HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. 2018 MS4 Scope of Service ProposalG:\UTILITY COMMISSION\UC Items and Packets\2018\20180319\6.b. 2018 MS4 Scope of Services.docx Utility Commission Meeting: March 19, 2018 E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y AGENDA ITEM: 2018 MS4 Scope of Services AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, PE, Director of Public Works / City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6.b ATTACHMENTS: 2018 MS4 Scope of Services APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend City Council Approve the 2018 MS4 Scope of Services ISSUE Staff is requesting Utility Commission review the 2018 MS4 Scope of Services and provide a recommendation for City Council approval. BACKGROUND Attached for Utility Commission review is the proposed MS4 Scope of Services from WSB & Associates, Inc. This is the fifth year for which WSB has provided services to assist City staff with implementation and administration of the MS4 General Permit requirements. The 2018 Scope of Services includes tasks for general program management, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) support and implementation, and stormwater quality and elevation monitoring. These tasks are essential components of our MS4 General Permit. The estimated fee of $38,214 for the proposed MS4 activities will be funded from the City’s Storm Water Utility Fund. SUMMARY Staff is requesting that the Utility Commission recommend City Council approval of the 2018 MS4 Scope of Services. 701 Xenia Avenue South | Suite 300 | Minneapolis, MN 55416 | (763) 541-4800 Building a legacy – your legacy. Equal Opportunity Employer | wsbeng.com G:\Group Data\WATER RESOURCES\Proposals\Rosemount\LTR PROP- berickson -Rosemount Annual MS4 Services_Year 5.docx February 20, 2018 Mr. Brian Erickson, PE Director of Public Works / City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Re: Estimate of Professional Services Fee Program Support and Implementation for the City’s MS4 General Permit – Year 5 Dear Mr. Erickson: Attached for your review and approval is our proposed scope of services, fee, and schedule for program support and implementation for the City of Rosemount’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit – Year 5. WSB has worked closely with the City staff to update their MS4 program and bring the required program changes into compliance from 2014 through 2016. Moving forward, we are proposing to complete the work as detailed in the attached scope to ensure that the City of Rosemount’s MS4 program remains in compliance in 2018. The estimated total Project Cost, including professional service fees and direct billing for monitoring line items, is estimated to be $38,214 If you are in agreement with this proposal, please sign where indicated and return one copy to me. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-231-4845 with any questions. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Bill Alms, PE Water Resource Project Manager Attachment Cc: Andy Brotzler, Mitch Hatcher, Meghan Litsey, Linnea Henkels (WSB) ACCEPTED BY: City of Rosemount, MN Name Title Date G:\Group Data\WATER RESOURCES\Proposals\Rosemount\LTR PROP- berickson -Rosemount Annual MS4 Services_Year 5.docx SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PROGRAM SUPPORT AND IMPLEMENTATION FOR THE CITY’S MS4 GENERAL PERMIT – YEAR 5 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS ROSEMOUNT, MN SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES Task 1 – Project Management (Estimated Fee $1,000) Project management will be performed throughout the course of this project. The following subtasks are included as part of Project Management: 1.1 Project update forms will be submitted to the City on a monthly basis outlining budget status, work completed to date, and project tasks remaining. 1.2 Attend project update meeting with City staff. This will include developing agendas, preparing handouts and graphics, and attending meeting. Deliverables: Twelve (12) Monthly Project Update forms, One (1) Meeting with City staff and Utility Commission to discuss final deliverables of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program and Monitoring results. Task 2 – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Support and Implementation – Year 5 (Estimated Fee $8,400 + $92 per hour for Environmental Compliance Inspections) As part of this task, WSB will work with City staff to implement the annual requirements of the MS4 permit to ensure the City of Rosemount’s MS4 program remains in compliance in Year 5. The implementation of these specific requirements has been divided into the following six subtasks: 2.1 General Program Support As part of this task, the WSB Environmental Compliance Project Manager will provide staff time in Rosemount as needed to assist staff with the implementation of the updated Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP), which was developed in Year 1. The WSB Environmental Compliance Project Manager will also provide a quarterly written summary to the City outlining the following items: • Tasks for staff members to complete as part of the program implementation • Any updates from the MPCA, LMC, MCSC, and VRWJPO that may offer benefits or impacts to the City’s MS4 Permit Activities. 2.2 Annual Report & Annual Meeting: The MS4 permit requires the City of Rosemount to submit an annual report detailing their MS4 permit activities by June 30 of each calendar year. WSB will assist City staff with the completion and submittal of the 2017 Annual Report. In addition, WSB will work with City staff to facilitate one annual SWPPP meeting. City staff will provide responses to public comments received. 2.3 Staff Training The MS4 permit requires annual training of your municipal staff to communicate to all City staff how their role may be impacting stormwater. Development of a comprehensive training program is critical to the foundation of a compliant MS4 program. WSB will complete a 30- Scope of Engineering Services February 20, 2018 Page 2 G:\Group Data\WATER RESOURCES\Proposals\Rosemount\LTR PROP- berickson -Rosemount Annual MS4 Services_Year 5.docx minute training session for Public Works, Engineering, and Building Inspections staff, which will include information on illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site best management practices (BMPs), and good housekeeping practices. In addition, we will provide materials from the training for make-up sessions or seasonal employees commensurate with the requirements of the MS4 Permit. 2.4 Visual Pond and Outfall Inspections: To-date, WSB has completed 100% of the required outfall inspections. WSB will provide a staff member to conduct visual inspections of remaining ponds in Year 5. This schedule will allow the City to meet the requirements to inspect all ponds by the end of the five-year permit cycle. Inspections will be documented in accordance with the procedures established in Year 1 of the SWPPP Development and Implementation Plan. 2.5 Bathometric Pond Inspections This task consists of inspecting/surveying six (6) ponds consistent with the SWAMP inspection prioritization. The SWAMP application will be updated to reflect the inspection results. Findings from the inspections will be used to develop maintenance recommendations. If inspections indicate maintenance is necessary, a pond review memo may be needed to identify the extent of maintenance. An additional scope can be provided to generate pond maintenance design memos for those basins identified as requiring maintenance based on inspection results. 2.6 Environmental Compliance Inspections: WSB will provide an Environmental Compliance Specialist to complete weekly environmental compliance inspections for new grading permits issued for development projects within the City. This Specialist will manage the inspection and forward any results to the project owners , any pertinent construction professionals, and the City of Rosemount upon request. The inspection will be visual and documented for NPDES and City Ordinance (Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 12: Erosion and Sediment Control) compliance purposes. WSB will prep are an inspection report detailing the inspection results. The compliance deficiencies will be documented with photographs and site plan map locations to indicate any deficiencies. All reports will be provided to the owner(s) within 24 hours of inspection completion. WSB will complete the above tasks for an hourly cost of $92 per hour, including mileage to and from the project site. The cost associated with this task has traditionally been a pass-through cost to the development projects. Deliverables: Four (4) quarterly General Program Support Meetings with City staff, assistance to City staff with Annual Report, support for one (1) General Permit Annual Meeting, deliver one (1) MS4-related training for City staff, pond inspection summary with maintenance recommendations to achieve 20% inspection schedule, six (6) bathometric pond survey maps uploaded into SWAMP, and copies of weekly inspection reports from the environmental compliance inspections for selected developments and projects. Task 3 – Additional MS4 Program Services – Water Quality Monitoring Program (Total Estimated Fee: $24,550, Sample Testing Cost: $4,264) This water quality monitoring program is included as an additional MS4 program service because it will be used to fulfill multiple program requirements in minimum control measures (MCMs) 5 and 6 related to inspection, long-term operation, and maintenance of infiltration BMPs. The water quality monitoring program provides the City with empirical data that will assist with: Scope of Engineering Services February 20, 2018 Page 3 G:\Group Data\WATER RESOURCES\Proposals\Rosemount\LTR PROP- berickson -Rosemount Annual MS4 Services_Year 5.docx • Guiding upcoming Watershed and City Stormwater Plan Updates and discussions with observed runoff volumes and infiltration and evaporation rates. • Identifying potential areas to receive regional volume reduction credit thought stormwater reuse applications. • Validating pond treatment efficiencies from the SWAMP program with sampled Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorus concentrations. • Supporting conclusions in the City’s Non-Degradation Study with observed infiltration and evaporation data. • Creating a baseline for discharge volumes and pollutant loading assumptions of possible future TMDLs in the Vermillion River and Mississippi River. • Assessing winter pollutant concentration associated with snowmelt runoff. As part of this task, WSB will evaluate stormwater runoff volume reduction and pollutant removal performance of selected basins. This water quality monitoring program is intended to align with the MS4 General Permit cycle. The monitoring equipment purchased by the City in 2014 and 2016 will be utilized in 2018. At the conclusion of the monitoring period, the 2018 data will be processed and a Final Report will be prepared that includes a summary and trend analysis of data collected over the 5-year permit cycle. 3.1 Collect Surface Water Elevation and Rainfall Data The objective of this task is to monitor stormwater runoff volume reduction capabilities through infiltration and evaporation, within selected basins in the City. WSB will install continuous surface water level loggers to provide hourly water elevations du ring the monitoring period. Water level data will be used to develop evaporation and infiltration rates and rainfall to runoff ratios. Additionally, WSB will install two (2) continuous rainfall gauges within the City which will provide the date, duration, and intensity of each rainfall event. The basins selected to be monitored and rain gauged locations are identified in Figure 1. The components of this task include: • Install eleven (11) continuous surface level loggers within selected basins and perform monitoring from April through October. • Install two (2) continuous rainfall gauges. • Monthly maintenance and data downloads to ensure proper operation. 3.2 Collection of Water Quality Samples The objective of this task is to determine pollutant loading from watersheds with various land uses within the City. Pollutant Loading – As part of this task, WSB will collect water samples from ten (10) selected basins as part of routine data collection activities to determine pollutant concentrations. Sampling locations are identified in Figure 1. Water samples will be collected monthly, for an estimated nine (9) months. Two (2) sampling events will be completed during winter months of 2019 to assess snowmelt pollutant concentrations from the six (6) locations identified on Figure 1. The remaining seven (7) samples will be collected from April through October for all ten (10) locations. The samples will be analyzed for the following parameters for all events: • Total Phosphorus ($12) • Ortho – Phosphate ($11) • Total Suspended Solids ($12) • Chloride ($17) Scope of Engineering Services February 20, 2018 Page 5 G:\Group Data\WATER RESOURCES\Proposals\Rosemount\LTR PROP- berickson -Rosemount Annual MS4 Services_Year 5.docx 3.3 Annually Processing Monitored Data As part of this task, data collected during the monitoring period will be analyzed to determine interim infiltration and evaporation rates, rainfall to runoff ratios and reuse suitability assessment. 3.4 Final Report A final report will be prepared that summarizes the monitoring data that was collected over the 5-year permit cycle (2014-2018). The report will present trends in infiltration, runoff, and water quality for individual basins and City-wide. A discussion of the analysis will include: • Pond treatment efficiencies for Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorus. • Snow-melt pollutant concentrations evaluated against drainage area land-use. • An evaluation of observed infiltration and evaporation data compared to rates described in the City’s Non-Degradation Study. • Recommendations for maintenance and/or management of monitored basins. • Recommendations for infiltration basin design and life span. Deliverables: One (1) Final Report including a 5-year trend analysis of monitoring data collected over the course of the permit cycle. Time Schedule It is anticipated that the work outlined above will be com pleted from March 2018 through March 2019. Total Estimated Engineering Fee This proposal outlines the work needed to complete the tasks associated with the City’s MS4 Program. The total estimated fee for the professional services for program support and implementation of the City’s MS4 General Permit –Year 5, Task 1-3 described above is $33,950 with a direct billing amount of $4,264 for monitoring program services. The table below details costs for each task described in this scope of services. Task No Description Estimated Fee Direct Billing Task 1 – Program Management 1.1 Monthly Project Updates $750 1.2 Final Deliverables Meeting $250 Subtotal for Task 1 $1,000 Task 2 – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Support and Implementation – Year 4 2.1 General Program Support $2,600 2.2 Annual Report & Annual Meeting $800 2.3 Staff Training $400 2.4 Visual Pond Inspections $1,600 2.5 Bathometric Pond Inspections $3,000 2.6 Environmental Compliance Inspections TBD ($92/hr) Subtotal for Task 2 $8,400 Task 3 - Additional MS4 Program Services – Water Quality Monitoring Program 3.1 Collect Surface Water Elevation and Rainfall Data $6,750 3.2 Collection of Water Quality Samples $4,200 $4,264 3.3 Annually Processing Monitored Data $6,500 3.4 Final Report – 5-year Trend Analysis $7,100 Subtotal for Task 3 $24,550 $4,264 Total for Project $33,950 $4,264 GF GF Location #1 (BP-1408)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #2 (KL-1486)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #3 (KL-1589)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #4 (KL-1687)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #5 (KL-1716)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #6 (EP-578)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #7 (KL-1865)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #8 (WA-600)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #9 (WA-2443)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #10 (SP-614)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling G±WX Birger Pond (BP-514)Water Quality Sampling Location #11 (WRV-1710)Surface water monitoring Only GF GF Location #1 (BP-1408)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #2 (KL-1486)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #3 (KL-1589)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #4 (KL-1687)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #5 (KL-1716)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #6 (EP-578)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #7 (KL-1865)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #8 (WA-600)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #9 (WA-2443)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling Location #10 (SP-614)Surface water monitoringWater Quality Sampling G±WX Birger Pond (BP-514)Water Quality Sampling Location #11 (WRV-1710)Surface water monitoring OnlyFile: K:\02235-470\GIS\Maps\2017 Monitoring Location.pdf - Copy.mxd, 2/15/2018 1:27:26 PM2018Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Locations Legend GF Continious Rainfall Monitors 2011, 2014-2016 Monitored Ponds (10)Monitored Pond New 2016City Boundary This Evaporation and Infiltration MonitoringProgram has been developed to furtherestablish evaporation and infiltration thatoccur within the City. In addition, this studyis performed to verify the estimatedstormwater abstractions and runoff volumesthat were developed for the City'sNondegradation Plan. Ü 0 0.5 10.25 Miles Please note that the basins selected for monitorng have beenupdated from past monitoring efforts in order to provide a broaderrepresentation of evaporation and infiltration rates and runoff ratios