HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.o. Approve Bolton & Menk, Inc. for Engineering Services for Rosemount Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan UpdateI:\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items\6.o. Approve Bolton & Menk, Inc. for Engineering Services for Rosemount Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting: April 3, 2018 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Bolton & Menk, Inc. for Engineering Services for Rosemount Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6.o. ATTACHMENTS: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Proposal APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve Bolton & Menk, Inc. Proposal for Engineering Services for Rosemount Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update BACKGROUND The City of Rosemount is currently updating its Comprehensive Plan. As part of that update various sections of the plan require individual updates. Staff has requested proposal from several firms in the engineering pool for these updates. The Comprehensive Sewer System Plan Update proposal from Bolton & Menk, Inc. (BMI) fulfills the Metropolitan Council’s update requirements, reviews existing sanitary capacity and guides future improvements and extensions of the system. BMI will include the UMore property, intercommunity flows and additional future approved development (i.e. Meadow Ridge). The total cost of the update is $22,818. The current sanitary sewer utility budget has $15,000 for the update to the comprehensive plan. Staff would recommend that the remaining required funding come from the Sewer Fund’s fund balance. SUMMARY Staff is recommending approval of the attached Engineering Services Proposal from Bolton & Menk, Inc. March 28, 2018 Brian Erickson Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Proposal for Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update Dear Mr. Erickson: The City of Rosemount’s Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update will not only fulfill the Metropolitan Council’s required Comprehensive Plan Updates, but will confirm the City’s framework for current sanitary system capacity and validate the required capital improvements for system expansion. Our approach will consist of providing a fresh look at the City’s current sanitary sewer plan, analyzing the existing system capacity, evaluating future capacity needs and developing a report that identifies project costs and timelines. We believe you will find outstanding value in our approach to your project for the following reasons: Comprehensive Planning – An effective plan is not just a technical document, but the foundation for implementation. We will develop a plan that successfully translates technical analysis into cost-effective implementation to ensure the sanitary sewer system effectively serves Rosemount residents and business owners. Accurate Analysis –An updated hydraulic model, coupled with digital mapping data, will help the City continue to understand how development, inflow, and infiltration has affected sanitary sewer system capacity. This will substantiate your sanitary sewer planning tool and validate potential system impacts. Effective Collaboration – Bolton & Menk will serve as an extension of your staff. We will work closely with the City’s experts to understand current system deficiencies, historic sewer issues and strategies for system improvements. We look forward to working with the City of Rosemount and are excited for the opportunity to complete the Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update for you. I will personally serve as your lead contact on this project. Please contact me at 763-710-1514 or johnmo@bolton-menk.com if you have any questions regarding our proposal. Respectfully submitted, Bolton & Menk, Inc. John Morast, P.E., Client Service Manager Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. 1 City of Rosemount Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update Project Understanding Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan UpdatesUpdatesUpdatesUpdates A successful Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan relies on a complete understanding of Rosemount’s issues and resources, as well as future City development goals. We understand the City is looking for a comprehensive review of the current plan with basic language modifications to match the overall 2040 Comprehensive Plan requirements, updated land use and current development needs. Sanitary Sewer ModelingSanitary Sewer ModelingSanitary Sewer ModelingSanitary Sewer Modeling The current plan includes a supplemental hydraulic model of the existing sewer system. The City has requested expansion of the model to include specific areas of concern. These areas include: • The University of Minnesota (UMore) property. • Intercommunity (Eagan) flows in the northcentral portion of the City. • OPUS property/subdivision in the northeast corner of the UMore property. • New subdivision area on the west side of County Road 73 near the north limits of the City, referred to as the Cliff Property. Our ApproachOur ApproachOur ApproachOur Approach The City of Rosemount can be confident in Bolton & Menk’s policy to staff all major projects using a team approach, maintaining close coordination between the City and project team at all times. The team assembled for this project will provide: • Project management • Technical review • Sanitary system evaluation • Hydraulic modeling • Digital file management • GIS/AutoCAD data storage and display • Proven experience Project AssumptionsProject AssumptionsProject AssumptionsProject Assumptions Our proposal is based on the assumption that the City will provide the following information. • Word Document of the current Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan dated December 28, 2007. • All applicable tables in Microsoft Excel (or other spreadsheet tool) format showing calculations performed. • GIS shapefiles of existing and proposed land use and any other information not already obtained by Bolton & Menk, Inc. • Copy of the most recent SewerCAD hydraulic model. • Any additional supplemental information needed to make the necessary updates to the plan and accompanying hydraulic model including, but not limited to, o Subdivision as-built plans in areas added to the hydraulic model. o Known system issues since the adoption of the previous plan. o As-built sewer updates since adoption of the previous plan. We also assume that the methodology for developing anticipated service flows identified in the 2007 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan are applicable. We will determine if the peaking factors identified in the 2007 Plan are still applicable using the same methodology previously applied. If any of these files require recreation, our scope will require adjustment. If applicable, we will assemble the scope and fee revisions and submit to the City for review and approval prior to commencement of additional work. Project Scope Task 1: Communication Task 1: Communication Task 1: Communication Task 1: Communication Subtask 1.1 Kick-Off Meeting A kick-off meeting will be scheduled immediately after Notice-to-Proceed. This meeting will: • Introduce the entire Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan team to the consulting staff developing the plan. • Establish communication protocols associated with various plan aspects. • Formulate a mutually acceptable milestone schedule. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2 City of Rosemount Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update We will also develop a plan for incorporating maps, modeling files, and practical field experiences with the existing sanitary sewer collection system. Subtask 1.2 Interim Progress Meetings We anticipate up to two additional progress meetings as preliminary materials are developed, at which time, the City will provide comments and the Comprehensive Sewer System Plan will be modified to reflect those comments. Deliverables:Deliverables:Deliverables:Deliverables: Meeting attendance, meeting minutes. Task 2: Task 2: Task 2: Task 2: Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System PlanPlanPlanPlan Language UpdatesLanguage UpdatesLanguage UpdatesLanguage Updates Subtask 2.1 Review Current Plan We will thoroughly review the City’s current Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan dated December 28, 2007. Anticipated modifications to bring the plan into compliance with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan will be identified. Subtask 2.2 Collect and Incorporate New Information We will collect all information available through Met Council and the City not including in the assumed list of information described above. This includes the following. • The City’s System Statement. • GIS files. • City information listed in the Met Council 2040 Water Resources Policy Plan. • Land use and population forecasts in the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. • Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) records since the previous plans and any projects completed by the City to mitigate those issues. Subtask 2.3 Update Plan Tables and Calculations We assume that digital copies of the plan tables are available and include the original calculations used to develop peak flow values, system capacities, etc. Where applicable, the tables will be updated to include new information. The current plan describes a methodology of calculating the City’s adjusted peak flow factor and comparing it Met Council’s recommended peaking factors. We will continue with this same methodology and update the City’s peak flow factor as needed based on current Met Council interceptor flows. Subtask 2.4 Update Existing Conditions We will update the Sanitary Sewer System Plan to include any modifications to the City’s sewer system since 2007. This includes I&I mitigation projects, new trunk facilities construction, new subdivision construction, etc. Based on hydraulic modeling results and other known system deficiencies, we will update the section of the plan that evaluates the current sewer system. Subtask 2.5 Update Future Sanitary Sewer System Based on the updated hydraulic model (described in Task 3), the Future Sanitary Sewer System will be updated to reflect more immediate development plans. Further, regional changes in land use and other future trunk facilities modifications will be described. Subtask 2.6 Update Capital Improvement Plan The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will be updated as follows. • Remove projects that have already been constructed. • Add trunk facilities identified based on modeling updates identified in Task 3. • Updated costs of CIP projects not already constructed to account for inflation since 2007. • Add updated costs for proposed facilities identified as part of Task 3. CIP costs will be included for the proposed trunk facilities options identified in Task 3 only. If additional trunk facility layouts or options are requested by the City, we will develop CIP costs for those options, as needed, for an agreed upon scope and fee revision. Work on subsequent options will commence upon approval of the scope and fee revision. Deliverables:Deliverables:Deliverables:Deliverables: Summary of plan changes, updated plan tables, updated plan sections, updated CIP. Task 3Task 3Task 3Task 3: : : : Update Update Update Update Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic ModelingModelingModelingModeling The City’s current SewerCAD model will be updated according to the following subtasks. Each model update will also include the following general steps. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. 3 City of Rosemount Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update • Develop sewershed/sewer service area. • Determine distribution of land uses within each sewershed. • Develop peak flow values based on the peak flow factors and design service flows identified in the current Sanitary Sewer System Plan. • Add/update manhole locations and elevations (provided by City). • Add/update pipe sizes and invert elevations (provided by City). Subtask 3.1 General Model Updates We will analyze the current hydraulic model and identify areas that may require updating. Updates may include: • Rehabilitated or reconstructed segments of sewer. • New development. • Updated lift station flows. • Changes in land use resulting in changes to service flows. • Redevelopment resulting in changes to service flows. • Updates to peaking factors. • Updates to the estimated service flows as directed by the City. Subtask 3.2 UMore Property The current Sanitary Sewer System Plan identifies the UMore property as all single family residential land use with no consideration for trunk sewer facilities. Based on known and/or anticipated development patterns and land uses, the plan tables and hydraulic model will be updated to reflect changes in service areas and flows. Updates to the hydraulic model will include up to two trunk sewer routes through the entirety of the UMore property. We will utilize anticipated development areas, land use and surface topography to identify a route for the trunk sanitary sewer. The model will not include lateral line location, but will include strategic increases in pipe size and manholes to be used for planning purposes. Subtask 3.3 OPUS Development New development has been proposed in the northeast portion of the UMore property, referred to as the OPUS development. Trunk sewer facilities will be identified to serve the area and connect to the regional interceptor system. Updates to the hydraulic model will include up to two trunk sewer routes through the entirety of the UMore property. Subtask 3.4 Cliff Property A new subdivision, referred to as the Cliff Property, located is scheduled to develop on the west side of County Road 73 near the north limits of the City. The first development is only a portion of the entire subdivision and will need to be served by a temporary lift station until the remainder of the development is constructed. We will develop up to two lift station and trunk sewer layouts. We will also include one option to serve the rural residential development to the north of the Cliff Property in the event that the private septic systems would not be expanded or reconstructed in the future. Our fee does not include analysis of the remaining 360 acre McMenomy Property. However, should the timeline for development be critical such that further analysis is needed, we can add that portion to the hydraulic model based on an agreed upon revision to the scope and fee. Subtask 3.5 City of Eagan Intercommunity Flow A new subdivision in the northcentral area of Rosemount has the potential to be served by an extension of the trunk sewer system in Eagan. Sewer routes include, but aren’t necessarily limited to, the Hwy 3 corridor. Analysis will include trunk sewer sizing for up to three routes to serve the area. We will also identify potential tie in points for these sewer routes and impacts to the current sanitary sewer system. We will utilize all existing data already developed by the City to incorporate the trunk sewer and service area in the model. Subtask 3.6 Southeast Service Area Updates The Southeast Service Area has the potential to develop under this comprehensive plan cycle. General updates to land use may lead to changes in service flow and, in turn, trunk sewer facilities. Based on the City’s recommendation for land use planning, we will update the service flows as needed and report them in the plan update. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. 4 City of Rosemount Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update Deliverables:Deliverables:Deliverables:Deliverables: Summary of model updates, updated existing conditions model, proposed conditions model, general trunk facilities layouts. Task 4Task 4Task 4Task 4: : : : Update FiguresUpdate FiguresUpdate FiguresUpdate Figures The current Sanitary Sewer System Plan has eight (8) figures. The figures will be updated with: • 2040 land use. • Current land use and zoning. • Changes in developable acreage. • Existing sanitary sewer system additions since 2007. • Changes in ISTS since 2007. • Future sanitary sewersheds. • Future trunk sewer system additions/modifications for the agreed upon number of options only. All maps will be assembled in GIS and any new digital information will be provided to the City. Deliverables:Deliverables:Deliverables:Deliverables: Update figures. Database of new digital information. Task 5: Update AppendicesTask 5: Update AppendicesTask 5: Update AppendicesTask 5: Update Appendices We do not anticipate significant changes to the appendices. We will update the CIP tables and trunk facility construction schedules as needed. Task Task Task Task 6666: Final Comprehensive Sewer Plan : Final Comprehensive Sewer Plan : Final Comprehensive Sewer Plan : Final Comprehensive Sewer Plan ReportReportReportReport AssemblyAssemblyAssemblyAssembly We will assemble a final digital data base of: • The report document. • All tables including calculations therein. • PDF figures. • Appendices. • SewerCAD model updates. • GIS files. We will provide the City with up to three (3) hard copies of the final sewer plan as needed. We will also include a final digital database of all files. If the final document will be inserted into the overall 2040 Comprehensive Plan, we will identify the final layout and format prior to final delivery. Deliverables:Deliverables:Deliverables:Deliverables: Final Comprehensive Sewer Plan report Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. 5 City of Rosemount Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update Fees Bolton & Menk will plan a system for the City of Rosemount that is both resilient and cost efficient. The total cost of a project is lowest when the upfront planning correctly identifies the best technology or plan for a system and then implements that plan. More money can be saved with thoughtful planning than any other phase of a project. Bolton & Menk will work with you on this project with the best planning approach in mind to get you true value. The Scope of Work and Fee described herein is flexible. In other words, we understand that budgets are important. The Scope and Fee have been assembled to include the items described by the City, but individual scope items can be removed or reduced to best meet the needs of your plan. We are confident this approach is cost effective and will result in a truly dynamic and sustainable plan. Our Project Understanding and Scope of Services includes several project assumptions. The Fee schedule described below assumes that the City will provide the items listed. If changes to the Scope are required based on any changes these assumptions, we will assemble the scope and fee revisions and submit to the City for review and approval prior to commencement of additional work. Client: City of Rosemount Bolton & Menk, Inc. Project: Sanitary Sewer System Plan Update Task No. Work Task Description Client Service Manager Project Manager Water Resources Engineer GIS Professional Clerical Total Hours Total Cost 1.0 Communication 6 12 0 0 0 18 $2,604 2.0 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan Language Updates 0 8 46 0 0 54 $6,314 3.0 Update Sanitary Sewer Hydraulic Modeling 0 7 48 0 0 55 $6,416 4.0 Update Figures 0 2 8 12 0 22 $2,616 5.0 Update Appendices 0 2 20 0 0 22 $2,556 6.0 Final Comprehensive Sewer Plan Report Assembly 2 2 12 0 4 16 $2,312 Total Hours 8 33 134 12 4 187 Average Hourly Rate $178.00 $128.00 $115.00 $120.00 $80.00 Subtotal $1,424 $4,224 $15,410 $1,440 $320 Total Fee $22,818