HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Director's Report4ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: June 25, 2018 AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director ATTACHMENTS: None RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. AGENDA SECTION: New Business AGENDA NO. 7 c. APPROVED BY Park Improvement Fund Balance as of May 31, 2018: $745,276.05 Inflows to the Park Improvement Fund last month were as follows: Dedication fees — $178,226.79 Grants/Other - $0 Interest - $110.02 Donations - $0 Expenditures - $8,269.60 (Horseshoe Lake Park Design Fees) dls Spring Clean Up - Our Spring Clean-up was held on Saturday, May 19 at Dakota County Technical College. We serviced 445 vehicles at the event this year, the highest number ever to attend one of our clean-up events. Our previous high total had been 421 vehicles back in 2008. The nice weather we had for the event probably had a lot to do with the good turnout. Last year's event was held in the rain and attracted only 310 participants. Once again this year, we offered free paper shredding during the clean-up and these 445 vehicles do not include those vehicles coming into the site for paper shredding only. Chippendale Park - The playground at Chippendale Park has been completed. Please see the photos below. Youth Commission Tree Planting - On Wednesday, May 23, members of the Youth Commission planted three trees in Greystone Park as part of their living tree legacy program. City staff assisted with securing the trees, preparing the planting site, supplying tools, and overseeing the planting. The trees planted were a Yellowwood, an Ohio Buckeye, and a Hackberry. Garden Plots - On June 1st we still had 5 unclaimed garden plots at Greystone Park. Since that was a Friday, we sent out an email to all gardeners participating in our garden plot program offering them the remaining plots. By end of day last Friday all of the garden plots have been requested and are being used. This is good news since our maintenance staff would have had to keep these plots weeded or mowed for the summer. Horseshoe Lake Park — The Horseshoe Lake Park Project is out for bid and we hope to start construction on the project in July. Connemara Park - The playground installation at Connemara has been completed except for a few items that are back ordered. The border around the playground at Connemara Park is made up of large boulders like those used at Jaycee, Ailesbury, and the Splash Pad. This stone border compliments the rustic theme of the playground equipment. Now that the playground has been installed, a few of the large stones still have to be moved into place to complete that border. The playground was instantly popular with area families.