HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Case 18-19 PUD- Anderson Companies request for rezoning to BP PUD and site plan approval for indoor field house at Community of Hope property E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Planning Commission Meeting Date: April 24, 2018 City Council Meeting Date: May 15, 2018 AGENDA ITEM: Case 18-19 PUD- Anderson Companies request for rezoning to BP PUD and site plan approval for indoor field house at Community of Hope property AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGENDA NO.: 6.b. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map, Site Plan, Project Narrative, Existing Conditions Plan, Grading & Erosion Control Plan, Utility Plan, Civil Details Sheet, Landscape Plan, 2004 Approved Landscape Plan, Tree Inventory Plan, Proposed Drainage Plan, Colored Building Elevation, Interior Floor Plan, Building Elevations, Engineers Memo 4/17/2018, Council Resolution of Approval 2004, Planning Commission Minutes and Packet March 23, 2004 APPROVED BY: K.L. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council Rezone the property at 14401 Biscayne Avenue to BP PUD and approve the Master Development Plan and Site Plan for an indoor recreation facility subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant modify the landscape plan to include plantings approved in the 2004 plan including deciduous trees along the north and west side of the property and bring the site into compliance with required foundation plantings. 2. The applicant modifies the storm water plan to remove required ponding from the parking lots prior to City Council review. 3. The applicant consider providing a public entrance on the north side of the building to allow customers parking in the NW to access the building more conveniently. 4. Include pedestrian access from the NW parking lot to the building and around the entire building. 5. If the site experiences a parking shortage, the owners of the recreational facility will work with staff to modify the event schedule to reduce parking demand on 2 site. If a parking shortage continues to be experienced, the recreation facility owner will work to address the shortage. Construction of the third approved building phase will not be permitted if a parking shortage is regularly experienced on the site. 6. The applicant modifies the exterior materials of the building to bring the elevations into compliance with the business park ordinance standards. 7. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated April 17, 2018 SUMMARY The applicant Anderson Companies is asking for approval of a PUD and site plan review for approval of a 46,734 square foot indoor recreation building. The building will be located on the same property as the current Community of Hope church. The current ordinance does not permit two principal structures on one parcel, and therefore, staff is suggesting use of a PUD to permit the two independent buildings on one site. The general location of the building was foreseen in the 2004 approval and would be considered another phase of the church complex. A third phase could be constructed between the two, connecting the each building into one larger structure. Any future sale of either of the buildings to a different owner would require subdivision of the properties. The proposed structure is an indoor recreational use, or field house. The building footprint is 36,080 square feet with another 10,654 sq. ft. on the second floor. The first floor contains the 30,000 sq. ft. gymnasium with two additional tenant spaces. Also included are an office, concession stand, and two locker rooms. The upper level contains a viewing area, restrooms and a 1,453 sq. ft. fitness center. Similar to the church structure, the building is constructed so that retrofitting to a business park use could occur. The structure is 35’ in height and is comprised primarily of rib precast concrete panels with exposed aggregate that would match the existing building. The south elevation, the front of the building has enhancements to the entrance although other elevations are relatively unadorned. The site plan depicts additional parking added for the new use. Presently there are 205 stalls and another 185 will be added with the project. The landscaping and site work are consistent with the previous approval for the church from 2004. Applicant & Property Owner(s): Anderson Companies, Applicant Community of Hope Church, Owner Location: 14401 Biscayne Avenue Area in Acres: 8.08 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Design: BP-Business Park Current Zoning: BP-Business Park BACKGROUND In 2004, the City approved an administrative plat and conditional use permit to allow the combination of three lots into one property and construction of a church facility at the current site. The staff report indicates that the square footage would be 45,187 although that size is not what was ultimately constructed. The approved first phase was the interior diagonal section of the building which would combine the constructed church with the current proposal. After approval, the applicant chose to build the more northern section of the approved building. The conditions remained the same as the 3 2004 approval. More recently, a group has been working to construct an indoor recreation facility that includes gymnasium space. The first location was north of County Road 42, east of Akron Avenue. The present proposal is a striped down version of the larger facility and only includes court space. The facility will be a private facility although there may be a request for some public funding. That is not part of the discussion tonight and is the purview of the City Council. SITE PLAN Zoning The zoning ordinance permits commercial indoor recreational uses in the Business Park district, which allows the field house use. It is staff’s opinion that the anticipated commercial tenants are consistent with the indoor recreation use so long as they are ancillary to the principal recreational use. The 2004 approval anticipated additional phases to the initial building and the current building footprint is consistent with that anticipated in the initial plans. The phasing is staged differently and the sizes of the phases altered slightly. However it appears, with the possible exception of about 2,000 sq. ft. that the building footprint is the same size as that initially anticipated. However, the addition of the 2nd floor mezzanine area increases the square footage on the site by 10,654 sq. ft. Most of that space is assembly space and should not significantly alter the development standards for the site. However, should parking become an issue on the site, the 3rd phase may need to be reduced to reduce on-site demands. The main reason for use of a PUD is to permit two principal structures on the site. The field house introduces another principal use to the site, which is not dependent upon the church use at the facility. However, the two buildings represent two phases of an approved site plan. Staff believes the two uses can co-exist on the site and therefore can support the two uses on the site. Initially staff had recommended splitting the site, which negatively affects the long term development plan for the property. However, should the owner want to sell one of the buildings, the property would need to be split. The proposed structure meets all the setbacks required by the zoning ordinance, and no deviations from the setback standards are being requested by the applicant for this planned unit development. Setback Standard Increased Setback Total Setback Required Proposed Front (south) 30 feet 10 feet 40 feet 113.68 feet Side, west 10 feet n/a 10 feet 77.09 feet Side, east 30 feet 10 feet 40 feet 265.91 feet Rear 10 feet n/a 40 feet 342.42 feet Exterior Materials The building design and materials are consistent with the existing structure. The entrance to the facility will be located on the south which contains an entrance feature appearing very similar to the church entrance facing Biscayne Avenue. The doorway will have a glass curtain over the door frames, all delineated by rockface block columns and metal canopy. Windows at the second story are located on the south elevation along with a colored stripe to break up the long façade. However, the other three 4 elevations do not have any articulation or modification in materials to break up the exterior walls. There is the stripping but additional articulation should be added. The existing building was constructed prior to the existing ordinance design standards. While the proposed building can complement the existing structure, it should be more consistent with the current ordinance design standards. The ordinance criteria is as follows: Building Massing: Facades shall be articulated to reduce their mass and scale and provide visual interest consistent with Rosemount's identity, character, and scale. Large uninterrupted building walls or elevations are prohibited. Any wall more than one hundred feet (100') in length shall be divided into increments of no more than thirty five feet (35') through the articulation of the facade. This shall be achieved through combinations of the following techniques: Division or breaks in the materials. Arcades, entry features, window bays, or the like Variations in rooflines or slope plan Variation in building plan or setback Equivalent techniques approved by the city Access and Parking Site access will remain in the current locations; one from Biscayne Avenue and one from 145 th Street. There are no changes proposed. The site currently has 205 parking stalls and the plan adds an additional 181 stalls for a total of 386. The 2004 plan depicted expansion of the parking are in the north similar to what is proposed, however, did not include the most western single parking row. The drawing indicated a landscaped parking island. Typically staff is leery about stalls directly access a fairly busy drive aisle as indicated on the plan. Because the western row is only one stall, vehicles can head into the stalls and drive out without backing into the main circulation drive aisle. The ordinance requires 1 space for every 3 seats in the assembly space. Based upon the application information, the seating is 700 and the parking required for the existing structure would be 233. The new building is recreational which requires 1 parking stall for every 200 sq. ft. That calculation results in 234 spaces for a total parking requirement of 467 stalls. The site currently provides 386 stalls, a significant deficit. It is recognized that the two uses should have varying peak hours, although there are definitely tournaments anticipated one the weekends, including Sunday morning with would conflict with church hours. It does not appear that there is much programming on Saturday at the church and many of the other events are during weekday hours, such as the preschool. Staff believes that the offset programming will reduce the need for parking at the site by both uses simultaneously. This is always a concern since on street parking is not permitted on either Biscayne or 145 th Street and the City does not encourage parking on other residential streets or adjoining private commercial properties. If the site experiences a parking problem, staff would work with the operator to modify the programming schedule to provide relief. Staff would also recommend that the third phase of the building be delayed indefinitely if parking demands persist. To address the potential for parking issues, staff is also recommending that the mezzanine area be used for assembly space only, as noted in the site plan application. A final issue of note is that the only entrance to the building is located on the south side of the building; however, the majority of the parking is located in the north. Due to the interior 5 configuration, no space is available for entering at either side. This means most patrons will need to walk around the entire building to access the building entrance. A condition of approval requires installation of a sidewalk around the building to direct customers from the parking lot to the entrance. Staff strongly suggests either flipping the interior space, or modifying the north portion of the building to include a small entrance, for the convenience of future users. Landscaping and Berming As depicted in the approved 2004 plans, there are berms along the two rights-of-ways and at the corner of 145th Street and Biscayne Avenue. There is a lot of landscaping located along the bermed areas and it is questionable if additional should be added. Construction of the addition prompts perimeter plantings and also plantings within parking lots islands. The 2004 plan depicts plantings along with trees to be planted along the west property line and in the north in the parking lot islands and adjacent to the building. Those have not been installed and are not proposed in the current plan submittal. Staff is recommending that the previously approved landscape plan be fulfilled and the tress installed along the western boundary adjacent to the drive aisle. Additionally planting should be installed along the north property line. The previous plan also included trees along the west side of the building and a few should be added. For the most part, the landscaping proposed around the building are 29 spireas and 22 dogwoods. The ordinance requires one foundation planting for every 10 feet of the building façade. Additional plantings on the east and west are required to meet the ordinance criteria. Engineering The Engineering department has reviewed the plans and has minimal comments about the project. The one issue is that as currently proposed, the developer is ponding in the parking lots rather than ponding within a ponding area or sending drainage downstream. The City’s policies do not allow ponding standards to be met through parking lot ponding. This is not desirable as it creates safety hazards and negatively affects the pavement and storm sewer structures. The applicant should revise the storm water plan prior to final review by the City Council. Lighting A lighting plan has not been submitted for staff review. It is assumed additional lighting will be added in the parking lot expansion and along the south side of the site. Signage Similarly an additional signage for the site and the recreational facility will require separate sign review and approval. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a Simple Plat request for the Canada Circle plat. This recommendation for approval is based on the information provided to the Planning Commission. . Kim, I will break the narrative up by your two points listed in your email. 1.Breakdown about the type of recreational uses, the timing of the activities and the estimated amount of people. Recreational activities within the Hope Fieldhouse will consist of Youth/Adaptive activities such as Basketball, Volleyball, Futsal and Floor Hockey. Recreational activities will include Pickleball, Basketball, co-ed volleyball and personal training. Activity list will expand based on demand by the users, but all activities will be recreational in nature. As an example, we may find there is a need for indoor lacrosse practices, and if we have the space available we would rent out to a group like that. HF will also have space dedicated to CrossFit and a fitness center. These users will be consistent throughout the year, with a spike in the winter months. I am including a matrix that lists out what we believe is a schedule for Hope Fieldhouse. With this type of facility, we felt it was important to layout 4 different schedules. Peak/off-peak and then Weekend/Weekday. We are considering Peak to be October through March. I have included by hour the schedule and number of potential users. Peak/Weekday We would estimate no more than 140 people within the facility at one time. Gym time will not be rented to capacity on Wednesday nights as not to conflict with Community of Hope Church Services. Peak/Weekend We would estimate no more than 500 people within the facility at one time. Tournaments/Events will not be held on Sunday morning so not to conflict with Community of Hope Church Services. If no tournament or event is taking place within the facility most of traffic would be from open gym users, Fitness Center and CrossFit classes. Off-Peak/Weekday We would estimate no more than 110 people in the facility at one time. Gym time will not be rented to capacity on Wednesday nights as not to conflict with Community of Hope Church Services. Off-Peak/Weekend We would estimate no more than 500 people within the facility at one time. Tournaments/Events will not be held on Sunday morning so not to conflict with Community of Hope Church Services. If no tournament or event is taking place within the facility most of traffic would be from open gym users, Fitness Center and CrossFit classes. 2.I am also interested in a breakdown on the square footage associated with the various uses The breakdown in spaces is as follows: Recreation activities listed in #1 will be held in the gymnasium. The gymnasium is 30,000 sf. CrossFit tenant space will 2,673 sf Fitness Center space will be 1,435 There are areas for social spaces and bleachers for watching games etc. PROPOSED DECIDUOUS SHRUBMULCH (SEE NOTE 4)SOD (SEE NOTE 7)PROPOSED EVERGREEN SHRUB PROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREESHEET NUMBEROFSHEETSPROJECTNUMBERCOMPUTERFILEDATEDRAWN BYCHECKED BYREVISIONSC4 LANDSCAPE PLANROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTANUMBERTHE STATE OF MINNESOTA.DATECOMMUNITY OF HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH PLANT LEGENDCONSTRUCTION NOTESSEED (SEE NOTE 7)TREE PLANTING DETAILSHRUB PLANTING DETAILPROPOSED CONIFERUOUS TREE MEMORANDUM DATE: April 17, 2018 TO: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director CC: Kyle Klatt, Planner Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: Mitch Hatcher, Project Engineer RE: Hope Fieldhouse Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: The plans for Hope Fieldhouse have been prepared by SEH dated March 27, 2018. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: Civil Plan Set Drainage Analysis Project Narrative GENERAL COMMENTS: 1.Street and utility construction shall be installed in accordance with the 2015 City of Rosemount General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates and the Engineering Guidelines. 2.City inspection of public street and utility connection is required during construction. 3.Maximum allowable slope is 4:1 and minimum slopes of 2% are allowed. Maximum slopes of 3:1 are only allowed below the 10:1 maintenance bench for NURP basins. 4.The developer is required to obtain a NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit and provide a copy of the approved SWPPP to the City prior to the issuance of a grading permit and start of any construction activity. 5.Upon completion of the street, sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer construction, the City requires record drawings. See Engineering Guidelines for submittal and formatting requirements. STORMWATER COMMENTS: 6. The City will not allow stormwater ponding of water to be done on parking lots or other paved areas. The number of inlets and/or size of inlets should be designed to eliminate ponding on paved areas. Ponding in a parking lots creates safety concerns with falling, hydroplaning, and ice buildup. The applicant will need to find another way to manage discharge rates to the existing storm sewer system. 7.Regional basin EP-2030 has been designed for the water quality and quantity requirements. In 2004, offsite ponding fees were paid for the site and additional offsite ponding fees with not be required. 8.The City’s standards require storm sewer to be RCP and a minimum of 15” diameter. 9.All local low points (both paved and unpaved) need to have EOFs called out with flow arrows on the grading plan. At least one foot of freeboard must be maintained from the EOF to all adjacent building low openings. 10.Use Table 8.8 Minimum Grades in the MnDOT drainage manual to determine the minimum allowable pipe slope. Increase the slope of the pipe between CB11 and CB9. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004-57 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN ADMINISTRATIVE PLAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR COMMUNITY OF HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH WHEREAS, the Planning Department received an application for approval of an Administrative Plat and a Conditional Use Permit for Community of Hope Lutheran Church to combine three lots into one and construct a 45,187 square foot church building, located on the three parcels legally described as follows: Parcel A. The East 633.00 feet of Lot 2, Auditor’s Subdivision No. 1 Rosemount, except that part lying north of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly right of way line of a Railroad and the east line of said Lot 2, thence south along the east line of said Lot 2 a distance of 625.3 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence deflect 90 degrees right a distance of 633 feet and there terminating. Also except that described as beginning at a point 2596.5 feet south and 33 feet west of the northeast corner of Section 29, Township 115, Range 19; thence North 125 feet; thence West 50 feet; thence South 125 feet; thence East 50 feet to the place of beginning. Parcel B. That part of Lot 2, Auditor’s Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, being described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly right of way of a Railroad and the easterly line of said Lot 2; thence southerly along said east line a distance of 275.30 feet to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence deflecting 90 degrees right a distance of 633 feet more or less to its intersection with the southerly line of said Railroad; thence deflecting 90 degrees left a distance of 350 feet; thence deflecting 90 degrees left a distance of 633 feet more or less to its intersection with east line of said Lot 2; thence defecting 90 degrees left along said east line a distance of 350.00 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel C. All that part of Lot 2 of Auditor’s Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, according to the plat thereof now on file and record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for Dakota County, State of Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point of beginning which said point is 2471.5 feet south and 33 feet west of the Northeast corner of Section 29, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, thence South 75 feet, thence West 50 feet, thence North 75 feet, thence East 50 feet to the point of beginning, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing as required by ordinance for the purpose of receiving public comment regarding the proposed Administrative Plat and Conditional Use Permit on March 23, 2004; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the application March 23, 2004 and found it consistent with the criteria for administrative plat review outlined in the Subdivision Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission also found this application consistent with the performance standards for church facilities in the Business Park District; and, Resolution 2004-57 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the application for an Administrative Plat and Conditional Use Permit for Community of Hope Lutheran Church on March 23, 2004 with conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Council of the City of Rosemount does hereby approve the Administrative Plat and Conditional Use Permit for Community of Hope Lutheran Church subject to the following conditions: 1. Issuance of a building permit. 2.Submittal of a plat illustrating the new combined property including a new legal description, all necessary easements, and dedication of rights-of-way prior to City Council action on this application. 3. Conformance with the landscaping revisions outlined in the March 23, 2004 staff report as well as the revision to the April 7, 2004 landscape plan as follows: a.Installation of an irrigation system in all areas except those designated for future expansion and the parking lot islands not containing trees or shrubs. b. Increase the number of overstory trees along Biscayne Avenue and 145th Street to equal one (1) tree every fifty (50) feet in conformance with the zoning ordinance. c.All coniferous trees shall be planted in a triangular pattern with 10-foot spacing to create a more natural appearance. At least 50 percent of these trees shall be at least six (6) feet tall and the remaining 50 percent shall be at least 4 feet tall. d. Add 1 deciduous overstory tree to each of the landscape islands on either side of the building’s southeast entrance. 4. Install a 5 foot wide sidewalk on the east property line along Biscayne Avenue and provide the City with a sidewalk easement around the Northern Natural Gas substation to connect the sidewalks along 145th Street and Biscayne Avenue. 5. Payment of park dedication fees in the amount of $36,450 on the 8.12 acre parcel. 6. Payment of all applicable development fees including SAC, WAC, storm water, and GIS fees based upon the fee schedule in place when the building permit is issued and compliance with all conditions of the City Engineer. 7.Conformance with all requirements from the Fire Marshall including: Resolution 2004-57 a.This building will be required to have an automatic fire suppression and a automatic fire alarm system installed through the facility. These systems shall be monitored by an approved monitoring company. b. A Post Indicator Valve (PIV) will be required on the water main service to this building. This valve shall be monitored also. c.All water mains that provide fire hydrants to this facility shall be looped. d.No “Parking Fire Lane” signs will be required on all fire department access roads. e.An approved key box for fire department access shall be provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Council of the City of Rosemount does hereby recognize the new legal description of the plat as follows: Hope Acres, Section 29, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 2004 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by:______Riley_______________Second by:_______DeBettignies_______________ Voted in favor:_____DeBettignies, Droste, Riley________________________________ Voted against:______None______________________________________________________ Member absent:______Strayton, Shoe-Corrigan__________________________________ 1 Excerpt from the minutes of the March 23, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting Public Hearing: Community of Hope Lutheran Church – Simple Plat & CUP Assistant City Planner Jason Lindahl presented the application from Community of Hope Lutheran Church, requesting administrative plat and conditional use permit approvals to combine three lots into one property and allow construction of a 45,187 square foot church building on the property located on northwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and 145th Street. A church use is a conditional use in the Business Park Districts. This building will contain the new church facilities for the Community of Hope Lutheran Church. As designed, the site has the potential to accommodate two additional expansions which could more than double the size of the building. The applicant plans to combine Parcels A, B, and C into one property totaling approximately 8.64 acres (including right-of-way). Staff recommends a condition of approval require the applicant to submit a plat of the new combined property including a new legal description, all necessary easements, and dedication of rights-of-way prior to City Council action on this application. The proposed plat conforms with the lot performance standards for properties in the BP-4 District. The proposed church use is consistent with the current land use and zoning designations for the subject property. Staff finds that the proposed building meets the exterior materials standards for properties in the BP-4 District outlined in Section 7.2.A of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed building will have precast concrete panel walls with two smooth cast-in accent bands along the front three sides of the building and along the northeast (back) entrance. The building will have three main entrances each accented with a spandrel glass system and two colors of rock faced block. The building will need roof top equipment and the applicant should provide staff with a plan illustrating how the equipment will be screened prior to City Council action on this item. The site exceeds the parking requirements of the zoning ordinance. The applicant proposes a 700 seat sanctuary building and the site does meet the minimum requirements for that. The landscape plan meets the minimum landscape and plantings requirements for a permitted use within the BP District. However, churches are a conditional uses in the BP District and subject to higher standards. As a result, staff recommends minor changes to increase screening and the overall year-round appearance of the site. The Zoning Ordinance requires all area not occupied by building or hardcover be landscaped with sod, rock, or mulch. The landscape plan calls for sod in the green areas between the front parking lot and Biscayne Avenue and 145th Street. The remaining 2 green areas will be seeded except the parking lot islands, which will contain mulch. Staff recommends that sod replace seed between the building and the parking lot along the northwest, east, and south sides of the buildings and that all areas not planned for future building expansion be irrigated. The plan calls for a mixture of Maple and Honeylocust overstory trees with spirea, dogwood, and junipers foundation plantings. In addition to the overstory trees, the plan calls for 60 ornamental (Crabapple) trees. Staff is concerned about the balance of deciduous and coniferous trees and its effect on screening and the year-round appearance of the site’s landscaping. Therefore, staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to replace Crabapples trees with coniferous tree on the following basis: 2/3 of the Crabapples along Biscayne Avenue and 1/3 of those in the southeast corner of the site and along 145th Street. The grading plan illustrates three foot berms along both Biscayne Avenue and 145th Street as well as a two foot berm in the southeast corner of the site. Together, the proposed landscaping and berming conforms with the minimum parking lot screening requirements for the BP District. The Director of Parks and Recreation recommends a condition of approval require the developer to install a 5 foot wide sidewalk on the east property line along Biscayne Avenue. The applicant should also provide the City with a sidewalk easement around the Northern Natural Gas substation to connect the sidewalks along 145th Street and Biscayne Avenue. The commissioners asked about the parking requirements, and if the planned parking will meet the needs of the site. Assistant City Planner Lindahl explained that in the BP district, this site can be commercial or church use with the conditional use permit, and either way, the parking meets requirements of both uses. Chairperson Weisensel asked for comments from the applicants. Pat Qualley with Anderson Builders was present to answer questions. He stated that one thing that may need to change in the future, based on the limitations of the sanctuary/church use is the parking requirements. Currently, parking is adequate. He explained the intentions of the applicant as far as the expansions planned. Chairperson Weisensel opened the public hearing. Chairperson Weisensel asked for public comments. There were no public comments. MOTION by Weisensel to close the Public Hearing. Second by Messner. Ayes: Napper, Weisensel, Messner and Zurn. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Zurn to recommend approval of an administrative plat and conditional use permit to allow the combination of three lots into one property and the construction of a 3 45,187 square foot church building on the property located on the northwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and 145th Street, subject to the conditions outlined below. 1.Issuance of a building permit. 2.Submittal of a plat illustrating the new combined property including a new legal description, all necessary easements, and dedication of rights-of-way prior to City Council action on this application. 3. Replace seed between the building and the parking lot along the northwest, east, and south sides of the buildings with sod and demonstrate that all areas not planned for future building expansion will be irrigated. 4. Replace Crabapples trees with coniferous tree on the following basis: 2/3 of the Crabapples along Biscayne Avenue and 1/3 of those in the southeast corner of the site and along 145th Street. 5.Install a 5 foot wide sidewalk on the east property line along Biscayne Avenue and provide the City with a sidewalk easement around the Northern Natural Gas substation to connect the sidewalks along 145th Street and Biscayne Avenue. 6.Payment of park dedication fees in the amount of $36,450 on the 8.12 acre parcel. 7. Payment of all applicable development fees including SAC, WAC, storm water, and GIS fees based upon the fee schedule in place when the building permit is issued and compliance with all conditions of the City Engineer. 8.Conformance with all requirements from the Fire Marshall including: a.This building will be required to have an automatic fire suppression and a automatic fire alarm system installed through the facility. These systems shall be monitored by an approved monitoring company. b.A Post Indicator Valve (PIV) will be required on the water main service to this building. This valve shall be monitored also. c.All water mains that provide fire hydrants to this facility shall be looped. d.No “Parking Fire Lane” signs will be required on all fire department access roads. e.An approved key box for fire department access shall be provided. Second by Napper. Ayes: Weisensel, Messner, Zurn, and Napper. Nays: None. Motion carried. 4 Assistant City Planner Lindahl advised that this item will move on for consideration of approval by the City Council on April 20, 2004, providing all required items are submitted by the applicant as required. CITYOFROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVESUMMARYFORACTION Planning CommissionMeetingDate: March23, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Community ofHopeLutheran ChurchAdministrativePlat AGENDASECTION: PublicHearing andConditionalUsePermit. PREPAREDBY: JasonLindahl, ALCP. AGENDA NO. C Assistant CityPlanner (d ATTACHMENTS: SiteLocationMap, SitePlan, APPROVED BY: FloorPlan, BldgElevations, ExistingConditions, Prelim Grading Plan, PrelimUtility Plan, PrelimLandscapePlan, LiohtinoPlan MOZI RECOMMENDED ACTION: MotiontorecommendtheCityCouncilapprovalofan administrative platandconditionalusepermittoallowthecombinationofthreelotsintoone propertyandtheconstruction ofa45,187squarefootchurchbuildingontheproperty located onthenortheastcornerofBiscayneAvenue and145Street, subjecttothe conditionsoutlinedbelow. 1. Issuance ofabuildingpermit. 2. Submittal ofaplatillustrating thenewcombined propertyincludinganewlegal description, allnecessary easements, anddedicationofrights -of -waypriortoCity Council actiononthisapplication. 3. Replaceseedbetweenthebuildingandtheparking lotalongthenorthwest, east, andsouthsidesofthebuildings withsodanddemonstrate thatallareas notplanned forfuturebuildingexpansion willbeirrigated. 4. ReplaceCrabapplestreeswithconiferous treeonthefollowingbasis: 2/3ofthe CrabapplesalongBiscayne Avenueand1/3ofthoseinthesoutheastcornerofthe siteandalong145Street. Installa5footwidesidewalk ontheeastpropertylinealongBiscayneAvenueand providetheCitywithasidewalkeasement aroundtheNorthernNaturalGas substation toconnectthesidewalksalong145StreetandBiscayne Avenue. 6. Paymentofparkdedicationfeesintheamountof $36,450onthe8.12acreparcel. 7. PaymentofallapplicabledevelopmentfeesincludingSAC, WAC, storm water, and GISfeesbaseduponthefeescheduleinplacewhenthebuildingpermitisissued andcompliancewithallconditionsoftheCityEngineer. 8. Conformance withallrequirements fromtheFireMarshallincluding: Thisbuildingwillberequiredtohaveanautomaticfiresuppression anda automaticfirealarmsysteminstalledthroughthefacility. Thesesystemsshall bemonitoredbyanapprovedmonitoringcompany. APostIndicator Valve (PIV) willberequiredonthewatermainservicetothis building. Thisvalveshallbemonitored also. c. Allwater mains thatprovide firehydrantstothisfacilityshallbelooped. d. No `ParkingFireLane" signswillberequired onallfiredepartmentaccess roads. e. Anapprovedkeyboxforfiredepartmentaccessshallbeprovided. ACTION: ISSUE BACKGROUND Applicant Property Owner(s) Location: AreainAcres: Comp. Guide PlanDesig: CurrentZoning: SUMMARY Community ofHopeLutheranChurch NortheastcornerofBiscayneAvenueand145Street 8.64 BPBusinessPark BP4, BusinessPark4 Theapplicant, Community ofHopeLutheran Church, requestsadministrative platand conditionalusepermitapprovalstocombinethreelotsintoonepropertyandallow construction ofa45,187squarefootchurchbuildingonthepropertylocatedon northeastcornerofBiscayneAvenue and145Street. Achurchuseisaconditional useintheBusiness ParkDistricts. Thisbuilding willcontainthenewchurch facilitiesfor theCommunity ofHopeLutheranChurch. Asdesigned, thesitehasthepotentialto accommodatetwoadditionalexpansionswhichcouldmorethandoublethesizeofthe budding. ANALSIS Administrative Plat Theapplicantwishestocombinethreeexisting lotsintoonepropertythroughthe administrative plattingprocess. Thisprocesscombinesthepreliminaryandfinalplat proceduresintoonereviewandapprovalsequencebeforethePlanningCommission 2 andCityCouncil. Initially, whentheapplicationwasfirstmade, theapplicant was intending tocombinethethree lotsandsplittheparcelintotwo. Afterdiscussions with staffthelotsplitportionoftherequesthasbeenomitted. Therefore, inthiscase, the administrativeplatfunctionslikealotcombinationprocess. However, therearebenefits fortheapplicantandcitybyfollowingthroughontheplattingprocess. Therearefourcriteriatoweighwhenreviewing anadministrativeplat. Thesecriteria andstaffsfindingsforeachareoutlinedbelow. Basedonthematerialssubmittedby theapplicant andthesefindings, staffrecommendsapproval oftheadministrativeplat request. 1. Theresultingsubdivisionshallcontainnomorethanthreelots. Finding: Theapplicantplans tocombineParcelsA, B, andCintooneproperty totaling approximately 8.64acres (includingright -of -way). Staff recommendsa condition ofapprovalrequire theapplicanttosubmitaplatofthenewcombined propertyincludinganewlegaldescription, allnecessary easements, and dedicationofrights -of -waypriortoCityCouncil actiononthisapplication. 2. Theproposedsubdivisionshallbeinareaswheremunicipalstreetsand utilities arealreadyinplaceandcapableofservicingtheplat. Finding: Thesubjectproperty islocated withintheCity'sMetropolitan Urban ServiceArea (MUSA). Inaddition, streetsaccessandmunicipalutilitiesare availablefrombothBiscayneAvenue and145Street. 3. Futurestreetsshallnotbeconstructedandtheproposedsubdivisionshall notinterferewithproperdevelopmentofneighboring adjacentproperties. FindingThemunicipalinfrastructure andsurroundingdevelopment pattern aroundthisdevelopmentarefirmlyestablished Therefore, thisplatwillnot interfere withdevelopmentofneighboringproperties. 4. Resultingparcelsshallconformwithallzoningordinancerequirements. FindingTheproposedplatconformswiththelotperformancestandardsfor propertiesintheBP -4District. Thesestandards areshowninthetablebelow. LotPerformanceStandardsfortheBP-4District Standard Requirement Proposed Status LotWidth 120ft 610ft Conformin LotArea 20,000sq. ft. 8.12Acres 353,660sq.ft.Conforming LotDepth N/A N/A N/A Density N/A N/A N/A 3 Conditional UsePermit Section615oftheZoning Ordinance designateschurchesasconditionaluseswithin theBusinessParkDistrict. Thepurposeofaconditional usepermitistomitigate any adverse effectsthatmayresultfromlanduseconflictsorsitedesign. Section 127of theZoning Ordinance outlinesthestandardsforconditional usesandgrantstheCitythe authoritytoadjustthetypical performancestandardsinagivezoningdistricttolessen potentiallyadverseeffectsoftheconditionaluse. SitePlan LandUse Zoning. Theproposedchurchuseisconsistent withthecurrent landuse andzoningdesignations forthesubject property. The2020LandUsePlanguidesthe propertyasBPBusinessParkwhiletheZoningMapdesignatesthesiteasBP-4, BusinessPark4. ChurchesareconditionalusesintheBP -4District. Thefollowing tablecompares thesestandardswiththoseproposed bythisdevelopment BuildinPerformanceStandardsfortheBP-4District Standard Requirement Proposal Status FrontYard 40ft.117ft 113ft.Conformin SideYard 10ft.208ft.Conformin RearYard 10ft.256ft Conforming BuildingHeight 35ft.30ft.Conformin Maximum Lot Coverage 75%68 Conforming 1SetbacksforbothBiscayneAvenueand145" Steet. 2representsmaximumlotcoverageincludingfutureexpansion. ExteriorBuilding Materials. Stafffindsthattheproposedbuildingmeetstheexterior materialsstandards forproperties intheBP -4DistrictoutlinedinSection7.2.Aofthe ZoningOrdinance. Theordinance requires 100percentofallexteriorwallstobefaced withoneoracombinationofthefollowingmaterials: brick, decorativeblock, glass, stucco, stone, orarchitecturalconcretepanels Theproposedbuildingwillhaveprecast concretepanelwallswithtwosmoothcast -inaccentbandsalongthefrontthreesidesof thebuildingandalongthenortheast (back) entrance Thebuildingwillhavethreemain entrances eachaccentedwithaspandrelglasssystemandtwocolorsofrockfaced block. Thebuildingwillneedrooftopequipment andtheapplicantshouldprovidestaff withaplanillustratinghowtheequipment willbescreenedpriortoCityCouncilaction onthisitem. S Access Parking Stafffindstheproposedaccessandparkingdesignconsistentwith thezoningordinancestandards, Theparkingareawillhaveabituminoussurface surrounded byconcrete curbandcutter. Theparkingareawillbeaccessed fromtwo curbcuts. Thenortheast curbcutislocatedalongBiscayneAvenueandalignswith BeechStreetwhilethesouthwestcurbcutislocatedalong145Streetandalignswith BlancaAvenue. Parking standardsforchurchfacilities areoutlinedinSection8.1.Handrequireonestall foreverythreeseatsinthelargestassemblyroom. Inthiscase, the700seatsanctuary requires234stalls. Inaddition, thebuildingwillhave12,800squarefeetofofficespace. Theordinancerequires1stallforevery200squarefeetofofficeoranadditional64 stalls. Alltotaled, theproposed churchusemustprovide298offstreetparkingstalls. Thesiteplanshows347totalstallsor49morethanrequiredbyordinance. More importantly, asdesignedthesiteisonlyonestallshortofwhatcouldbethemaximum parkingrequirement forthissite (office 1/200squarefeet) givenitscurrentBP -4 zoning Loading. Stafffindsthattheexistingaccessandparking areasufficient to accommodatetheloadingneedsofachurchuse. Shouldthebuildingchange to anotherusepermittedintheBPDistrict, theapplicant wouldberequiredtorevisethe parkingareatomeettheapplicableloadingareaandmaneuveringstandards TrashEnclosure. Stafffindstheproposed trashenclosure consistentwiththe performancestandardsforwastecontainerenclosures. Thesiteplanillustratesatrash enclosure atthesouthern endoftheparkingareabehindthebuilding. Theenclosure willbeconstructedofconcrete blockpaintedtomatchtheprincipalbuildingandhavea concreteslabwithaCedargate. Landscaping Berming. Thelandscape planmeetstheminimumlandscapeand plantings requirementsforapermittedusewithintheBPDistrict. However, churches areaconditionalusesintheBPDistrictandsubjecttohigherstandardsAsaresult, staffrecommendsminorchangestoincreasescreeningandtheoverallyear -round appearance ofthesiteTheserecommendationsandabreakdown ofthelandscape planareprovidedbelow. TheZoningOrdinance requiresallareanotoccupiedbybuildingorhardcoverbe landscapedwithsod, rock, ormulch. Thelandscapeplancallsforsodinthegreen areasbetween thefrontparkinglotandBiscayneAvenueand145Street The remaining greenareaswillbeseededexcepttheparkinglotislands, whichwillcontain mulch. Staffrecommends thatsodreplaceseedbetweenthebuildingandtheparking lotalongthenorthwest, east, andsouthsidesofthebuildingsandthatallareas not plannedforfuturebuildingexpansionbeirrigated. Theplantingsinthelandscape planmeetorexceedtheminimumrequirementsfora permitted usewiththeBPDistrict. Thetablebelowcomparesthesestandardswiththe 5 applicant'sproposal. TheplancallsforamixtureofMapleandHoneylocust overstory treeswithspirea, dogwood, andjunipersfoundationplantings. Inadditiontothe overstorytrees, theplancallsfor60ornamental (Crabapple) treesStaffisconcerned aboutthebalanceofdeciduousandconiferoustreesanditseffectonscreeningandthe year -roundappearance ofthesite'slandscaping Therefore, staffrecommends thata conditionofapprovalrequiretheapplicanttoreplaceCrabapples treeswithconiferous treeonthefollowingbasis: 2/3oftheCrabapples alongBiscayneAvenueand1/3of thoseinthesoutheastcornerofthesiteandalong145Street. LandscapePlantingsPerformanceStandardsfortheBP-4District Category Requirement Building Required Proposed Measurement Plantings Plantings OverStory 8Treesor 113,118 Trees 1/3,000Sq.Sq. Ft 38Trees 61 Ft. Foundation 1/10Linear 886 87 101 Plantings FeetofBldg.*LinearFeet RequiredGreenAreaofSite Thegradingplan illustrates threefootbermsalongbothBiscayneAvenueand145 Streetaswellasatwofootberminthesoutheastcornerofthesite. Together, the proposedlandscaping andbermingconformswiththeminimumparking lotscreening requirementsfortheBPDistrict. Signage. Asshow, theproposedmonument signsdonotconformwiththezoning Ordinance Thesiteplanillustratestwomonumentsigns. Byordinance, propertiesin theBPDistrictarelimitedtoonegroundmonumentsign. Bycomparison, theproposed wallsignage appearstomeetthezoningordinancestandardwhichallowsasignto cover20percentofthewallonwhichitisplacedAllsignage mustconformwiththe currentsignstandardsfortheBPDistrictandreceiveapprovalofaseparatesignpermit fromtheCity. ExteriorLighting. Theexteriorlightingplanappearstomeetthelightingperformance standardsfortheBPDistrict. Theplanillustrates sixpolelightsintheparkingareasand fivewalllightsonthesoutheast, north, andwestelevations. Allexteriorlightingshall directlighttoward theground andmaynotexceed 05lumensatthepropertyline. Engineering Engineering hadpreliminarily reviewedthesiteplanforthisprojectWhile theremaybedetailsthatneedtobeaddressed, thedonotseeanysubstantialissues thatwouldresultinsignificantmodificationstothesiteplan. PedestrianCirculation Stafffindsthesubjectpropertyhassufficienton -site pedestriancirculation. Thesiteplanshows5footwidesidewalksalong theinsideedge oftheparkingareasleading tothethreemainentrances. Inadditiontotheseon -sitesidewalks, theDirectorofParksandRecreation C recommends aconditionofapproval requirethedevelopertoinstalla5footwide sidewalkontheeastproperty linealongBiscayneAvenue. Theapplicantshouldalso providetheCitywithasidewalkeasementaroundtheNorthernNaturalGassubstation toconnect thesidewalksalong145StreetandBiscayneAvenue. ParkDedicationStaffrecommendstheapplicant payparkdedication feesinthe amountof $36,450areonthe8.12acreparcel. 7 I City Hall of Hope 0 n C 0 M M U N I f Y 0 E H 0 P E L U T H E R A N C H I I1 I 1 11s 1 s I II R11 eY i II A II II a III I AC CE5591E PARK L IR N Y t ryry s II K N_ i III I I 1 j I al I 9c I ACCESSIBLE CURB COT a COMMERCIAL PLAN REVI 'ORCORECOMPLIANCE r.moawl A Anc Ennxc t A. RTx T, s w j I N rtE PLpN A. ECO l I C 1£ m aw m L: 11IT LAA L xieaiJw,4by I LI LI. Ill 1111 f. l e° a COMMERCIAL PLAN REVI 'ORCORECOMPLIANCE r.moawl A Anc Ennxc A. RTx rtE PLpN A. ECO l m aw m L: 11IT LAA L M—: f1 x c' a a m A pi• 4w 0611 C ON IECORD =1 o. L__ unn...e IT BEECH ST W i nwaw4vLs a 145TH STREET WEST r.moawl A A. RTx rtE PLpN m aw 11IT L M—: f1 x c' a a IT Y ILI. pi• 1 0611 C ON IECORD =1 c mwm. Nn xou. en J "O Z. 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