA pedestrian ramps will be required at the entrance on Brockway Avenue. 16. An additional hydrant will be required mid-block near the 3 stall parking space. Hydrant spacing and locations to be approved by the City Fire Marshal. 17. Minimum 8’ watermain is required. 18. 90º watermain bends are not allowed. 19. A storm sewer design should be submitted with the final construction plans for review that meets the requirements of the Engineering Guidelines. Additional storm sewer is likely needed. The proposed 12” storm sewer should be 15”. The City’s standards require a minimum of 15”. 20. Regional ponding for this site is provided in basin 1589. Stormwater Management is reviewed to confirm capacity and rate and volume control in the City’s regional stormwater system. 21. A concrete valley gutter or concrete driveway apron will be required to maintain existing drainage on Brockway Avenue 22. The developer is required to obtain a NPDES construction Stormwater Permit and provide a copy of the approved SWPPP to the City prior to the start of any construction activity. 23. The developer is required to obtain a grading permit from the City prior to construction grading activity. 24. Upon completion of the sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer construction, the City requires record drawings. See Engineering Guidelines for submittal and formatting requirements. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015.