HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170919 ESTF Minutes Minutes Environment & Sustainability Task Force Tuesday, September 19, 2017 5:30 p.m. City Hall Conference Room 1. CALL TO ORDER at 5:30 a. Present: Mark Glende; Rebecca Higgins; Karen Malkowski ; Katherine Koch- Laveen; Wade Miller. Derick Anderson with the City of Rosemount and Rosemount Resident Vanessa Demuth were also present. 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA a. No additions or Corrections to Agenda 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Mark Glende to approve the August 15, 2017 minutes Second by Karen Malkowski Motion carried by unanimous vote 4. PRESENTATIONS No Presentations 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Partners in Energy – Monthly Meeting o Partnership in Energy: Update by Derick. So far we have two confirmed and on declined. St. Joe’s is waiting to have a position filled in about 6 months. Endres and Spectro would be good to have participate in the program. REST members will review the list to get updated contacts and will contact people and track in the spreadsheet. o Two training sessions coming up and staff could be educated on the program. The training is focused on operators. REST would like to recommend an information session with the Council. The idea would be to reform the bare pavement policy. b. Snow Plow Policy/Bare Pavement/Smart Salt – followed up with Brian Erickson o No Discussion on Snow Plow Policy at this time. c. 25 by 25 Governor’s Initiative – Outcomes o Very supportive of the REST program. Next meeting is in Burnsville October 4th. Discussion of use of web page to point external interested parties to the activities and accomplishments of the REST to continue support from persons sympathetic to 25 by 25 initiatives. 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Prioritization of REST goals activity o Working session to brainstorm ideas for setting priorities and initiatives. Rebecca will assimilate ideas and present at next meeting for presentation to the Council. b. Charter completion o Rebecca will draft and present based upon the results of the working session at next meeting. 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS No Announcements 8. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.