lut 7,Block 2,PRESTWICK PIACE 13TH ADOITION,Oakota County,Minnesota �
I I i3991 Ashford Path,Rosemount, Minnesota ^ �
� �
^ NOTES = � � �
� nT h
L_V I ..� 30 1. 8eari»gs are based on the recorded plat. � S n �
m EXISTING � 2. Building dimensions shown are for horizonta)and vertical placement of ��
^ �; HOUSE � -�• ( structure only.See architectural plans for building and foundation � �n �
m� °' �= dimensions. �
c� p > » 954.3� � "
/ - N 89 54 55 W 14fJ.� - � a � = 3. No specific sails investigation has been completed an this lot by lames � �. ��
917.4 949.0 952.8 r. esz.e 9s�.e � R.Hi11, Inc.the suitability af soits to support the specific house proposed � � �
�9��� � 949.3 9�9.8 e 2 ,r, ° � � is not the responsibifity of James R.Hill,Inc.or the surveyor.
� �4�e.� - �g�,g 95 . 953.4� \ " � 4. No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded or � 5�z �
�C t �o �9�Q4� 3 .0 0 � �. » f un-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part � N� �
w _--'-i � ; 41 � � 3 ,- W � a. o f t h i s s u rv e y.O n l y e a s e m e n t s p e r t h e r e c o r d e d p l a t a r e s h o w n.
� ^ jn I �< � � Q 2.0,,y � I �� � �j,n 5. Proposed grades shown were taken from the grading&/or
O O F� ,..� Z W,�; Q o ' � - � �O development plan prepared by Probe Engineering Company,Inc.
C� �O � I �a �9�•9] �95Q•9] � �N j J� � �Q, 9-2� �� O _; � 0 6. Grading plan date(revision date: 12/14/16. i
� Q�,�j a r v� �w o�' --3Q.0 - ' '. 7. Sanita service invert elevatian er Ci en meerin
W �� �� 5.0 0 � rY P tY g� 8
�'� °�tD } �W O `� W=`�`"`"�" tD °Q O department=939.80 I
� i 18 I a`� y_ o u ... �> �
�� Z h '` �< � °o � �� 'r Z � �
t��0 cw 948.4] r950.7J 34.Q � a a�i � � d1 0
� �' � '� * _�952 _ 9 2.6� J 10 � � = BENCHMARK � � ►�o
� � 94a.e eso.o ssi.i 951.3 951.2 � w � Top nut of hydrani located at lots 10 and 11,Block 1=954.50 � � �
rn„ +� ~(951.3}-` L950.9] � m � «�'+ a�
�a i � N89°rJ4'SS���II � 4�.��a0 ~ � Y Q FLOOR ELEVQTIONS � o �3
� .. Q I P r o p o s e d A s b u i l t O � � o
3 Garage Floor @ Front =953.6 =953.7 o y w"
� nT � � 30 Garage Top of Block = 954.0 �i 'a a o
�'v � `� '^ House Top of Block = 954.0 � .�� c•;o
Z towest Floor =946.0 �"� ^, u�
� Top of Block 'd m o
t � � at Lookout Window =949.2 ^�
� � oQ
V 1
H lot =4,100 sq.ft. PLM/TAM
House/Garage = 1,762 sq.ft. pq�
Porch =90 sq.ft. 4 13 18
Oriveway =788 sq.ft. REVISIONS
Sidewalk =38 sq.ft.
Total lmpervious = 2,678 sq.ft.or 29.4%of lot
I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
my direct supervision and that I am a duly ticensed land Surveyor under the
� Denotes set spike laws of the 5tate of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show a11
O Denotes set iron monument impravements,easements or encroachments,to the property except as
• Denotes found iron monument shown thereon.
( Denotes proposed drainage CAD FlLE
SCALE tN FEET ;��'ft ���,�'��e�. Ch� tc Denotes top of curb Signed his 23rd day af April,2018
0 30 60 � `c°"�""" x9Q0.0 Denotes existing elevation Ciwl 3D\370374
�"' � ����. � - �$ �' I�j (930.0) Qenotes proposed elevation �^ PROJECT NO.
l x[900.0] Denotes as-built elevation 370374
1 inch = 30 feet ��,�i ��� � `�'�\ ti Tj Marcus .Hampton, L.S.No.47481
� SHEET 1 OF 1