HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180305 CCM SWS - PacketAGENDA City Council Work Session Monday, March 5th , 2018 & City Hall Conference Room 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.Commission Interviews - Monday, March 5, 2018 First Choice Second Choice Third Choice Fourth Choice 6:00 PM Pamela VanderWiel Planning 6:15 PM Michael Reed Parks & Rec Planning 6:30 PM Tim Bornholdt Parks & Rec. 6:45 PM Jeanne Schwatz Parks & Recs Planning 7:00 PM Mike Cahn Planning Port Parks & Rec Utility 7:15 PM Kayla Sarcone Parks & Recs Planning 7:30 PM Cory Ober Planning Port ESTF Parks & Rec 7:45 PM Gretchen Freeman Planning 3. Discussion 4.ADJOURNMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Special Work Sessions: March 5, 2018 AGENDA ITEM: Commissioner Appointments AGENDA SECTION: Commission Interviews PREPARED BY: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk AGENDA NO. 2 ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Interviews & Discussion SUMMARY Each year the City Council appoints commissioners to various city boards. This year, the following positions are open for appointment; •three 3-year terms on the Parks and Recreation Commission •three 3-year terms on the Planning Commission •one 3-year term on the Utility Commission •one 3-year term on the Port Authority Commission RECOMMENDATION Interview each applicant and discuss who to appoint to each position. Commisioner Applications, Interview Questions CITY CLERK’S OFFICE 2875 145 ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 OPEN APPOINTMENT APPLICATION FOR CITY COMMISSION NAME _______________________________________ DATE: __________________ In order that the Mayor and Council Members have a better understanding of your background and interests, please provide the following information: (Attach extra sheets if necessary.) Home Address _________________________ Daytime Phone __________________ E-mail Address ________________________________________________________ How long have you lived in Rosemount? ______________________________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________________________________________ Secondary Education: ____________________________________________________________ Please indicate which Commission or Task Force you are applying for. List only those you would be seriously interested in serving on. 1st Choice ____________________________ 2nd Choice ______________________________ 3rd Choice ____________________________ 4th Choice ______________________________ Prior experience on City Commissions: Provide a short paragraph summarizing why you are seeking an appointment to a Commission in the City of Rosemount. G EPXOMPBEJOH BQQMJDBUJPO GSPN XFC CF TVSF UP TBWF UP ZPVS MPDBM ESJWF CFGPSF GJMMJOH JO GPSN GJFMET Open Appointment Application for City Commission City of Rosemount Briefly describe your background, experience and any other information not previously given which you believe should be considered regarding the appointment you are seeking. Standing Commissions: Port Authority, Planning, Parks & Recreation, Utilities Return to: Erin Fasbender City Clerk Date Received: __________ For Office Use Only) Contact City Clerk if questions: 651-322-2003, FAX 651-423-4424, TDD 651-423-6219 2 Rosemount City Hall 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 erin.fasbender@ci.rosemount.mn.us 5BTL PSDFT OWJSPONFOU 4VTUBJOBCJMJUZ 5BTL PSDF BDJMJUJFT 5BTL PSDF OPENAPPOINTMENTAPPLICATIONFORCITYCOMMISSION Ifyouwouldprefertoprint/mail thisform, youmaydownload aPDF here. FirstName* Michael LastName* Reed Address* 13901BirchwoodAvenue City/State/ZIP* Rosemount DaytimeTelephone* 6122803865 Alternate Telephone 6513448593 EmailAddress* mdreed64@gmail.com Pleaseindicatewhich Commission orTaskForceyouareapplyingfor. Listonlythose you would beseriouslyinterested inservingon. FirstChoice Parks & Recreation Commission Second Choice PlanningCommission ThirdChoice InorderthattheMayorandCouncilMembers haveabetter understanding ofyour backgroundandinterests, please providethefollowinginformation: (Attachextrasheetsif necessary.) How long haveyoulivedinRosemount? 10 years Occupation Director ofProgramDelivery atUHG Secondary Education BSComputer Science Engineering atUniversityofIllinois PriorExperienceonCityCommissions None Provide ashortparagraphsummarizingwhyyouareseekinganappointment toaCommissioninthe CityofRosemount. I'vebeena resident fortenyears, alongwithmyfamily (wifeandtwodaughters). Weexpecttobe here through ourretirement, and ourchildrenarelikelytostaylocalaswell. With ourinterests being long-term, Iwould liketohelpsupportthegrowth andplanningforourcommunity. Ihavedone volunteerworkwithRAAA, REV, atRedPineElementary, andother areas. Weareanactive family thatlikes sports, particularly running, hiking, etc. Ihavealways hadapassion about both volunteering andoutdoorsports, so theParks & RecCommission is ofgreatinterest. Brieflydescribe your background, experience andanyother informationnotpreviously givenwhich youbelieve shouldbeconsideredregarding theappointment youareseeking. Inaddition tomyengineering degree, Ihavedonegraduatestudiesinproject management (Illinois Institute ofTechnology) andFinance (NorthwesternUniversity, KelloggSchool ofManagement). Inmy career, Ihaveheldleadership positions inoperationsand projectmanagement roles. My specialty inbothhas beenaroundplanningandexecuting largescale initiatives. Most recently, Iled thedeliveryofseverallarge programsandUnitedHealthGroup. Iamacollaborative, open-minded, andresult-oriented leader, withextensive experience effectively managing cross-functional teams. I'malsogoodat 'rollingupmysleeves' anddigging intodetailed problemstoidentifysolutions. More details (resume) canbefoundon myLinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikereedprofile Thank youforposting theseopportunities. If mybackgroundmatches whatyouarelookingfor, please letmeknow -- Iwouldenjoymeeting withyoutodiscusstheneedandmyfit. Sincerely, MichaelReed mdreed64@gmail.com 612-280-3865 Resume YoumayattachaPDFofyourresumehereifyouwouldlike. OtherAttachments Upload otherattachments asneeded. (PDFonly) DataPracticesAdvisory / TennessenWarning: Thedatayousupplyonthisform maybePublicData, asrequiredbyMinnesotaStatute13.601, andsubjecttoa datarequest. PublicContact* Intheeventofappointment, atleastonetelephonenumberorelectronic mailaddress mustbemade available tothepublic. Please choosewhichofthefollowing shouldbemade public. DaytimeTelephone (above)Alternate Telephone (above)Email Address (above) Interview Wehavetentatively scheduled thefollowing dates/timesforcommissioninterviews. Pleaseletus know whichonesmightworkforyouand "pencil usin" asbestyoucan forthetimesyouchoose. We willconfirmtheinterview scheduleapproximately 2 - 3 weeks prior tothefirstmeeting. (Interviews are actually only15min. longandyouwillbescheduled foraspecific15 min. increment.) Monday, March5, 2018 - 5 - 7pmMonday, March5, 2018 - 7 - 9 pmMonday, March19, 2018 - 5 - 7pmMonday, March 19, 2018 - 7 - 9 pmNone oftheabove. PleasecontacttheCityClerkwithquestions at651-322-2003or cityclerk@ci.rosemount.mn.us OPENAPPOINTMENTAPPLICATIONFORCITYCOMMISSION Ifyouwouldprefertoprint/mail thisform, youmaydownload aPDF here. FirstName* Jeanne LastName* Schwartz Address* 3426 Cromwell Trail City/State/ZIP* Rosemount, MN55068 DaytimeTelephone* 612-272-0997 Alternate Telephone 651-344-7148 EmailAddress* jeannerschwartz@gmail.com Pleaseindicatewhich Commission orTaskForceyouareapplyingfor. Listonlythose you would beseriouslyinterested inservingon. FirstChoice Parks & Recreation Commission Second Choice PlanningCommission ThirdChoice InorderthattheMayorandCouncilMembers haveabetter understanding ofyour backgroundandinterests, pleaseprovidethefollowinginformation: (Attach extrasheetsif necessary.) How long haveyoulivedinRosemount? 15 years Occupation retired - Idoalotofvolunteer work Secondary Education Brookfield CentralHS; University ofWis - LaCrosse; UniversityofStThomas MBA PriorExperienceonCityCommissions Planning commission forthreeyears, endingin 2010 (Ithink) Provide ashortparagraphsummarizingwhyyouareseekinganappointment toaCommissioninthe CityofRosemount. I amseekinganappointmenttothesetwocommissions becauseIfinditinteresting anexcitingtobe a partoftryingtomoldthefutureofmyhome city. Ifeelitistheresponsibilityanddutyofevery citizentodo somethingtoimprovetheir community. IfeelIhave theexperienceandcredentials tomakeapositive contribution toeitherofthese commissions. Brieflydescribe your background, experience andanyother informationnotpreviously givenwhich youbelieve shouldbeconsideredregardingthe appointment youare seeking. Ihaveaseniormanagementandsalesbackgroundintheinsuranceindustryinalargecorporate environment for27years; management experience forthree yearsinasmallcorporateenvironment; experiencebeingself-employed intherealestateindustry for5years. Iamcurrently reconsidering re-starting aself-employed companyinamulti-level marketingcompany. Ispendabout 100hours per monthvolunteering. I wish tohelpbringpeopletogether soallneedsaremet, especially providingathleticfacilitiestoour youth andartistic outletsandexperiences fortheentire agespectrumofRosemountresidents (very youngtoverysenior). Bothathletics andtheartsleadtoaricher, healthier andlongerlife forall people. Iwouldbeveryexcited tofindsolutions tothesechallenges. Resume YoumayattachaPDFofyourresumehereifyouwouldlike. OtherAttachments Upload otherattachments asneeded. (PDFonly) DataPracticesAdvisory / TennessenWarning: Thedatayousupplyonthisform maybePublicData, asrequiredbyMinnesotaStatute13.601, andsubjecttoa datarequest. PublicContact* Intheeventofappointment, atleastonetelephonenumberorelectronic mailaddress mustbemade available tothepublic. Please choosewhichofthefollowing shouldbemade public. DaytimeTelephone (above)Alternate Telephone (above)Email Address (above) Interview Wehave tentativelyscheduled thefollowing dates/timesforcommission interviews. Pleaseletus know whichonesmightworkforyouand "pencil usin" asbestyoucan forthetimesyouchoose. We willconfirmtheinterview scheduleapproximately 2 - 3 weeks prior tothefirstmeeting. (Interviews are actually only15min. longandyouwillbescheduled foraspecific15 min. increment.) Monday, March5, 2018 - 5 - 7pmMonday, March5, 2018 - 7 - 9 pmMonday, March19, 2018 - 5 - 7pmMonday, March 19, 2018 - 7 - 9 pmNone oftheabove. PleasecontacttheCityClerkwithquestionsat651-322-2003or cityclerk@ci.rosemount.mn.us CITY CLERK’S OFFICE 2875 145 ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 OPEN APPOINTMENT APPLICATION FOR CITY COMMISSION NAME _______________________________________ DATE: __________________ In order that the Mayor and Council Members have a better understanding of your background and interests, please provide the following information: (Attach extra sheets if necessary.) Home Address _________________________ Daytime Phone __________________ E-mail Address ________________________________________________________ How long have you lived in Rosemount? ______________________________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________________________________________ Secondary Education: ____________________________________________________________ Please indicate which Commission or Task Force you are applying for. List only those you would be seriously interested in serving on. 1st Choice ____________________________ 2nd Choice ______________________________ 3rd Choice ____________________________ 4th Choice ______________________________ Prior experience on City Commissions: Provide a short paragraph summarizing why you are seeking an appointment to a Commission in the City of Rosemount. *GEPXOMPBEJOHBQQMJDBUJPOGSPNXFC CFTVSFUPTBWFUPZPVSMPDBMESJWFCFGPSFGJMMJOHJOGPSNGJFMET Open Appointment Application for City Commission City of Rosemount Briefly describe your background, experience and any other information not previously given which you believe should be considered regarding the appointment you are seeking. Standing Commissions: Port Authority, Planning, Parks & Recreation, Utilities Return to: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk Date Received: __________ Rosemount City Hall (For Office Use Only) 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Contact City Clerk if questions: 651-322-2003, FAX 651-423-4424, TDD 651-423-6219 2 clarissa.hadler@ci.rosemount.mn.us 5BTL'PSDFT&OWJSPONFOU4VTUBJOBCJMJUZ5BTL'PSDF 'BDJMJUJFT5BTL'PSDF OBJECTIVE A position on a Rosemount Advisory Commission. SKILLS & ABILITIES •Management •Meeting facilitation •Interviewing •Planning •Strategy development •Budgeting •Customer relationship management
 EXPERIENCE DIRECTOR, TECHNOLOGY SECURIAN FINANCIAL GROUP JULY 2000 – 2017 Directed a team of 60 associates engineering the technical environment for a large insurance company. Duties included associate management hiring, budgeting, project portfolio management and strategy development. Retired after 35 years at Securian Financial Group. 
 EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, TWIN CITIES BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Graduated with high distinction, GPA: 3.9 VOLUNTEER ACTIVIES Shannon Park - Tutor students in mathematics. (2017 - 2018) Crew 52 leader - Interviewed potential volunteers for the Crew 52 team to showcase Minneapolis during the Super Bowl. Captain of volunteer team during Super Bowl week. (2017 - 2018) DownTown Network – Promotes downtown Minneapolis
 Member and event organizer 1989 – 2004. Executive board member from 1993 – 2004. Received the Special Achievement award from the Minneapolis Downtown Council in 2003. FAMILY LIFE Living in Rosemount with my wife Kari, and sons Jack (15) and Nathan (9) since 2011. REFERENCES Will be furnished upon request. MICHAEL S. CAHN 13321 Coachford Ave, Rosemount, MN, 55068 mikescahn@gmail.com 651-688-3557 OPENAPPOINTMENTAPPLICATIONFORCITYCOMMISSION Ifyouwouldprefertoprint/mail thisform, youmaydownload aPDF here. FirstName* Kayla LastName* Sarcone Address* 14569Dahomeyavew City/State/ZIP* Rosemount, MN55068 DaytimeTelephone* 6512456737 Alternate Telephone EmailAddress* kmaoneil@yahoo.com Pleaseindicatewhich Commission orTaskForceyouareapplyingfor. Listonlythose you would beseriouslyinterested inservingon. FirstChoice Parks & Recreation Commission Second Choice PlanningCommission ThirdChoice InorderthattheMayorandCouncilMembers haveabetter understanding ofyour backgroundandinterests, please providethefollowinginformation: (Attachextrasheetsif necessary.) Howlonghave youlivedin Rosemount? 25 years Occupation Toddler teacher Secondary Education Dakota County technicalcollege PriorExperienceonCityCommissions Ihaveattendedsomemeetings, buthavealwaystriedtohelpin thecommunity. Provide ashortparagraphsummarizingwhyyouareseekinganappointment toaCommissioninthe CityofRosemount. I amamother andteacherofchildrenofthiscommunity, andIwould lovetomakeadifference in theiroutdoor experience. I feeloutdoor timeisveryimportantandwouldliketopreserve aswellas update ourparks. Ihavebeenamember ofthiscommunitymywholelifeand Iworkonadailybasis withfamilies ofourcommunity. IfeelI haveagreatinsightintowhatchildrenwantwithmydegreein earlychildhood youthanddevelopment aswellaswhatparents wantforthisgrowingcommunity. I wouldbe honored tohelpservethistown. Brieflydescribe your background, experience andanyother informationnotpreviously givenwhich youbelieve shouldbeconsideredregardingthe appointment youare seeking. I havealotofexperience incustomer serviceandhaveexcellent communicationskills. Ifeelitis importanttodowhat’sbestforthecity. Iwould behonoredtoserveonthecouncil andrepresent the families ofthisgreattown. Resume YoumayattachaPDFofyourresumehereifyouwouldlike. OtherAttachments Upload otherattachments asneeded. (PDFonly) DataPractices Advisory / TennessenWarning: Thedatayousupplyonthisform maybePublicData, asrequiredbyMinnesotaStatute13.601, andsubjecttoa datarequest. PublicContact* Intheeventofappointment, atleastone telephonenumberorelectronic mailaddress mustbemade available tothepublic. Please choosewhichofthefollowing shouldbemade public. DaytimeTelephone (above)Alternate Telephone (above)Email Address (above) Interview Wehavetentatively scheduled thefollowing dates/timesforcommissioninterviews. Pleaseletus know whichonesmightworkforyouand "pencil usin" asbestyoucan forthetimesyouchoose. We willconfirmtheinterview scheduleapproximately 2 - 3 weeks prior tothefirstmeeting. (Interviews are actually only15min. longandyouwillbescheduled foraspecific15 min. increment.) Monday, March5, 2018 - 5 - 7pmMonday, March5, 2018 - 7 - 9 pmMonday, March19, 2018 - 5 - 7pmMonday, March 19, 2018 - 7 - 9 pmNone oftheabove. PleasecontacttheCityClerkwithquestions at651-322-2003or cityclerk@ci.rosemount.mn.us City of Rosemount Interview Questions for Commissioner Selection GENERAL 1.Please provide us with a summary of your background and involvement in the community. 2.Tell us what you feel your role should be as a member of an advisory commission. 3.Why do you feel that you would be a good person to represent the opinions and concerns of the City? 4.What is your main reason for applying for this appointment, in other words are you basically interested in serving the community or do you have a specific motivating issue that is compelling you to apply for this position? 5.In your opinion, what are the three most important responsibilities an advisory commission member has towards his/her community? 6.What expertise, special experience, etc., do you have that would assist you in a position on an advisory committee? PARKS AND RECREATION 1.Describe the contract you have made with the parks and recreation programs or facilities in the City of Rosemount. 2.Please name any recreational or sport organization(s) you are affiliated with (i.e. RAHA, RAAA, ASA) 3.In a hypothetical situation, you are attending a Parks and Recreation Commission meeting as a commissioner and are reviewing a specific park design in a given neighborhood. A group of residents attend the meeting and present opposite views of this park design. How would you approach this situation? 4.Are there any particular issues that you see facing the community concerning our parks and recreation department? 5.How does recreation benefit the residents of the City of Rosemount? UTILITIES 1. Do you have any prior experience dealing with water or sewer utilities and /or water, sewer or storm sewer issues? 2. Why do you feel that you would be a good person to represent the opinions and concerns of the City? 3. Are there any particular issues that you see facing the community concerning utilities? PLANNING 1. Why do you feel that you would be a good person to represent the opinions and concerns of the City? 2. What is your experience as it relates to planning development? 3. What role do you believe the Planning Commission should have in dealing with these or any other issues? 4. How do you feel that overall community planning and land use decision making is enhanced by public input and involvement? 5. Is there a new development or project that you are aware of in the city. Can you tell me about the project and what you thought about it. Was it good for the community and neighborhood? Why or why not. 6. What would you do if a friend or neighbor was an applicant or strongly spoke for or against a project that was being considered by the planning commission? 7. The Planning Commission’s role is to enforce the rules or ordinances already adopted by the City. What would you do if you disagreed with an ordinance that was already in place? 8. How do you currently receive information about the City and development in the community? 9. Based upon how long you’ve lived here and what you know about the community, do you think the City is growing too fast, too slow or just right. Why.