HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Custom Apparel PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning and PUD Final Site and Building Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting Date: August 21, 2018 AGENDA ITEM: Case 18-38-PUD Custom Apparel PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning and PUD Final Site and Building Plan AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 9.a. ATTACHMENTS: PUD Resolution, Rezoning Ordinance, Site Location Map, PUD Agreement, Project Narrative, Boundary Survey (Updated), Site Plan with Detail Sheets (Updated), Landscape Plan, Site Plan (Updated), Interior Layout (Updated), Exterior Elevations (Updated), Lighting Plan (2 Sheets), Color Building Rendering, City Engineer Review Memo, WSB Review Memo, MnDOT Review Comments, Draft 6/26/18 PC Excerpt Minutes APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff and the Planning Commission recommend the City Council make the following motions: 1. Motion to Adopt an Ordinance Rezoning the subject property from BP- Business Park and PI- Public/Institutional to BP PUD-Business Park Planned Unit Development. 2. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Approving a PUD Master Development Plan and Final Site and Building Plan for construction of a 13,522 square foot custom apparel manufacturing and indoor recreation facility at 15641 Canada Circle, subject to the following conditions: 3. Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development Agreement for Custom Apparel, Inc. and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into this agreement. SUMMARY The City Council is being asked to consider an application from Nate Bry of Custom Apparel, Inc. for Planned Unit Development approvals to allow construction of a 13,552 square foot custom sports apparel manufacturing business and attached indoor recreation/training facility on an existing vacant parcel at the intersection of South Robert Trail and Canada Circle. The proposed development plans will provide a unique mix of activities on the site with a portion of the proposed building devoted to manufacturing of custom sportswear and equipment, while another portion will provide athletic training facilities with a series 2 of indoor batting cages as the main activity. The site is presently vacant and split between two zoning districts: BP Business Park and PI Public/Institutional. The PUD application includes a request to rezone the entire site to BP-PUD. The City approved a request to change the future land use designation of the entire property to BP Business Park earlier this year. Staff recommends approval of the request subject to the conditions included in the attached PUD resolution. Applicant: Nate Bry – Custom Apparel, 1157 Cliff Road East, Burnsville, MN Location: 15641 Canada Circle, approximately ¾ of a mile south of 150th Street West (TH42), west of South Robert Trail (TH3) and immediately north of Canada Circle. The site is surrounded by TH3, Canada Circle, and the Progressive Rail line. Area: 3.9 Acres (per plat revision approved 7/17/18) Comp. Guide Plan Design: BP – Business Park Current Zoning: BP – Business Park and PI – Public/Institutional The request in front of the City Council does not include subdivision approval since the Canada Circle Plat was previously reviewed and approved (and later revised) by the Council. The site development plans have been updated to reflect the revised plat (with the exceptions noted below). PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT The Planning Commission reviewed the PUD and zoning map amendment at its June 26, 2018 meeting and held a public hearing concerning the application. Staff reviewed the proposal with the Commission, and addressed questions concerning the future land uses in the area surrounding the project site. The Commission also raised questions about the storm water pond, parking, and the potential need for trails and sidewalks in this area. Staff noted that the pond was designed to accommodate drainage from the entire site, including the future development areas. Staff also pointed out that parking is reviewed whenever a use changes within an existing building. If a new use requires additional parking, it would need to be provided on the site in conjunction with the occupancy change. In terms of trails and sidewalks, staff does not recommend any trails on the project site since there are no existing sidewalks or trails to connect to in this part of the City. It was noted that when South Robert Trail is improved in the future, it would likely include a multi-user trail. There were no public comments during the public hearing. The Planning Commission adopted a motion unanimously recommending approval (4-0). PLAT AND SITE PLAN ADJUSTMENT - UPDATE Since the Planning Commission meeting, staff has been working with the applicant on various project components to address issues associated with storm water ponding, platting/environmental concerns, and site layout as follows: • The City is currently working with the MPCA to address environmental issues associated with the former use of the property adjacent to the project site as a closed landfill and gas station. As part of this review, staff determined that it would be beneficial to make a small modification to the recently approved plat for the site to keep all buildable portions of the subdivision off of the former gas station site (which was demolished prior to an earlier realignment of TH3 by MnDOT). The plat revision was approved by the City Council on July 17th, and is reflected in the updated drawings attached to this report. 3 • The applicant is asking to move the proposed building 20 feet further to the east than drawn on site the plan reviewed by the Planning Commission. This would bring the side yard setback to 40 feet, which would require a PUD exception to approve a lesser setback than permitted under the City’s zoning regulations. Staff is supportive of the change since it would provide additional room for development on the western portion of the site and the shifting of the building can be accommodated without any changes to the previous layout and configuration of the building, parking area, and drive aisles other than being moved 20 feet further to the east. The additional setback is only required in this instance because it is adjacent to Highway 3; however, the natural berm, grade changes, and proposed landscaping between the site and the highway will provide a substantial buffer between the new building and major roadway. Please note that the landscape and lighting plans have not been updated to reflect the site plan modification; submission of these revised plans is an additional condition of approval recommended by staff. • The City Engineer is recommending that the storm water infiltration and ponding occur off site in a regional treatment basin across Highway 3. As part of its updated plans, the applicant has removed the previous on-site ponding and will now direct all storm water runoff into the City’s regional pond on the east side of South Robert Trail. This revision is consistent with the plat revision, and does not alter any other portion of the site plan as originally submitted. The applicant will need to pay a fee for use of the regional system; payment of this fee has been included as a condition of approval. BACKGROUND The proposed PUD site is located roughly ¾ of mile south of County Road 42 on the west side of South Robert Trail and just south of the Progressive Rail railroad bridge that extends over the state highway. A portion of the subject parcel was acquired by the City several years ago after South Robert Trail (TH3) was moved further west of the site as part of the TH3/TH46 intersection realignment project in the early 2000’s. The City acquired the property to permit Downtown businesses to relocate if their properties were being redeveloped. Ownership of the site was previously split between the City and the Rosemount Port Authority, and both entities recently entered into an agreement to sell slightly over 4 acres to Nate Bry to house his custom apparel manufacturing business. Over the last three decades, the area around the applicant’s site has undergone many changes due to the realignment of South Robert Trail twice, to accommodate a new railroad bridge and the aforementioned TH46 project. These changes created several remnant pieces that have since been assembled by the City or the Port Authority into a larger, developable piece of land. Last fall, the City initiated a grading project to remove previous road infrastructure and to create a level site for redevelopment, and more recently re- platted the property to create the 3.9 parcel that has since been sold to the applicant. The City still owns the public works site next to the railroad right-of-way, and has retained two smaller outlots immediately adjacent to the public works property. The applicant is proposing to construct a building with a 13,552 square foot footprint on the eastern portion of the site that will serve as the new home for his custom sportswear manufacturing business, known as CA Gear, which is presently located in the City of Burnsville. CA gear is a manufacturer of custom athletic apparel and associated custom athletic accessories. CA Gear’s operations include a showroom displaying available product and samples, offices for design work and business functions, and manufacturing areas where embroidery, printing, and assembly processes occur. While the majority of the building space will be devoted to the manufacturing, assembly, and processing of the custom apparel goods, there will be a sales component with showroom space and related sales desk for customers that 4 want to visit the site and browse sample designs. The business is not expected to generate a large amount of walk-in traffic since its primary customers are larger organizations and sports teams. In addition to the manufacturing and sales business, the applicant is also proposing to develop the western portion of the building into an athletic training facility with most of the space devoted to six batting cages. In addition, the facility will also include a fitness area, party room, lounge, and concession counter. The applicant has noted that although the two sides of the building will contain completely different activities (manufacturing and sales versus training and recreation), there is some synergy between the uses with a sports and training theme. The zoning ordinance includes “light manufacturing, processing, and assembly uses conducted entirely within an enclosed building” as a permitted activity in the BP zoning district, which is the use that most closely matches the applicant’s custom apparel business. The other portion of the building most closely matches either “commercial indoor recreation” (which is allowed in a BP district) or “indoor amusement and recreation services” (which is only allowed in commercial districts). Given the unique combination of these two uses into one building, the applicant has applied for a PUD to provide flexibility concerning the establishment of these uses on a Business Park site. The site plan has been designed to provide space to expand the proposed 13,522 square foot building with an addition to the east. All parking and drive aisles have been designed with a potential expansion area in mind. Please also note that the applicant will retain ownership of the entire 3.9 acres, and that there is additional room for expansion of the proposed business or a new structure on the eastern portion of the site. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority. Planned unit development requests are considered quasi-judicial actions. In such cases, the City is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Generally, if the application meets these requirements it must be approved. The applicable standards, along with staff findings related to each are provided below. Subdivision Request The applicant’s request does not include an application to subdivide the property; the City took action to create a plat with the applicant’s 3.9-acre parcel earlier this year to facilitate the sale to Custom Apparel, Inc. The City has retained ownership of narrow outlots along the edge of the public works site in order to provide space for drainage and maintenance of retaining walls along the edge of the City-owned property. Land Use and Zoning . The subject property is guided BP – Business Park and zoning predominately BP Business Park with some P/I Public/Institutional. The manufacturing and office portion of the building is consistent with this classification, and the proposed custom apparel manufacturing is a permitted use in the district. The City Code does not include any definitions specific to the proposed batting cages and training facility; however, this use is closest to either the indoor recreation or amusement and recreation services currently included in the City’s industrial and commercial zoning districts. The PUD provides flexibility to allow uses and a mix of uses that otherwise would not meet the requirements of the underlying zoning district. 5 Planned Unit Development The purpose of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) is to allow flexibility from typical zoning performance standards to encourage higher quality development. This process involves an exchange in which the City eases certain performance standards in return for an enhanced development. Although under 10 acres, the property qualifies for consideration of a PUD because it is located on a minor arterial street and due to the unique physical features of the property itself, and specifically, being located on an oddly configured parcel comprised of the remnants of two major road realignment projects (Section 11- 10-6 B.2). The ordinance provides development standards for PUD’s and recognizes that the specifications and standards for streets, utilities, public facilities and subdivisions may be modified based upon the unique characteristics of the PUD. The City Council may therefore approve streets, utilities, public facilities and land subdivisions that are not in compliance with usual specifications or ordinance requirements if it finds that strict adherence to such standards or requirements is not required to meet the intent of the PUD ordinance or to protect the health, safety or welfare of the surrounding area or the city as a whole. The mixture of two distinct uses within one building will work will in this instance because the two uses are beneficial to have side-by-side and share a common theme focusing on athletic apparel and activities. Should the recreation/training use go away at some point in the future, the building is still configured to allow a light manufacturing or warehousing use to go into this space without major modifications to the building or site. According to Section 11-10-6 C.1, the planning commission and city council shall base their recommendations and actions regarding the applicable PUD application on consideration of the items listed below. 1. Compatibility of the proposed plan with the PUD standards and the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. Finding: The proposed use is consistent with the PUD standards and the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. Generally, the comprehensive plan calls for expansion of the City’s tax base and promoting the creation of new jobs within the community. The proposed use will bring a substantial increase in the property values for an underutilized parcel that includes former surplus right-of-way property. The applicant expects to bring manufacturing jobs to Rosemount that are presently located outside of the community, with the potential for expansion at some point in the future. The comprehensive plan notes that office, retail and office warehouses, research laboratories, distributors, and manufacturing are all typical uses that will be found in Business Park areas. 2. Effect of the proposed plan on the neighborhood in which it is to be located. Finding: The proposed development will have a positive effect on the surrounding neighborhood. The property is part of a larger business park/commercial area located west of the Progressive railroad right-of-way and well isolated from any residential areas. The site has good visibility and access from South Robert Trail, and the proposed uses are consistent with the planned land uses and larger business park area to the east. The neighbors, as part of the formal planning review, have been contacted about the public hearing at the Planning Commission meeting. 3. Internal organization and adequacy of various uses or densities, circulation and parking facilities, public facilities, recreation areas, open spaces, screening and landscaping. Finding: the site’s organization and layout were designed to make the best use of the unique property configuration by orienting the front of the building towards Canada Circle and placing the truck loading area in back of the parcel towards the old TH3 retaining wall and public works site. There is no access planned for TH3, and the main entrance to the building will be from Canada Circle. The plans include a greater setback from the state highway with a series of trees and shrubs to provide a buffer from the road. Parking has been designed to meet the City’s minimum requirements with some sharing between the two distinct uses. 6 4. Consistency with the standards of section 11-10-3 of this chapter pertaining to site and building plan review. Finding: The proposed development meets or exceeds the development standards for the BP district with the exception of the mix of uses proposed. The applicant is also requesting flexibility to allow shared parking between the two uses which are expected to have different peak demand times. These zoning requirements and staff’s finding for each are detailed the site plan review section below. 5. Such other factors as the planning commission or city council deems relevant. Based on the findings detailed above, staff recommends approval of the planned unit development. The Planning Commission and City Council may attach conditions to their actions as they determine necessary or convenient to better accomplish the purposes of a planned unit development. Streets & Access. The proposed development will have one access to Canada Circle, which in turn provides the access for several properties in the area from South Robert Trail. The City will continue to access the public works storage and staging via an existing private road connection. This private road may need to be moved at some point in the future if there is any further development on the applicant’s parcel. The proposed access driveway has been designed to accommodate a future building on the site. Staff has not identified any issues associated with the location or spacing of the proposed access road into the development. Because the project abuts a MnDOT right-of-way, the state transportation department was given an opportunity to review the proposed development plans. The comments from MnDOT are attached to this report, and note that there is some infrastructure within the right-of-way that must be avoided during construction. The state reviewer also explains that there is restricted access along TH3 and that the site plans should be updated to reflect this limitation. Parks and Open Space. The requirement for park dedication is triggered with the preparation of a formal plat. In this case, the subdivision was approved at the time the property was under the City’s control, and the City would not require or collect a park dedication for property it owns. Sidewalks, Tra ils and Pathway. The City has adopted a Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, but this plan does not call for any specific trails or sidewalks in this portion of the City. The subject property is somewhat isolated due to its location between a major state highway and railroad right-of-way, and there are no existing trails or sidewalks with a ½ mile of the site. Long-term, the state will likely include trails with any redesign or upgrades to TH3, and the City’s trail plans show a connected trail system through the UMore property a little further to the east. The City has not been developing a trail or sidewalk system within its business parks except in instances where connections may be made to the larger community trail and sidewalk system. Pedestrian Circulation: The site plan provides for interior pedestrian circulation, but with the absence of any adjacent trails and sidewalks, there are no additional connections outside of the project boundary. Engineering Comments. The Engineering department has reviewed the PUD development plans, and engineering comments are detailed in the attached memo dated June 22, 2018. The City has also received a review memorandum from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. In addition to noting that permits will be required for any work within the MnDOT right-of-way, the reviewed also points out that the project will be connecting into hydraulic infrastructure (storm water pipes) within the highway right-of- way. Staff has added a condition of approval to address the MnDOT review comments. 7 Because the proposed development is a new project on a recently platted parcel (which was never previously subdivided) the applicant will need to pay all applicable area and connection charges related the public utility connections for the building. Site Plan Review As noted above, the planned unit development application requires a corresponding site plan review. The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate each project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance. The applicable site plan review standards and staff’s findings for each are detailed below. Land Use and Zoning . The subject property is guided BP Business Park, and the request is to rezone the entire site to Business Park. The BP standards are used for the review sections that follow. Lot and Building Standards. The proposed site design is consistent with the lot and building performance standards for the BP Business Park District. These standards are detailed in the table below. Please note that the required setbacks for this lot include an increased setback because it is adjacent to a minor arterial road. Lot and Building Performance Standards for the BP – Business Park District Standard Required Proposed Front Setback (East – TH3) 60 ft. 40 ft. Side Setback (South) 10 ft. 84 ft. Side Setback (North) 10 ft. 140 ft. Rear Setback (West) 30 ft. 200+ ft. Minimum Lot Size 1 acre 3.9 acres Minimum Lot Width 120 ft. 500+ ft. Minimum Lot Depth None 250+ ft. Maximum Lot Coverage 75% maximum 27.6% Residential Buffer Yard N/A N/A Building Height 50 ft. 40 ft. Buffer Area. The zoning ordinance requires increased setbacks and/or buffer yards to provide additional buffering between uses under two circumstances: 1) along a side or rear property line abutting any non- commercial or non-industrial use or district, and 2) when abutting a higher classification roadway or a railroad within the City. The first set of circumstances do not apply to the subject property because the applicant’s parcel abuts a City-owned outlot that retained the same BP zoning as the subject property. The second situation does apply to the applicant’s property because TH3 is classified as a minor arterial road under the City’s transportation plan. The increased setback from the TH3 right-of-way of 60 feet is noted in the above chart. The applicant is requesting a PUD exception to allow the TH3/Front setback to be 40 feet which is supported by staff. Exterior Building Materials. The proposed building generally exceeds the exterior building material standards for the BP Business Park District. The zoning standards require “360 degrees” architecture for this district, which means that all sides of the building need to comply with the building materials, colors, and design elements required under the code. In this case, the applicant is proposing exposed aggregate precast concrete composite wall panels as the primary exterior wall material, with the use of a prefinished fiber cement board panel material for the southeast corner of the building. The use of other material, including a metal parapet, glass windows, and other metal accent elements is limited to trim or decorative accents only. 8 One concern with the design as proposed is that the zoning ordinance does not list materials other than brick, natural stone, or various concrete/block options (not unadorned), as permitted materials. The proposed fiberboard cement panels used on the southeast corner of the building are not included in this list. Staff is supportive of the general concept of using different materials in order to provide a corner architectural feature in the most visible portion of the building and to help set the main entrance apart from other portions of the building, but is recommending that the applicant consider other options that are consistent with the City’s exterior building materials requirements in the BP zoning district. Architectural Appearance & Building Massing . As designed, the proposed building meets or exceeds the architectural appearance and building massing requirements of the BP – Business Park district. The building sides facing South Robert Trail and Canada Circle will include a combination of precast concrete panels with a different material and colors used on the southeast corner of the building to provide some variation along these elevations. The façade of this corner will also be higher than the remainder of the building to provide additional variation along the roof line and the street. The building sides not directly facing a street will have less variation in materials, but will include the trim details used on the other elevations. The use of additional materials on the north and east elevations is also limited because of the planned loading bays and building exits or because the applicant is planning on a potential future expansion to the east. The site overall is somewhat isolated from any neighboring buildings, and will be well-screened from the residential neighborhoods further to the east and across the railroad tracks. Off-Street Parking . The site meets or exceeds the off-street parking requirements for the BP Business Park district in accordance with the analysis performed by the project architects in consultation with City staff and with an allowance for the sharing of parking between the two different building uses. The closest match for the activities taking place within the structure in accordance with the City’s off-street parking ordinance are “custom manufacturing” and “athletic facility”, therefore, these use classifications were used as the basis for the parking evaluation. The following chart documents the minimum parking standards required under the City Code: Use Parking Required Minimum Spaces Custom Manufacturing 1 stall per employee plus 1 stall per 300 gross sq. ft. of retail 9 Athletic Facility 1 stall per 200 gross sq. ft. 45 Total 54 The proposed plans depict 45 total stalls on the site with most of the parking located in front of the building and between the building and Canada Circle. A smaller number of stalls, intended primarily for employees, are shown along the rear of the building. The number of parking stalls is below the minimum requirement; however, the applicant is requesting flexibility under the PUD to account for joint use of off street parking spaces where operating hours do not overlap in accordance with Section 11-6-1.E of the zoning ordinance. The peak demand times for the athletic training and recreation facility are expected to occur during the evenings and weekends while the custom apparel business will generally operate during normal business hours. Based on the peak usage time for each of the facilities, it appears that shared parking may be considered for the site as a whole. Staff is recommending that an allowance for shared parking be approved as part of the PUD flexibility for the project. 9 The proposed landscaping within and around the parking areas is sufficient to meet the minimum requirements under the zoning ordinance with the exceptions as noted in the next section. Landscaping . Based on staff’s review of the site, the applicant’s previous landscape plan falls slightly short of meeting the minimum landscape requirements outlined in Section 11-6-3. Staff analysis is for the same plan reviewed by the Planning Commission and does not reflect the building shift to the east. For purposes of its analysis, staff did not include the future expansion area east of the proposed access drive, which means the proposed project will be located on roughly 3 acres (or 125,000 square feet). Any future development or expansion on the other side of the driving lane will need to be re-evaluated at that time. A detailed comparison of the required and proposed landscaping for this site is provided in the table below. All sites in the BP zoning district are required to provide a minimum of 1 tree per 3,000 square feet of land area and foundation plantings equal to 1 per 10 linear feet of building perimeter. The applicant’s landscape plan shows 37 trees or 7 trees under the minimum required and 86 foundation plantings or 39 more than required. Staff recommends a condition of approval to modify the plan to bring it into compliance with the ordinance criteria and the revised site plan, and suggests that the additional trees be planted within the parking area bump-outs or in the northwest part of the site between the building and public works site. The applicant is also required to submit a landscaping security in the form of a letter of credit equal to 110% of the value of the proposed landscaping. Landscaping Requirement Comparison Type Size Standard Required Proposed Status Trees 125,000 1 tree /3,000 sq. ft. 42 37 -5 Foundation Plantings 470 1 planting/10 linear feet of building 47 86 Exceeds Parking Area Landscape 11,352 5% landscaping 568 1,000 Exceeds Parking Area Trees 568 1 tree/250 sq. ft. 2 0 -2 Signage. The PUD plans do not depict any freestanding signage; all business signage will be placed on the building. A sign permit will be required from the City before the installation of any building signs. Exterior Lighting . As proposed, the applicant’s initial plans demonstrate compliance with the City’s standards for lighting intensity on and off site. The applicant’s plans include a photometric plan but no spec sheets for the proposed light fixtures, which can be reviewed by staff as part of a building permit for the site. The lighting plan should be revised to reflect the recent site plan change. Trash Enclosure . The applicant’s plans are consistent with the City requirements for trash enclosures detailed in Section 5-1-3. The applicant’s plans illustrate a trash enclosure connected to the rear of the building with materials that match the principal building and metal gates. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of a PUD Master Development Plan and Rezoning from BP – Business Park and PI – Public/Institutional to BP –Business Park/PUD and a PUD Final Site and Building Plan allowing construction of a 13,522 square foot custom apparel manufacturing and indoor recreation facility subject to conditions of approval outlined in the recommended action section above. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2018- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH REZONING AND FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 13,522 SQUARE FOOT MANUFACTURING AND INDOOR RECREATION FACILITY AT 15641 CANADA CIRCLE, CUSTOM APPAREL WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received a request for a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning from Custom Apparel concerning property legally described as: Lot 1, Block 1, Canada Circle, Dakota County, Minnesota WHEREAS, on June 26, 2018, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning to construct a 13,552 square foot custom sports apparel manufacturing and attached indoor recreation facility; and WHEREAS, on June 26, 2018, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning to construct a 13,552 square foot custom sports apparel manufacturing and attached indoor recreation facility, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on August 21, 2018, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the application and agreed with the Staff recommendation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan and the Rezoning to BP PUD, subject to: 1. Submission of a landscape security equal to 110% of the proposed landscaping in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 2. Signs shall be approved through a separate permit. 3. Compliance with requirements of MnDOT water resources for connections into existing hydraulic infrastructure within MnDOT right-of-way. 4. Secure permit for any work within MnDOT right-of-way. 5. Landscape plan shall be updated for review and approval to include 7 additional trees to be planted within landscape islands or between the building and adjacent City property northwest of the building and to reflect the revised site plan that includes a 40-foot setback from the South Robert Trail right-of-way prior to issuance of a building permit. 6. Incorporation of recommendations from the City Engineer in a review memorandum dated June 22, 2018, relative to drainage, grading, easements, utilities, storm water management, and other subjects covered in the review. 7. Update the architectural plans to include materials in the southeast building corner that are consistent with the City’s standards for required exterior building materials. 8. Payment of all required area and connection charges consistent with the Engineering memo, including payment of the required off site ponding fee to allow use of a regional pond for storm water retention. RESOLUTION 2018- 2 9. Submission of a revised lighting plan for staff review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit that reflects the modified site plan. ADOPTED this 21st day of August, 2018, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-272 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Custom Apparel THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled “City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance,” is hereby amended to rezone property from BP – Business Park and PI – Public/Institutional to BP PUD – Business Park Planned Unit Development that is located at 15641 Canada Circle within the City of Rosemount legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, Canada Circle, Dakota County, Minnesota Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled “Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,” shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk’s office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 21st day of August, 2018. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk 1 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS CUSTOM APPAREL MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made this ______ day of _________________, 2018, by Custom Apparel (hereinafter referred to as the “Declarant”); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property as described on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Subject Property”); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount (hereinafter referred to as the “City”) in connection with the approval of an application for a master development plan planned unit development for a residential development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the master development plan planned unit development would not have been approved; and 2 WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the master development plan planned unit development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the “Declaration”); and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarant desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plans and drawings: a. City Resolutions No. 2018-XX, Attachment Two b. Site Development Plan, Attachment Three d. Landscape Plan, Attachment Four e. Preliminary Grading Plan, Attachment Five f. Utility Plan, Attachments Six g. Exterior Elevations, Attachment Seven All of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. Development and maintenance of structures and uses on the Subject Property shall conform to the follow ing standards and requirements: a. Submission of a landscape security equal to 110% of the proposed landscaping in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 3 b. Signs shall be approved through a separate permit. c. Compliance with requirements of MnDOT water resources for connections into existing hydraulic infrastructure within MnDOT right -of-way. d. Secure permit for any work within MnDOT right-of-way. e. Incorporation of recommendations from the City Engineer in a review memorandum dated June 22, 2018, relative to drainage, grading, easements, utilities, storm water management, and other subjects covered in the review. f. Update the architectural plans to include materials in the southeast building corner that are consistent with the City’s standards for required exterior building materials. g. Payment of all required area and connection charges consistent with the Engineering memo, including payment of the required off site ponding fee to allow use of a regional pond for storm water retention. h. Landscape plan shall be updated for review and approval to include 7 additional trees to be planted within landscape islands or between the building and adjacent City property northwest of the building and to reflect the revised site plan that includes a 40-foot setback from the South Robert Trail right -of-way prior to issuance of a building permit. i. Submission of a revised lighting plan for staff review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit that reflects the modified site plan. 3. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council 4 of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. 4. In connection with the approval of development of the Subject Property, the following deviations from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. Section 11-4-15.F. Minimum Lot Requirements and Setbacks: The required front yard setback is with the additional buffer yard from a Principal Arterial ROW is decreased from 60 feet to 40 feet . b. Section 11-6-1.H.Off Street Parking Required: Fewer parking stalls than required by the cit y code may be provided so long as a parking shortage does not occur. In the case of a parking shortage, the property owner will work with staff to modify the event schedule to reduce parking demand on site or to provide additional parking to accommodate t he demand. In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration and the City Code of Ordinances. 5. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run w ith the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT Custom Apparel By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _________, 2018, by _____________________, the _________________, for and on behalf of _________________________, a ____________________, by and on behalf of said _______________________. _______________________________ Notary Public This Planned Unit Development Agreement is approved and consented to by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 6 By: William H. Droste, Mayor And by: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of ___________, 2018, by William H. Droste and Erin Fasbender, the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota corporation, by and on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651-423-4411 P:\PROJECTS\2016\16041\2 - DESIGN\CITY REVIEW (SITE, CUP)\VARIANCE SUBMITTAL\PROJECT VARIANCE NARRATIVE.DOCX 7300 WEST 147TH STREET SUITE 504 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124-7580 (952) 431 - 4433 June 8, 2018 Project Narrative: CA Gear . The CA Gear project is located on undeveloped property at Canada Circle and South Robert Trail. The building is a mixed-use occupancy with the CA Gear occupancy located on the east half of the building and the Athletic Training Facility on the west. CA Gear is a manufacturer of custom athletic apparel and associated customized athletic accessories. CA Gear’s operations include a showroom of available product and samples, offices for design work and business functions, and manufacturing areas where embroidery, printing, and assembly process occur. The Athletic Training Facility is designed primarily as a baseball batting training cages with six training lanes. The support spaces include a fitness area, party room, lounge and concession counter. The mix of athletic training along with the athletic gear operations allows the Owner to meet both the training and clothing needs of their clients locally as well as supply apparel to clients around the country. The submittal is for Planned Unit Development and Site Plan approval review. Due to the mix of operations types, it was felt that a PUD designation would be the best fit to allow for the diversity of uses while maintaining the single facility approach. The submitted documents show an attractive building design with accented corner element of prefinished black panels with the rest of the building having exposed aggregate precast concrete wall panels. To add additional detail and benefit the interior with daylight, there are windows on all but the shipping side of the building. In addition an entry canopy is placed at the Athletic Training Facility entrance to further breakup the building façade as preferred in the City Ordinance. The general site planning elements including site coverage, stormwater management, and landscaping are meeting or exceeding the ordinance minimums as shown on the Planning Analysis table on the Site Plan sheet. In particular, the landscaping for the project focusses on screen along Highway 3 with bushes and trees as well as providing significant foundation plantings along the building. In addition there are maple trees along the Canada Circle frontage to provide continuity of landscaping on all frontages. Parking was reviewed with city planning staff to develop an approach that addresses the unique uses of the building while not adding unnecessarily to impervious surface amounts. The manufacturing portion of the operations calculates out to a total required parking amount of 9 stalls which would be used during standard business hours. The training facility is calculated at 1 stall per 200 gross square feet resulting in a requirement for 45 parking stalls. Since the training facility’s main busy times of evenings and weekends is opposite the business hours for the manufacturing facility, the approach indicated is to provide enough parking for the training facility as the maximum parking load. During business hours, while the training facility may have some P:\PROJECTS\2016\16041\2 - DESIGN\CITY REVIEW (SITE, CUP)\VARIANCE SUBMITTAL\PROJECT VARIANCE NARRATIVE.DOCX overlapping hours, the 36 stalls still available after deducting manufacturing stalls will still be more than sufficient for their reduced operations. Thank you for your consideration of this project. This Client is excited to be bringing his well established apparel business to Rosemount as well as meeting the athletic training needs of the local youth and adult athletes. I look forward to continuing to work with staff on the review and presenting to Planning Commission and City Council. Sincerely, Quinn S. Hutson, AIA, LEED AP Reg. No: 21234 Principal CNH Architects, Inc. 123456789101112131415ABCDEFGHJKLMABCDEFGHJKLM© COPYRIGHT BY CNH ARCHITECTS, INC. 7300 WEST 147TH STREET SUITE 504 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124-7580 (952) 431-4433CNH NO.:234567891011121314151REVISIONS:DATE:C:\Revit (local files)\REVIT 2018\17117 - CA Gear_QHutson.rvt6/7/2018 4:39:47 PM City SubmittalCA GEAR 15641 Canada Circle, Rosemount, MN 55068 1711706/08/18401 North 2nd Avenue, Suite 410Minneapolis, MN 55401p: 612.332.7522L1.0 General NotesSITE AND LANDSCAPE NOTESSITE PREPARATION NOTES1.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE SITE AND BECOME FAMILIARWITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE NATURE AND SCOPEOF WORK.2.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PLAN LAYOUT AND BRING TO THEATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DISCREPANCIES WHICHMAY COMPROMISE THE DESIGN OR INTENT OF THE LAYOUT.3.CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLECODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK AND MATERIALSSUPPLIED.4.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING ROADS, CURBS/GUTTERS,TRAILS, TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURINGCONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BEREPAIRED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.5.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALIGNMENT AND LOCATION OFUNDERGROUND AND ABOVE GRADE UTILITIES AND PROVIDE THENECESSARY PROTECTION FOR SAME BEFORE CONSTRUCTIONBEGINS (MINIMUM 10' CLEARANCE).6.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTIONAND PLANTING INSTALLATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORSWORKING ON SITE.7.UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT TRENCHESDO NOT CUT THROUGH ROOT SYSTEMS OF EXISTING TREES TOREMAIN.8.EXISTING CONTOURS, TRAILS, VEGETATION, CURB/GUTTER ANDOTHER ELEMENTS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED TOTHE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY OTHERS. CONTRACTOR SHALLVERIFY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF SAME.9.HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENT OF PROPOSED WALKS,TRAILS OR ROADWAYS ARE SUBJECT TO FIELD ADJUSTMENTREQUIRED TO CONFORM TO LOCALIZED TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONSAND TO MINIMIZE TREE REMOVAL AND GRADING. CHANGES INALIGNMENT AND GRADES MUST BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION.10.CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE SITE FOR DEFICIENCIES IN SITECONDITIONS WHICH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANTESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL OR WARRANTY. UNDESIRABLE SITECONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THELANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK.11.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ONGOING MAINTENANCE OFNEWLY INSTALLED MATERIALS UNTIL TIME OF SUBSTANTIALCOMPLETION. REPAIR OF ACTS OF VANDALISM OR DAMAGE WHICHMAY OCCUR PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION SHALL BE THERESPONSIBILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR.12.EXISTING TREES OR SIGNIFICANT SHRUB MASSINGS FOUND ON SITESHALL BE PROTECTED AND SAVED UNLESS NOTED TO BE REMOVEDOR ARE LOCATED IN AN AREA TO BE GRADED. QUESTIONSREGARDING EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THEATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO REMOVAL.13.EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN, UPON DIRECTION OF LANDSCAPEARCHITECT, SHALL BE FERTILIZED AND PRUNED TO REMOVE DEADWOOD, DAMAGED AND RUBBING BRANCHES.14.CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT A WRITTEN REQUESTFOR THE SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INSPECTION OF LANDSCAPEAND SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING FINAL PAYREQUEST.15.CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE AND SUBMIT REPRODUCIBLEAS-BUILT DRAWING(S) OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION, IRRIGATIONAND SITE IMPROVEMENTS UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTIONINSTALLATION AND PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION.16.SYMBOLS ON PLAN DRAWING TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCHEDULESIF DISCREPANCIES IN QUANTITIES EXIST. SPECIFICATIONS ANDDETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER NOTES.GRADING1.ROUGH GRADING AND FINISHED GRADING TO BE DONE BY OTHERSEXCEPT WHERE NOTED.2.GRADING LIMITS ARE DEFINED AS THE JUNCTURE OF PROPOSEDGRADE WITH EXISTING GRADE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.3.GRADING LIMITS AND LIMITS OF WORK SHOWN ON PLAN ARE ONLYAPPROXIMATE AND MAY BE ADJUSTED IN FIELD BY LANDSCAPEARCHITECT. WORK OUTSIDE OF THESE LIMITS WILL BE DONE ATLANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE UNLESS DIRECTED BYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER IN WRITING.4.FILL/CUT AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE A 1% MINIMUM GRADE AWAYFROM BUILDINGS WITHIN LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION.5.SALVAGE TOPSOIL FROM THE EARTHWORK AREAS AS APPROPRIATEOR AS INDICATED ON PLANS AND STOCKPILE FOR REUSE.6.OBTAIN SOIL SAMPLE FROM SALVAGED TOPSOIL STOCKPILE ANDSUBMIT TO INDEPENDENT TESTING AGENCY FOR ANALYSIS.7.MAINTAIN A UNIFORM GRADE BETWEEN CONTOURS IN AREAS TO BEGRADED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8.ELEVATIONS, IF SHOWN ARE FINISHED ELEVATIONS. SPOTELEVATIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER CONTOURS.9.ADD EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IF GRADES GREATER THAN 3:1OR IF CONDITIONS WARRANT. REFER TO MNDOT SPECIFICATIONSFOR EROSION CONTROL.10.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR LOCATION OFUNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES,VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVEIF DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TOTHE OWNER.11.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PROPER EROSION CONTROLMEASURES AS REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT EROSION IS KEPT TO ANABSOLUTE MINIMUM.12.PROVIDE TEMPORARY COVERING FOR CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES UNTIL FINISHED GRADING IS COMPLETE.13.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE BASINS AS NEEDED.14.PERIMETER SILT FENCE AND ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCESSHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. REFER TO STATESPECIFICATIONS FOR AGGREGATE BASE AND SILT FENCE.15.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CATCH BASIN EROSION CONTROLMEASURES PER LOCAL POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY ANDSPECIFICATIONS.16.WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF FINISHED SITE GRADING, DISTURBED AREASSHALL BE STABILIZED WITH SEED, SOD, MULCH OR ROCK BASE.17.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES,INCLUDING THE REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATED SILT IN FRONT OF SILTFENCES AND EXCESS SEDIMENT IN PROPOSED CATCH BASINS, FORTHE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION.18.CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE EROSION CONTROL MEASURESAFTER VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED AND DISPOSE OF OFF SITE.19.CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT SOIL CONDITIONS AND COMPACTION ARE ADEQUATE TO ALLOW FOR PROPER DRAINAGEAROUND THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. UNDESIRABLE CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF WORK. IT SHALL BE THELANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE PROPERSURFACE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE IN PLANTING AREAS.PLANTING1.SPRING PLANT MATERIAL INSTALLATION IS FROM APRIL 15 TO JUNE15.2.FALL CONIFEROUS PLANTING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 21 TOSEPTEMBER 30.3.FALL DECIDUOUS PLANTING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 UNTILNOVEMBER 15.4.ADJUSTMENTS TO PLANTING DATES MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITINGBY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.5.STAKE PROPOSED PLANTING LOCATIONS PER PLAN FOR REVIEWAND APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALL.6.PLANT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OFTHE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK, ANSI Z60.1.UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, DECIDUOUS SHRUBS SHALL HAVE ATLEAST 5 CANES AT THE SPECIFIED HEIGHT. ORNAMENTAL TREESSHALL HAVE NO 'V' CROTCHES AND SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NOLOWER THAN 3' FEET ABOVE THE ROOT BALL. STREET ANDBOULEVARD TREES SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6'ABOVE PAVED SURFACE.7.INSTALL PLANT MATERIAL AFTER FINAL GRADING ANDCONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA.8.INSTALL PLANT MATERIALS PER PLANTING DETAILS.9.SUBSTITUTION REQUESTS FOR PLANT MATERIAL TYPE & SIZE SHALLBE SUBMITTED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FORCONSIDERATION PRIOR TO BIDDING. SUBSTITUTIONS AFTERBIDDING MUST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND ARESUBJECT TO CONTRACT ADJUSTMENTS.10.ADJUSTMENTS IN LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS MAYBE NEEDED IN FIELD. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIEDPRIOR TO ADJUSTMENT OF PLANTS.11.FERTILIZE PLANT MATERIAL UPON INSTALLATION WITH DRIED BONEMEAL AND OTHER APPROVED FERTILIZER MIXED IN WITH THEPLANTING SOIL (PER THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS) ORTREAT FOR SUMMER AND FALL INSTALLATION WITH AN APPLICATIONOF GRANULAR 10-0-5 OF 12 OZ. PER 2.5" CALIPER TREE AND 6 OZ.PER SHRUB WITH AN ADDITIONAL APPLICATION OF 10-0-10 THEFOLLOWING SPRING IN THE TREE SAUCER.12.INSTALL 18" DEPTH OF PLANTING SOIL IN AREAS RECEIVING GROUNDCOVER, PERENNIALS, AND ANNUALS. PLANTING SOIL SHALLCONSIST OF MnDOT 3877-B MODIFIED TO CONTAIN A MAXIMUM OF30% SAND, A PH OF 7.1 MAX, OR AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THEPROJECT SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL.13.TREE WRAPPING MATERIAL SHALL BE TWO-WALLED PLASTICSHEETING APPLIED FROM TRUNK FLARE TO FIRST BRANCH. WRAPSMOOTH-BARKED DECIDUOUS TREES PLANTED IN THE FALL PRIORTO DECEMBER 1 AND REMOVE WRAPPING AFTER MAY 1.14.APPLY PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE (PREEN OR APPROVED EQUAL) INANNUAL, PERENNIAL, AND SHRUB BEDS FOLLOWED BY SHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCH. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATION REGARDING USE OF HERBICIDES.MULCHING1.INSTALL 3" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH RINGS AT CONIFEROUS & DECIDUOUS TREES WITH NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK.2.INSTALL 2" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH RINGS AT SHRUBPLANTING AREAS WITH NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH SHRUB STEMS.3.INSTALL 2" DEEP FINELY SHREDDED MULCH OR 1" DEEP SHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCH IN PERENNIAL PLANTING BEDS. REMOVE ALLMULCH FROM STEMS OF PERENNIALS - PLANT STEMS SHOULD NOTBE IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH MULCH.WATERING1.PLANTED MATERIALS SHALL BE WATERED BY TEMPORARY MEANSUNTIL PLANTS ARE ESTABLISHED.2.TEMPORARY WATERING MEANS, METHODS, AND SCHEDULING SHALLBE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. REMOVE TEMPORARYWATERING EQUIPMENT UPON PLANT ESTABLISHMENT.WARRANTY1.WARRANTY NEW PLANT MATERIAL THROUGH ONE CALENDAR YEARFROM THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. NO PARTIALACCEPTANCE WILL BE CONSIDERED.IRRIGATION NOTES1.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AN IRRIGATION LAYOUT PLAN AND SPECIFICATION THAT MEETS THEREQUIREMENTS OF THE PROVIDED PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONAS PART OF THE SCOPE OF WORK. SUBMIT LAYOUT PLAN ANDSPECIFICATIONS FOR APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTPRIOR TO ORDER AND/OR CONSTRUCTION. IT SHALL BE THECONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT SODDED ANDPLANTED AREAS ARE IRRIGATED PROPERLY, INCLUDING THOSEAREAS DIRECTLY AROUND AND ABUTTING BUILDING FOUNDATION.2.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY WATER SUPPLY, VOLUME,PRESSURE AND LOCATION FOR SYSTEM TAP PRIOR TO SYSTEMDESIGN.3.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY AND INSPECT EXISTINGIRRIGATION SYSTEM LAYOUT, EQUIPMENT, CONDITION ANDOPERABILITY PRIOR TO SYSTEM DESIGN.4.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM COMPLETE LIMITS OF IRRIGATIONWITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUPPLYING SHOPDRAWINGS.5.CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF AREAS RECEIVING DRIP IRRIGATION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MULCH.6.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPEARCHITECT WITH AS-BUILT DRAWINGS, DETAILED SYSTEMOPERATION INSTRUCTIONS AND AN IRRIGATION SCHEDULEAPPROPRIATE TO THE PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS AND PLANTEDMATERIAL GROWTH REQUIREMENTS.TURF NOTES1.SOD AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING UNLESS NOTEDOTHERWISE.2.WHERE SOD ABUTS PAVED SURFACES, FINISHED GRADEOF SOD/SEED SHALL BE HELD 1" BELOW SURFACE ELEVATION OF TRAIL, SLAB, CURB, ETC.3.SOD SHALL BE LAID PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS AND SHALLHAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR INDRAINAGE SWALES, SOD SHALL BE STAKED SECURELY.4.UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, THE APPROPRIATE DATES FORSPRING SEED & SOD PLACEMENT IS FROM THE TIME GROUNDHAS THAWED TO JUNE 15.5.FALL SODDING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 TO NOVEMBER 1. FALL SEEDING IS ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15. ADJUSTMENTS TO SOD/SEED PLANTING DATES MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE5 - AC-P36 - CO-S8 - SP-B8 - QU-B13 - TH-OFUTURE EXPANSIONAREADETENTIONBASIN MIX(SM2)TURF SOD(T1)TURF SOD(T1)TURF SOD(T1)MIXED HEIGHTPRAIRIE MIX(SM1)ROBERT TRAIL SOUTHCANADA CIRCLEDRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT LINE15641CANADACIRCLE16 - SP-B26 - CO-S5 - TI-A6 - PI-GEDGINGCODEDESCRIPTIONQTYDETAILMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSED-01STEEL EDGING136 LF2/L5.0RYERSON3/16" GALV. STEELBLACK5"X1/4" WITH 16" STAKES - RYERSON ORAPPROVED EQUALMINERAL MULCHCODEDESCRIPTIONQTYDETAILMANUFACTURERPRODUCT/MODELCOLOR/FINISHCOMMENTSMM-01ROCK MULCH2.62 CYHEDBERG AGGREGATESDRESSER GRAY TRAP ROCKGREY3/4" DIA, 3" DEPTH OVER LANDSCAPE FABRICREFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULE N/ADECIDUOUS TREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESAC-P5ACER PLATANOIDES `POND` TM / EMERALD LUSTRE MAPLE2.5" CAL.B&BNATURAL FORM, SINGLE LEADERQU-B8QUERCUS BICOLOR / SWAMP WHITE OAK2.5" CAL.B&BNATURAL FORM, SINGLE LEADERTI-A5TILIA AMERICANA `REDMOND` / REDMOND AMERICAN LINDEN2.5" CAL.B&BNATURAL FORM, SINGLE LEADEREVERGREEN TREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESPI-G6PICEA GLAUCA `DENSATA` / BLACK HILLS SPRUCE6` HEIGHTB&BROOT PRUNED STOCK - CAN BE B&B OR SPADETH-O13THUJA OCCIDENTALIS `TECHNY` / TECHNY ARBORVITAE6` HEIGHTB&BPLANT PER PLANDECIDUOUS SHRUBSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESCO-S62CORNUS SERICEA `BAILADELINE` / FIREDANCE DOGWOOD#10CONT.SPACE 4`-0" O.C.SP-B24SPIRAEA X BUMALDA `ANTHONY WATERER` / ANTHONY WATERER SPIRAEA#5CONT.SPACE 3`-0" O.C.GROUND COVERSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMESIZECONT.NOTESSM130,256 SFMIXED HEIGHT PRAIRIE SEED MIXSEEDB.O.D.: PRAIRIE MOON NURSERYSM29,690 SFDETENTION BASIN SEED MIXSEEDB.O.D.: PRAIRIE MOON NURSERYSOD40,362 SFTURF SODSODROLLSALT TOLERANT VARIETYPLANT SCHEDULE123456789101112131415ABCDEFGHJKLMABCDEFGHJKLM© COPYRIGHT BY CNH ARCHITECTS, INC. 7300 WEST 147TH STREET SUITE 504 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124-7580 (952) 431-4433CNH NO.:234567891011121314151REVISIONS:DATE:C:\Revit (local files)\REVIT 2018\17117 - CA Gear_QHutson.rvt6/7/2018 4:39:47 PM City SubmittalCA GEAR 15641 Canada Circle, Rosemount, MN 55068 1711706/08/18401 North 2nd Avenue, Suite 410Minneapolis, MN 55401p: 612.332.7522L1.1 Landscape PlanNORTH0SCALE:1"=30'30'60'90' 123456789101112131415ABCDEFGHJKLMABCDEFGHJKLM© COPYRIGHT BY CNH ARCHITECTS, INC. 7300 WEST 147TH STREET SUITE 504 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124-7580 (952) 431-4433CNH NO.:234567891011121314151REVISIONS:DATE:C:\Revit (local files)\REVIT 2018\17117 - CA Gear_QHutson.rvt6/7/2018 4:39:47 PM City SubmittalCA GEAR 15641 Canada Circle, Rosemount, MN 55068 1711706/08/18401 North 2nd Avenue, Suite 410Minneapolis, MN 55401p: 612.332.7522L5.0 Landscape Details11UNDISTURBED SUBGRADENOTE:CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORMAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITIONTHROUGHOUT THE WARRANTY PERIOD. WRAPTREE TRUNKS ONLY UPON APPROVAL BYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SEE SPECIFICATIONSECTION RELATED TO PLANTS AND SOILPREPARATION.EACH TREE SHALL BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THEROOT FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THEROOT BALL. IF THE ROOT FLARE IS NOT VISIBLE,THE SOIL SHALL BE REMOVED IN A LEVELMANNER FROM THE ROOT BALL TO WHERE THEFIRST MAIN ORDER ROOT (12" DIA. OR LARGER)EMERGES FROM THE TRUNK. SET MAIN ORDERROOT 1" HIGHER THAN ADJACENT GRADE. DONOT COVER TOP OF ROOT BALL WITH SOIL.PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED ORCOMPACTED SOILTAMP SOIL AROUND ROOT BALL BASE FIRMLYWITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOT BALLDOES NOT SHIFT4" BUILT-UP EARTH SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OFROOT BALLPREPARED PLANTING SOILPER SPECREMOVE BURLAP, TWINE, ROPE AND WIRE FROMTOP HALF OF ROOT BALLEDGE CONDITION VARIES;REFER TO PLAN4" ORGANIC MULCH; DO NOT PLACE MULCH INCONTACT WITH TREE TRUNKSCARIFY SIDES OF TREE PITWITH SPADE BY HAND TO BINDWITH PREPARED PLANTING SOILTREE PLANTING3/4" = 1'-0"PROVIDE & INSTALL RODENT PROTECTION.12"HARDWIRE CLOTH MESH CYLINDER, 8" DIA. ORGREATER X 36" HGT; STAKE IN PLACE. PER SPECP-18 187-011STEEL EDGING1 1/2" = 1'-0"HOLD FINISHED GRADE 12"BELOW EDGER- SEE PLAN FOREDGE CONDITION316" METAL EDGER W/ STAKEPLANTING AREA- SEE PLANTINGPLANTURF- SEE PLANTING PLAN2P-18 187-09APPLICATION OF PRE-EMERGENTHERBICIDE3" MULCH; DO NOT PLACE INCONTACT WITH SHRUB STEMSHRUB PLANTING1" = 1'-0"EDGE CONDITION VARIES;REFER TO PLANPLANTING SOIL FOR SHRUBSSCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF ENTIREBED WITH SPADE BY HAND TO BINDWITH PLANTING SOILUNDISTURBED SUBGRADECONTAINER GROWN MATERIALSHALL HAVE ROOTS HAND LOOSENEDP-18 187-023CLCLCLCLNOTE: REFER TO PLANTING SCHEDULE PLANT SPACING.GRID SPACINGLAYOUT PLANCLCLTRIANGULAR SPACINGLAYOUT PLANEDGE OF PLANT BED EDGE OF PLANT BEDPLANT SPACING3/4" = 1'-0"4P-18 187-03 CANADA CIRCLE FUTURE ADDITION ROBERT TRAIL SOUTHDN DN 8' - 6" Typ 108' - 11"50' - 8"55' - 10"19' - 6"25' - 0"19' - 0"83' - 0"136' - 8" 25' - 4"31' - 0"26' - 8"19' - 0"24' - 10"19' - 0"1 2 5 2 1 5 6 7 25' - 4"18' - 0"39' - 8"20' - 8"23' - 4"20' - 2"105' - 2"19' - 8"89' - 11"25' - 4"18' - 0"175' - 4" D1.4 1 8 9 Proposed Building Building Setback 40' - 0" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A B C D E F G H J K L M A B C D E F G H J K L M © COPYRIGHT BY CNH ARCHITECTS, INC.7300 WEST 147TH STREET SUITE 504 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124-7580 (952) 431-4433CNH NO.: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 151 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFDATE:LIC. NO.:21234Quinn S. HutsonPRINT NAME:SIGNATURE:REVISIONS: DATE:C:\Revit (local files)\REVIT 2018\17117 - CA Gear_QHutson.rvt8/3/2018 3:23:29 PMREVISED CITY SUBMITTAL A1.1Site PlanCA GEAR15641 Canada Circle, Rosemount, MN 5506817117 8/3/18 06/15/18MINNESOTA1" = 30'-0"A1.1 A1 Site Plan TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTH 18 17 10 Site Plan Keynotes 1 Concrete curb and gutter, see Civil Drawings 2 Bituminous paving, see Civil Drawings for section 4 Trash enclosure, see elevations for material types 5 Concrete sidewalk 6 Exit stair, metal 7 Back of curb tight to parking setback 8 Handicap parking sign; see Detail Book 9 Concrete paving; see Civil drawings FDFDFD437 SFParty Room101599 SFFitness Room100UP231 SFConcessions1021' - 8"12' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"4' - 10"LANE - 1LANE - 2LANE - 3LANE - 4LANE - 5LANE - 6Walk Aisle699 SFBatting Area103Line of Canopy(Above)456 SFLobby10452 SFElevator105100' - 0"FIELD TURF (BY OWNER N.I.C.)94 SFCorridor10658 SFMen's10752 SFWomen's108379 SFPrinters10935 SFCustodial110827 SFShowroom11143 SFDressing Area112565 SFEmbroidery1133169 SFManufacturing114136' - 8"Provide carpet tileswith rubber backingUP223 SFSales Desk115104 SFCorridor1161A1249' - 4"20' - 0"67' - 4"Dimension to outsideface of Precast3C75466555532' - 0"68' - 0"10"3' - 4"14' - 0"12' - 0"18' - 10"8' - 0"10' - 4"OH114AOH114B113A113B1414104A111BW7W7109A114A116A103A14107108W7113C109B18106110101101021009114116B77100' - 0"3' - 8"8' - 0"8' - 0"8' - 0"4' - 4"14' - 0"3' - 4"50' - 8"10108111A1' - 0"27' - 4"4 7/8"19' - 11 1/8"4 7/8"10' - 7 1/8"4 7/8"21' - 5 3/4"11 7/8"53' - 1 1/2"1' - 7 3/8"A1A1A1C7C7A1A3C7A3A1A1A1A1A3A1A110' - 0"4' - 0"20' - 0"4' - 0"12' - 0"4' - 0"10' - 0"16' - 0"10' - 0"4' - 0"10' - 0"5' - 0"8' - 0"8' - 0"8' - 0"4' - 3 3/8"137' - 3 3/8"A1A1A1C3C7136' - 8"1' - 0"21' - 11 1/8"4 7/8"75' - 8"1' - 0"1' - 7 3/8"44' - 3 1/2"4 7/8"53' - 3 5/8"1' - 0"16911104B330 SFCorridor11812133' - 4"19' - 0"5' - 1 3/4"3' - 10"5' - 0"25' - 0"3' - 4"71' - 8"11111' - 0"24' - 8"32' - 0"16' - 4"28' - 6"18' - 0"15' - 2"1' - 7 3/8"833123456789101112131415ABCDEFGHJKLMABCDEFGHJKLM© COPYRIGHT BY CNH ARCHITECTS, INC.7300 WEST 147TH STREET SUITE 504 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124-7580 (952) 431-4433CNH NO.:234567891011121314151I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFDATE:LIC. NO.:21234Quinn S. HutsonPRINT NAME:SIGNATURE:REVISIONS:DATE:\\cnh6\projects\Projects\2017\17117\Central\17117 - CA Gear.rvt6/8/2018 9:53:11 AMCITY SUBMITTALA3.1First Floor PlanCA GEAR15641 Canada Circle, Rosemount, MN 550681711706/08/1806/08/18MINNESOTAFirst Floor Plan Keynotes1 Provide mirror across entire wall (See Interior Elevations)2 Fitness equipment (by Owner) NIC3 Chain link fencing4 Flat HDPE netting suspended from above ceiling joist5 Concrete frost stoop (See Structural)6 Truck dock leveler, bumper pads, and seal7 4" steel bollard (filled with concrete and painted yellow)8 Pre-finished wood slat wall with black insets9 HITRAX system (by Owner) NIC10 Painted baseball diamond floor markings11 LED display monitors (by Owner) NIC12 Standard 48" wide regulation batters box removable mat13 42" wide batters box removable mat16 Slope asphalt at 45% angle to bottom of truck dock (see Civil)17 Fireplace (See Interior Elevations A8.6) 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.1A1First Floor PlanSLOPE FDFDOPEN TOBELOWLANE - 1LANE - 2LANE - 3LANE - 4LANE - 5LANE - 61677 SFGolf Simulation201RedundantRoomTRU-PLAYERZClub2031700 SFLanding204DN52 SFElevator205219 SFBreak Room20658 SFMen's20752 SFWomen's20835 SFCustodial209631 SFOpen Office210303 SFConference Room211GuardrailOpen tobelowOpen tobelow100' - 0"203B206210A211208207209203A210B1' - 0"38' - 4"3' - 0"19' - 4"4 7/8"19' - 5 3/4"11 5/8"53' - 1 3/4"1' - 7 3/8"137' - 3 3/8"A1C7C7A1A1C7A3A1A1A3A3A13' - 4"1' - 0"24' - 8"32' - 0"16' - 4"28' - 6"18' - 0"15' - 2"1' - 7 3/8"1711123456789101112131415ABCDEFGHJKLMABCDEFGHJKLM© COPYRIGHT BY CNH ARCHITECTS, INC.7300 WEST 147TH STREET SUITE 504 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124-7580 (952) 431-4433CNH NO.:234567891011121314151I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFDATE:LIC. NO.:21234Quinn S. HutsonPRINT NAME:SIGNATURE:REVISIONS:DATE:\\cnh6\projects\Projects\2017\17117\Central\17117 - CA Gear.rvt6/8/2018 9:53:11 AMCITY SUBMITTALA3.2Second FloorPlanCA GEAR15641 Canada Circle, Rosemount, MN 550681711706/08/1806/08/18MINNESOTA 1/8" = 1'-0"A3.2A1Second Floor PlanSecond Floor Plan Keynotes1 Provide mirror across entire wall (See Interior Elevations)2 Fitness equipment (by Owner) NIC3 Chain link fencing4 Flat HDPE netting suspended from above ceiling joist5 Concrete frost stoop (See Structural)6 Truck dock leveler, bumper pads, and seal7 4" steel bollard (filled with concrete and painted yellow)8 Pre-finished wood slat wall with black insets9 HITRAX system (by Owner) NIC10 Painted baseball diamond floor markings11 LED display monitors (by Owner) NIC12 Standard 48" wide regulation batters box removable mat13 42" wide batters box removable mat16 Slope asphalt at 45% angle to bottom of truck dock (see Civil)17 Fireplace (See Interior Elevations A8.6) First Floor100' - 0"Lower Parapet129' - 0"Entrance Parapet133' - 0"Second Floor CeilingPlan113' - 0"123835G1A6.2467Panels (Typical)8' - 0"2' - 0"8' - 0"2' - 0"6' - 0"7' - 6"3' - 6"91413First Floor100' - 0"Lower Parapet129' - 0"Second Floor CeilingPlan113' - 0"1121314986105123456789101112131415ABCDEFGHJKLMABCDEFGHJKLM© COPYRIGHT BY CNH ARCHITECTS, INC.7300 WEST 147TH STREET SUITE 504 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124-7580 (952) 431-4433CNH NO.:234567891011121314151I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFDATE:LIC. NO.:21234Quinn S. HutsonPRINT NAME:SIGNATURE:REVISIONS:DATE:\\cnh6\projects\Projects\2017\17117\Central\17117 - CA Gear.rvt6/8/2018 9:53:13 AMCITY SUBMITTALA5.1ExteriorElevationsCA GEAR15641 Canada Circle, Rosemount, MN 550681711706/08/1806/08/18MINNESOTAExterior Elevation Keynotes1 Exposed aggregate precast concrete composite wall panels2 Continious RGB accent LED light strip, see Light FixtureSchedule3 Building signage provided by Owner NIC4 Precast concrete composite panel joint with backer rod andsealant5 Canopy support structure, see Struct Drawings, paint withHPC6 "V" reveal in face of concrete composite wall panel7 Quirk miter all outside corners (typical)8 Prefinished metal parapet coping9 Prefinished fibercement board panel rainscreen10 Prefinished metal thru wall scupper, conductor head, anddownspout11 Provide connection to on-site storm water retention pond (seeCivil)12 Architectural CMU dumpster enclosure13 Galvanized metal fire escape staircase14 Aluminum storefront window15 Prefinished metal gate infill panels16 Prefinished metal insulated OH door17 Dock seal18 Guardpost with sleave19 HM door, paint 1/8" = 1'-0"A5.1G1South Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0"A5.1A1West Elevation First Floor100' - 0"Lower Parapet129' - 0"Second Floor CeilingPlan113' - 0"110101111841215161718819First Floor100' - 0"First Floor100' - 0"Lower Parapet129' - 0"Entrance Parapet133' - 0"Second Floor CeilingPlan113' - 0"198141914123456789101112131415ABCDEFGHJKLMABCDEFGHJKLM© COPYRIGHT BY CNH ARCHITECTS, INC.7300 WEST 147TH STREET SUITE 504 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124-7580 (952) 431-4433CNH NO.:234567891011121314151I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFDATE:LIC. NO.:21234Quinn S. HutsonPRINT NAME:SIGNATURE:REVISIONS:DATE:\\cnh6\projects\Projects\2017\17117\Central\17117 - CA Gear.rvt6/8/2018 9:53:15 AMCITY SUBMITTALA5.2ExteriorElevationsCA GEAR15641 Canada Circle, Rosemount, MN 550681711706/08/1806/08/18MINNESOTA 1/8" = 1'-0"A5.2G1North Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0"A5.2A1East ElevationExterior Elevation Keynotes1 Exposed aggregate precast concrete composite wall panels2 Continious RGB accent LED light strip, see Light FixtureSchedule3 Building signage provided by Owner NIC4 Precast concrete composite panel joint with backer rod andsealant5 Canopy support structure, see Struct Drawings, paint withHPC6 "V" reveal in face of concrete composite wall panel7 Quirk miter all outside corners (typical)8 Prefinished metal parapet coping9 Prefinished fibercement board panel rainscreen10 Prefinished metal thru wall scupper, conductor head, anddownspout11 Provide connection to on-site storm water retention pond (seeCivil)12 Architectural CMU dumpster enclosure13 Galvanized metal fire escape staircase14 Aluminum storefront window15 Prefinished metal gate infill panels16 Prefinished metal insulated OH door17 Dock seal18 Guardpost with sleave19 HM door, paint Drawn By:Checked By:Scale:Revisions# Date CommentsPage 1 of 2Date:6/7/2018JTH Lighting Alliance6885 146th St WApple Valley, MN 55124CA GEAR EXTERIOR8' - 6" Typ11' - 2"19' - 6"25' - 0"19' - 0"19' - 8"24' - 10"19' - 0"5' - 0"100' - 0"154' - 10" 31' - 4" 56' - 2" 152' - 10" 30' - 0"31' - 0" 26' - 8"153' - 6"19' - 0"24' - 10"19' - 0"Setba40' - 0"Setabck30' - 0"S e tb a ck10' - 0 "R 36' - 0 3/8"R 8' - 8"R 5' - 2 1/4"R 10' - 1 3/4"R 5' - 2"R 5' - 2"Setback60' - 0"R 43' - 11 1/4"R 8 2 ' - 4 "52' - 8"MH: 20MH: 20MH: 20MH: 28MH: 28MH: 200.9 1.2 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.2 3.7 3.9 3.7 3.3 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.3 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.2 2.6 2.1 1.6 1.3 1.01.0 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.7 3.4 3.9 4.1 3.9 3.4 2.9 2.5 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.5 2.9 3.5 3.9 4.1 3.8 3.3 2.7 2.2 1.7 1.4 1.11.1 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.8 3.4 3.9 4.1 3.9 3.5 3.1 2.6 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.6 3.1 3.6 4.0 4.1 3.9 3.4 2.8 2.3 1.8 1.4 1.21.1 1.2 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.2 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.0 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.1 2.7 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.21.0 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.2 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.11.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.7 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.6 2.3 2.1 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.20.9 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.10.8 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.90.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.70.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.90.6 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.7 2.9 2.7 2.2 1.7 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.6 2.1 2.6 2.9 2.8 2.4 1.8 1.3 0.90.7 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.7 3.3 3.5 3.2 2.5 1.8 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.1 3.5 3.4 2.8 2.1 1.4 1.00.7 0.9 1.2 1.7 1.9 2.4 3.2 3.9 4.1 3.7 2.8 2.0 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.3 2.0 2.9 3.7 4.1 3.9 3.2 2.3 1.5 1.01.9 2.1 2.5 3.2 4.1 4.5 4.1 3.3 2.3 1.5 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.3 2.0 2.9 3.8 4.4 4.4 3.7 2.6 1.8 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.12.2 1.4 2.3 3.3 10.6 11.0 10.1 8.6 7.1 6.0 5.0 4.0 2.9 1.9 1.2 0.71.1 1.5 2.4 3.5 10.0 10.7 10.9 10.1 8.7 7.3 6.1 5.1 4.1 3.0 2.0 1.2 0.71.1 1.5 2.5 3.7 4.7 5.7 6.7 7.9 9.1 9.9 10.0 9.3 8.2 7.0 6.0 5.1 4.1 3.0 2.0 1.3 0.80.7 1.0 1.7 2.5 3.5 4.4 5.1 5.8 6.7 7.6 8.2 8.3 7.8 7.0 6.1 5.4 4.6 3.8 2.9 2.1 1.3 0.80.7 1.1 1.7 2.5 3.2 3.8 4.2 4.7 5.4 6.0 6.4 6.5 6.2 5.6 5.0 4.4 3.9 3.4 2.8 2.0 1.4 0.90.4 0.7 1.2 1.7 2.3 2.9 3.2 3.4 3.8 4.3 4.8 5.1 5.1 4.9 4.5 4.0 3.6 3.3 3.0 2.6 2.0 1.4 1.00.4 0.8 1.2 1.7 2.1 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.5 3.9 4.1 4.1 4.0 3.6 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.3 1.8 1.4 1.10.4 0.8 1.1 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.00.4 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.1 0.90.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.80.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.60.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.50.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 Drawn By:Checked By:Scale:Revisions# Date CommentsPage 2 of 2Date:6/7/2018JTH Lighting Alliance6885 146th St WApple Valley, MN 55124CA GEAR EXTERIOR6/7/2018 CA GEAR EXTERIOR.AGI2AASINGLEN.A.0.900VSS-S-T3-32L-1-40K-UNVCalculation SummaryLuminaire ScheduleLabelCalcTypeUnitsAvgMaxMinAvg/MinSymbolQtyLabelArrangementTotal Lamp LumensLLFDescriptionMax/MinLOT AND GRADE_PlanarIlluminanceFc0.000.00.0N.A.N.A.LOT AND GRADE_Planar_1IlluminanceFc3WMSINGLE2.29N.A.0.900HRM-1-T4-32L-7-40K-UNV11.00.0N.A.N.A.1WM4SINGLEN.A.0.900NV-2-T4-80L-1-40K WMT4 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 21, 2018 TO: Anthony Nemcek, Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: Stephanie Smith, Assistant City Engineer RE: CA Gear Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: The plans for CA Gear have been prepared by CNH Architects dated June 8, 2018. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal:  PUD Submittal ▫ Existing Conditions ▫ Site Plan ▫ Erosion Control Plan ▫ Grading and Drainage Plan ▫ Utility Plan ▫ Stormwater Management Report ▫ Notes, Details and Specifications ENGINEERING FEES: 1. Development fees are required based on the current Schedule of Rates and Fees. For 2018, the estimated development fees are listed below:  Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $ 6,865 / acre  Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $ 1,075 / acre  Watermain Trunk Charge: $ 6,500 / acre 2. A stormwater ponding fee of $9,017/acres is due with the site plan agreement. This fee is associated with the use of the regional stormwater pond. (4.15 acres x $9,017/acre = $37,420.55.) RIGHT OF WAY AND EASEMENTS: 3. The survey shall be updated to include all easements on the property based on a recent title commitment. 4. Permits are required for work in the right-of-way. GRADING AND DRAINAGE 5. The developer is required to obtain a grading permit from the City prior to construction grading activity. STREETS AND PARKING LOTS 6. The driveway entrance onto Canada Circle shall be constructed in accordance with City of Rosemount Standard Detail Plate ST-6. UTILITIES This project proposal does not include public infrastructure improvements. The privately-owned watermain, sanitary sewer and storm sewer will tie into public systems. 7. The applicant shall enter into a Stormwater Management Agreement with the City to be recorded against the property. The agreement shall detail the applicant’s inspection and maintenance responsibilities for their stormwater BMPs. 8. Upon completion of the infiltration basin, the applicant’s engineer shall submit infiltrometer testing to certify the functionality of the basin as modeled. WSB Engineering (WSB) reviewed the CA Gears submittal on behalf of the City. The full memorandum, dated June 21, 2018, is included as an attachment. The recommendations are summarized below: GENERAL COMMENTS: 9. Street and utility construction shall be installed in accordance with the 2015 City of Rosemount General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates and the Engineering Guidelines. 10. City inspection of connection to public street and utilities is required during construction. 11. Final copies of the plans will need to be signed by a licensed professional engineer. 12. Hydrant locations should be reviewed and approved by the Fire Marshal/Building Official. 13. Maximum allowable slope is 4:1 and minimum slopes of 2% are allowed. Maximum slopes of 3:1 are only allowed below the 10:1 maintenance bench for NURP basins. 14. Trees and landscaping should not be planted above utilities and within drainage paths. 15. Upon completion of the street, sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer construction, the City requires record drawings. See Engineering Guidelines for submittal and formatting requirements. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN COMMENTS: 16. The City’s recommends the volume control requirement be achieved in regional basin EP- 2445, just east of the site across TH 3. As stated in the Engineering Guidelines, if available, the city prefers the use of regional stormwater systems versus site-by-site systems. 17. The offsite ponding fee will be calculated for the site area at 4.15 acres x $9,017/acre = $37,420.55. 18. Do not allow for infiltration (Discarded Outlet Devices) when calculating 2, 10 and 100-year discharge rates and 100-year high water levels. Adjust 6P, rerun the HydroCAD model, and, if necessary, adjust the outlet control structure/basin grading as necessary to achieve a reduction in discharge rates from existing to proposed conditions. 19. The outlet control structure detail needs to match the HydroCAD model and the Utility Plan. 20. Callout all emergency overflow routes (with spot elevations and flow arrows) for all ponds, catch basins, and low points. 21. The City’s standards require storm sewer to be RCP and a minimum of 15” diameter. 22. Riprap or other energy dissipation should be added to the concrete swale discharge point in the NE corner of the building. 23. Any connections to existing manholes or catch basins shall be core drilled or the opening cut with a concrete saw. EROSION CONTROL: 24. The developer is required to obtain a NPDES construction Stormwater Permit and provide a copy of the approved SWPPP to the City prior to the start of any construction activity. 25. Provide inlet control on the existing CB on the intersection of Canada Circle and TH 3. 26. Call out a 50-foot minimum length construction exit on the erosion control plan. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015. ATTACHMENTS: 1. WSB Memorandum Re: CA Gear Plan Review, dated 6-21-2018    540 Gateway Boulevard | Suite 100 | Burnsville, MN 55337 | (952) 737-4660    Building a legacy – your legacy. Equal Opportunity Employer | wsbeng.com  Memorandum To: Stephanie Smith, City of Rosemount From: Mitch Hatcher, WSB & Associates Bill Alms, WSB & Associates Tony Miller, WSB & Associates Date: June 21, 2018 Re: CA Gear Plan Review   SUBMITTAL: The plans for CA Gear have been prepared by CNH Architects dated June 8, 2018. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal:  Site, Grading, Utility, Erosion Control, and Landscape Plans  Notes, details, and specifications  Boundary and Topographic Survey  Stormwater Calculations  Project Narrative GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. Street and utility construction shall be installed in accordance with the 2015 City of Rosemount General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates and the Engineering Guidelines. 2. City inspection of connection to public street and utilities is required during construction. 3. Final copies of the plans will need to be signed by a licensed professional engineer. 4. Hydrant locations should be reviewed and approved by the Fire Marshal/Building Official. 5. Maximum allowable slope is 4:1 and minimum slopes of 2% are allowed. Maximum slopes of 3:1 are only allowed below the 10:1 maintenance bench for NURP basins. 6. Trees and landscaping should not be planted above utilities and within drainage paths. 7. Upon completion of the street, sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer construction, the City requires record drawings. See Engineering Guidelines for submittal and formatting requirements. CA Gear Plan Review   June 21, 2018  Page 2   K:\011547‐000\PlanReviews\CA Gear\Comments_BasedOnSubmitals\2018‐06‐21_Submital01\20180621 CA Gear Engineering Review.docx  STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN COMMENTS: 8. The City’s recommends the volume control requirement be achieved in regional basin EP- 2445, just east of the site across TH 3. As stated in the Engineering Guidelines, if available, the city prefers the use of regional stormwater systems versus site-by-site systems. a. The offsite ponding fee will be calculated for the site area at 4.15 acres x $9,017/acre = $37,420.55. 9. Rate Control b. Do not allow for infiltration (Discarded Outlet Devices) when calculating 2, 10 and 100-year discharge rates and 100-year high water levels. Adjust 6P, rerun the HydroCAD model, and, if necessary, adjust the outlet control structure/basin grading as necessary to achieve a reduction in discharge rates from existing to proposed conditions. 10. Outlet Control Structure c. The outlet control structure detail needs to match the HydroCAD model and the Utility Plan. CA Gear Plan Review   June 21, 2018  Page 3   K:\011547‐000\PlanReviews\CA Gear\Comments_BasedOnSubmitals\2018‐06‐21_Submital01\20180621 CA Gear Engineering Review.docx  11. Callout all emergency overflow routes (with spot elevations and flow arrows) for all ponds, catch basins, and low points. 12. The City’s standards require storm sewer to be RCP and a minimum of 15” diameter. 13. Riprap or other energy dissipation should be added to the concrete swale discharge point in the NE corner of the building. 14. Any connections to existing manholes or catch basins shall be core drilled or the opening cut with a concrete saw. EROSION CONTROL MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: 15. The developer is required to obtain a NPDES construction Stormwater Permit and provide a copy of the approved SWPPP to the City prior to the start of any construction activity. 16. Provide inlet control on the existing CB on the intersection of Canada Circle and TH 3. 17. Call out a 50-foot minimum length construction exist on the erosion control plan. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 612-360-1315. Metropolitan District Waters Edge Building 1500 County Road B2 West Roseville, MN 55113 An equal opportunity employer MnDOT Metropolitan District, Waters Edge Building, 1500 County Road B2 West, Roseville, MN 55113 June 7, 2018 Kyle Klatt City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street W Rosemount, MN 55068 SUBJECT: Canada Circle MnDOT Review #P18-034 NW quad MN3 and 160th st Rosemount, Dakota County Control Section 1921 Dear Mr. Klatt, The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has reviewed the EAW for the proposed SKB Recycling addition and has the following comments: Surveys Existing access control should be shown per doc. no. 2462837. See attachment. For questions regarding this comment please contact Casey Crisp at 651-366-4332 or casey.crisp@state.mn.us. Water Resources: It appears we have some hydraulic infrastructure located off of our r/w that may serve the City’s purpose. The City should work with MnDOT right of way (Kirby Schwarzkopf 651-234-7589) and water resources to clarify any maintenance agreements and if easements will be needed. Please contact Nick Olson at MnDOT Water Resources Engineering (651-234- 7542) or (nicholas.olson@state.mn.us) with any questions. MnDOT Metropolitan District, Waters Edge Building, 1500 County Road B2 West, Roseville, MN 55113 Permits: Any use of or work within or affecting MnDOT right of way requires a permit. Permit forms are available from MnDOT’s utility website at: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/utility/index.html Please include one to one set of plans formatted to 11X17 with each permit application. Please submit/send all permit applications and 11X17plan sets to: metropermitapps.dot@state.mn.us. Please direct any questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig (651-234-7911) of MnDOT’s Metro Permits Section. Review Submittal Options: 1. An electronic .pdf version of the plans. MnDOT can accept the plans via e-mail at metrodevreviews.dot@state.mn.us provided that each separate e-mail is less than 20 megabytes. 2. A compact disc with the plans in .pdf format. The disc can be sent to: MnDOT – Metro District Planning Section Development Reviews Coordinator 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, MN 55113. 3. A .pdf version of the plans sent to MnDOT’s external shared workspace site located at: https://mft.dot.state.mn.us Please contact MnDOT development review staff gain access to the shared workspace site. Also, please send a note to metrodevreviews.dot@state.mn.us indicating the file name and stating that the plans have been submitted on the shared workspace site. 4. If you are unable to send the plans electronically, please submit a set of full size plans to the above address. If you have any questions concerning this review, please contact me at (651) 234-7784. Sincerely, Karen Scheffing Copy sent via E-Mail: Nicholas Olson, Water Resources Buck Craig, Permits Becky Parzyck, Right of Way Kirby Schwarzkopf, Right of way Almin Ramic, Traffic Molly Kline, Area Engineer Nancy Jacobson, Design Russell Owen, Metropolitan Council 2 BLOCK 1 1 1ƒ (6ƒ  (    1ƒ  (1ƒ  :88.006ƒ :99.891ƒ  (1ƒ (L =1 7 0 .8 1 R =7 1 6 .1 7 ǻ =13 ƒ3 9 '5 7 " C .B R G .=S 8 2 ƒ4 4 '0 5 "W C .=1 7 0 .4 1 L=49.57 R=1166.35 ǻ ƒ  &%5* 1ƒ ( C.=49.57L=94.85R =1030.27ǻ=5ƒ16'30"C.BRG .=S46ƒ05'16"W C.=94.82L=451.59R=1016.35ǻ=25ƒ27'28"C.BRG.=N03ƒ06'31"WC.=447.88L=489.30R=3355.83ǻ=8ƒ21'15"C.BRG.=S20ƒ39'44"EC.=488.876ƒ : 1ƒ  ( EAST 39.22 L=278.00R=1035.53ǻ=15ƒ22'54"C.BRG.=N12ƒ04'27"EC=277.171ƒ ( 0.93 16.5 FT WIDE NORTHWESTERN BELL COMPANY EASEMENT PER DAKOTA COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 258 AND PER DOC. NO. 474502 S LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 32, T. 115, R. 19 75 75 75 75 6060100 28.01311.43 L=389.24ǻ=6ƒ38'44"L=100.06ǻ ƒ 40L=14.04 R=153.25 ǻ ƒ  &%5* 1ƒ ( C.=14.04 L=73.60 R=1010.27 ǻ ƒ  &%5* 6ƒ : C=73.58 FD R E B A R DRAINAGE ANDUTILITY EASEMENT1 6 . 5 222.69 1ƒ  (L=107.39R =749.07ǻ=8ƒ12'51"1 6 . 5 L=205.30R=1166.35ǻ=10ƒ05'06"C.BRG.=N30ƒ02'19"EC.=205.031ƒ (1ƒ (SW CORNER OF THE SW 1/4OF SEC. 32, T. 115, R. 19(FD CAST IRON MONUMENT)0 Graphic Scale (in feet) 60 120 DRAFT - for county review SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS CANADA CIRCLE NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 115, RANGE 19, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NW 1/ 4 NE 1/ 4 SE 1/ 4 SW 1/ 4 BEING 10 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 10 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. 10 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 1010 10DENOTES 1/2 INCH X 14 INCH IRON MONUMENT SET AND MARKED BY LICENSE NO. 44606. DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT, AS SHOWN. DENOTES MNDOT ACCESS CONTROL PER DOC. NO. . THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 32, T. 115 N, R. 19 W, IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF 1ƒ E. SITE 160TH STSTATE TRUNK H IGHWAY NO . 3S ROBERT TRL3 PLANNING COMMISSION, Rosemount , Minnesota Approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, this ______ day of ____________________, 20___. By: , Chair CITY COUNCIL, Rosemount , Minnesota This plat was approved by the City Council of Rosemount , Minnesota, this ______ day of ____________________, 20___, and hereby certifies compliance with all requirements as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. By: , Mayor By: , Clerk COUNTY SURVEYOR, Dakota County, Minnesota I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this _______ day of ____________________, 20___. By: Todd B. Tollefson, Dakota County Surveyor DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION AND RECORDS, Dakota County, Minnesota Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable in the year 20___ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this _______ day of ____________________, 20___. By: Joel T. Beckman, Director of Department of Property Taxation and Records COUNTY RECORDER, Dakota County, Minnesota I hereby certify that this plat of CANADA CIRCLE was filed in the office of the County Recorder for public record on this _______ day of ____________________, 20___, at ______ o'clock ____ .M. and was duly filed in Book __________ of Plats, Page __________, as Document No. ____________________. By: Joel T. Beckman, County Recorder KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, fee owner, of the following described property situated in the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, to wit: Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5A, and 11 as depicted in Dakota County Road Right of Way Map No. 258, being located in the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. AND: That Rosemount Port Authority, a body corporate and politic in the State of Minnesota, fee owner, of the following described property situated in the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, to wit: Parcel 7A as depicted in Dakota County Road Right of Way Map No. 258, being located in the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as CANADA CIRCLE , and do hereby dedicate the easements as shown on this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. In witness whereof said City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this _______ day of ____________________, 20___. SIGNED: City of Rosemount By: , as STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _______ day of ____________________, 20___, by , of City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the municipal corporation. Notary Public, County, Minnesota Notary Printed Name My Commission Expires In witness whereof said Rosemount Port Authority, a body corporate and politic in the State of Minnesota, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this _______ day of ____________________, 20___. SIGNED: Rosemount Port Authority By: , as STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _______ day of ____________________, 20___, by , of Rosemount Port Authority, a body corporate and politic in the State of Minnesota, on behalf of the public body. Notary Public, County, Minnesota Notary Printed Name My Commission Expires I Kyle L. Klasen do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this Plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of , 20 . Kyle L. Klasen, Licensed Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 44606 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _______ day of ____________________, 20___, by Kyle L. Klasen, a Licensed Land Surveyor. Notary Public, County, Minnesota Notary Printed Name My Commission Expires PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2018 PAGE 4 MOTION by Clements to recommend City Council adopt a resolution approving a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning and PUD Final Site and Building Plan Applications for Lakes of Highstone LLLP allowing larger ground sign. Second by Reed. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. MOTION by Clements to recommend the City Council adopt an ordinance rezoning the subject property from GI-General Industrial to GI/PUD-General Industrial Planned Unit Development. Second by Reed. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. 5.d. Request by Custom Apparel for a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning and a Final Site and Building Plan (18-38-PUD) Senior Planner Klatt gave a brief summary of the staff report for the Planning Commission. Commissioner Clements inquired if the land to the southwest of the building site will be eventually developed in the future. Klatt confirmed that is the intention. Clements questioned if the infiltration pond is sized for both properties. Quint Hudson, 7300 147th Street, Apple Valley, stated that the infiltration pond is designed for additional drainage from the additional site. Vice Chair VanderWiel questioned if additional parking will be necessary for the future development. Klatt stated that when the change in use happens the applicant would have to show any additional parking at that time. Commissioner Clements questioned if with the site being so close to the railroad tracks and the possible popularity with children; has additional sidewalks been considered. Klatt stated that when Highway 3 gets upgraded there should be trails added to that area. The public hearing opened at 7:49 pm. Public Comments: None. MOTION by Reed to close the public hearing. Second by Clements. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 7:50 pm. Additional Comments: None. MOTION by Freeman to recommend City Council adopt an ordinance rezoning the property from BP- Business Park and PI-Public/Institutional to BP/PUD-Business Park Planning Unit Development. Second by Reed. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2018 PAGE 5 MOTION by Freeman to recommend the City Council approve a PUD Master Development Plan and Final Site and Building Plan for construction of a 13,522 square foot custom apparel manufacturing and indoor recreation facility at 15641 Canada Circle, subject to the following conditions: a. Submission of a landscape security equal to 110% of the proposed landscaping in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. b. Signs shall be approved through a separate permit. c. Compliance with requirements of MnDOT water resources for connections into existing hydraulic infrastructure within MnDOT right-of-way. d. Secure permit for any work within MnDOT right-of-way. e. Landscape plan shall be updated to include 7 additional trees to be planted within landscape islands or between the building and adjacent City property northwest of the building. f. Incorporation of recommendations from the City Engineer in a review memorandum dated June 22, 2018, relative to drainage, grading, easements, utilities, stormwater management, and other subjects covered in the review. g. Update the architectural plans to include materials in the southeast building corner that are consistent with the City’s standards for required exterior building materials. h. Payment of all required area and connection charges consistent with the Engineering memo. Second by Clements. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. New Business: None. Old Business: None. Reports: None. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Vice Chair VanderWiel adjourned the meeting at 7:51 pm. Respectfully submitted, Stacy Bodsberg, Recording Secretary