HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Approve WSB and Associates for Engineering Services for Rosemount Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan UpdateI:\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items\6.k. Approve WSB and Associates for Engineering Services for Rosemount Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan Update.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting: April 3, 2018 AGENDA ITEM: Approve WSB and Associates for Engineering Services for Rosemount Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan Update AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6.k. ATTACHMENTS: WSB Proposal APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve WSB and Associates Proposal for Engineering Services for Rosemount Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan Update BACKGROUND: The City of Rosemount is currently updating its Comprehensive Plan. As part of that update, various sections of the plan require individual updates. Staff has requested proposals from several firms in the engineering pool for these updates. One of the main updates required is the Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan. In an effort to maximize efficiency, staff requested a proposal from WSB and Associates (WSB) for this plan due to the firm’s familiarity with the city’s current plan, and processes as well as their ongoing efforts with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) plans. WSB’s proposal consists of two major portions: 1. Update to the Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan – $28,950 2. Storm Water model update – $48,850 The total cost of the update is $77,800. The current storm water utility budget has $50,000 for the update to the comprehensive plan. Staff would recommend that the remaining required funding come from the Storm Water Fund’s fund balance. SUMMARY: Staff is recommending approval of the attached Engineering Services Proposal from WSB and Associates. 701 Xenia Avenue South | Suite 300 | Minneapolis, MN 55416 | (763) 541-4800 Building a legacy – your legacy. Equal Opportunity Employer | wsbeng.com G:\Group Data\WATER RESOURCES\Proposals\Rosemount\LTR PROP - berickson - CSWMP Update\LTR PROP-berickon- CSWMP Update & City Hydrologic Model Update_032718.docx March 27, 2018 Mr. Brian Erickson Director of Public Works / City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Re: Proposed Scope and Estimate of Professional Services Fee Updates to the City of Rosemount’s Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan and City- wide Hydraulic and Hydrologic Model Dear Mr. Erickson: Attached for your review and approval is our proposed scope of services, fee, and schedule for providing professional engineering services to complete an update to the City of Rosemount’s Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan (CSWMP) and city-wide hydraulic and hydrologic model. This work plan focuses on creating a clear, well thought out, user-friendly CSWMP that meets all the regulatory requirements and provides a framework for the City’s decisions related to water resources management over the next ten years. The proposed update to the city-wide model will provide additional detail to allow for a better understanding of the existing storage available within the City, identify areas of concern utilizing Atlas 14 rainfall data, and determine the required discharged rates and volumes to the Vermillion River from the land locked basins to provide freeboard protection. The total estimated fee is $77,800. If you are in agreement with this proposal, please sign where indicated below and return one copy to me. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-231-4845 with any questions. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Bill Alms, PE Water Resource Project Manager Attachment Cc: Monica Heil, WSB & Associates, Inc. Mitch Hatcher, W SB & Associates, Inc. Andy Brotzler, WSB & Associates, Inc. ACCEPTED BY: City of Rosemount, MN Name Title Signature ___________________________ Date Scope of Engineering Services March 27, 2018 Page 2 G:\Group Data\WATER RESOURCES\Proposals\Rosemount\LTR PROP - berickson - CSWMP Update\LTR PROP-berickon- CSWMP Update & City Hydrologic Model Update_032718.docx SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR UPDATE OF THE CITY’S COMPREHENSIVE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND CITY-WIDE HYDRAULIC AND HYDROLOGIC MODEL CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS ROSEMOUNT, MN PROJECT BACKGROUND / UNDERSTANDING WSB last updated the City of Rosemount’s Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan (CSWMP) in August 2007. As part of that update, the implementation strategies focused on developing a trunk sewer overflow east toward the Mississippi River to provide outlets to land locked basins, flood prone areas, and the majority of the city’s overall stormwater management system. In September 2013, the City requested the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) consider allowing the City of Rosemount to direct stormwater overflows across its southern municipal border toward the Vermillion River. In response, the VRWJPO and City commissioned an update to the VRWJPO XP-SWMM model to add additional detail to more accurately determine what the existing discharges are within the City. Upon completion of this model update, VRWJPO officially modified the intercommunity rate and volume standards along Rosemount’s borders, primarily allowing additional discharges to the southeast into Empire and Nininger Townships. The majority of the western half of the City remained landlocked. This scope has been designed to update the City’s CSWMP to meet the requirements of the Metropolitan Council, Minnesota Rules 8410, and Minnesota Statutes 103B.235, and satisfy requirements of the VRWJPO. At the completion of this update, the City will have a strategy to achieve its goals for water resource management through policies, standards, and an implementation program. The implementation program will lay out and prioritize steps needed to further evaluate options for overflows from land locked areas, among other issues. In addition to completing the statutory requirements for the CSWMP update, WSB has included a task to update the XP-SWMM model to a similar level of detail as the existing model, incorporating development that has occurred since 2007 and the Atlas 14 rainfall events. This will allow the City to provide specific information such as required discharge rate, volume, and outlet elevations necessary to provide adequate flood protection to regulatory agencies and other stakeholders as the overflow discussion advances. The updated model will also provide information that can be used to efficiently and accurately complete Atlas 14 risk assessments, flood reduction projects, development reviews, cost-benefit analyses, street reconstruction projects, and other water resource-related projects. SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES Task 1 – Project Kick-off and Information Gathering This task consists of gathering relevant water resources-related information for the City. WSB will prepare for and attend a kickoff meeting with City staff and initiate communication with agencies in order to collect new and additional background information beyond what is included in the city’s current plan. At the kick- off meeting project schedule, deliverables, and the City’s expectations for the final plan will be confirmed. Based on our knowledge of regulatory and climate changes that have occurred since the completion of the 2007 Plan, WSB will identify in detail content that needs updating to address current and future challenges. WSB will look for redundancies or conflicting information among all documents that are under review as part of this task. Scope of Engineering Services March 27, 2018 Page 3 G:\Group Data\WATER RESOURCES\Proposals\Rosemount\LTR PROP - berickson - CSWMP Update\LTR PROP-berickon- CSWMP Update & City Hydrologic Model Update_032718.docx The water resource data collected as part of this task will be analyzed, interpreted, and summarized in the updated plan. This will provide an indication of the present status and possible trends concerning stormwater resources within the City, and will assist in the updating of stormwater management policies, ordinances, and capital improvements. It will also serve as a water resource library for the City’s future use and reference. Task 2 – Review and Establish Goals and Policies Based on the results of the previous task, the goals and policies for the management of water resources in the City will be updated. WSB will provide guidance on suggested goals, policies, and controls. Additional input from City staff, Council, and other stakeholders will be solicited to form policies that make sound engineering and planning sense, but also address the unique needs of the City of Rosemount. The stormwater management goals and policies will address regulatory requirements including the need for communication and coordination with regulatory agencies, approach to internal operation and maintenance practices, regulation of new development and redevelopment, monitoring and reporting, public education and outreach, and other issues. WSB will provide direction to the City on the regulator y requirements of the goals and policies. We will also document and present agency policies and associated impacts for consideration to be included in the City’s plan. WSB will present updated written procedures that are streamlined and current. Task 3 – Identify Problems and Corrective Actions Water resource management problems identified as part of Tasks 1 and 2 will be outlined and corrective actions will be developed for each problem. It is anticipated that problems may include, but are not limited to, issues in the following areas: • Lake, stream, and wetland water quality problems • Flooding or rate control concerns in the City or between adjoining communities • Impacts of stormwater management on recreational opportunities • Impacts of stormwater managem ent on fish and wildlife resources • Erosion and sediment control problem areas • Impacts of land use practices on stormwater management • Adequacy of the existing regulations to address stormwater management • Adequacy of capital improvement programs to address stormwater management issues • Adequacy of in-place policies to generate the revenue needed to pay for improvements The problems identified will be addressed in this Plan. Concept level corrective actions for each problem item will be developed, which in som e cases may include detailed recommendations. For more complex issues, implementation items could be listed for further study in the coming years. These corrective actions will be incorporated into the implementation plan. Task 4 – Develop Implementation Plan Through the Plan development process, a number of water resource studies, programs, and capital improvements will be identified either through the goals and policies or through addressing problems with corrective actions. These programs, studies, and capital improvements will be prioritized with City staff and Council and developed into a clear implementation plan. Scope of Engineering Services March 27, 2018 Page 4 G:\Group Data\WATER RESOURCES\Proposals\Rosemount\LTR PROP - berickson - CSWMP Update\LTR PROP-berickon- CSWMP Update & City Hydrologic Model Update_032718.docx Necessary stormwater management activities will be outlined in an implementation plan and include but are not limited to: • Plan to further evaluate options for providing an outlet from land-locked areas of the City • City ordinance revisions • Capital improvements • Inspection and maintenance programs • Preparation of reports • Need for annual meetings • Educating or communicating with the public • Training • Need to complete additional water resource studies For each activity, the implementation plan will generally provide a schedule, cost, and other pertinent information so the City can budget, track progress, and staff appropriately. The implementation plan will provide direction to the City for a ten-year planning horizon. Task 5 – Prepare Draft Report This task focuses on the direct preparation of the Plan document. The Plan will be formatted as one comprehensive set of goals, policies, and implementation priorities combining the results from various programmatic-based inventories and analyses as described in this work plan. The Plan document will contain the following sections: • Executive Summary: Generally, summarizes the content and purpose of the local plan. • Land and Water Resource Inventory: Contains information that is relevant to the development of this document. • Agency Coordination: Contains information regarding other agencies and organization relevant to the plan. • Goals and Policies: States specific goals and corresponding policies relate d to the purpose of the Plan that are consistent with the policies and goals of the regional, state, and federal goals and programs that are currently in place. • Assessment of Problems and Corrective Actions: Contains a summary assessment of existing and/or potential water resource-related problems that affect the community along with non-structural, programmatic, and/or structural solutions to the problems. • Implementation Priorities: Prioritizes implementation components to make the best use of available local funding and prevent future water management problems from occurring , to the maximum practical extent. • Financial Considerations: Contains an analysis of the financial impact of implementation of the proposed regulatory controls and programs identified in the previous section. • Amendment Procedures: Contains the year the plan shall extend to and establish the process by which amendments may be made. A preliminary draft of the Plan will be prepared and reviewed with City staff prior to submitting to the watershed district and Metropolitan Council for review. Task 6 – Submit to Agencies for Review and Incorporate Comments This task includes submitting the draft CSWMP to VRWJPO and Metropolitan Council for review. The Met Council has a 45-day review period that runs concurrently with the 60-day review period of the watershed district. Comments provided will be discussed with City staff and incorporat ed into the CSWMP. Scope of Engineering Services March 27, 2018 Page 5 G:\Group Data\WATER RESOURCES\Proposals\Rosemount\LTR PROP - berickson - CSWMP Update\LTR PROP-berickon- CSWMP Update & City Hydrologic Model Update_032718.docx Task 7 – Prepare Final Report After their review, the final CSWMP will be prepared and submitted to the City Council for review and approval. Upon final approval of the plan, two (2) printed copies and a PDF document of the Plan will be made and provided to the City. Task 8 – City-wide XP-SWMM Model Update This task consists of updating the city-wide hydrologic and hydraulic model of the City’s stormwater management system. The 2015 VRWJPO XP-SWMM Model contained 172 subwatershed divisions within the City. Additional detail is needed in this model to accurately account for the existing storage that is available in the City’s stormwater system. The attached figure shows approximately 200 additional subwatershed divisions in red that are proposed with this modeling effort. This additional detail will allow a more accurate assessment of flood protection requirements around each of the modeled basins. WSB will incorporate subwatershed information from the City’s GIS information, development grading plans, 2007 City-wide HydroCAD Model, and the 2016 VRWJPO XP-SWMM model. The City’s existing storm sewer information will be reformatted in GIS to facilitate importing it directly into the hydrologic model. Following a review of available storm sewer information, WSB will provide a list of the locations where required data is missing to the City for review. If necessary, a field survey can be completed to collect missing data and would be billed separately from this scope at the standard hourly rates. WSB will update the VRWJPO XP-SWMM model for the entire City of Rosemount. The model will incorporate existing land uses, storm sewer, channel cross sections, and detention storage data. The model will be run using 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year, 24-hour Dakota County Atlas 14 Rainfall Depths with MSE-3 distribution. This distribution is slightly different than the VRWJPO modeled storms, but is more consistent with the City’s Stormwater Management Plan and Engineering Guidelines as well as FEMA flood plain mapping procedures. A 10-day snow melt event will also be analyzed. A memo will be prepared summarizing input parameters and results within the City of Rosemount. The memo will also include: • Summary of peak discharge rates, runoff volumes, and high-water levels for each modeled basin. • Areas under existing conditions with freeboard infringements. • Estimated required discharge rates and volumes at established VRWJPO intercommunity standard discharge locations to maintain necessary freeboard in current landlocked regional basins. A meeting with City staff will be scheduled to review the model results and address any comments. SCHEDULE The proposed schedule for this project is as follows: Task 1 – Project Kick-off and Information Gathering ..................................................................... April 2018 Task 2 – Review and Establish Goals and Policies ............................................................. May to July 2018 Task 3 – Identify Problems and Corrective Actions ............................................................ June to July 2018 Task 4 – Develop Implementation Plan .......................................................................... July to August 2018 Task 5 – Prepare Draft Report .................................................................................................... August 2018 Task 6 – Submit to Agencies for Review ......................................................................... September 1, 2018 Task 7 – Finalize and Adopt Report ...................................................................................... December 2018 Task 8 – City Wide XP-SWMM Model Update.......................................................... April to November 2018 Scope of Engineering Services March 27, 2018 Page 6 G:\Group Data\WATER RESOURCES\Proposals\Rosemount\LTR PROP - berickson - CSWMP Update\LTR PROP-berickon- CSWMP Update & City Hydrologic Model Update_032718.docx *The schedule above assumes that we will receive authorization to proceed with work outlined in this scope by April 3, 2018. ENGINEERING SERVICES FEE The cost to provide the scope of services outlined in this proposal will be billed hourly, based on our current hourly rates. We are proposing to complete the update to the City of Rosemount’s CSWMP and city-wide hydraulic and hydrologic model for an estimated fee of $77,800. Task Description Estimated Fee Task 1-7 Update to CSWMP $28,950 Task 8 XP-SWMM Model Update $48,850 Total for Project $77,800