Lot 4, Block 2, PRESTWICK PLACE 13TH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota �
- � � N
13985 Ashford Path, Rosemount, Minnesota x
w �+ $
.. NOTES = � � �
1. Bearings are based on the recorded plat. � � �
I 2. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal and vertical placement of � �
structure only.See architectural plans for building and foundation �
\S�N� dimensions. [�J
�NO�SE � 3. No specific soils investigation has been completed on this lot by James � \ ��
� R. Hill, Inc.the suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed � �Q ���
� /-�'r , >>� 30 is not the responsibility of James R. Hill, Inc. or the surveyor. �� �
L_�./ I �i �g5 ' 4. No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded or � � �
x`p55,8� � un-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part � �m �
�m �9�.0� M of this survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown.
�: � a r �• �n � 5. Proposed grades shown were taken from the grading&/or
� � _ N 89 54 55 W 140.00 � _ � � � � = p p p p y g• g p Y,
" 950.2 ^ 955.0 � `� W develo ment lan re ared b Probe En ineerin Com an Inc.
6. Grading plan date/revision date: 12/14/16.
� �n s+e.e 4 . ~ yso,z] [ss2.o][�.e] 954.8] u� 7. Sanitary service invert elevation per City engineering
� � `�, X�9��� �949 xI951•7� 0 20.0 0� ��4 10 \I Q department=943.50
�� W �� ' = ~ 955.9 ��o� � � Q W
-- j � � [951.4] � W�\ � N 3 i � �
15.5 , a.Q 2.o v � � a�o, b ,r,Ln
�- 00 � I F g N�� �a\o � �x o I N � o M O BENCHMARK y M%
�� �O u I �a x(9 4 8.5] � �9 5 0.4] � =j i o�\ c•i � y I� �O`i m� � � Top nut of hydrant located at Lots 10 and 11, Block 1=954.50 Q Q c
J p�11� ``'z '�rn o\c�Y -- - 5.5 - . -- p a�
�ri o � x ��-
Q � Z o co
�� O�� I QN � ~ ��� 20 � o ti � p O FLOOR ELEVATIONS � o ��
C� Z �� w\ o o � Z � Proposed Asbuilt O � � 'o
°' � �9�8,2� [%50.3][951.3] 34.0 � b°' � �p � � Garage Floor @ Front =956.6 = 956.7 � � � �o
� �� �� - - - �•o L f Garage Top o f B loc k =95 7.0 = 9 5 7.0 b a Y
� s+�.9 s4s.o 950.6 ri 955.0 � w � � House Top of Block =957.7 = 957.7 � �
N �
� � _ ` 950.2 _ , � ° � Lowest Floor =949.0 ^,, �o
� � N 89°54'55"W 140.00 9 4.3' � � � Top of Block b �F
rnv a, x � J at Lookout Window =952.2 = 952.2 �
[950.4] �9�•3� p1 w *D R O P G A RA G E T OP OF BL O CK 0.7'* oa
�_v i ...� HousE
N � I Lot =9,100 sq.ft. PIJd/TAM
o House/Garage =1,618 sq.ft. DATE
I ( o Porch = 112 sq.ft. 7 13 17
a Driveway =843 sq.ft.
Sidewalk =36 sq.ft.
Total Impervious =2,609 sq.ft. or 28.7%of lot
, � '�_.
;� )C� I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
� ��[,r]�� �'��V}`�i;���;'�;;;;:;,;� N my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
`� Q Q Denotes set spike laws of the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show all
��e?��'� __._��..�J��.�..�v - � Denotes set iron monument improvements,easements or encroachments,to the property except as
��I � ,� ���� �� � Denotes found iron monument shown thereon.
` - Denotes proposed drainage
SCALE IN FEET tc Denotes to of curb Si ned this 19th da of 1une, 2018 C/1D FlLE
�I � I ' � �J��l P g Y qdl 3D\370586
0 30 60 l x900.0 Denotes existing elevation
(930.0) Denotes proposed elevation PRO.�CT NO.
1 inch = 30 feet X[9�0.0] Denotes as-built elevation Ma us F. Hampton, M . . . 1 370566
SHEET 1 � 1