HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program Report G:\UTILITY COMMISSION\UC Items and Packets\2018\20180319\6.a. 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program.docx Utility Commission Meeting: March 19, 2018 E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y AGENDA ITEM: 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, PE, Director of Public Works / City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6.a. ATTACHMENTS: 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program Summary APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive Presentation and Discussion Regarding the 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program BACKGROUND The 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program has been completed as proposed in Task 3 of the 2017 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Services Agreement. As part of the annual monitoring effort, a summary memo is provided with the preliminary results for observed stormwater runoff volumes (rainfall-to-runoff ratios), estimated volume reductions associated with evaporation and infiltration values, and pollutant removal performance estimates based on water quality samples for the ten (10) selected basins within the City. The water quality monitoring program is used to fulfill multiple program requirements in Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) 5 and 6 of the City’s General MS4 Permit related to inspection, long-term operation, and maintenance of infiltration BMPs. The water quality monitoring program also provides the City with empirical data that will assist with: • Guiding upcoming Watershed and City Stormwater Plan Updates and discussions with observed runoff volumes and infiltration and evaporation rates • Identify potential areas to receive regional volume reduction credit through stormwater reuse applications. • Validating pond treatment efficiencies from the Storm Water Asset Management Program (SWAMP) with sampled Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorus concentrations. • Supporting conclusions in the City’s Non-Degradation study with observed infiltration and evaporation data. • Create a baseline for discharge volumes and pollutant loading assumptions of possible future Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) in the Vermillion and Mississippi River. • Assess winter pollutant concentration associated with snowmelt runoff. This water quality monitoring program is intended to align with the MS4 General Permit cycle. Data is to be processed annually and a final report is planned to be complied at the end of the Year 5 period (2018). G:\UTILITY COMMISSION\UC Items and Packets\2018\20180319\6.a. 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program.docx SUMMARY WSB Staff will be in attendance to provide a presentation and answer questions related to the 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program Staff and to discuss future MS4 related issues. 178 East 9th Street, Suite 200 | St. Paul, MN 55101 | (651) 286-8450 Building a legacy – your legacy. Equal Opportunity Employer | wsbeng.com K:\02235-470\Admin\Docs\Report\MEMO_2017MonitoringSummary_.docx Memorandum To: Brian Erickson, PE, City of Rosemount Cc: Mitch Hatcher, PE, WSB & Associates From: Bill Alms, PE, WSB & Associates Linnea Henkels, WSB & Associates Date: February 20, 2018 Re: 2017 Pond Monitoring Program Summary WSB Project No. 02235-470, Task 3 This memo provides an overview of the water level monitoring and water quality sampling that was completed for the 2017 Rosemount Pond Monitoring Program (Task 3 of the 2017 MS4 Services Agreement). Pond monitoring has been completed in the City of Rosemount (the City) annually since 2012. The data collected in 2017 was analyzed to determine the following for each basin: 1) Pond Level Fluctuation 2) Water Treatment Performance 3) Rainfall to Runoff Ratio 4) Infiltration Performance. The ponds selected for monitoring and the monitoring parameters are presented in Table 1. The pond location maps are provided in the Figures attachment. The maps depict the monitoring location, drainage area, and land use. Table 1 – 2017 Pond Monitoring Locations and Monitoring Parameters Monitoring Location Water Level Apr-Oct Water Quality Location 1 – Marcotte 1408 X X Location 2 – Glendalough 1486 X X Location 3 – Trailer Park 1589 X X Location 4 – Unnamed 1687 X X Location 5 – Regional 1716 X X Location 6 – Erickson 578 X X Location 7 – Bloomfield 1864 X X Location 8 – O’Leary’s 600 X X Location 9 – Wachter 2443 X X Location 10 – Shannon 614 X X Location 11 – 1720 X Level Monitoring Pond level monitoring was completed using automatic level loggers. The loggers were installed within each basin from April 27, 2017 to October 31, 2017. Rainfall was also monitored at two locations in the City to provide accurate rainfall data for runoff calculations. A chart depicting continuous water level and daily rainfall for each basin is provided as Attachment A. The 2017 minimum and maximum water elevations, with relevant pond design information, are included in Table 2 and on Chart 1. In 2017, none of the basins exceeded their High Water Level (HWL) elevation. Mr. Brian Erickson February 20, 2018 Page 2 K:\02235-470\Admin\Docs\Report\MEMO_2017MonitoringSummary_.docx Table 2 – Minimum and Maximum Water Elevations Pond Information 2017 Data Pond # Basin ID NWL HWL1 Minimum Water Elevation (ft amsl)) Date Maximum Water Elevation (ft amsl) Date Pond Discharge Occur? Loc #1 1408 905.5 910.67 905.1 17-Jul 907.6 22-May Y (pumped) Loc #2 1486 926 935.3 923.5 11-Jun 926.8 19-Jul N Loc #3 1589 928 940.68 924.2 18-Sep 931.0 19-Jul N Loc #4 1687 929.7 940.3 929.2 15-May 931.8 19-Jul Y Loc #5 1716 916 923.8 915.2 9-Jul 918.0 19-Jul Y Loc #6 578 923 933.73 918.5 14-Oct 920.8 19-Jul N (no outlet) Loc #7 1864 909 913.89 907.5 17-Jul 911.8 19-Jul Y Loc #8 600 929.7 935.04 929.5 15-May 932.1 20-Jul Y Loc #9 2443 906 926.65 911.8 31-Jul 918.0 20-Jul N (no outlet) Loc #10 614 914 920.22 914.2 15-May 919.5 21-Aug N (no outlet) Loc #11 1710 918.5 923 916.09 15-May 918.91 16-Aug N 1- No ponds exceeded their HWL in 2017 Chart 1 – 2017 Minimum and Maximum Water Elevations Mr. Brian Erickson February 20, 2018 Page 3 K:\02235-470\Admin\Docs\Report\MEMO_2017MonitoringSummary_.docx Water Quality Monitoring Water quality samples were collected monthly from April through October from 10 basins. The samples were analyzed by Tri-City Laboratory for total phosphorus, ortho-phosphate, total suspended solids (TSS), and chloride. The water quality summary tables for each location are provided as Attachment B and the average pollutant concentrations are presented in Table 3. Chart 2 and Chart 3 present a summary of the observed total phosphorus and chloride concentration for 2017. Table 3 – Water Quality Summary Pond Average Concentration Pond # Basin ID Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho- phosphate (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) Loc #1 1408 0.13 0.04 10.9 39.34 Loc #2 1486 0.11 0.02 12.4 35.02 Loc #3 1589 0.13 0.02 5.6 26.21 Loc #4 1687 0.06 0.01 3.9 54.04 Loc #5 1716 0.06 0.02 3.0 42.43 Loc #6 578 0.20 0.10 12.7 24.70 Loc #7 1864 0.16 0.03 26.3 22.63 Loc #8 600 0.13 0.03 9.6 79.81 Loc #9 2443 0.13 0.04 9.6 83.04 Loc #10 614 0.19 0.02 37.7 44.51 Red Shading indicates the greatest average concentration Blue shading indicates the lowest average concentration Mr. Brian Erickson February 20, 2018 Page 4 Building a legacy – your legacy. Equal Opportunity Employer | wsbeng.com K:\02235-470\Admin\Docs\Report\MEMO_2017MonitoringSummary_.docx Mr. Brian Erickson February 20, 2018 Page 5 K:\02235-470\Admin\Docs\Report\MEMO_2017MonitoringSummary_.docx Mr. Brian Erickson February 20, 2018 Page 6 K:\02235-470\Admin\Docs\Report\MEMO_2017MonitoringSummary_.docx Rainfall to Runoff Calculations The rainfall to runoff ratio is determined by calculating the runoff produced from a rain event (expressed in inches over the drainage area) and dividing it by the total rainfall (inches). The rainfall to runoff ratio allows for the comparison of runoff volumes from different sized drainage areas. Rainfall to runoff ratios were calculated for each basin and the results are presented in tables and charts in Attachment C. The 2016 average rainfall to runoff ratios are provided in Table 4. Table 4 – Average Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Pond Information Average Rainfall to Runoff (unitless) Pond # Basin ID Loc #1 1408 0.24 Loc #2 1486 0.09 Loc #3 1589 0.44 Loc #4 1687 0.09 Loc #5 1716 0.09 Loc #6 578 0.24 Loc #7 1864 0.20 Loc #8 600 0.34 Loc #9 2443 0.24 Loc #10 614 0.23 Loc # 11 1720 0.15 Largest R/R Ratio Smallest R/R Ratio Infiltration Rate The infiltration rate of each basin was calculated by measuring the decrease in water levels during periods of no rain when the water level was below the outlet elevation. The 2016 infiltration rates are presented in tables in Attachment D. The seasonal average infiltration rates are provided in Table 5. Location 6 Basin ID #578 (Erickson) receives discharge from an adjacent splash pad during summer months. For the 2017 season, approximately 10.7million gallons was received from the splash and infiltrated by the basin (no outlet). The daily level increase and subsequent decrease as a result of the splash pad discharge was approximately 0.3 feet. Table 5 – Average Infiltration Rate Pond Information Average infiltration rate (inches/hr) Pond # Basin ID Loc #1 1408 0.024 Loc #2 1486 0.040 Loc #3 1589 0.180 Loc #4 1687 0.022 Loc #5 1716 0.037 Loc #6 578 0.074 Loc #7 1864 0.034 Loc #8 600 0.008 Loc #9 2443 0.093 Loc #10 614 0.063 Loc # 11 1720 0.074 Largest R/R Ratio Smallest R/R Ratio Figures GF GF Location #1 (BP-1408)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #2 (KL-1486)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #3 (KL-1589)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #4 (KL-1687)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #5 (KL-1716)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #6 (EP-578)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #7 (KL-1865)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #8 (WA-600)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #9 (WA-2443)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #10 (SP-614)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling G±WX Birger Pond (BP-514)Water Quality Sampling Location #11 (WRV-1710)Surface water monitoring Only GF GF Location #1 (BP-1408)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #2 (KL-1486)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #3 (KL-1589)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #4 (KL-1687)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #5 (KL-1716)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #6 (EP-578)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #7 (KL-1865)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #8 (WA-600)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #9 (WA-2443)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #10 (SP-614)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling G±WX Birger Pond (BP-514)Water Quality Sampling Location #11 (WRV-1710)Surface water monitoring OnlyFile: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\Fig_Prop_2016.mxd, 8/21/2017 4:15:34 PM2017Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Locations Legend GF Continious Rainfall Monitors 2011, 2014-2017 Monitored Ponds (10)Monitored Pond New 2016City Boundary This Evaporation and Infiltration MonitoringProgram has been developed to furtherestablish evaporation and infiltration thatoccur within the City. In addition, this studyis performed to verify the estimatedstormwater abstractions and runoff volumesthat were developed for the City'sNondegradation Plan. Ü 0 0.5 10.25 Miles Please note that the basins selected for monitorng have beenupdated from past monitoring efforts in order to provide a broaderrepresentation of evaporation and infiltration rates and runoff ratios ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_^_ ^_ CRUSHEEN CT CROLLY P A THDANBURY WAY WCHINCHILLA AVE127TH CT W DRUM C L I F FE CT CRO L L Y C T CROOKHAVENCTSHANNONPKWYSHANNON PKWYEVERMO O R P K WYLocation 12017 Evaporation & Infiltration Study ² ^_Monitoring Locations Subwatersheds Monitoring Pond Land Use RR Rural Residential TR Transitional Residential Document Path: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\LandUse\Location_11_10.4.mxd0 350Feet ^_ 131ST ST W 132 ND ST W C O U C H T O W N P A T H CROMP TONCTCROMWEL L A V E COLESHIRE PATHCOUCHTOWNAVECORMACKCIR 137th ST W 136th ST W TRLCORLISS COUCHTOWNCORCORANAVECORCHMANAVECOUCHFORDAVECRUMFIELDPAT H C O U C H TO W N C TC OUCHTOWN CT COACHFORDAVECOACHFORDWAYCARRACH AVECONNEMARATR CROMPTON AVECR O M W E L L T R CRO SSLOUGHTRCRUMP E T P A T H C A R R A C H AV E C AR B A C HWAY134TH ST W CARLINGFORDLANECARLINGFORDWAY Location 22017 Evaporation & Infiltration Study ² ^_Monitoring Locations Subwatersheds Monitoring Pond Land Use RR Rural Residential TR Transit ional Residential MD R Medium Density Residential Document Path: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\LandUse\Location_2_10.4.mxd0 400Feet ^_ 138TH S T W BUNRATTY AVEUPPER 138 TH ST W BRIANBORU AVELOWE R 138TH S T W BUNDORAN AVEBURGUNDYAVEBROUGHSHANEAVEBLANCA CTBLARNEYCT BLANCAAVE139TH ST W 140TH ST W BREMEN AVE140TH CIR B U R G U N D YWAY BURGUNDYCT139TH ST W Location 32017 Evaporation & Infiltration Study ² ^_Monitoring Locations Subwatersheds Monitoring Pond Land Use LDR Low Density Residential PO Existing Parks/Open Space Document Path: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\LandUse\Location_3_10.4.mxd0 300Feet ^_ 132ND CT W S ROBERT TRL (STH 3)S ROBERT TRL (STH 3)BISCAYNE AVE131ST ST W BONAIRE PATH W 132ND ST W B E L F A S T S T W 142ND ST W 138TH ST W BUNRATTY AVEUPPER 138TH ST W BRIANBORU AVEB I R C H S T W LOWER 138TH ST W B E L M O N TCTBUNDORAN AVEBURGUNDYAVEBROUGHSHANEAVEBELMO NT TR BRASSPK W YBRONZE CTBRASSPKWY1 3 6 T H S T W 1 3 3 R D S T W BROCKWAYAVEBRI LLI ANTGEM AVE1 3 5 T H S T W BLANCA CTBLARNEYCT BLANCAAVE139TH ST WCOACHFORDAVECARRACH AVECONNEMARATR CONNEMARA TRBRONZEPKWY C A R R A C H AV E 140TH ST W BREMEN AVEBROCKWAYAVEBRI CKPATHB E L F A S T C T 140TH CIR B U R G U N D YWAY BURGUNDYCTBURMA AVEBURNLEY WAYC AR B A C HWAY134TH ST W CARLINGFORDLANECARLINGFORDWAY BRICK PATH139TH ST W Location 42017 Evaporation & Infiltration Study ² ^_Monitoring Locations Subwatersheds Monitoring Pond Land Use NC Neighborhood Commercial LDR Low Density Residential TR Transit ional Residential MD R Medium Density Residential HDR H igh Densit y Residential PI Public/Institut ional PO Existing Parks/Open Space Document Path: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\LandUse\Location_4_10.4.mxd0 600Feet ^_ AUDOBON W A Y A U G U STAWAYBISCAYNE AVEBACARDI AVEBONAIRE PATH W BONAIRE PATH W BIRCHWOOD AVEBLOOMFIELD PATHBELMONT TRB E L F A S T S T W 140TH ST BEECH ST W B I R C H S T W A U T U M N PATHAZALEA AVEATWOOD TRL ATWATER CTATRIU M A V E BIRCHWOODAVEBEN T L E YWAYBAYBERRYCTBIRDSONGCTATWATER P ATHAZALEA P A T H 138TH ST W AV A L O N PATHAUTUMNCT BANYAN LNATRIU M AVE BAYBER R Y T R L 140T H S T W139TH S T WATWOODAVE B E L M O N TCT AUTU M N W O O D T RL A V A NTIAVE A U T U M N W OODAV E BLOOMFIEL D C T B A Y B E R R Y C I R A T WATERW AY ATWOOD CIRBIRDSONG PATH A U T U MNWOODCTA Z A L E ACTA U T U M N W O O D W A Y A U T U M N W O O D W A Y 136TH ST W ATHENA WAY ATHE N A CT ATWO O D A VEBELMONT TR BEL LE CT142N D S T WCONNEMARA T RA U T U M N P A THBIRCH ST W AUBURNAVEBIRMINGHAMCT BELVIDERE CT 139TH ST W CONNEMARA TR 145TH ST WBLOOMFIELDPATHBIRNAMWOODTR BELMONT TRB E L F A S T C T A U B U R N AVE 142ND CT W A T WOODCTAURORA AVELocation 52017 Evaporation & Infiltration Study ² ^_Monitoring Locations Subwatersheds Monitoring Pond Land Use LDR Low Density Residential MD R Medium Density R esidential PI Public/Institutional PO Existing Parks/Open Space Document Path: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\LandUse\Location_5_10.4.mxd0 800Feet ^_S ROBERT TRL (STH 3)S ROBERT TRL (STH 3)BRAZIL AVE146TH ST W CAMEO AVE142ND ST W CAMBRIAN AVEBURMA AVECAMERO LNBOXWOODPATHUPPER 147TH ST W LOWER 147TH ST W BURNLEY AVEBOYSENBERRY CTCANTATA AVE W143RD ST W CANADA AVE148TH ST W PRIVATE RD146TH ST W LOWER 147TH ST W BOSTONCIR145TH S T W B U R G U N D YWAY BURGUNDYCTBURMA AVEBURNLEY WAYLocation 62017 Evaporation & Infiltration Study ² ^_Monitoring Locations Subwatersheds Monitoring Pond Land Use DT Downtown LDR Low Density Residential HDR H igh Density Residential PI Public/Institutional PO Existing Parks/Open Space BP Business Park Document Path: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\LandUse\Location_6_10.4.mxd0 450Feet ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ AUTU M N W O O D T RL A V A NTIAVE BLOOMFIEL D C T B A Y B E R R Y C I R A T WATERW AY ATWOOD CIRA U T U M N W O O D W A Y A U T U M N W O O D W A Y 142N D S T W AUBURNAVEA U B U R N AVE 142ND CT W A T WOODCTLocation 72017 Evaporation & Infiltration Study ² ^_Monitoring Locations Subwatersheds Monitoring Pond Land Use LDR Low Density Residential Document Path: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\LandUse\Location_7_10.4.mxd0 300Feet ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_^_ 150TH ST W (CSAH 42) 153RD ST W 151ST ST W 155TH ST W 147TH ST WDELFT AVE WDECE M B E R T R L DALLARA AVE W152ND ST WDANVILLE AVE WDARLING PATH COVINGTON AVEDARJEELINGPATHCOBALT AVE COLORADO AVECLARET AVECRANDALL AVE154TH CT WDAMA S K CTDAMASK AVE WCRESTONE AVEUPPER 148TH ST WDAHOMEY AVE WUPPER 1 4 9 T H S T W DANBURY AVECRESTVIEW AVE152ND CT W COLUMBIAWAYC O L U M BI ACTCIRCLEAVEEVERLEIGH CIR EVERLEIGHCIR DERBYCIRC LARET C IR147TH ST W CIMARRONWAYCRESTONECIR151ST ST W 146TH ST W DO DD BLVDUPPER 149TH ST W DANBURY AVEUPPER 150TH ST W 155TH ST W 147TH ST W DANVILLE A V EWCIMARRONAVEW152ND ST W DANVILLE AVE WCLARET AVEUPPER 148TH ST W DECEMBER WAY COLUMBARY CTD A RT M O O R C T DARJEELINGCT155THCTCOLUMBARY CIRDALLARA AVE WDAYBREAKAVED A M ASKAVESDODD BLVDSHANNON PKWYSHANNON PKWY154TH ST W 153RD ST W C R E S T V IE W C IR CIMARRONAVEWCOBALT LNDANBURY AVE WLocation 82017 Evaporation & Infiltration Study ² ^_Monitoring Locations Subwatersheds Monitoring Pond Land Use CC Community Commercial LDR Low Density Residential MD R Medium Density R esidential HDR H igh Density Residential PI Public/Institutional PO Existing Parks/Open Space Document Path: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\LandUse\Location_8_10.4.mxd0 500Feet ^_CHERRY PATHS ROBERT TRL (STH 3)151ST ST W BRAZIL AVE156TH ST W 144TH ST W 155TH ST W 147TH ST W 146TH ST W 143RD ST W COBBLER AVECAMEO AVE152ND ST W UPP ER 143RD ST W CANADAAVECORNELL TRL W 148TH ST W COVINGTON AVECAMBRIAN AVEBURMA AVEC O B ALTAVE COLORADO AVEBUSINESS PKYCAMERO LNCLARET AVECRANDALL AVEB O U L D E R A V ECIMARRON AVE WCHIANTI AVEC ARROUSELWAYUPP ER 147TH ST W LOW ER 147TH ST W CRESTONE AVEUPP ER 148TH ST W 149TH ST W UPPER 1 4 9 T H S T WCRESTVIEW AVECOLUMBIAWAYLOW ER 150TH ST W C H ILIC TCIMARRONAVE BUSINESSPKWYBURNLEY AVECHROMEAVEC O L U M BI ACTCANTATA AVE WCHORLEYAVEWCAMFIELD CIRCHARLESTON AVECIRCLEAVEC LARET C IR 1 5 3 R D S T W 143RD ST W CANADA AVE148TH ST W CHIPPENDALE AVE147TH ST W U P P E R 1 4 9TH ST W CIMARRONWAY C IM ARRONCTCRESTONECIR154TH ST W 149TH ST W 146TH ST W DO D D BLVD 144THSTW CIMARRONAVEWUPPER 149TH ST W PRIVATE RDCIMARRONAVEW146TH ST W LOWER 147TH ST W CHILI AVECLARET AVEPATHCHASEWOODCOURTCHESTNUTWAYCIMMA R O N A V E C H E R R Y P A T HCOLUMB ARY CTCORNELLCT SCOLUMBARY CIRCHOKECHERRY AVECHOKECHERRY AVEU. 149THCTCHEVELLECT NBRENNER CT C R O F T O N C T CRESCENT CIRCRESTONEPATHCORNELL T R A I L 1 56T H ST W CORNELLCT N145TH ST W 145TH ST W 145TH ST W 154TH ST W 153RD ST W C R E S T V IE W C IR CIMARRONAVEWCORMORANTWAY 143RD ST W UPPER 14 3R D S T W 151ST ST W 144TH ST W CHIPPENDALE AVECHIPPENDALE AVECHIPPENDALE AVE156TH S T W 147TH ST WCOBALT LNCOBALT DRIVE SROBERTTRL(STH3)BO ULD ER CTCHRYSLER AVELocation 92017 Evaporation & Infiltration Study ² ^_Monitoring Locations Subwatersheds Monitoring Pond Land Use NC Neighborhood Commercial RC Regional Commercial CC Community Commercial LDR Low Density Residential MD R Medium Density R esidential HDR H igh Density Residential PI Public/Institutional PO Existing Parks/Open Space BP Business Park Document Path: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\LandUse\Location_9_10.4.mxd0 825Feet ^_^_ ^_ ^_^_DIAMOND PATH (CSAH 33)CRYSTA L P A T H DARLING PATHDARJEELINGPATH UP P E R1 56THSTW 154TH CT W CASCADE PATH 158TH CT W 157TH CT W DAKOTA DR159TH CT W C I N N A M ONWAY157 TH S T W CROCUSAVEDANBURY AVECOLUMBIAWAYC O L U M BI ACTCUMBERLANDAVECR O C U S C T C A R DINAL CT DAKOTALN158TH ST W 156 TH S T W DANBURY AVE155 TH S T W DANVILLE A V EWDANVILLEAVEWCRESTONE CTCORNELLCT SCRYSTAL CTD A P P L E C IR DAPPLE CT155THCTCRESTONEPATHUPPER156THCT W 1 5 6 T H S T W CORNELLCT NDARLING PATHDARLING PATH SHANNON PKWYSHANNON PKWYCRYS T A L P A THS£ Location 102017 Evaporation & Infiltration Study ² ^_Monitoring Locations Subwatersheds Monitoring Pond Land Use LDR Low Density Residential PO Existing Parks/Open Space Document Path: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\LandUse\Location_10_10.4.mxd0 450Feet ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_AKRON AVE (CR 73)BONAIRE PATH E ^_ Location 112017 Evaporation & Infiltration Study ² ^_Monitoring Locations Subwatersheds Monitoring Pond Land Use LDR Low Density Residential MD R Medium Density R esidential HDR H igh Density Residential PO Existing Parks/Open Space Document Path: K:\02235-120\GIS\Maps\LandUse\Location_11_10.4.mxd0 500Feet Attachment A Water Level and Rainfall Data 2017 Water Quality Quantity Monitoring Program 4/26/17 through 10/31/17 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 902.5 903.5 904.5 905.5 906.5 907.5 908.5 Daily Rainfall (inches) Surface Water Elevation (ft)Monitoring Location # 1 (Marcotte #1408) Surface Water Elevation & Rainfall Water Elevation (feet) Daily Rainfall (in.) Observed Pump On = 907.5' NWL/Pumps Off (SWMP) = 906' Pump 1 On (SWMP) = 906.5' 2017 Water Quality Quantity Monitoring Program 4/26/17 through 10/31/2017 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 922.5 923.5 924.5 925.5 926.5 927.5 928.5 929.5 930.5 Daily Rainfall (inches)Surface Water Elevation (ft)Monitoring Location # 2 (Glendalough #1486) Surface Water Elevations & Rainfall Amounts Water Elevation (feet) Rainfall Pump 1 Off /NWL = 926.0' -High Water Elevation = 935.3' Pump 1 On/Pump 2 Off Level = 927.5' Pump 2 On Level = 930.0' 2017 Water Quality Quantity Monitoring Program 4/26/17 through 10/31/2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 917.0 919.0 921.0 923.0 925.0 927.0 929.0 931.0 933.0 935.0 Daily Rainfall (inches)Surface Water Elevation (ft)Monitoring Location # 3 (Trailer Park #1589) Surface Water Elevation & Rainfall Water Surface Elevation (WSE) Rainfall Outlet Elevation = 935.7' NWL = 928' High Water Elevation = 940.68' 2017 Water Quality Quantity Monitoring Program 4/26/17 through 10/31/2017 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 925.0 927.0 929.0 931.0 933.0 935.0 Rainfall(Inches per Day)Surface Water Elevation (ft)Monitoring Location # 4 (Unnamed #1687) Surface Water Elevation & Rainfall Water Surface Elevation (WSE) Rainfall NWL = 929.74' -High water elevation = 940.03' OSC Closed Gate Valve Outlet Elevation = 932' 2017 Water Quality Quantity Monitoring Program 4/26/17 through 10/31/17 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 911.0 912.0 913.0 914.0 915.0 916.0 917.0 918.0 919.0 920.0 Rainfall(Inches per Day)Surface Water Elevation (ft)Monitoring Location # 5 (Regional #1716) Surface Water Elevations & Rainfall Amounts Water Surface Elevation (WSE) Rainfall NWL= 916' OCS Gate Valve was open for 2017 season Closed valve outlet elevation is 924.0" High water elevation is = 923.8' 2017 Water Quality Quantity Monitoring Program 4/26/17 through 10/31/17 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 916.0 917.0 918.0 919.0 920.0 921.0 922.0 Rainfall(Inches per Day)Surface Water Elevation (ft)Monitoring Location # 6 (Erickson #579) Surface Water Elevations & Rainfall Amounts Water Surface Elevation Rainfall No outlet ** Discharge from the pond to the adjacent wetland has been observed through a preferntial drainage path within the wooded area seperating the basin and the wetland 2017 Splash Pad Operation: 6/1 through 9/28. Approximately 10.7 MG recieved and infiltrated by the basin. Level increase and subsequent decrease approximately 0.3 ft daily as a result of NWL (Pond Outlet to Wetland)= 919.69' Observed Discharge Point from Pond to Wetland = 919.09'** 2017 Water Quality Quantity Monitoring Program 4/26/17 through 10/31/17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 905.0 906.0 907.0 908.0 909.0 910.0 911.0 912.0 913.0 Rainfall(Inches per Day)Surface Water Elevation (ft)Change per HourMonitoring Location # 7 (Bloomfield #1864) Surface Water Elevations & Rainfall Amounts Water Surface Elevation (WSE) Rainfall NWL = 909.0 High Water Elevation: 913.89' 2017 Water Quality Quantity Monitoring Program 4/26/17 through 10/31/2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 928.0 928.5 929.0 929.5 930.0 930.5 931.0 931.5 932.0 932.5 Rainfall(Inches per Day)Surface Water Elevation (ft)Monitoring Location # 8 (O'Leary's #600) Surface Water Elevations & Rainfall Amounts Water Surface Elevation (WSE) Rainfall NWL = 929.7' High Water Elevation = 935.04' 2017 Water Quality Quantity Monitoring Program 4/26/17 through 10/31/2017 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 908.0 910.0 912.0 914.0 916.0 918.0 920.0 Rainfall(Inches per Day)Surface Water Elevation (ft)Change per HourMonitoring Location # 9 (Wachter #2443) Surface Water Elevations & Rainfall Amounts Water Surface Elevation (WSE) Rainfall High Water Elevation 926.65' No Outlet Pumping Required = 916' 5-Day Monitoring Required = 910' NWL = 906' 2017 Water Quality Quantity Monitoring Program 4/26/17 through 10/31/17 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 906.0 907.0 908.0 909.0 910.0 911.0 912.0 913.0 914.0 915.0 916.0 917.0 918.0 919.0 920.0 921.0 922.0 Rainfall(Inches per Day)Surface Water Elevation (ft)Monitoring Location # 10 (Shannon# 614) Surface Water Elevations & Rainfall Amounts Water Surface Elevation (WSE) Rainfall High Water Elevation = 924' Outlet Elevation = None NWL = 914' 5-Day Monitoring Required = 920' 2017 Water Quality Quantity Monitoring Program 4/26/2017 through 10/31/2017 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 910.0 912.0 914.0 916.0 918.0 920.0 Daily Rainfall (inches)Surface Water Elevation (ft)Monitoring Location #11 (#1710) Surface Water Elevations & Rainfall Amounts Surface Water Elevation Rainfall NWL = 918.5' 3-cell pond system outlet elevation = 923' High Water Elevation = 923' Attachment B Water Quality Summary Tables Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 02235-470 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Sampling Date1 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) 4/28/2017 0.13 0.08 2 91.8 5/25/2017 0.08 0.01 1 56 6/21/2017 0.11 0.06 6 61.5 7/31/2017 0.22 0.02 24 20.4 8/30/2017 0.12 0.05 36 14.9 9/27/2017 0.10 0.03 4 15.9 10/31/2017 0.11 0.02 3 14.9 Average 0.13 0.04 11 39.3 MAX 0.22 0.08 36 91.8 MIN 0.08 0.01 1 14.9 1 - Water quality analysis was performed by William Lloyd / Tri-City Laboratory Location 1 Indicates sample result below lab detection limits, 1/2 MDL value reported Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 02235-470 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Sampling Date1 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) 4/28/2017 0.13 0.08 8 91.8 5/25/2017 0.02 0.03 8 52.0 6/21/2017 0.22 0.00 15 48.6 7/31/2017 0.15 0.00 13 10.8 8/30/2017 0.01 0.00 13 6.8 9/27/2017 0.09 0.03 17 20.1 10/31/2017 0.13 0.01 13 15.0 Average 0.11 0.02 12 35.0 MAX 0.22 0.08 17 91.8 MIN 0.01 0.00 8 6.8 1 - Water quality analysis was performed by William Lloyd / Tri-City Laboratory Location 2 Indicates sample result below lab detection limits, 1/2 MDL value reported Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 02235-470 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Sampling Date1 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) 4/28/2017 0.06 0.02 8 109.6 5/25/2017 0.05 0.00 3 13.2 6/21/2017 0.22 0.04 9 16.0 7/31/2017 0.13 0.02 8 7.4 8/30/2017 0.07 0.00 4 7.7 9/27/2017 0.14 0.02 1 8.0 10/30/2017 0.24 0.06 6 21.5 Average 0.13 0.02 6 26.2 MAX 0.24 0.06 9 109.6 MIN 0.05 0.00 1 7.4 1 - Water quality analysis was performed by William Lloyd / Tri-City Laboratory Location 3 Indicates sample result below lab detection limits, 1/2 MDL value reported Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 02235-470 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Sampling Date1 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) 4/28/2017 0.02 0.02 4 78.4 5/25/2017 0.06 0.00 3 59.2 6/21/2107 0.08 0.00 3 43.4 7/31/2017 0.08 0.01 6 38.1 8/30/2017 0.08 0.00 4 36.4 9/27/2017 0.04 0.01 5 85.5 10/31/2017 0.05 0.02 2 37.3 Average 0.06 0.01 4 54.0 MAX 0.08 0.02 6 85.5 MIN 0.02 0.00 2 36.4 1 - Water quality analysis was performed by William Lloyd / Tri-City Laboratory Location 4 Indicates sample result below lab detection limits, 1/2 MDL value reported Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 02235-470 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Sampling Date1 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) 4/28/2017 0.02 0.02 8 98.4 5/25/2017 0.07 0.00 2 40.4 6/21/2017 0.07 0.02 2 41.8 7/31/2017 0.05 0.01 2 34.8 8/30/2017 0.05 0.00 1 27.9 9/27/2017 0.08 0.07 4 27.3 10/30/2017 0.07 0.02 2 26.4 Average 0.06 0.02 3 42.4 MAX 0.08 0.07 8 98.4 MIN 0.02 0.00 1 26.4 1 - Water quality analysis was performed by William Lloyd / Tri-City Laboratory Location 5 Indicates sample result below lab detection limits, 1/2 MDL value reported Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 02235-470 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Sampling Date1 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) 4/28/2017 0.07 0.03 16 89.4 5/25/2017 0.10 0.04 20 28.9 6/21/2017 0.17 0.06 8 19.1 7/31/2017 0.19 0.12 7 11.4 8/30/2017 0.13 0.08 14 7.4 9/27/2017 0.50 0.28 17 11.8 10/31/217 0.22 0.09 7 4.9 Average 0.20 0.10 13 24.7 MAX 0.50 0.28 20 89.4 MIN 0.07 0.03 7 4.9 1 - Water quality analysis was performed by William Lloyd / Tri-City Laboratory Location 6 Indicates sample result below lab detection limits, 1/2 MDL value reported Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 02235-470 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Sampling Date1 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) 4/28/2017 0.10 0.03 15 99.8 5/25/2017 0.09 0.03 4 15.3 6/21/2017 0.59 0.08 34 15.7 7/31/2017 0.15 0.03 17 5.6 8/30/2017 0.13 0.01 60 5.5 9/27/2017 0.02 0.02 51 8.4 10/31/2017 0.04 0.00 3 8.2 Average 0.16 0.03 26 22.6 MAX 0.59 0.08 60 99.8 MIN 0.02 0.00 3 5.5 1 - Water quality analysis was performed by William Lloyd / Tri-City Laboratory Location 7 Indicates sample result below lab detection limits, 1/2 MDL value reported Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 02235-470 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Sampling Date1 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) 4/28/2017 0.10 0.04 7 250.0 5/25/2017 0.05 0.01 9 122.0 6/21/2017 0.14 0.04 6 110.0 7/31/2017 0.19 0.08 9 28.9 8/30/2017 0.20 0.02 12 16.4 9/27/2017 0.15 0.02 16 18.3 10/31/2017 0.11 0.01 8 13.1 Average 0.13 0.03 9.6 80 MAX 0.20 0.08 16.0 250 MIN 0.05 0.01 6.0 13 1 - Water quality analysis was performed by William Lloyd / Tri-City Laboratory Location 8 Indicates sample result below lab detection limits, 1/2 MDL value reported Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 02235-470 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Sampling Date1 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) 4/28/2017 0.11 0.05 13 173.4 5/25/2017 0.05 0.01 5 108.0 6/21/2017 0.15 0.01 22 96.8 7/31/2017 0.06 0.01 7 51.0 8/30/2017 0.06 0.00 9 35.6 9/27/2017 0.05 0.02 5 41.9 10/31/2017 0.42 0.21 6 74.6 Average 0.13 0.04 10 83.0 MAX 0.42 0.21 22 173.4 MIN 0.05 0.00 5 35.6 1 - Water quality analysis was performed by William Lloyd / Tri-City Laboratory Location 9 Indicates sample result below lab detection limits, 1/2 MDL value reported Water Quality Sampling Results WSB Project No. 02235-470 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN Sampling Date1 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Ortho Phosphorus (mg/L) Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) 4/28/2017 0.05 0.02 13 96.4 5/25/2017 0.05 0.01 10 58.0 6/21/2017 0.30 0.03 50 53.1 7/31/2017 0.22 0.00 35 35.1 8/30/2017 0.25 0.00 65 27.9 9/27/2017 0.28 0.04 59 24.2 10/31/2017 0.21 0.02 32 16.9 Average 0.19 0.02 38 44.5 MAX 0.30 0.04 65 96.4 MIN 0.05 0.00 10 16.9 1 - Water quality analysis was performed by William Lloyd / Tri-City Laboratory Location 10 Indicates sample result below lab detection limits, 1/2 MDL value reported Attachment C Rainfall to Runoff Ratios Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 1 (Marcotte #1408) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Hourly Average E/I (ft/hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* (ac-ft) Watershed Area (ac)Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 30-Apr 0.95 905.44 905.85 23 0.0020 1.90 0.89 50.5 0.210 0.22 16-May 0.2 905.67 905.72 4 0.0020 1.90 0.11 50.5 0.025 0.13 16-May 0.2 905.71 905.77 4 0.0020 1.90 0.13 50.5 0.030 0.15 16-May 0.04 905.74 905.76 2 0.0020 1.90 0.05 50.5 0.011 0.27 17-May 0.14 905.73 905.81 3 0.0020 1.90 0.16 50.5 0.039 0.28 17-May 1.01 905.77 906.16 13 0.0020 1.90 0.80 50.5 0.190 0.19 20-May 0.95 906.58 907.01 12 0.0020 1.90 0.85 50.5 0.203 0.21 11-Jun 0.85 906.21 906.40 2 0.0020 1.90 0.37 50.5 0.089 0.10 12-Jun 0.32 906.33 906.40 3 0.0020 1.90 0.15 50.5 0.037 0.11 14-Jun 0.15 906.36 906.39 3 0.0020 1.90 0.07 50.5 0.016 0.11 17-Jun 0.16 906.19 906.21 4 0.0020 1.90 0.05 50.5 0.012 0.08 20-Jun 0.16 906.10 906.13 3 0.0020 1.90 0.08 50.5 0.019 0.12 28-Jun 0.29 905.56 905.69 4 0.0020 1.90 0.26 50.5 0.061 0.21 9-Jul 0.28 905.37 905.41 4 0.0020 1.90 0.09 50.5 0.022 0.08 17-Jul 0.4 905.09 905.14 5 0.0020 1.90 0.12 50.5 0.029 0.07 19-Jul 0.4 905.08 905.20 1 0.0020 1.90 0.22 50.5 0.053 0.13 19-Jul 3.14 905.17 907.46 6 0.0020 1.90 4.36 50.5 1.036 0.33 26-Jul 0.72 907.05 907.33 2 0.0020 1.90 0.54 50.5 0.128 0.18 3-Aug 1.25 906.76 907.11 3 0.0020 1.90 0.69 50.5 0.164 0.13 6-Aug 0.32 906.78 906.84 3 0.0020 1.90 0.13 50.5 0.030 0.09 10-Aug 0.28 906.78 906.83 2 0.0020 1.90 0.12 50.5 0.028 0.10 13-Aug 0.54 906.73 906.83 7 0.0020 1.90 0.21 50.5 0.050 0.09 16-Aug 0.46 906.94 906.99 7 0.0020 1.90 0.12 50.5 0.029 0.06 16-Aug 0.68 907.04 907.28 4 0.0020 1.90 0.48 50.5 0.113 0.17 21-Aug 0.15 907.02 907.06 2 0.0020 1.90 0.08 50.5 0.019 0.13 25-Aug 0.69 906.86 906.97 8 0.0020 1.90 0.23 50.5 0.055 0.08 27-Aug 0.18 907.08 907.10 1 0.0020 1.90 0.04 50.5 0.010 0.06 4-Sep 0.09 906.78 906.79 2 0.0020 1.90 0.03 50.5 0.008 0.09 18-Sep 0.44 906.10 906.19 8 0.0020 1.90 0.19 50.5 0.045 0.10 25-Sep 0.51 905.90 906.01 3 0.0020 1.90 0.23 50.5 0.055 0.11 2-Oct 0.27 905.79 905.83 4 0.0020 1.90 0.09 50.5 0.021 0.08 2-Oct 0.94 905.81 906.07 7 0.0020 1.90 0.52 50.5 0.122 0.13 6-Oct 0.73 906.17 906.36 11 0.0020 2.90 0.62 51.5 0.144 0.20 14-Oct 0.45 906.28 906.35 4 0.0020 3.90 0.32 52.5 0.073 0.16 21-Oct 0.38 906.12 906.16 5 0.0020 4.90 0.26 53.5 0.057 0.15 27-Oct 0.06 905.90 905.94 3 0.0020 5.90 0.26 54.5 0.057 0.96 * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Range of Rainfall to Runoff Ratios 0.06 0.96 Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on Linear Regression 0.24 y = 0.238xR² = 0.8180.000.200.400.600.801.001.200 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5Runoff (in)Rainfall (in)Monitoring Location # 1 (Marcotte #1408)Rainfall to Runoff RelationshipLinear (Rainfall to Runoff Ratio) Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 2 (Glendalough #1486) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* (ac-ft) Watershed Area (ac)Runoff (in)Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 30-Apr 0.95 924.23 924.69 19 1.39 0.73 143.3 0.061 0.06 8-May 0.06 923.97 924.00 2 1.39 0.03 143.3 0.002 0.04 15-May 0.08 923.61 923.65 2 1.39 0.06 143.3 0.005 0.07 16-May 0.4 923.64 923.88 11 1.39 0.34 143.3 0.028 0.07 17-May 0.14 923.87 923.94 4 1.39 0.10 143.3 0.009 0.06 17-May 1.05 923.94 924.81 18 1.39 1.21 143.3 0.102 0.10 20-May 0.96 924.61 925.49 14 1.39 1.22 143.3 0.102 0.11 23-May 0.12 925.18 925.21 2 1.39 0.04 143.3 0.004 0.03 28-May 0.03 924.39 924.42 2 1.39 0.04 143.3 0.003 0.11 2-Jun 0.03 923.96 923.97 1 1.39 0.02 143.3 0.002 0.05 11-Jun 0.85 923.49 924.13 4 1.39 0.88 143.3 0.074 0.09 12-Jun 0.33 924.08 924.23 3 1.39 0.22 143.3 0.018 0.05 14-Jun 0.14 924.16 924.21 1 1.39 0.08 143.3 0.006 0.05 17-Jun 0.16 924.00 924.03 4 1.39 0.05 143.3 0.004 0.03 20-Jun 0.18 923.93 924.02 5 1.39 0.13 143.3 0.011 0.06 22-Jun 0.1 923.93 923.98 9 1.39 0.07 143.3 0.005 0.05 28-Jun 0.38 923.80 924.25 12 1.39 0.63 143.3 0.052 0.14 30-Jun 0.06 924.16 924.21 1 1.39 0.06 143.3 0.005 0.09 9-Jul 0.29 923.90 924.16 6 1.39 0.36 143.3 0.030 0.10 17-Jul 0.4 923.92 924.07 4 1.39 0.21 143.3 0.018 0.04 19-Jul 3.58 924.03 926.81 9 1.39 3.85 143.3 0.323 0.09 25-Jul 0.11 925.34 925.44 1 1.39 0.13 143.3 0.011 0.10 26-Jul 0.7 925.36 926.35 2 1.39 1.37 143.3 0.115 0.16 3-Aug 1.25 924.87 925.98 5 1.39 1.55 143.3 0.129 0.10 6-Aug 0.32 925.37 925.51 2 1.39 0.20 143.3 0.017 0.05 9-Aug 0.14 925.14 925.18 3 1.39 0.04 143.3 0.004 0.03 9-Aug 0.07 925.17 925.19 1 1.39 0.02 143.3 0.002 0.03 9-Aug 0.28 925.17 925.27 3 1.39 0.16 143.3 0.013 0.05 13-Aug 0.06 924.96 924.98 2 1.39 0.02 143.3 0.002 0.03 13-Aug 0.54 924.96 925.19 7 1.39 0.35 143.3 0.029 0.05 16-Aug 0.46 925.05 925.25 8 1.39 0.32 143.3 0.027 0.06 16-Aug 0.93 925.22 925.79 13 1.39 0.85 143.3 0.071 0.08 21-Aug 0.18 925.27 925.32 3 1.39 0.09 143.3 0.007 0.04 25-Aug 0.69 925.01 925.32 8 1.39 0.46 143.3 0.038 0.06 26-Aug 0.07 925.30 925.32 2 1.39 0.03 143.3 0.003 0.04 27-Aug 0.18 925.27 925.37 1 1.39 0.14 143.3 0.012 0.07 4-Sep 0.09 924.82 924.84 3 1.39 0.03 143.3 0.003 0.03 18-Sep 0.44 924.28 924.45 8 1.39 0.27 143.3 0.022 0.05 20-Sep 0.09 924.40 924.45 2 1.39 0.07 143.3 0.006 0.07 25-Sep 0.52 924.28 924.61 5 1.39 0.48 143.3 0.040 0.08 25-Sep 0.15 924.57 924.63 8 1.39 0.11 143.3 0.010 0.06 1-Oct 0.1 924.38 924.41 3 1.39 0.05 143.3 0.004 0.04 2-Oct 0.27 924.41 924.55 6 1.39 0.22 143.3 0.018 0.07 2-Oct 0.96 924.53 925.26 8 1.39 1.05 143.3 0.088 0.09 6-Oct 0.5 924.95 925.22 4 1.39 0.39 143.3 0.033 0.07 6-Oct 0.23 925.21 925.31 5 1.39 0.16 143.3 0.013 0.06 7-Oct 0.14 925.30 925.34 4 1.39 0.08 143.3 0.006 0.05 14-Oct 0.46 924.72 924.86 3 1.39 0.20 143.3 0.017 0.04 14-Oct 0.09 924.85 924.89 3 1.39 0.06 143.3 0.005 0.05 21-Oct 0.38 924.48 924.78 7 1.39 0.45 143.3 0.038 0.10 * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Range of Rainfall to Runoff Ratios 0.027 0.164 Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on Linear Regression 0.09 y = 0.088xR² = 0.9410. 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4Runoff (in)Rainfall (in)Monitoring Location # 2 (Glendalough #1486)Rainfall to Runoff RelationshipLinear (Rainfall to Runoff Ratio) Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 3 (Trailer Park #1589) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* (ac-ft) Watershed Area (ac)Runoff (in)Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 30-Apr 0.64 925.22 926.47 4 0.87 1.09 38.3 0.341 0.53 15-May 0.08 924.49 924.73 3 0.87 0.21 38.3 0.066 0.82 16-May 0.2 924.72 925.32 4 0.87 0.52 38.3 0.164 0.82 16-May 0.2 925.32 925.70 4 0.87 0.33 38.3 0.103 0.52 17-May 0.15 925.64 926.08 6 0.87 0.38 38.3 0.120 0.80 17-May 0.99 925.83 927.85 12 0.87 1.75 38.3 0.550 0.56 20-May 0.96 926.22 928.01 13 0.87 1.55 38.3 0.488 0.51 23-May 0.12 926.43 926.67 2 0.87 0.21 38.3 0.065 0.55 28-May 0.03 925.00 925.14 2 0.87 0.12 38.3 0.039 1.29 2-Jun 0.03 924.71 924.85 3 0.87 0.12 38.3 0.037 1.23 11-Jun 0.85 924.46 926.52 2 0.87 1.80 38.3 0.564 0.66 12-Jun 0.33 926.11 926.49 4 0.87 0.33 38.3 0.105 0.32 14-Jun 0.14 926.13 926.32 2 0.87 0.16 38.3 0.050 0.36 17-Jun 0.17 925.54 925.79 6 0.87 0.22 38.3 0.068 0.40 20-Jun 0.18 925.49 925.80 4 0.87 0.27 38.3 0.085 0.47 28-Jun 0.29 925.10 926.22 4 0.87 0.98 38.3 0.306 1.06 9-Jul 0.28 924.92 925.83 5 0.87 0.79 38.3 0.247 0.88 17-Jul 0.4 924.90 925.67 4 0.87 0.67 38.3 0.210 0.53 19-Jul 0.44 925.50 926.97 2 0.87 1.28 38.3 0.400 0.91 19-Jul 3.11 926.84 930.95 4 0.87 3.58 38.3 1.122 0.36 25-Jul 0.11 925.53 925.93 1 0.87 0.35 38.3 0.111 1.01 25-Jul 0.05 925.85 925.86 2 0.87 0.02 38.3 0.005 0.10 26-Jul 0.71 925.82 928.19 1 0.87 2.06 38.3 0.647 0.91 3-Aug 1.25 924.95 926.66 3 0.87 1.48 38.3 0.464 0.37 6-Aug 0.32 925.63 926.15 3 0.87 0.45 38.3 0.140 0.44 9-Aug 0.14 925.54 925.69 3 0.87 0.14 38.3 0.043 0.31 9-Aug 0.08 925.69 925.75 2 0.87 0.05 38.3 0.014 0.18 9-Aug 0.28 925.71 926.06 3 0.87 0.30 38.3 0.095 0.34 13-Aug 0.06 925.34 925.39 1 0.87 0.04 38.3 0.014 0.23 13-Aug 0.54 925.37 926.34 6 0.87 0.85 38.3 0.266 0.49 16-Aug 0.46 925.75 926.41 8 0.87 0.58 38.3 0.180 0.39 16-Aug 0.68 926.29 927.38 5 0.87 0.95 38.3 0.297 0.44 17-Aug 0.23 927.19 927.33 2 0.87 0.12 38.3 0.037 0.16 21-Aug 0.18 925.52 925.74 4 0.87 0.19 38.3 0.061 0.34 25-Aug 0.04 925.08 925.11 2 0.87 0.02 38.3 0.007 0.18 25-Aug 0.69 925.04 925.96 8 0.87 0.80 38.3 0.251 0.36 26-Aug 0.07 925.90 925.98 2 0.87 0.07 38.3 0.022 0.31 27-Aug 0.18 925.83 926.27 1 0.87 0.38 38.3 0.120 0.66 4-Sep 0.09 924.85 924.94 3 0.87 0.08 38.3 0.026 0.28 18-Sep 0.44 924.23 924.94 7 0.87 0.62 38.3 0.194 0.44 20-Sep 0.09 924.86 925.21 3 0.87 0.30 38.3 0.095 1.05 24-Sep 0.53 924.83 925.94 8 0.87 0.97 38.3 0.303 0.57 26-Sep 0.12 925.70 925.86 5 0.87 0.14 38.3 0.043 0.36 1-Oct 0.1 925.04 925.14 4 0.87 0.08 38.3 0.026 0.26 1-Oct 0.02 925.13 925.20 2 0.87 0.06 38.3 0.020 1.00 2-Oct 0.27 925.20 925.67 5 0.87 0.41 38.3 0.130 0.48 2-Oct 0.94 925.61 927.56 7 0.87 1.70 38.3 0.532 0.57 6-Oct 0.5 925.60 926.51 4 0.87 0.79 38.3 0.248 0.50 6-Oct 0.23 926.49 926.70 4 0.87 0.18 38.3 0.058 0.25 7-Oct 0.14 926.67 926.79 4 0.87 0.10 38.3 0.032 0.23 14-Oct 0.64 925.02 925.79 13 0.87 0.67 38.3 0.209 0.33 21-Oct 0.38 924.91 926.00 6 0.87 0.94 38.3 0.296 0.78 27-Oct 0.26 925.06 925.22 14 0.87 0.14 38.3 0.045 0.17 29-Oct 0.04 925.01 925.03 2 0.87 0.02 38.3 0.005 0.14 * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation 0.44 Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on Linear Regression Range of Rainfall to Runoff Ratios 0.10 1.29 y = 0.442xR² = 0.8260.000.200.400.600.801.001.201.401.6000.511.522.533.5Runoff (in)Rainfall (in)Monitoring Location # 3 (Trailer Park #1589)Rainfall to Runoff RelationshipLinear (Rainfall to Runoff Ratio) Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 4 (Unnamed #1687) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft)End Elevation (ft)Duration of Period (hr)Pond Area (ac)Runoff Inflow Volume* (ac-ft) Watershed Area (ac)Runoff (in)Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 30-Apr 0.64 929.52 930.08 3 0.55 0.31 51.8 0.073 0.11 1-May 0.11 930.02 930.07 5 0.55 0.04 51.8 0.008 0.07 1-May 0.19 930.05 930.15 3 0.55 0.06 51.8 0.013 0.07 8-May 0.06 929.42 929.45 2 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.004 0.07 15-May 0.08 929.17 929.41 2 0.55 0.14 51.8 0.032 0.40 16-May 0.2 929.40 929.72 4 0.55 0.18 51.8 0.041 0.21 16-May 0.2 929.71 929.84 3 0.55 0.08 51.8 0.017 0.09 17-May 0.14 929.80 929.91 3 0.55 0.06 51.8 0.015 0.11 17-May 0.04 929.87 930.00 3 0.55 0.07 51.8 0.017 0.42 17-May 0.66 929.99 930.49 6 0.55 0.28 51.8 0.065 0.10 20-May 0.91 929.86 930.57 10 0.55 0.40 51.8 0.094 0.10 23-May 0.12 929.93 929.95 1 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.002 0.02 28-May 0.03 929.61 929.72 3 0.55 0.06 51.8 0.014 0.46 2-Jun 0.03 929.45 929.56 2 0.55 0.06 51.8 0.014 0.47 11-Jun 0.84 929.20 930.10 1 0.55 0.50 51.8 0.117 0.14 12-Jun 0.32 929.91 930.07 3 0.55 0.09 51.8 0.021 0.07 14-Jun 0.14 929.87 929.97 2 0.55 0.06 51.8 0.013 0.10 17-Jun 0.17 929.64 929.71 5 0.55 0.04 51.8 0.010 0.06 20-Jun 0.18 929.61 929.73 4 0.55 0.07 51.8 0.016 0.09 22-Jun 0.08 929.64 929.74 7 0.55 0.06 51.8 0.014 0.18 28-Jun 0.3 929.54 930.00 4 0.55 0.25 51.8 0.059 0.20 28-Jun 0.04 929.99 930.05 1 0.55 0.04 51.8 0.008 0.21 28-Jun 0.03 930.02 930.03 1 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.002 0.06 30-Jun 0.06 929.80 929.83 2 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.005 0.09 9-Jul 0.18 929.51 929.69 2 0.55 0.10 51.8 0.024 0.13 9-Jul 0.1 929.69 929.76 2 0.55 0.04 51.8 0.010 0.10 17-Jul 0.4 929.49 929.71 4 0.55 0.13 51.8 0.029 0.07 19-Jul 0.44 929.66 930.35 2 0.55 0.39 51.8 0.090 0.20 19-Jul 2.41 930.25 931.79 3 0.55 0.86 51.8 0.198 0.08 25-Jul 0.15 929.66 929.81 3 0.55 0.09 51.8 0.020 0.13 26-Jul 0.71 929.79 930.59 2 0.55 0.45 51.8 0.104 0.15 3-Aug 1.25 929.42 929.72 3 0.55 0.17 51.8 0.039 0.03 6-Aug 0.32 929.55 929.71 3 0.55 0.09 51.8 0.021 0.07 9-Aug 0.14 929.58 929.63 3 0.55 0.03 51.8 0.008 0.06 9-Aug 0.08 929.63 929.65 2 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.003 0.04 9-Aug 0.28 929.65 929.85 3 0.55 0.12 51.8 0.027 0.10 13-Aug 0.06 929.60 929.61 2 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.003 0.05 13-Aug 0.54 929.61 929.96 6 0.55 0.20 51.8 0.047 0.09 16-Aug 0.46 929.70 929.98 8 0.55 0.16 51.8 0.038 0.08 16-Aug 0.67 929.90 930.36 3 0.55 0.26 51.8 0.060 0.09 17-Aug 0.23 930.12 930.17 2 0.55 0.03 51.8 0.007 0.03 21-Aug 0.18 929.64 929.75 4 0.55 0.07 51.8 0.015 0.08 25-Aug 0.04 929.59 929.60 1 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.002 0.04 25-Aug 0.68 929.58 929.88 7 0.55 0.17 51.8 0.040 0.06 26-Aug 0.07 929.86 929.89 1 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.003 0.05 27-Aug 0.18 929.80 930.15 2 0.55 0.19 51.8 0.045 0.25 4-Sep 0.09 929.54 929.57 2 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.005 0.06 18-Sep 0.44 929.25 929.52 9 0.55 0.16 51.8 0.037 0.08 20-Sep 0.09 929.50 929.67 1 0.55 0.10 51.8 0.022 0.25 24-Sep 0.53 929.49 929.71 8 0.55 0.13 51.8 0.031 0.06 26-Sep 0.15 929.68 929.77 7 0.55 0.06 51.8 0.013 0.09 1-Oct 0.1 929.55 929.58 2 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.004 0.04 2-Oct 0.27 929.58 929.73 5 0.55 0.09 51.8 0.021 0.08 2-Oct 0.55 929.71 930.34 2 0.55 0.35 51.8 0.081 0.15 2-Oct 0.23 930.27 930.34 1 0.55 0.04 51.8 0.009 0.04 2-Oct 0.14 930.23 930.25 1 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.003 0.02 6-Oct 0.5 929.66 930.00 5 0.55 0.19 51.8 0.045 0.09 6-Oct 0.22 929.99 930.07 3 0.55 0.05 51.8 0.011 0.05 7-Oct 0.11 930.05 930.10 3 0.55 0.03 51.8 0.007 0.07 14-Oct 0.46 929.60 929.83 4 0.55 0.13 51.8 0.030 0.07 14-Oct 0.09 929.82 929.85 2 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.005 0.05 14-Oct 0.09 929.85 929.85 4 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.001 0.02 21-Oct 0.38 929.58 929.80 5 0.55 0.13 51.8 0.030 0.08 27-Oct 0.15 929.57 929.57 6 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.002 0.02 29-Oct 0.04 929.52 929.53 1 0.55 0.00 51.8 0.001 0.03 * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Range of Rainfall to Runoff Ratios 0.02 0.47 Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on Linear Regression 0.09 y = 0.087xR² = 0.7540. (in)Rainfall (in)Monitoring Location # 4 (Unnamed #1687)Rainfall to Runoff RelationshipLinear (Rainfall to Runoff Ratio) Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 5 (Regional #1716) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft)End Elevation (ft)Duration of Period (hr)Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* (ac-ft) Watershed Area (ac)Runoff (in)Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 30-Apr 0.07 915.90 915.91 6 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.002 0.03 30-Apr 0.64 915.90 916.43 4 0.55 0.29 51.8 0.068 0.11 1-May 0.19 916.22 916.31 3 0.55 0.05 51.8 0.011 0.06 8-May 0.06 915.80 915.87 1 0.55 0.04 51.8 0.010 0.16 15-May 0.08 915.51 915.71 2 0.55 0.11 51.8 0.026 0.32 16-May 0.2 915.70 915.97 4 0.55 0.15 51.8 0.034 0.17 16-May 0.2 915.98 916.14 3 0.55 0.09 51.8 0.020 0.10 17-May 0.14 916.01 916.09 3 0.55 0.05 51.8 0.011 0.08 17-May 0.99 915.99 916.90 13 0.55 0.50 51.8 0.116 0.12 20-May 0.95 915.99 916.93 11 0.55 0.52 51.8 0.121 0.13 23-May 0.12 916.27 916.30 1 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.003 0.03 28-May 0.03 915.92 915.97 2 0.55 0.03 51.8 0.007 0.24 2-Jun 0.03 915.75 915.83 2 0.55 0.04 51.8 0.010 0.34 11-Jun 0.84 915.62 916.64 1 0.55 0.57 51.8 0.131 0.16 12-Jun 0.32 915.97 916.14 3 0.55 0.09 51.8 0.022 0.07 14-Jun 0.14 915.92 916.04 2 0.55 0.07 51.8 0.015 0.11 17-Jun 0.17 915.80 915.94 8 0.55 0.08 51.8 0.018 0.10 20-Jun 0.18 915.80 915.95 5 0.55 0.09 51.8 0.020 0.11 22-Jun 0.1 915.75 915.85 8 0.55 0.05 51.8 0.012 0.12 28-Jun 0.3 915.45 916.09 4 0.55 0.35 51.8 0.082 0.27 28-Jun 0.04 916.08 916.15 1 0.55 0.04 51.8 0.009 0.22 28-Jun 0.03 916.10 916.13 1 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.005 0.16 30-Jun 0.06 915.75 915.78 2 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.004 0.07 9-Jul 0.29 915.16 915.55 7 0.55 0.22 51.8 0.051 0.18 17-Jul 0.4 915.17 915.62 10 0.55 0.25 51.8 0.058 0.14 19-Jul 0.44 915.60 916.39 2 0.55 0.44 51.8 0.101 0.23 19-Jul 3.11 916.27 917.99 4 0.55 0.95 51.8 0.220 0.07 25-Jul 0.15 916.09 916.26 3 0.55 0.10 51.8 0.023 0.15 25-Jul 0.05 916.15 916.16 1 0.55 0.00 51.8 0.000 0.01 26-Jul 0.71 916.12 917.23 1 0.55 0.61 51.8 0.142 0.20 3-Aug 1.25 915.98 916.39 3 0.55 0.23 51.8 0.053 0.04 6-Aug 0.32 915.97 916.18 3 0.55 0.12 51.8 0.027 0.09 9-Aug 0.16 915.93 916.01 6 0.55 0.04 51.8 0.010 0.06 9-Aug 0.08 916.01 916.04 1 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.004 0.05 9-Aug 0.28 916.02 916.19 3 0.55 0.10 51.8 0.022 0.08 13-Aug 0.06 915.91 915.94 2 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.004 0.06 13-Aug 0.54 915.93 916.32 6 0.55 0.21 51.8 0.049 0.09 16-Aug 0.46 915.94 916.24 8 0.55 0.17 51.8 0.039 0.08 16-Aug 0.67 916.12 916.78 3 0.55 0.36 51.8 0.084 0.13 17-Aug 0.23 916.55 916.60 2 0.55 0.03 51.8 0.006 0.03 21-Aug 0.18 915.99 916.09 4 0.55 0.06 51.8 0.013 0.07 25-Aug 0.04 915.88 915.91 2 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.004 0.09 25-Aug 0.68 915.88 916.23 7 0.55 0.19 51.8 0.044 0.07 26-Aug 0.07 916.12 916.14 1 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.003 0.04 26-Aug 0.01 916.09 916.10 1 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.002 0.17 27-Aug 0.18 915.98 916.41 2 0.55 0.23 51.8 0.054 0.30 4-Sep 0.09 915.73 915.78 2 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.006 0.06 18-Sep 0.39 915.78 916.38 8 0.55 0.33 51.8 0.077 0.20 20-Sep 0.09 915.89 916.07 1 0.55 0.10 51.8 0.023 0.26 24-Sep 0.01 915.65 915.69 2 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.005 0.54 25-Sep 0.52 915.68 916.06 4 0.55 0.21 51.8 0.048 0.09 26-Sep 0.12 916.00 916.07 4 0.55 0.04 51.8 0.009 0.08 1-Oct 0.1 915.67 915.71 2 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.005 0.05 1-Oct 0.02 915.70 915.72 2 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.003 0.13 2-Oct 0.27 915.70 915.89 4 0.55 0.10 51.8 0.023 0.09 2-Oct 0.78 915.86 916.85 4 0.55 0.55 51.8 0.127 0.16 2-Oct 0.14 916.76 916.81 1 0.55 0.03 51.8 0.006 0.05 6-Oct 0.5 915.78 916.26 5 0.55 0.27 51.8 0.062 0.12 6-Oct 0.22 916.26 916.34 3 0.55 0.05 51.8 0.011 0.05 7-Oct 0.11 916.29 916.32 3 0.55 0.02 51.8 0.004 0.03 14-Oct 0.55 915.76 916.12 7 0.55 0.20 51.8 0.046 0.08 15-Oct 0.07 916.10 916.12 2 0.55 0.01 51.8 0.002 0.02 21-Oct 0.38 915.65 916.04 7 0.55 0.22 51.8 0.050 0.13 27-Oct 0.09 915.56 915.57 4 0.55 0.00 51.8 0.001 0.01 27-Oct 0.17 915.56 915.61 9 0.55 0.03 51.8 0.007 0.04 29-Oct 0.04 915.48 915.49 1 0.55 0.00 51.8 0.001 0.02 * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Range of Rainfall to Runoff Ratios 0.01 0.54 Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on Linear Regression 0.09 y = 0.092xR² = 0.7030. (in)Rainfall (in)Monitoring Location # 5 (Regional #1716)Rainfall to Runoff RelationshipLinear (Rainfall to Runoff Ratio) Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 6 (Erickson #579) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Hourly Average E/I (ft/hr)* Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume (ac-ft) Watershed Area (ac)Runoff (in)Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 30-Apr 0.06 918.71 918.79 4 0.0062 2.26 0.23 134.6 0.020 0.34 30-Apr 0.48 918.79 919.45 2 0.0062 2.26 1.52 134.6 0.136 0.28 1-May 0.1 918.92 919.00 3 0.0062 2.26 0.23 134.6 0.020 0.20 1-May 0.14 918.92 919.14 2 0.0062 2.26 0.52 134.6 0.046 0.33 2-May 0.02 918.87 918.91 2 0.0062 2.26 0.12 134.6 0.010 0.52 8-May 0.06 918.64 918.88 2 0.0062 2.26 0.56 134.6 0.050 0.84 16-May 0.09 918.83 919.09 1 0.0062 2.26 0.58 134.6 0.052 0.58 16-May 0.1 919.00 919.13 1 0.0062 2.26 0.31 134.6 0.027 0.27 16-May 0.12 918.94 919.20 1 0.0062 2.26 0.61 134.6 0.054 0.45 17-May 0.14 918.86 919.17 3 0.0062 2.26 0.73 134.6 0.065 0.46 17-May 0.99 918.91 919.77 13 0.0062 2.26 2.13 134.6 0.190 0.19 20-May 0.96 918.82 919.84 13 0.0062 2.26 2.47 134.6 0.220 0.23 23-May 0.12 918.87 919.08 2 0.0062 2.26 0.50 134.6 0.045 0.37 11-Jun 0.84 918.87 919.41 1 0.0062 2.26 1.23 134.6 0.110 0.13 14-Jun 0.14 918.95 919.17 1 0.0062 2.26 0.50 134.6 0.045 0.32 17-Jun 0.07 919.04 919.23 1 0.0062 2.26 0.45 134.6 0.040 0.57 18-Jun 0.09 919.11 919.18 1 0.0062 2.26 0.19 134.6 0.017 0.19 20-Jun 0.16 918.90 919.24 2 0.0062 2.26 0.78 134.6 0.070 0.43 28-Jun 0.25 918.90 919.33 2 0.0062 2.26 1.01 134.6 0.090 0.36 9-Jul 0.18 919.05 919.32 1 0.0062 2.26 0.62 134.6 0.055 0.31 10-Jul 0.1 919.06 919.25 1 0.0062 2.26 0.43 134.6 0.039 0.39 17-Jul 0.34 918.93 919.22 2 0.0062 2.26 0.68 134.6 0.060 0.18 26-Jul 0.71 918.87 919.90 1 0.0062 2.26 2.35 134.6 0.210 0.30 3-Aug 0.63 918.91 920.00 1 0.0062 2.26 2.47 134.6 0.220 0.35 9-Aug 0.27 918.91 919.31 2 0.0062 2.26 0.94 134.6 0.083 0.31 13-Aug 0.29 919.00 919.31 1 0.0062 2.26 0.72 134.6 0.064 0.22 16-Aug 0.44 918.93 919.16 7 0.0062 2.26 0.62 134.6 0.055 0.13 17-Aug 0.23 919.52 919.67 3 0.0062 2.26 0.37 134.6 0.033 0.14 25-Aug 0.58 918.78 919.16 5 0.0062 2.26 0.93 134.6 0.083 0.14 27-Aug 0.18 918.83 919.18 1 0.0062 2.26 0.80 134.6 0.071 0.40 25-Sep 0.46 918.86 919.36 2 0.0062 2.26 1.16 134.6 0.104 0.23 26-Sep 0.15 918.68 919.05 6 0.0062 2.26 0.94 134.6 0.084 0.56 1-Oct 0.1 918.57 918.78 3 0.0062 2.26 0.52 134.6 0.047 0.47 2-Oct 0.27 918.76 919.13 3 0.0062 2.26 0.88 134.6 0.078 0.29 6-Oct 0.48 918.59 919.27 3 0.0062 2.26 1.57 134.6 0.140 0.29 6-Oct 0.2 918.91 919.20 3 0.0062 2.26 0.68 134.6 0.061 0.30 7-Oct 0.08 918.92 919.07 2 0.0062 2.26 0.36 134.6 0.032 0.40 14-Oct 0.39 918.49 919.21 3 0.0062 2.26 1.67 134.6 0.149 0.38 14-Oct 0.09 918.90 918.99 2 0.0062 2.26 0.22 134.6 0.020 0.22 15-Oct 0.07 918.83 918.90 2 0.0062 2.26 0.18 134.6 0.016 0.23 21-Oct 0.37 918.53 919.39 4 0.0062 2.26 1.99 134.6 0.177 0.48 27-Oct 0.26 918.55 918.94 13 0.0062 2.26 1.05 134.6 0.094 0.36 29-Oct 0.04 918.65 918.72 2 0.0062 2.26 0.18 134.6 0.016 0.41 * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Range of Rainfall to Runoff Ratios 0.13 0.84 Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on Linear Regression 0.24 y = 0.242xR² = 0.6490. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2Runoff (in)Rainfall (in)Monitoring Location # 6 (Erickson #579)Rainfall to Runoff RelationshipLinear (Rainfall to Runoff Ratio) Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 7 (Bloomfield #1864) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Hourly Average E/I (ft/hr)* Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* (ac-ft) Watershed Area (ac)Runoff (in)Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 30-Apr 0.63 908.81 909.34 3 0.0028 0.79 0.42 49.1 0.103 0.16 15-May 0.08 908.73 908.85 2 0.0028 0.79 0.10 49.1 0.024 0.30 16-May 0.2 908.82 909.04 3 0.0028 0.79 0.18 49.1 0.044 0.22 17-May 0.14 908.88 909.01 2 0.0028 0.79 0.11 49.1 0.027 0.19 17-May 0.99 908.89 910.14 12 0.0028 0.79 1.01 49.1 0.247 0.25 20-May 0.96 909.03 910.60 15 0.0028 0.79 1.28 49.1 0.312 0.32 2-Jun 0.03 908.82 908.88 2 0.0028 0.79 0.05 49.1 0.013 0.44 11-Jun 0.84 908.87 909.76 1 0.0028 0.79 0.71 49.1 0.173 0.21 12-Jun 0.32 908.95 909.17 3 0.0028 0.79 0.18 49.1 0.043 0.13 14-Jun 0.14 908.97 909.10 2 0.0028 0.79 0.11 49.1 0.026 0.19 17-Jun 0.16 908.96 909.07 4 0.0028 0.79 0.09 49.1 0.023 0.14 20-Jun 0.18 908.89 909.04 5 0.0028 0.79 0.13 49.1 0.032 0.18 28-Jun 0.34 908.44 909.04 7 0.0028 0.79 0.49 49.1 0.119 0.35 28-Jun 0.03 908.96 909.00 1 0.0028 0.79 0.03 49.1 0.008 0.26 9-Jul 0.29 907.73 908.32 6 0.0028 0.79 0.48 49.1 0.118 0.41 17-Jul 0.34 907.49 907.91 2 0.0028 0.79 0.34 49.1 0.083 0.24 19-Jul 0.4 907.80 908.62 1 0.0028 0.79 0.65 49.1 0.159 0.40 19-Jul 3.11 908.66 911.76 4 0.0028 0.79 2.46 49.1 0.601 0.19 25-Jul 0.04 909.14 909.15 1 0.0028 0.79 0.01 49.1 0.003 0.07 25-Jul 0.11 909.15 909.32 1 0.0028 0.79 0.13 49.1 0.033 0.30 26-Jul 0.71 909.17 910.33 1 0.0028 0.79 0.93 49.1 0.226 0.32 3-Aug 1.25 909.02 909.73 3 0.0028 0.79 0.57 49.1 0.140 0.11 6-Aug 0.32 908.99 909.26 2 0.0028 0.79 0.22 49.1 0.054 0.17 9-Aug 0.14 908.97 909.06 3 0.0028 0.79 0.08 49.1 0.019 0.14 9-Aug 0.08 909.04 909.07 1 0.0028 0.79 0.02 49.1 0.006 0.07 9-Aug 0.28 909.03 909.19 3 0.0028 0.79 0.14 49.1 0.033 0.12 13-Aug 0.06 908.92 908.96 2 0.0028 0.79 0.03 49.1 0.008 0.13 13-Aug 0.54 908.95 909.35 6 0.0028 0.79 0.33 49.1 0.080 0.15 16-Aug 0.44 908.94 909.21 7 0.0028 0.79 0.22 49.1 0.055 0.12 16-Aug 0.67 909.05 909.61 3 0.0028 0.79 0.44 49.1 0.108 0.16 17-Aug 0.23 909.43 909.50 2 0.0028 0.79 0.06 49.1 0.016 0.07 21-Aug 0.15 909.02 909.15 2 0.0028 0.79 0.11 49.1 0.026 0.18 25-Aug 0.04 908.95 908.97 2 0.0028 0.79 0.02 49.1 0.005 0.12 25-Aug 0.68 908.95 909.34 7 0.0028 0.79 0.32 49.1 0.079 0.12 26-Aug 0.07 909.08 909.12 1 0.0028 0.79 0.03 49.1 0.007 0.11 27-Aug 0.18 909.02 909.24 1 0.0028 0.79 0.18 49.1 0.044 0.24 4-Sep 0.09 908.85 908.91 2 0.0028 0.79 0.05 49.1 0.012 0.14 18-Sep 0.44 908.69 908.97 6 0.0028 0.79 0.23 49.1 0.057 0.13 20-Sep 0.09 908.87 909.01 1 0.0028 0.79 0.11 49.1 0.026 0.29 25-Sep 0.51 908.58 909.09 3 0.0028 0.79 0.41 49.1 0.100 0.20 1-Oct 0.1 908.59 908.64 3 0.0028 0.79 0.05 49.1 0.012 0.12 2-Oct 0.27 908.65 908.88 4 0.0028 0.79 0.19 49.1 0.047 0.17 2-Oct 0.78 908.80 909.59 4 0.0028 0.79 0.63 49.1 0.155 0.20 6-Oct 0.5 908.88 909.29 4 0.0028 0.79 0.34 49.1 0.083 0.17 6-Oct 0.17 909.19 909.26 2 0.0028 0.79 0.07 49.1 0.016 0.09 7-Oct 0.11 909.19 909.22 2 0.0028 0.79 0.03 49.1 0.007 0.07 14-Oct 0.45 908.84 909.13 3 0.0028 0.79 0.24 49.1 0.058 0.13 14-Oct 0.09 909.10 909.11 2 0.0028 0.79 0.02 49.1 0.004 0.05 21-Oct 0.38 908.79 909.23 5 0.0028 0.79 0.36 49.1 0.089 0.23 27-Oct 0.25 908.67 908.79 11 0.0028 0.79 0.11 49.1 0.028 0.11 * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Range of Rainfall to Runoff Ratios 0.05 0.44 Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on Linear Regression 0.20 y = 0.196xR² = 0.8780. (in)Rainfall (in)Monitoring Location # 7 (Bloomfield #1864)Rainfall to Runoff RelationshipLinear (Rainfall to Runoff Ratio) Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 8 (O'Leary's #600) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* (ac-ft) Watershed Area (ac)Runoff (in)Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 30-Apr 0.64 929.82 930.25 4 5.56 2.41 119.0 0.243 0.38 1-May 0.19 930.18 930.26 3 5.56 0.44 119.0 0.045 0.24 16-May 0.63 929.61 929.90 4 5.56 1.62 119.0 0.163 0.26 16-May 0.22 929.89 930.02 4 5.56 0.73 119.0 0.073 0.33 17-May 0.21 929.99 930.08 4 5.56 0.52 119.0 0.052 0.25 17-May 1.54 930.05 930.80 9 5.56 4.21 119.0 0.425 0.28 20-May 1.38 930.13 930.91 11 5.56 4.38 119.0 0.441 0.32 23-May 0.11 930.29 930.34 3 5.56 0.30 119.0 0.030 0.28 11-Jun 0.85 929.85 930.39 2 5.56 2.99 119.0 0.301 0.35 12-Jun 0.32 930.35 930.53 3 5.56 0.99 119.0 0.100 0.31 14-Jun 0.15 930.31 930.38 2 5.56 0.41 119.0 0.041 0.27 17-Jun 0.17 930.18 930.25 5 5.56 0.40 119.0 0.041 0.24 20-Jun 0.16 930.14 930.19 2 5.56 0.28 119.0 0.028 0.18 22-Jun 0.21 930.04 930.12 10 5.56 0.45 119.0 0.045 0.22 28-Jun 0.89 930.10 930.51 12 5.56 2.34 119.0 0.236 0.27 9-Jul 0.28 930.02 930.19 5 5.56 1.00 119.0 0.101 0.36 18-Jul 0.46 930.04 930.19 3 5.56 0.84 119.0 0.085 0.19 19-Jul 1.39 930.20 931.00 2 5.56 4.49 119.0 0.453 0.33 19-Jul 1.15 930.89 932.12 5 5.56 6.82 119.0 0.688 0.60 25-Jul 0.18 930.02 930.09 1 5.56 0.39 119.0 0.039 0.22 26-Jul 1.21 930.20 931.23 5 5.56 5.78 119.0 0.583 0.48 3-Aug 1.25 930.03 930.64 4 5.56 3.36 119.0 0.338 0.27 6-Aug 0.32 930.20 930.30 2 5.56 0.59 119.0 0.060 0.19 9-Aug 0.24 930.29 930.38 8 5.56 0.56 119.0 0.056 0.23 9-Aug 0.28 930.39 930.55 3 5.56 0.88 119.0 0.089 0.32 13-Aug 0.54 930.37 930.57 5 5.56 1.11 119.0 0.112 0.21 16-Aug 0.44 930.32 930.56 7 5.56 1.39 119.0 0.140 0.32 16-Aug 0.68 930.57 930.93 4 5.56 2.04 119.0 0.206 0.30 17-Aug 0.2 930.84 930.89 1 5.56 0.29 119.0 0.029 0.14 21-Aug 0.18 930.39 930.44 3 5.56 0.28 119.0 0.028 0.16 25-Aug 0.68 930.25 930.52 7 5.56 1.54 119.0 0.156 0.23 26-Aug 0.07 930.49 930.51 1 5.56 0.13 119.0 0.013 0.19 27-Aug 0.18 930.44 930.54 2 5.56 0.56 119.0 0.057 0.32 4-Sep 0.09 930.16 930.17 1 5.56 0.07 119.0 0.007 0.08 18-Sep 0.44 929.91 930.11 6 5.56 1.09 119.0 0.110 0.25 20-Sep 0.09 930.19 930.24 1 5.56 0.26 119.0 0.026 0.29 25-Sep 0.52 930.08 930.43 4 5.56 1.98 119.0 0.200 0.38 1-Oct 0.1 930.08 930.13 2 5.56 0.27 119.0 0.027 0.27 2-Oct 0.27 930.13 930.27 4 5.56 0.75 119.0 0.076 0.28 2-Oct 0.94 930.23 930.88 7 5.56 3.62 119.0 0.365 0.39 6-Oct 0.5 930.15 930.49 4 5.56 1.87 119.0 0.189 0.38 6-Oct 0.23 930.48 930.56 5 5.56 0.45 119.0 0.045 0.20 7-Oct 0.14 930.54 930.57 4 5.56 0.19 119.0 0.019 0.14 14-Oct 0.55 930.06 930.25 8 5.56 1.11 119.0 0.112 0.20 21-Oct 0.38 930.15 930.37 5 5.56 1.25 119.0 0.126 0.33 27-Oct 0.2 930.04 930.10 9 5.56 0.33 119.0 0.033 0.17 * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Range of Rainfall to Runoff Ratios 0.08 0.60 Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on Linear Regression 0.34 y = 0.336xR² = 0.8410. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8Runoff (in)Rainfall (in)Monitoring Location # 8 (O'Leary's #600)Rainfall to Runoff RelationshipLinear (Rainfall to Runoff Ratio) Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 9 (Wachter #2443) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* (ac-ft) Watershed Area (ac)Runoff (in)Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 30-Apr 0.95 912.95 914.06 19 5.10 6.43 367.9 0.210 0.22 8-May 0.06 912.93 912.97 2 5.10 0.29 367.9 0.010 0.16 15-May 0.23 912.31 912.50 3 5.10 1.07 367.9 0.035 0.15 16-May 0.63 912.47 912.98 6 5.10 2.83 367.9 0.092 0.15 16-May 0.22 912.97 913.23 6 5.10 1.57 367.9 0.051 0.23 17-May 0.21 913.19 913.35 4 5.10 0.95 367.9 0.031 0.15 17-May 1.59 913.38 915.30 12 5.10 10.27 367.9 0.335 0.21 20-May 1.4 913.99 915.53 13 5.10 8.40 367.9 0.274 0.20 23-May 0.11 914.16 914.20 2 5.10 0.29 367.9 0.010 0.09 2-Jun 0.03 912.70 912.77 2 5.10 0.41 367.9 0.013 0.45 11-Jun 0.85 912.07 913.16 4 5.10 5.70 367.9 0.186 0.22 12-Jun 0.33 913.08 913.39 4 5.10 1.69 367.9 0.055 0.17 14-Jun 0.15 913.33 913.44 2 5.10 0.62 367.9 0.020 0.14 17-Jun 0.17 913.07 913.21 7 5.10 0.95 367.9 0.031 0.18 20-Jun 0.18 913.02 913.21 9 5.10 1.30 367.9 0.042 0.24 22-Jun 0.15 912.99 913.14 6 5.10 0.97 367.9 0.032 0.21 28-Jun 0.79 912.55 913.29 5 5.10 3.98 367.9 0.130 0.16 30-Jun 0.1 913.27 913.52 5 5.10 1.47 367.9 0.048 0.48 9-Jul 0.28 912.82 913.34 8 5.10 2.96 367.9 0.097 0.35 17-Jul 0.46 912.69 913.04 3 5.10 1.88 367.9 0.061 0.13 19-Jul 2.54 913.01 918.04 11 5.10 26.12 367.9 0.852 0.34 3-Aug 1.25 913.69 914.82 6 5.10 5.98 367.9 0.195 0.16 6-Aug 0.32 914.24 914.41 2 5.10 0.95 367.9 0.031 0.10 9-Aug 0.22 913.99 914.11 7 5.10 0.92 367.9 0.030 0.14 9-Aug 0.28 914.11 914.45 4 5.10 1.88 367.9 0.061 0.22 13-Aug 0.52 914.01 914.51 6 5.10 2.82 367.9 0.092 0.18 16-Aug 0.46 914.28 914.82 8 5.10 3.04 367.9 0.099 0.22 16-Aug 0.69 914.84 915.89 7 5.10 5.60 367.9 0.183 0.26 17-Aug 0.23 915.88 916.07 3 5.10 1.12 367.9 0.036 0.16 21-Aug 0.18 914.39 914.54 4 5.10 0.94 367.9 0.031 0.17 25-Aug 0.7 914.00 914.54 8 5.10 3.05 367.9 0.099 0.14 26-Aug 0.07 914.57 914.64 3 5.10 0.52 367.9 0.017 0.24 27-Aug 0.18 914.59 914.80 2 5.10 1.14 367.9 0.037 0.21 4-Sep 0.09 913.85 913.89 3 5.10 0.31 367.9 0.010 0.11 18-Sep 0.44 912.92 913.24 6 5.10 1.88 367.9 0.061 0.14 20-Sep 0.09 913.22 913.40 1 5.10 0.94 367.9 0.031 0.34 25-Sep 0.52 913.21 913.92 7 5.10 3.90 367.9 0.127 0.24 26-Sep 0.12 913.92 914.06 6 5.10 0.95 367.9 0.031 0.26 2-Oct 0.27 913.66 913.96 7 5.10 1.83 367.9 0.060 0.22 2-Oct 0.96 913.95 915.56 9 5.10 8.56 367.9 0.279 0.29 6-Oct 0.5 914.28 914.93 5 5.10 3.48 367.9 0.114 0.23 6-Oct 0.23 914.93 915.14 6 5.10 1.34 367.9 0.044 0.19 7-Oct 0.14 915.14 915.22 4 5.10 0.58 367.9 0.019 0.13 14-Oct 0.64 913.81 914.20 14 5.10 2.54 367.9 0.083 0.13 21-Oct 0.38 913.63 914.23 6 5.10 3.30 367.9 0.108 0.28 27-Oct 0.09 913.55 913.61 3 5.10 0.32 367.9 0.010 0.11 * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Range of Rainfall to Runoff Ratios 0.09 0.48 Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on Linear Regression 0.24 y = 0.243xR² = 0.8720. (in)Rainfall (in)Monitoring Location # 9 (Wachter #2443)Rainfall to Runoff RelationshipLinear (Rainfall to Runoff Ratio) Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 10 (Shannon #614) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* (ac-ft) Watershed Area (ac)Runoff (in)Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 30-Apr 0.64 915.35 915.76 3 3.17 1.35 139.9 0.116 0.18 1-May 0.28 915.73 915.86 10 3.17 0.58 139.9 0.050 0.18 8-May 0.06 914.76 914.80 2 3.17 0.18 139.9 0.015 0.26 15-May 0.23 914.16 914.29 2 3.17 0.44 139.9 0.038 0.16 16-May 0.63 914.26 914.70 4 3.17 1.44 139.9 0.123 0.20 16-May 0.22 914.70 914.83 4 3.17 0.49 139.9 0.042 0.19 17-May 0.2 914.80 914.93 3 3.17 0.47 139.9 0.041 0.20 17-May 1.61 914.92 916.44 18 3.17 5.13 139.9 0.440 0.27 20-May 1.39 917.05 917.83 12 3.17 2.69 139.9 0.231 0.17 11-Jun 0.85 914.37 915.09 3 3.17 2.36 139.9 0.202 0.24 12-Jun 0.32 915.11 915.30 3 3.17 0.64 139.9 0.055 0.17 14-Jun 0.15 915.31 915.38 3 3.17 0.30 139.9 0.026 0.17 17-Jun 0.16 915.04 915.11 4 3.17 0.27 139.9 0.023 0.15 20-Jun 0.12 914.91 914.97 1 3.17 0.21 139.9 0.018 0.15 22-Jun 0.15 914.81 914.89 3 3.17 0.32 139.9 0.027 0.18 28-Jun 0.78 914.34 914.88 4 3.17 1.77 139.9 0.151 0.19 28-Jun 0.08 914.87 914.92 1 3.17 0.19 139.9 0.017 0.21 9-Jul 0.28 914.59 914.78 4 3.17 0.70 139.9 0.060 0.21 18-Jul 0.43 914.37 914.66 1 3.17 0.92 139.9 0.079 0.18 19-Jul 2.54 914.59 917.18 10 3.17 8.38 139.9 0.719 0.28 26-Jul 1.21 918.31 919.25 2 3.17 3.01 139.9 0.258 0.21 3-Aug 1.25 916.27 916.95 3 3.17 2.19 139.9 0.188 0.15 6-Aug 0.32 916.60 916.71 2 3.17 0.38 139.9 0.033 0.10 9-Aug 0.15 916.33 916.41 5 3.17 0.32 139.9 0.027 0.18 9-Aug 0.28 916.39 916.62 3 3.17 0.79 139.9 0.068 0.24 13-Aug 0.52 916.96 917.17 4 3.17 0.73 139.9 0.062 0.12 16-Aug 0.46 916.92 917.17 8 3.17 0.93 139.9 0.080 0.17 21-Aug 0.15 919.42 919.51 2 3.17 0.30 139.9 0.026 0.17 25-Aug 0.69 917.84 918.07 8 3.17 0.85 139.9 0.073 0.11 26-Aug 0.07 918.00 918.06 2 3.17 0.24 139.9 0.021 0.30 4-Sep 0.09 916.82 916.86 2 3.17 0.16 139.9 0.014 0.15 18-Sep 0.44 915.88 916.08 6 3.17 0.72 139.9 0.062 0.14 20-Sep 0.09 915.99 916.13 3 3.17 0.49 139.9 0.042 0.46 24-Sep 0.53 915.88 916.28 8 3.17 1.42 139.9 0.122 0.23 26-Sep 0.15 916.25 916.33 6 3.17 0.35 139.9 0.030 0.20 1-Oct 0.1 916.09 916.12 4 3.17 0.17 139.9 0.014 0.14 2-Oct 0.27 916.11 916.25 4 3.17 0.52 139.9 0.045 0.17 2-Oct 0.99 916.24 917.56 19 3.17 4.49 139.9 0.385 0.39 6-Oct 0.5 917.83 918.11 4 3.17 0.95 139.9 0.082 0.16 6-Oct 0.22 918.10 918.20 4 3.17 0.39 139.9 0.033 0.15 7-Oct 0.14 918.18 918.25 4 3.17 0.27 139.9 0.023 0.17 14-Oct 0.55 917.32 917.46 7 3.17 0.57 139.9 0.049 0.09 21-Oct 0.38 916.98 917.20 6 3.17 0.80 139.9 0.069 0.18 27-Oct 0.24 916.86 916.91 12 3.17 0.38 139.9 0.033 0.14 * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Range of Rainfall to Runoff Ratios 0.09 0.46 Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on Linear Regression 0.23 y = 0.232xR² = 0.8780. (in)Rainfall (in)Monitoring Location # 10 (Shannon #614)Rainfall to Runoff RelationshipLinear (Rainfall to Runoff Ratio) Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Data for: Monitoring Location # 11 (#1710) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Rain Event Rainfall Event (in) Start Elevation (ft) End Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr)Pond Area (ac) Runoff Inflow Volume* (ac-ft) Watershed Area (ac) Runoff (in) Rainfall / Runoff Ratio 30-Apr 0.05 916.46 916.47 2 0.58 0.01 49.9 0.002 0.05 30-Apr 0.64 916.43 917.55 5 0.58 0.65 49.9 0.157 0.25 1-May 0.2 917.46 917.69 4 0.58 0.14 49.9 0.033 0.16 8-May 0.06 916.29 916.56 2 0.58 0.15 49.9 0.037 0.62 15-May 0.23 916.09 916.60 2 0.58 0.29 49.9 0.071 0.31 16-May 0.63 916.56 917.07 4 0.58 0.30 49.9 0.071 0.11 16-May 0.22 917.04 917.33 3 0.58 0.17 49.9 0.041 0.19 17-May 0.21 917.08 917.30 4 0.58 0.12 49.9 0.030 0.14 17-May 0.96 917.31 918.42 5 0.58 0.65 49.9 0.155 0.16 20-May 1.16 916.89 918.37 9 0.58 0.86 49.9 0.207 0.18 23-May 0.11 917.17 917.22 1 0.58 0.02 49.9 0.006 0.05 28-May 0.03 916.55 916.60 2 0.58 0.03 49.9 0.008 0.27 2-Jun 0.03 916.36 916.54 2 0.58 0.10 49.9 0.025 0.82 11-Jun 0.84 916.13 918.16 2 0.58 1.18 49.9 0.284 0.34 12-Jun 0.32 917.15 917.47 3 0.58 0.18 49.9 0.044 0.14 14-Jun 0.14 916.99 917.22 1 0.58 0.13 49.9 0.032 0.23 17-Jun 0.17 916.66 916.88 5 0.58 0.13 49.9 0.031 0.18 20-Jun 0.18 916.69 916.97 4 0.58 0.17 49.9 0.040 0.22 22-Jun 0.21 916.76 917.02 9 0.58 0.15 49.9 0.036 0.17 28-Jun 0.87 916.60 917.58 7 0.58 0.57 49.9 0.137 0.16 30-Jun 0.1 916.94 917.06 2 0.58 0.07 49.9 0.016 0.16 9-Jul 0.18 916.45 917.08 1 0.58 0.37 49.9 0.088 0.49 10-Jul 0.1 917.07 917.10 1 0.58 0.02 49.9 0.005 0.05 17-Jul 0.46 916.56 917.09 3 0.58 0.31 49.9 0.074 0.16 19-Jul 1.39 916.96 918.02 2 0.58 0.61 49.9 0.148 0.11 19-Jul 0.77 917.88 918.54 2 0.58 0.38 49.9 0.091 0.12 25-Jul 0.18 916.98 917.31 2 0.58 0.19 49.9 0.047 0.26 25-Jul 0.01 917.27 917.29 1 0.58 0.01 49.9 0.003 0.27 26-Jul 1.2 917.27 918.41 1 0.58 0.66 49.9 0.159 0.13 3-Aug 1.25 916.86 917.48 3 0.58 0.36 49.9 0.087 0.07 6-Aug 0.32 917.16 917.55 2 0.58 0.23 49.9 0.054 0.17 9-Aug 0.14 917.28 917.45 3 0.58 0.09 49.9 0.023 0.16 9-Aug 0.08 917.45 917.49 1 0.58 0.03 49.9 0.007 0.09 9-Aug 0.28 917.48 917.84 3 0.58 0.21 49.9 0.050 0.18 13-Aug 0.06 917.39 917.46 2 0.58 0.04 49.9 0.010 0.17 13-Aug 0.54 917.46 918.26 6 0.58 0.47 49.9 0.113 0.21 16-Aug 0.46 917.72 918.31 8 0.58 0.34 49.9 0.082 0.18 16-Aug 0.67 918.20 918.91 3 0.58 0.41 49.9 0.099 0.15 17-Aug 0.23 918.57 918.69 2 0.58 0.07 49.9 0.017 0.07 21-Aug 0.18 917.68 917.90 4 0.58 0.13 49.9 0.030 0.17 25-Aug 0.04 917.47 917.54 3 0.58 0.04 49.9 0.010 0.24 25-Aug 0.68 917.48 918.19 7 0.58 0.41 49.9 0.099 0.15 26-Aug 0.07 918.09 918.14 1 0.58 0.03 49.9 0.007 0.10 27-Aug 0.18 917.88 918.08 1 0.58 0.12 49.9 0.029 0.16 4-Sep 0.09 917.18 917.29 1 0.58 0.06 49.9 0.015 0.17 18-Sep 0.44 916.85 917.41 6 0.58 0.32 49.9 0.077 0.18 20-Sep 0.09 917.30 917.57 1 0.58 0.16 49.9 0.038 0.43 24-Sep 0.53 917.14 917.55 8 0.58 0.24 49.9 0.058 0.11 26-Sep 0.14 917.45 917.64 6 0.58 0.11 49.9 0.027 0.19 1-Oct 0.1 917.19 917.29 3 0.58 0.06 49.9 0.015 0.15 1-Oct 0.02 917.28 917.31 2 0.58 0.02 49.9 0.004 0.18 2-Oct 0.27 917.30 917.68 4 0.58 0.22 49.9 0.052 0.19 2-Oct 0.78 917.61 918.79 4 0.58 0.69 49.9 0.165 0.21 6-Oct 0.5 917.34 917.97 4 0.58 0.37 49.9 0.088 0.18 6-Oct 0.22 917.96 918.13 3 0.58 0.10 49.9 0.023 0.11 7-Oct 0.11 918.08 918.21 3 0.58 0.08 49.9 0.018 0.17 14-Oct 0.46 917.18 917.71 4 0.58 0.30 49.9 0.073 0.16 14-Oct 0.08 917.69 917.78 1 0.58 0.05 49.9 0.013 0.16 15-Oct 0.07 917.75 917.79 2 0.58 0.02 49.9 0.005 0.08 21-Oct 0.38 917.21 917.66 5 0.58 0.26 49.9 0.062 0.16 27-Oct 0.09 917.21 917.24 4 0.58 0.02 49.9 0.004 0.04 27-Oct 0.17 917.16 917.50 9 0.58 0.20 49.9 0.048 0.28 29-Oct 0.04 917.27 917.29 2 0.58 0.01 49.9 0.003 0.07 * E/I = Evaporation and infiltration rate included in volume calculation Range of Rainfall to Runoff Ratios 0.04 0.82 Rainfall to Runoff Ratio Based on Linear Regression 0.15 y = 0.154xR² = 0.7040. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6Runoff (in)Rainfall (in)Monitoring Location # 11 (1710)Rainfall to Runoff RelationshipLinear (Rainfall to Runoff Ratio) Attachment D Infiltration Rate Tables Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: Monitoring Location # 1 (Marcotte #1408) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation & Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction within Period (ac-ft) 5/4--5/15 906.02 905.66 0.36 269 0.016 1.90 0.67 5/28--6/11 906.83 906.20 0.62 342 0.022 1.90 1.18 6/12--6/14 906.42 906.36 0.06 28 0.025 1.90 0.11 6/14--6/17 906.38 906.19 0.18 83 0.027 1.90 0.35 6/18--6/20 906.21 906.10 0.11 50 0.027 1.90 0.21 6/20--6/26 906.13 905.79 0.34 144 0.028 1.90 0.64 6/26--6/28 905.63 905.55 0.08 33 0.029 1.90 0.15 6/28--6/30 905.69 905.61 0.09 45 0.023 1.90 0.17 6/30--7/9 905.79 905.37 0.42 214 0.024 1.90 0.81 7/10--7/17 905.40 905.08 0.32 185 0.021 1.90 0.60 7/18--7/19 905.13 905.08 0.05 30 0.022 1.90 0.10 7/22--7/25 907.20 907.05 0.15 65 0.028 1.90 0.29 7/29--8/3 907.00 906.76 0.24 111 0.026 1.90 0.45 8/7--8/9 906.86 906.76 0.11 40 0.032 1.90 0.20 8/10--8/13 906.87 906.73 0.14 69 0.025 1.90 0.27 8/14--8/16 906.96 906.90 0.05 27 0.024 1.90 0.10 8/21--8/25 907.07 906.86 0.21 97 0.026 1.90 0.40 8/29--9/4 907.13 906.78 0.35 161 0.026 1.90 0.67 9/4--9/18 906.78 906.10 0.68 323 0.025 1.90 1.29 9/18--9/25 906.18 905.92 0.26 151 0.021 1.90 0.50 9/27--10/1 905.98 905.79 0.19 93 0.024 1.90 0.36 10/3--10/6 906.28 906.15 0.13 64 0.025 1.90 0.25 10/8--10/14 906.59 906.28 0.32 152 0.025 1.90 0.61 10/15--10/21 906.35 906.12 0.24 140 0.020 1.90 0.45 10/21--10/27 906.16 905.91 0.25 125 0.024 1.90 0.48 10/28--10/31 905.93 905.79 0.14 77 0.022 1.90 0.26 SUM = 11.58 * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates (in/hr)0.016 0.032 Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate (in/hr)0.024 Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: Monitoring Location # 2 (Glendalough #1486) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation & Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction within Period (ac-ft) 4/26--4/30 924.57 924.26 0.31 87 0.043 1.39 0.43 5/2--5/8 924.67 923.98 0.69 160 0.052 1.39 0.96 5/9--5/15 923.99 923.61 0.38 154 0.030 1.39 0.53 5/18--5/20 924.81 924.62 0.19 43 0.052 1.39 0.26 5/20--5/23 925.49 925.18 0.31 50 0.074 1.39 0.43 5/23--5/28 925.21 924.39 0.81 137 0.071 1.39 1.13 5/28--6/2 924.42 923.96 0.46 118 0.046 1.39 0.64 6/3--6/11 923.97 923.50 0.47 200 0.028 1.39 0.66 6/11--6/12 924.13 924.08 0.05 24 0.025 1.39 0.07 6/12--6/14 924.23 924.16 0.07 28 0.032 1.39 0.10 6/14--6/17 924.21 924.00 0.21 80 0.031 1.39 0.29 6/18--6/20 924.03 923.93 0.10 49 0.025 1.39 0.14 6/20--6/22 924.02 923.93 0.09 46 0.023 1.39 0.12 6/22--6/28 923.98 923.80 0.19 126 0.018 1.39 0.26 6/28--6/30 924.24 924.17 0.07 46 0.019 1.39 0.10 7/1--7/9 924.20 923.90 0.29 207 0.017 1.39 0.41 7/10--7/17 924.16 923.92 0.24 186 0.016 1.39 0.34 7/18--7/19 924.07 924.04 0.03 33 0.012 1.39 0.04 7/20--7/25 926.77 925.35 1.42 123 0.139 1.39 1.98 7/26--8/3 926.35 924.87 1.48 189 0.094 1.39 2.05 8/3--8/6 925.98 925.37 0.61 74 0.098 1.39 0.84 8/6--8/9 925.51 925.15 0.36 66 0.066 1.39 0.51 8/10--8/13 925.27 924.96 0.30 82 0.044 1.39 0.42 8/14--8/16 925.19 925.05 0.14 46 0.037 1.39 0.19 8/17--8/21 925.79 925.27 0.52 101 0.062 1.39 0.72 8/21--8/25 925.32 925.01 0.31 99 0.037 1.39 0.43 8/27--8/27 925.32 925.27 0.05 15 0.037 1.39 0.06 8/27--9/4 925.37 924.82 0.54 189 0.035 1.39 0.76 9/4--9/18 924.83 924.28 0.55 325 0.020 1.39 0.77 9/18--9/20 924.44 924.40 0.04 32 0.016 1.39 0.06 9/20--9/24 924.44 924.27 0.18 113 0.019 1.39 0.24 9/25--9/25 924.60 924.57 0.03 14 0.028 1.39 0.05 9/26--10/1 924.63 924.38 0.24 120 0.024 1.39 0.34 10/3--10/6 925.26 924.95 0.32 83 0.046 1.39 0.44 10/7--10/14 925.35 924.72 0.63 173 0.043 1.39 0.87 10/15--10/21 924.91 924.48 0.42 146 0.035 1.39 0.59 10/21--10/27 924.78 924.44 0.34 132 0.031 1.39 0.48 10/28--10/29 924.41 924.37 0.04 26 0.018 1.39 0.06 10/30--10/31 924.38 924.32 0.05 35 0.019 1.39 0.08 SUM = 18.8 * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates (in/hr)0.012 0.139 Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate (in/hr)0.040 Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: Monitoring Location # 3 (Trailer Park #1589) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation & Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction within Period (ac-ft) 4/26--4/30 926.05 925.25 0.80 87 0.110 0.87 0.69 5/2--5/9 926.46 925.30 1.16 158 0.088 0.87 1.01 5/9--5/15 925.03 924.49 0.54 153 0.042 0.87 0.47 5/18--5/20 927.80 926.22 1.59 51 0.373 0.87 1.38 5/20--5/23 927.97 926.43 1.54 50 0.370 0.87 1.34 5/23--5/28 926.67 925.00 1.66 137 0.146 0.87 1.45 5/28--6/2 925.14 924.71 0.43 119 0.044 0.87 0.38 6/3--6/11 924.85 924.46 0.39 200 0.023 0.87 0.34 6/11--6/12 926.52 926.11 0.41 27 0.184 0.87 0.36 6/12--6/14 926.49 926.13 0.36 30 0.145 0.87 0.31 6/14--6/17 926.31 925.55 0.77 89 0.103 0.87 0.67 6/18--6/20 925.79 925.49 0.30 50 0.073 0.87 0.26 6/20--6/22 925.80 925.49 0.31 48 0.078 0.87 0.27 6/22--6/28 925.65 925.10 0.55 128 0.051 0.87 0.48 6/28--6/30 926.41 925.96 0.44 46 0.116 0.87 0.39 6/30--7/9 926.07 924.92 1.14 217 0.063 0.87 0.99 7/10--7/17 925.82 924.90 0.92 188 0.059 0.87 0.80 7/18--7/19 925.67 925.50 0.17 35 0.059 0.87 0.15 7/20--7/20 930.92 927.13 3.79 17 2.675 0.87 3.30 7/20--7/25 928.82 925.52 3.30 102 0.388 0.87 2.87 7/26--8/3 928.17 924.96 3.21 190 0.202 0.87 2.79 8/3--8/6 926.66 925.63 1.02 77 0.159 0.87 0.89 8/6--8/9 926.15 925.55 0.60 65 0.111 0.87 0.52 8/10--8/13 926.06 925.34 0.72 82 0.105 0.87 0.63 8/14--8/16 926.34 925.75 0.59 48 0.147 0.87 0.51 8/16--8/16 926.41 926.29 0.13 9 0.168 0.87 0.11 8/17--8/21 927.33 925.52 1.81 103 0.211 0.87 1.57 8/21--8/25 925.74 925.08 0.66 84 0.094 0.87 0.57 8/25--8/25 925.10 925.04 0.06 12 0.062 0.87 0.05 8/27--9/4 926.27 924.85 1.42 188 0.091 0.87 1.24 9/4--9/18 924.94 924.22 0.72 315 0.027 0.87 0.63 9/18--9/20 924.94 924.87 0.07 31 0.028 0.87 0.06 9/20--9/24 925.21 924.83 0.38 111 0.041 0.87 0.33 9/25--9/26 925.94 925.70 0.24 20 0.144 0.87 0.21 9/26--10/1 925.86 925.04 0.81 123 0.079 0.87 0.71 10/2--10/2 925.67 925.61 0.07 11 0.071 0.87 0.06 10/3--10/6 927.56 925.60 1.96 86 0.274 0.87 1.71 10/7--10/14 926.79 925.02 1.77 173 0.123 0.87 1.54 10/15--10/21 925.79 924.91 0.87 147 0.071 0.87 0.76 10/21--10/27 926.00 925.06 0.94 135 0.083 0.87 0.82 10/27--10/29 925.23 925.01 0.21 50 0.051 0.87 0.18 10/30--10/31 925.03 924.91 0.12 34 0.043 0.87 0.11 SUM = 33.90 * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods of no rain. Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates (in/hr)0.023 2.675 Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate (in/hr)0.180 Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: Monitoring Location # 4 (Unnamed #1687) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation & Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction within Period (ac-ft) 4/27--4/30 929.74 929.53 0.21 83 0.031 0.55 0.12 5/4--5/8 929.74 929.42 0.32 106 0.036 0.55 0.17 5/9--5/15 929.44 929.17 0.28 155 0.022 0.55 0.15 5/26--5/28 929.74 929.61 0.13 63 0.024 0.55 0.07 5/29--6/2 929.72 929.45 0.26 117 0.027 0.55 0.15 6/3--6/11 929.56 929.20 0.36 200 0.022 0.55 0.20 6/16--6/17 929.74 929.64 0.10 41 0.029 0.55 0.05 6/18--6/20 929.71 929.61 0.10 49 0.024 0.55 0.05 6/20--6/22 929.73 929.64 0.09 46 0.023 0.55 0.05 6/23--6/28 929.74 929.54 0.20 119 0.020 0.55 0.11 7/2--7/9 929.74 929.51 0.24 175 0.016 0.55 0.13 7/10--7/17 929.74 929.49 0.25 172 0.018 0.55 0.14 7/18--7/19 929.71 929.68 0.03 31 0.013 0.55 0.02 7/23--7/25 929.74 929.66 0.08 45 0.020 0.55 0.04 7/30--8/3 929.74 929.42 0.32 97 0.039 0.55 0.18 8/3--8/6 929.72 929.55 0.17 76 0.026 0.55 0.09 8/6--8/9 929.71 929.58 0.13 65 0.025 0.55 0.07 8/11--8/13 929.74 929.60 0.14 60 0.029 0.55 0.08 8/15--8/16 929.75 929.70 0.05 14 0.041 0.55 0.03 8/19--8/21 929.74 929.64 0.10 49 0.025 0.55 0.06 8/21--8/25 929.74 929.59 0.15 82 0.022 0.55 0.08 8/25--8/25 929.60 929.58 0.02 14 0.020 0.55 0.01 8/30--9/4 929.74 929.54 0.20 120 0.020 0.55 0.11 9/4--9/18 929.57 929.25 0.32 323 0.012 0.55 0.18 9/18--9/20 929.52 929.50 0.03 29 0.011 0.55 0.01 9/20--9/24 929.67 929.49 0.18 112 0.019 0.55 0.10 9/25--9/26 929.72 929.68 0.04 17 0.028 0.55 0.02 9/26--10/1 929.74 929.55 0.19 113 0.020 0.55 0.11 10/4--10/6 929.74 929.66 0.08 40 0.024 0.55 0.04 10/10--10/14 929.74 929.60 0.14 106 0.016 0.55 0.08 10/16--10/21 929.74 929.58 0.16 108 0.018 0.55 0.09 10/22--10/27 929.74 929.57 0.17 108 0.019 0.55 0.10 10/27--10/29 929.57 929.52 0.04 50 0.011 0.55 0.02 10/30--10/31 929.53 929.49 0.04 36 0.012 0.55 0.02 SUM = 2.94 * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates (in/hr)0.011 0.041 Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate (in/hr)0.022 Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: Monitoring Location # 5 (Regional #1716) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation & Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction within Period (ac-ft) 4/28--4/30 916.00 915.90 0.10 53 0.023 0.55 0.06 5/2--5/8 916.00 915.80 0.20 143 0.017 0.55 0.11 5/9--5/15 915.88 915.51 0.36 156 0.028 0.55 0.20 5/27--5/28 916.00 915.92 0.08 36 0.028 0.55 0.05 5/28--6/2 915.97 915.75 0.22 118 0.022 0.55 0.12 6/3--6/11 915.83 915.62 0.21 199 0.013 0.55 0.12 6/13--6/14 916.01 915.92 0.09 17 0.064 0.55 0.05 6/14--6/17 916.00 915.80 0.19 81 0.029 0.55 0.11 6/18--6/20 915.94 915.80 0.14 48 0.036 0.55 0.08 6/20--6/22 915.95 915.75 0.20 47 0.051 0.55 0.11 6/22--6/28 915.85 915.45 0.40 127 0.038 0.55 0.22 6/29--6/30 915.99 915.75 0.24 39 0.075 0.55 0.13 6/30--7/9 915.78 915.16 0.63 218 0.035 0.55 0.35 7/10--7/17 915.56 915.17 0.38 179 0.026 0.55 0.21 7/18--7/19 915.63 915.60 0.04 22 0.019 0.55 0.02 8/2--8/3 916.00 915.98 0.02 12 0.021 0.55 0.01 8/5--8/6 916.00 915.96 0.04 27 0.016 0.55 0.02 8/7--8/9 916.00 915.93 0.07 33 0.024 0.55 0.04 8/11--8/13 916.00 915.91 0.09 49 0.022 0.55 0.05 8/15--8/16 916.00 915.94 0.06 20 0.037 0.55 0.03 8/22--8/25 916.00 915.88 0.12 63 0.023 0.55 0.07 8/25--8/25 915.91 915.88 0.03 14 0.022 0.55 0.01 8/29--9/4 916.00 915.73 0.27 158 0.020 0.55 0.15 9/8--9/11 915.99 915.68 0.31 75 0.050 0.55 0.17 9/12--9/14 915.99 915.70 0.29 55 0.063 0.55 0.16 9/14--9/15 916.01 915.86 0.15 15 0.117 0.55 0.08 9/15--9/18 915.99 915.78 0.21 56 0.046 0.55 0.12 9/19--9/20 915.99 915.89 0.10 19 0.066 0.55 0.06 9/20--9/24 916.00 915.65 0.35 106 0.040 0.55 0.19 9/26--9/28 915.99 915.87 0.13 43 0.036 0.55 0.07 9/28--10/1 915.92 915.67 0.25 60 0.051 0.55 0.14 10/4--10/6 916.00 915.78 0.22 59 0.044 0.55 0.12 10/8--10/14 916.00 915.75 0.24 146 0.020 0.55 0.13 10/15--10/21 916.00 915.65 0.34 132 0.031 0.55 0.19 10/22--10/27 916.00 915.56 0.44 124 0.043 0.55 0.24 10/27--10/29 915.61 915.48 0.14 52 0.031 0.55 0.08 10/30--10/31 915.48 915.40 0.09 36 0.029 0.55 0.05 SUM = 4.13 * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates (in/hr)0.013 0.117 Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate (in/hr)0.037 Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: Monitoring Location # 6 (Erickson #579) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation & Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction within Period (ac-ft) 4/26--4/30 918.86 918.71 0.15 86 0.021 2.26 0.34 5/2--5/8 918.90 918.64 0.26 159 0.020 2.26 0.59 5/9--5/15 918.87 918.63 0.24 153 0.019 2.26 0.55 5/19--5/20 919.07 918.82 0.25 23 0.130 2.26 0.57 5/22--5/23 919.09 918.87 0.22 14 0.189 2.26 0.50 5/23--5/28 919.01 918.67 0.34 136 0.030 2.26 0.78 9/28--10/1 918.65 918.57 0.08 62 0.016 2.26 0.19 10/2--10/2 918.99 918.72 0.27 11 0.296 2.26 0.61 10/3--10/6 919.08 918.58 0.50 67 0.089 2.26 1.12 10/7--10/14 919.01 918.49 0.53 166 0.038 2.26 1.19 10/15--10/20 918.87 918.53 0.34 137 0.030 2.26 0.78 10/21--10/26 919.17 918.55 0.62 130 0.057 2.26 1.39 10/27--10/29 918.93 918.65 0.27 50 0.066 2.26 0.62 10/30--10/31 918.72 918.63 0.09 35 0.032 2.26 0.21 SUM = 9.44 * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were calculated during periods of no rain and when the splash pad was not in operation. Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates (in/hr)0.016 0.296 Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate (in/hr)0.074 Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: Monitoring Location # 7 (Bloomfield #1864) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation & Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction within Period (ac-ft) 4/27--4/30 909.00 908.79 0.21 80 0.032 0.79 0.17 5/2--5/8 909.00 908.81 0.18 140 0.016 0.79 0.15 5/9--5/15 908.88 908.73 0.15 155 0.012 0.79 0.12 5/29--6/2 909.00 908.82 0.18 98 0.022 0.79 0.14 6/3--6/11 908.87 908.88 0.00 196 0.000 0.79 0.00 6/13--6/14 909.00 908.97 0.02 17 0.017 0.79 0.02 6/14--6/17 909.00 908.96 0.04 74 0.007 0.79 0.03 6/18--6/20 909.00 908.89 0.11 43 0.029 0.79 0.08 6/20--6/22 908.98 908.84 0.14 43 0.039 0.79 0.11 6/22--6/28 908.92 908.44 0.48 129 0.044 0.79 0.38 6/28--6/30 908.98 908.72 0.25 47 0.065 0.79 0.20 6/30--7/9 908.80 907.73 1.07 217 0.059 0.79 0.84 7/10--7/17 908.17 907.49 0.68 187 0.044 0.79 0.54 8/5--8/6 909.00 908.99 0.01 23 0.007 0.79 0.01 8/7--8/9 909.00 908.97 0.03 35 0.011 0.79 0.03 8/10--8/13 908.99 908.92 0.07 62 0.014 0.79 0.06 8/14--8/16 909.00 908.94 0.06 31 0.021 0.79 0.04 8/22--8/25 909.00 908.95 0.04 59 0.009 0.79 0.03 8/30--9/4 909.00 908.85 0.15 130 0.014 0.79 0.12 9/4--9/7 908.91 908.75 0.16 62 0.031 0.79 0.13 9/8--9/11 908.99 908.59 0.40 59 0.081 0.79 0.32 9/11--9/15 908.98 908.44 0.54 88 0.073 0.79 0.42 9/20--9/21 908.83 908.72 0.11 16 0.085 0.79 0.09 9/22--9/25 908.99 908.58 0.42 54 0.092 0.79 0.33 9/29--10/1 908.98 908.59 0.39 59 0.080 0.79 0.31 10/3--10/6 908.99 908.88 0.12 68 0.021 0.79 0.09 10/8--10/14 909.00 908.83 0.17 137 0.015 0.79 0.13 10/15--10/21 908.99 908.78 0.21 140 0.018 0.79 0.17 10/21--10/27 909.00 908.68 0.32 124 0.031 0.79 0.25 10/27--10/31 908.78 908.61 0.17 87 0.024 0.79 0.14 SUM = 5.44 * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates (in/hr)0.000 0.092 Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate (in/hr)0.034 Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: Monitoring Location # 8 (O'Leary's #600) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation & Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction within Period (ac-ft) 5/10--5/15 929.70 929.61 0.09 125 0.008 5.56 0.47 * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. The water was above the outlet elevation for the entire season, except from 5/10/17 - 5/15/17 Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates (in/hr) 0.008 0.008 Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 0.008 Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: Monitoring Location # 9 (Wachter #2443) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation & Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction within Period (ac-ft) 4/26--4/30 913.49 912.99 0.50 86 0.070 5.1 2.57 5/2--5/8 914.04 912.93 1.11 160 0.083 5.1 5.66 5/9--5/15 912.99 912.32 0.67 152 0.053 5.1 3.42 5/18--5/23 915.18 914.01 1.18 42 0.336 5.1 6.00 5/20--6/12 915.51 914.16 1.35 49 0.330 5.1 6.87 5/23--6/14 914.18 912.71 1.47 257 0.069 5.1 7.49 6/3--6/17 912.76 912.07 0.68 199 0.041 5.1 3.49 6/11--6/14 913.16 913.08 0.08 25 0.036 5.1 0.39 6/12--6/17 913.41 913.33 0.08 29 0.031 5.1 0.39 6/14--6/20 913.43 913.07 0.36 81 0.053 5.1 1.81 6/18--6/22 913.21 913.03 0.18 42 0.051 5.1 0.91 6/20--6/26 913.21 913.01 0.19 38 0.061 5.1 0.99 6/22--6/28 913.15 912.81 0.34 84 0.049 5.1 1.75 6/26--6/30 912.65 912.54 0.11 34 0.037 5.1 0.54 6/28--7/9 913.43 913.27 0.15 42 0.043 5.1 0.78 6/30--7/17 913.51 912.82 0.69 213 0.039 5.1 3.51 7/10--7/26 913.34 912.84 0.51 184 0.033 5.1 2.58 7/20--7/31 918.04 913.34 4.70 144 0.392 5.1 23.97 7/26--8/3 913.57 911.76 1.82 112 0.195 5.1 9.27 7/31--8/6 914.14 913.68 0.45 61 0.089 5.1 2.31 8/3--8/9 914.84 914.27 0.57 69 0.099 5.1 2.91 8/6--8/13 914.42 914.01 0.41 62 0.078 5.1 2.07 8/10--8/16 914.48 914.03 0.46 75 0.073 5.1 2.33 8/14--8/21 914.53 914.28 0.24 38 0.076 5.1 1.23 8/17--8/25 916.06 914.41 1.65 98 0.202 5.1 8.42 8/21--9/4 914.54 914.00 0.54 97 0.067 5.1 2.75 8/27--9/18 914.82 913.85 0.97 183 0.064 5.1 4.94 9/4--9/20 913.90 912.92 0.98 325 0.036 5.1 5.00 9/18--9/24 913.28 913.18 0.10 30 0.041 5.1 0.53 9/20--10/1 913.42 913.19 0.22 102 0.026 5.1 1.14 9/26--10/6 914.06 913.62 0.44 119 0.044 5.1 2.22 10/3--10/14 915.53 914.28 1.25 79 0.190 5.1 6.36 10/7--10/21 915.26 913.84 1.42 170 0.100 5.1 7.23 10/15--10/31 914.19 913.63 0.56 143 0.047 5.1 2.85 10/21--1/0 914.25 913.56 0.68 132 0.062 6.1 4.17 10/27--1/0 913.61 913.25 0.36 86 0.051 5.1 1.85 SUM = 140.68 * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates (in/hr)0.026 0.392 Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate (in/hr)0.093 Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: Monitoring Location # 10 (Shannon #614) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation & Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction within Period (ac-ft) 4/26--4/30 916.90 915.35 1.55 104 0.179 3.17 4.93 5/1--5/8 915.86 914.76 1.10 167 0.079 3.17 3.49 5/9--5/15 914.78 914.16 0.62 153 0.049 3.17 1.97 5/25--6/11 917.65 914.37 3.28 406 0.097 3.17 10.41 6/14--6/17 915.38 915.04 0.34 81 0.050 3.17 1.07 6/18--6/20 915.09 914.90 0.18 50 0.043 3.17 0.57 6/20--6/22 914.97 914.81 0.16 48 0.040 3.17 0.51 6/22--6/27 914.90 914.35 0.55 122 0.054 3.17 1.75 7/1--7/9 915.15 914.59 0.56 208 0.032 3.17 1.78 7/10--7/15 914.79 914.49 0.30 121 0.030 3.17 0.95 7/16--7/18 914.46 914.37 0.08 39 0.026 3.17 0.27 7/18--7/19 914.65 914.56 0.09 28 0.037 3.17 0.27 7/26--8/3 919.21 916.28 2.93 189 0.186 3.17 9.28 8/3--8/6 916.96 916.60 0.36 70 0.061 3.17 1.13 8/6--8/9 916.67 916.33 0.34 60 0.068 3.17 1.08 8/12--8/13 917.10 916.99 0.11 24 0.054 3.17 0.35 8/14--8/16 917.17 916.92 0.25 44 0.068 3.17 0.79 8/21--8/25 919.52 917.84 1.68 99 0.204 3.17 5.32 8/26--9/4 918.04 916.83 1.20 213 0.068 3.17 3.82 9/4--9/18 916.86 915.90 0.96 324 0.035 3.17 3.04 9/18--9/19 916.09 916.01 0.08 27 0.034 3.17 0.24 9/20--9/24 916.06 915.87 0.20 110 0.021 3.17 0.62 9/26--10/1 916.33 916.09 0.24 113 0.026 3.17 0.77 10/4--10/6 918.04 917.83 0.21 53 0.049 3.17 0.68 10/7--10/14 918.24 917.31 0.93 167 0.067 3.17 2.96 10/15--10/21 917.46 916.98 0.48 144 0.040 3.17 1.51 10/21--10/27 917.19 916.86 0.33 133 0.030 3.17 1.06 10/27--10/31 916.91 916.69 0.22 90 0.029 3.17 0.69 SUM= 61.33 * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates (in/hr)0.021 0.204 Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate (in/hr)0.063 Infiltration and Evaporation Rates for: Monitoring Location # 11 (#1710) 2017 Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Study City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 2235-470 Period of no Rainfall Beginning Elevation (ft) Ending Elevation (ft) Change in Elevation (ft) Duration of Period (hr) Evaporation & Infiltration Rate* (in/hr) Pond Area (ac) Overall Volume Reduction within Period (ac-ft) 4/27--4/30 916.91 916.45 0.46 64 0.086 0.58 0.27 5/1--5/8 917.68 916.30 1.38 171 0.097 0.58 0.80 5/9--5/15 916.56 916.09 0.46 153 0.036 0.58 0.27 5/18--5/20 917.75 916.89 0.86 40 0.257 0.58 0.50 5/21--5/23 917.68 917.18 0.50 26 0.233 0.58 0.29 5/23--5/28 917.20 916.55 0.65 134 0.058 0.58 0.38 5/29--6/2 916.60 916.36 0.24 117 0.024 0.58 0.14 6/3--6/11 916.54 916.13 0.40 197 0.025 0.58 0.23 6/12--6/14 917.43 916.99 0.44 29 0.181 0.58 0.25 6/14--6/17 917.20 916.66 0.54 88 0.074 0.58 0.31 6/18--6/20 916.87 916.69 0.19 48 0.047 0.58 0.11 6/20--6/22 916.97 916.76 0.21 46 0.054 0.58 0.12 6/22--6/28 917.02 916.59 0.43 128 0.040 0.58 0.25 6/28--6/30 917.46 916.94 0.52 47 0.132 0.58 0.30 6/30--7/9 917.06 916.45 0.61 217 0.034 0.58 0.35 7/10--7/17 917.10 916.56 0.54 188 0.034 0.58 0.31 7/18--7/19 917.07 916.96 0.11 29 0.046 0.58 0.06 7/20--7/25 918.17 916.98 1.19 111 0.128 0.58 0.69 7/26--8/3 918.32 916.86 1.46 184 0.095 0.58 0.85 8/3--8/6 917.43 917.16 0.27 70 0.046 0.58 0.15 8/6--8/9 917.55 917.28 0.27 65 0.049 0.58 0.15 8/10--8/13 917.83 917.39 0.43 82 0.064 0.58 0.25 8/14--8/16 918.25 917.72 0.53 48 0.132 0.58 0.31 8/17--8/21 918.44 917.68 0.76 96 0.095 0.58 0.44 8/21--8/25 917.89 917.47 0.42 82 0.061 0.58 0.24 8/27--9/4 918.08 917.19 0.89 189 0.057 0.58 0.52 9/4--9/18 917.28 916.84 0.43 323 0.016 0.58 0.25 9/18--9/20 917.41 917.30 0.11 32 0.042 0.58 0.06 9/20--9/24 917.56 917.14 0.42 113 0.045 0.58 0.25 9/26--10/1 917.63 917.19 0.44 114 0.046 0.58 0.25 10/3--10/6 918.28 917.34 0.94 81 0.139 0.58 0.54 10/7--10/14 918.19 917.18 1.00 173 0.070 0.58 0.58 10/15--10/21 917.78 917.22 0.56 145 0.046 0.58 0.32 10/21--10/27 917.65 917.22 0.43 133 0.039 0.58 0.25 10/28--10/29 917.33 917.27 0.06 32 0.022 0.58 0.03 10/30--10/31 917.29 917.22 0.07 37 0.022 0.58 0.04 SUM = 11.15 * Evaporation and Infiltration rates were selected from periods on no rain. Range of Evaporation and Infiltration Rates (in/hr)0.016 0.257 Average Evaporation and Infiltration Rate (in/hr)0.074