HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171017 CCM RMROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 17, 2017 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, October 17, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Nelson, Weisensel and Freske attending. Council member DeBettignies was absent. Staff present included the following; o City Administrator Martin o City Clerk Hadler o Parks & Recreation Director Schultz o Chief of Police Scott o Community Development Director Lindquist o Public Works Director Erickson o Fire Chief Schroeder o The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA City Administrator Martin stated that item 6.i. had been added to the Consent Agenda. In addition, staff asks that item 8.a. be removed from the agenda. Motion by Weisensel. Second by Nelson. Motion to Adopt the Agenda with 6.i. added and 8.a. removed. Ayes: Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Freske Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 3.a. Special Event Update – Halloween Trail Parks & Recreation Director Schultz introduced Barb Hester and Mike Bouchard, of the Halloween Trail committee. The event is in its 35th year and takes place on Saturday, October 28, from 6 pm – 8 p.m. Mr. Bouchard gave an overview of the upcoming events on the day. The committee carves approximately 200 – 300 pumpkins in a few hours. The committee has over 60 inflatables and other props for the trail. Ms. Hester stated the committee is always looking for more volunteers. Mayor Droste clarified that the event always accepts food shelf and cash donations. Mayor Droste thanked the committee for their efforts. PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Nelson. Second by Weisensel. Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda with the addition of item 6.i. and removal of items g and h for discussion. 6.b. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 17, 2017 a. Minutes of the October 3, 2017, Regular Meeting Proceedings b. Bills Listing c. November 7, 2017, Meeting Time d. Receive Donation - Fire Dept. e. Ice Rental Agreement with Independent School District #196 f. Disposal of Fire Vehicles g. Authorize Support of Dakota County's Submission of a Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Grant Application h. Authorize Submission of a Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Grant Application i. Declaration of Surplus Property - Parks & Recreation Dept. Ayes: Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Freske Nays: None. Motion carried. 6.g. Authorize Support of Dakota County's Submission of a Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Grant Application & 6.h. Authorize Submission of a Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Grant Application Council member Freske noted that Council regularly receives questions on local road improvements and asked staff for a general update. Public Works Director / City Engineer Erickson gave an overview of the road projects that would be supported by the grant applications. The county will be submitting an application for the Akron Avenue project and they are seeking a letter of support from the city (Item 6.g.). The city is also submitting an LRIP Grant application for the Bonaire project (Item 6.h.). If the grants are received the projects have to be completed by 2020. Council member Weisensel asked about the access to the Flint Hills soccer field complex and if the new pavement would extend that far. Mr. Erickson stated it would and it would extend past the new Greystone development entrance. Mayor Droste inquired about the pavement on Akron and what will happen north of the Rosemount city line. Mr. Erickson explained that would be up to Inver Grove Heights council to decide or recommend. Council member Nelson reiterated that council members get a number of inquiries regarding road projects. Mayor Droste noted the list of street projects next year and asked about notifications. Mr. Erickson stated notifications would probably go out later this year. Motion by Nelson. Second by Freske. (Item 6.g.) Motion supporting Dakota County’s Submission of a Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) grant application and (Item 6.h.) Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Submission a Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) grant application. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 17, 2017 Ayes: Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Freske Nays: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 9.a. Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools ISD 196: Site Plan and CUP Approval to Allow Parking, Access, and Entrance improvements to the Rosemount High School, Middle School, and Elementary School campus Community Development Director Lindquist reviewed the proposed project and the need for a conditional use permit and site plan review. She noted the changes in the parking and traffic circulation, as well as changes in pedestrian movement. She noted the primary staff concerns were the impacts on the surrounding neighborhood with regard to the traffic changes. The city asked that the school district host a neighborhood meeting, and there was some turnout at that. There was not much feedback at the Planning Commission hearing. Ms. Lindquist explained how staff attempts to bring new construction areas up to current standards, but old construction would not necessarily have the same requirements. Council member Nelson inquired if staff knows of the most recent traffic study in the area. Ms. Lindquist stated there was one done this fall. Public Works Director / City Engineer Erickson reviewed the specific traffic flows of the project. He noted there were four intersections that may require additional traffic controls after the proposed changes and further traffic studies. Council member Nelson inquired if there should be a traffic study at the intersection of the Community Center parking lot due to students parking in that lot. Mayor Droste inquired about what additional controls could be added at 145th and Highway 3. Mr. Erickson stated that is a state road so it is up to MnDOT, but a permissive yellow arrow might help. Mayor Droste noted that the additional traffic at 145th and Chili could require an additional traffic control and it would be unfortunate if the city has to pay for that. Council member Freske expressed concerns that regarding the parking and traffic on Highway 3, and the district discouraging traffic on Chili. Ms. Lindquist stated that staff shares concerns, but there aren’t a lot of options. Staff is suggesting a traffic study after implementation, and there is an expectation that the school district would participate in those improvements. Council member Weisensel expressed concerns that the Community Center parking lot would continue to become a school parking lot. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 17, 2017 Mayor Droste inquired whether staff or the district had discussed moving one of the schools to a new location or reconstructing to make flow better. Ms. Lindquist explained the options she had discussed regarding flow on 142nd. Scott McQueen, of Wold Architects and Engineers, stood for questions. He noted the importance of remembering the number of students will not be changing significantly at the site. Growth projections will become more clear as the district received projections. He noted the district has been seeing a decline of students driving to school. He noted the design added 30 parking spaces, but the parking needs to be balanced with ball fields. He stated the studies they have done show no significant loss of service in the reconfiguration. He noted there are about 300 parents that drop off in the morning; about 50% from the east and 50% from the west. He stated the buses currently all leave to the west. He also noted that in the morning, buses arrive 2 or 3 at a time and not en masse. He stated that currently 142nd goes through campus uncontrolled, and the district is attempted to add controls to the street. Council member Weisensel asked if the district intended to replace the field that is being removed. Mr. McQueen stated there wasn’t room on the current site for replacement and the site was mostly used by the community. Mr. Weisensel asked Mr. Schultz, the Parks & Recreation Director, to address the loss of the baseball field. Mr. Schultz stated the city will work with RAAA to find another field to utilize. Mayor Droste asked about timing. Mr. McQueen stated the parking lot would be a summer project, but construction at the high school may begin this winter. Motion by Nelson. Second by Freske. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Approving the Conditional Use Permit with Site Plan for Independent School District 196. Ayes: Weisensel, Freske, Nelson, Droste Nays: None. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Droste reviewed the calendar of events. The next City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. The next City Council work session will be held on Monday, November 13, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by Weisensel, the meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk