HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. March 19, 2018 Minutes UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES March 19, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on March 19, 2018, at 5:34 p.m. in the Steeple Center, 14375 S Robert Trail, Rosemount. Commissioner Connolly called the meeting to order with Commissioners Demuth and Nelson, Public Works Director/City Engineer Brian Erickson, Public Works Coordinator Christine Watson, and Recording Secretary Erin Fasbender. WSB Guests also attended Linnea Henkels, Bill Alms, and Mitch Hatcher. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None AUDIENCE INPUT APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Nelson Second by Demuth Motion to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2017, Utility Commission meeting. OLD BUSINESS 5.a. MCES Water Efficiency Rebate Update Fasbender provided a brief overview of the entire water efficiency rebate program which ended at the end of 2017. Demuth questioned whether the city could offer additional rebates since the entire budget of $15,000 did not get fully used? In the future, should staff propose to do this rebate program, staff could use this overview as a way to share with all the results received over this time period. Commissioners would like an update at a future meeting on whether the rebate is an item staff would be able propose in the future. 5.b. Surface Water Management Plan - Wachter Pond Update Erickson provided an update on his meeting with Rosemount Resident Tom Tubbs regarding Wachter Pond. Erickson shared the concerns that were mentioned during their meeting. Wachter is a stormwater collection pond for the drainage area west of Robert Trail. In the future, the plan is for Erickson to visit with Mr. Tubbs this spring and review what the homeowners association can do and what the city’s responsibility is in regards to maintaining Wachter Pond area. An update will be provided to the Utility Commission. NEW BUSINESS 6.a. 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program Report Mr. Alms of WSB provided an overview of the 2017 Water Quality Monitoring Program which has been completed as proposed in Task 3 of the 2017 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Services Agreement. Ms. Henkels provide an in-depth interview of WSB’s historical monitoring which began in 2007. In 2009, WSB started incorporating water quality data. The data collected was preliminary analyzed for the following: rainfall to run ratio, evaporation and infiltration rates, and average water quality for each of the four parameters collected. The water quality monitoring program is used to fulfill multiple program requirements in Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) 5 and 6 of the City’s General MS4 Permit related to inspection, long-term operation, and maintenance of infiltration BMPs. WSB confirmed Birger Pond was sampled in 2016 only for the snowmelt pollutants and was not part of the assessment in 2017. This water quality monitoring program is intended to align with the MS4 General Permit cycle. The data is to be processed annually and a final report is planned to be complied at the end of the Year 5 period (2018). Staff will use this final report to propose future maintenance and additional plans going forward regarding MS4. 6.b. 2018 MS4 Scope of Services Erickson provided an overview of the scope and services for the 2018 MS4 Scope of Services. This is the fifth year for which WSB has provided services to assist City staff with implementation and administration of the MS4 General Permit requirements. The 2018 Scope of Services includes tasks for general program management, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) support and implementation, and stormwater quality and elevation monitoring. These tasks are essential components of our MS4 General Permit. The primary reason for the increase in funds from last year to this year is due to the final report that will be prepared to summarize the data that was collected over the 5 year permit cycle. Staff is requesting the Utility Commission to recommend City Council approval of the 2018 MS4 Scope of th Services on the March 20 City Council Meeting. Motion by Connolly Second by Nelson Motion to recommend City Council approve the 2018 MS4 Scope of Services 6.c. Cartegraph Demo In August 2017, staff began the conversion to the new Cartegraph software, OMS (Operations Management System). Public Works Coordinator Watson provided a high level overview of the Cartegraph software that the city purchased last year for a grand total of $64,000. Watson showed some of the features of the new system and how staff is using Cartegraph to be more efficient and effective with our time and resources. Watson provided a brief demonstration of the software and its capabilities. There is plenty of opportunity for staff to do more with this software; staff has only scratched the surface of the capabilities of Cartegraph. 6.d. Set Meeting Dates for 2018-2019 Fasbender provided an overview of the 2018-2019 Utility Commission calendar with highlighted dates for possible meetings. Utility Commission meets the Monday after the second Tuesday of the month. Utility Commission did not have any issues regarding the proposed dates. Motion by Connolly Second by Demuth Motion to set the 2018 - 2019 Utility Commission Meetings per the Attached Calendar. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Connolly informed the commission that tonight is his last meeting as a Utility Commissioner. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Erickson discussed the public hearing he attended at the MetCouncil meeting for wastewater reuse. Erickson discussed the three alternatives as to how the program would get funded. Erickson is working on a draft response and informed utility commission if they have any comments in relation to this topic to bring it to Erickson’s attention and he can provide the information as to how to submit a comment by the end of this week to the MetCouncil. Erickson will send the commissioners the presentation from the public hearing to review. th A new public works secretary will start on March 26. 8.a. City Projects Update nd  132 Street Improvements near Dunmore Development will begin again this spring.  Several other development projects which will be starting this spring.  Meadowview Development, north of Bonaire Path, staff discussed the discussion of a temporary Lift Station until further development to the west occurs. 8.b. 2017 & 2018 Well Pumping Report No questions or concerns on the pumping report. 8c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for April 16, 2018 For the next meeting, an antenna leases will be discussed and a new president will be elected at this meeting. OTHER UPDATES ADJOURNMENT Connolly adjourned the meeting at 7:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Erin Fasbender City Clerk