HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.c. Sewer DRAFT Feasibility Report Comprehensive Sewer Plan City of Rosemount May 2018 Submitted by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. 1960 Premier Drive Mankato, MN 56001 P: 507-625-4171 F: 507-625-4177 Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Certification City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Certification Feasibility Report for Comprehensive Sewer Plan City of Rosemount T18.114157 May 2018 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. By: , P.E. License No. Date: Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Table of Contents City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] i Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................... 1 2. BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................... 3 3. Land Use ....................................................................................................................... 3 Land Use Categorization .................................................................................. 3 Developable Areas ........................................................................................... 3 4. Growth Projections ....................................................................................................... 4 Projected Residential Growth ........................................................................... 4 Projected Non-Residential Growth .................................................................. 5 Projected Land Use Phasing and Summary ..................................................... 5 5. Existing Sanitary Sewer System ................................................................................... 6 Current Service Areas ...................................................................................... 6 Existing Wastewater Flows .............................................................................. 6 Infiltration/Inflow ............................................................................................. 8 Evaluation of Existing Facilities .................................................................... 10 6. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM ................................................................ 11 Future Service Areas ...................................................................................... 11 Future Waste Water Flows ............................................................................. 12 Future Trunk Sanitary Sewer System ............................................................. 18 7. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (CIP) .............................................................. 21 Estimated Cost of Trunk System Improvements ............................................ 21 Future Trunk System Funding ........................................................................ 22 Tables Table 1 Capital Improvement Plan by Sewershed 2 Table 2 Gross Developable Acreage 4 Table 3 MCES Population Estimates 4 Table 4 Potential Ultimate Service Area 6 Table 5 Existing Wastewater Generated per Sewershed 7 Table 6 Water Demand to Wastewater Flow Ratio 8 Table 7 Existing Peak Flow Factors 9 Table 8 Existing Lift Station Capacities and Flows 10 Table 9 Existing System Trunk Main Capacity 11 Table 10 Summary of Gross Developable Acres by Sewershed 14 Table 11 Future Wastewater Flows by Sewershed 15 Table 12 Ultimate Regional Wastewater flows by MCES Connection Point 16 Table 13 Future Regional Wastewater FLow my MCES connection point and 10-year Increment 17 Table 14 Capital Improvement Plan by Sewershed 22 Table 15 Core Fund Assume Gross Acres Development 23 Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Table of Contents City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] ii Appendix Appendix 1: Figures Appendix 2: Opinion of Probable Costs Appendix 3: Trunk Facility Construction Schedule Appendix 4: Dakota County Maintenance Facility and Communications Center Cooperative Agreement Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 1 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan is intended to serve as a guide to completing the future sanitary sewer trunk system, and to help the City of Rosemount meet its short-term and long-term sanitary sewer needs. The report, analysis, and figures were based on the City’s existing sanitary sewer system and future development plans as of July 31st, 2018. Future development plans or the existing sewer system may have changed since the “snapshot” in time the report was based on. To estimate existing system wastewater flows and project future system wastewater flows the ultimate land use plan was used as opposed to the 2040 land use plan. There are differences between the land use plans, however, it was important to size infrastructure for service beyond the 2040 land use plan. The ultimate land use plan included in Figure 3-1 was used for ultimate system infrastructure sizing. Estimated flows for each of the MUSA boundaries were also calculated and can be found in Section 6.2 of the attached report. The existing area with sanitary sewer service has been divided into sixteen (16) sewersheds, of which the majorities are fully developed in accordance with the ultimate land use plan. Wastewater is collected by the City’s sewer system, then conveyed to Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) interceptors that flow to MCES wastewater treatment plants. The majority of the City’s existing sewage flows to the Empire Wastewater Treament plant The existing sanitary sewer system is shown in Figure 5- 1. The future service area was divided into seven (7) sewersheds. Existing and future sewersheds are shown in Figure 6-1. Each sewer shed contributes wastewater flow to the sanitary sewer collection system. The volume of wastewater that each sewer shed contributes depends on the future land use. The topography of the undeveloped areas was studied to determine the extents of gravity sewer areas for future trunk facilities. The intention with laying out the future system was to minimize the number of trunk lift stations, while keeping the maximum depth of gravity sewers to less than 35 feet deep. The City’s topography generally slopes from west to east, making it possible to avoid constructing many lift stations. The layout of the future trunk sewer system is shown in Figure 6-2. The layout is general in nature and exact routing will be determined at the time of final design. It is important that the general concept and sizing be adhered to for assurance of an economical and adequate ultimate system. Construction cost estimates were developed for the completion of the trunk sewer system. Typically, developers are required to construct sewers and lift stations necessary to serve their development at their own cost. Some gravity trunk sewers included in the ultimate system for this plan were as small as 8 inches in diameter, which is the minimum sewer size construction standards allow. It was assumed that developers would fund and construct all 8-inch sewers, so the estimated quantity of trunk sewers 8 inches in diameter has been included, but not the cost. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 2 Table 1 below shows the estimated system expansion costs. Future improvement costs were based on 2007 construction prices, including a 10% construction contingency, and including 30% overhead (i.e., legal, engineering, and administrative). Street and easement costs and other miscellaneous costs that may be related to final construction are not included. Detailed cost estimates for each district are available in Appendix 2. Furthermore, construction schedules for trunk facilities in each sewer shed are included Appendix 3. Current development fees were reviewed and appear to be adequate to fund the future system expansion costs, but should be reviewed on a regular basis. Table 1 Capital Improvement Plan by Sewershed Capital Improvement Plan by Sewershed District 2020 2030 2040 Ultimate Total MWCC09 $0 $2,727,922 $0 $1,004,202 $3,732,124 Southeast $0 $5,415,200 $13,585,978 $0 $19,001,178 South Central $0 $1,356,162 $353,930 $3,556,893 $5,266,985 MWCC08 $1,944,498 $5,757,143 $0 $7,846,927 $15,548,568 Southwest $0 $0 $0 $1,078,451 $1,078,451 Lan-O-Ken $0 $969,620 $0 $0 $969,620 Northwest $0 $0 $0 $413,700 $413,700 MWCC10 $0 $456,680 $0 $0 $456,680 Total $1,944,498 $16,682,727 $13,939,908 $13,900,173 $46,467,306 1. Costs are for budgeting purposes only, and are subject to change as projects are studied, designed, and constructed. 2. Costs are estimated based on 2007 construction costs. 3. Land acquisition costs are not included. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. BACKGROUND City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 3 2. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemount is located in north central Dakota County in the southeast suburbs of the Twin Cities Metropolitan area. Rosemount has experienced considerable growth in recent years and anticipates similar growth to continue. It continually experiences development pressures due to its location relative to transportation arterials (US 52) and its proximity to St. Paul. The purpose of this study is to update the existing Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan in accordance with Minnesota Statute 473.513. It provides the City with a plan to serve future development and an estimate of future sanitary sewer system costs. The plan provides flow projections through the year 2040, and ultimate system development in accordance with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. This plan examined sanitary sewer service to future development. Population and water use estimates from the City’s Comprehensive Water System Plan, initially from the Comprehensive Plan, were used to maintain consistent planning for water and sewer service. Also, the plan estimated opinions of probable cost for future improvements to develop a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Sanitary sewer plans have been developed for various locations throughout Rosemount. However, these studies have not been linked together to examine the future system as a whole. This study will tie together previous studies in a sanitary sewer model (SewerCAD V8i) in an effort to determine service requirements for all remaining developable acres. The existing sanitary sewer system is sufficient to serve the existing developed area and was not included in the SewerCAD model. However, the existing sewers were included in the analysis to confirm the capacity was adequate to serve existing development and future development if necessary. 3. LAND USE Land Use Categorization Figure 3-1 is the current ultimate land use plan for the City of Rosemount. The ultimate land use plan was used in order to size infrastructure appropriately beyond the 2040 time frame. This plan was developed by the City and separates the planning area into fifteen (15) different land use categories. Land use is a critical factor in locating and sizing future sanitary sewers because different land uses generate different wastewater flow rates. Further detail regarding wastewater flows generated by existing and future land uses is discussed in Sections 5 and 6. Developable Areas The area within Rosemount’s planning area is approximately 34 square miles or 21,800 acres, excluding the river/wetland area for the Mississippi River in the northeast area of the City. There is approximately 2,400 acres of undevelopable area (agriculture). Within the City, approximately 5,100 acres are developed with sewer service, and 2,800 acres are developed without sewer service. Therefore, the total remaining developable area within the City’s planning area is approximately 8000 acres. The total acreage for each land use area was calculated. Existing developed, serviced and unserviced areas, and undevelopable areas were subtracted to obtain developable acreage. This is identified as “Gross” Developable Acreage because it includes roads and common or public areas potentially included in developments. Roads, common areas, and parks typically consume 25% to 30% of the gross area within a development. The Gross Developable Acreage by land use categories is summarized in Table 2 and identified in Figure 3-2. Figure 3-2 indicates whether an area is developed or available for future development. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Growth Projections City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 4 Table 2 Gross Developable Acreage Gross Developable Acreage Land use Acres Agricultural Research 0 Agriculture 0 Business Park 1905 Corporate Campus 508 Downtown 0 Existing Parks/ Open Space 0 General Industrial 603 High Density Residential 145 Industrial/Mixed Use 350 Medium Density Residential 703 Neighborhood Commercial 26 Public Institutional 0 Regional Commercial 261 Rural Residential 0 Transitional Residential 0 Urban Residential 3369 Waste Management 0 Total 7869 4. GROWTH PROJECTIONS Projected Residential Growth Rosemount’s 2010 population was 21874. In the last eight years, Rosemount’s population has grown approximately 10%, with the bulk of growth occurring in areas receiving sewer service. According to the 2000 and 1990 censuses, populations were 14,619 and 8,622, respectively. Estimates of the population of the City of Rosemount, as published the Met Council have been published and are shown in Table 3 below. Table 3 MCES Population Estimates MCES Population Estimates Population 2010 2020 2030 2040 21874 25900 31700 35600 Households 2010 2020 2030 2040 7587 9300 11600 11500 Employment 2010 2020 2030 2040 6721 9900 13500 13100 Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Growth Projections City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 5 DNR State Public Water Supply Inventories were obtained for the years 2000 through 2005 to determine the number of water connections in the City’s system. Typically, the number of water and sewer connections is equal, so sewer and water connections were assumed equal. Based on the number of residential connections (4,127-2000 and 5,801-2005) and the estimated serviced population (2000-12,801 and 2005-17,600), there are approximately three residents for every connection. Should this trend continue, there would be approximately 12,700 residential connections by the year 2040 based on the population projections. Further detailed growth projections are included in Sections 5 and 6. Projected Non-Residential Growth In the past, Rosemount has attracted industrial and public/institutional growth. A major industrial park consisting of Flint Hills Resources (an oil refinery serving much of the upper Midwest) and several smaller industrial users is located along US Highway 52 and north of County Road 42. Dakota Technical College is located one mile east of downtown, and the University of Minnesota owns approximately 3,000 acres south of County Road 42 and east of Biscayne Avenue. The non-residential growth trend will most likely continue in the future with the potential development of new general industrial and commercial districts. Flint Hills Resources, Dakota Technical College, and Rosemount Public Schools currently comprise the major non-residential water users for the system, and assumed sewage flow contributors. There are growth opportunities for these customers and these opportunities have been accounted for by the City in the proposed land use plan. Also, these major customers have been included in determining the appropriate wastewater flow per acreage per land use type. Non-residential connection categories listed in the DNR State Public Water Supply Inventories (2000-2005) included commercial, industrial, and other. Therefore, water customer categories do not correlate directly to land use type. For that reason, non-residential connections have been grouped together to determine future. Non-residential water connections have grown consistently. Based on the number of non- residential connections (156-2000 and 188-2005) and the estimated serviced population (2000- 12,801 and 2005-17,600), there are 80 to 90 residents for every non-residential connection. Should this trend continue, there would be approximately 475non-residential connections by the year 2030. Further detailed growth projections are included in Sections 5 and 6. Projected Land Use Phasing and Summary Potential service areas are shown in Figure 4-2 and summarized in Table 4. The potential service area is shown for the years 2007, 2010, 2020, 2030, and ultimate developmen. Growth is projected to occur primarily by surrounding the existing western service area then expanding eastward. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Existing Sanitary Sewer System City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 6 Table 4 Potential Ultimate Service Area Potential Ultimate Service Area MUSA 2020 2030 2040 Ultimate Total Service Area (ac) 5920 15691 18186 20787 5. Existing Sanitary Sewer System Current Service Areas Sanitary sewer systems consist of two elements: collection and treatment. The existing City sanitary sewer system is a collection system only, MCES is responsible for treatment. Also, MCES is responsible for major trunk facilities conveying wastewater across City boundaries to treatment facilities. The MCES Rosemount Interceptor flows from west to east across Rosemount to the existing Rosemount wastewater treatment plant. However, future flows will not be treated at the Rosemount wastewater treatment plant, but conveyed by the Empire Interceptor southwest to the Empire wastewater treatment plant for treatment. The existing service area is defined as the area from which wastewater flows are collected, and is approximately 5,100 acres. It can be broken down into sewersheds based on its connection points to MCES interceptors, City trunk sewers, and lift station service areas. Figure 5-1 shows the existing service area, sewersheds, MCES interceptor sewers, and the City sewer system, including lift stations. As discussed in Section 3, there is still much developable land available within the City; therefore, sewer service has not been extended to all properties. There are approximately 580 remaining properties that are not served by the City. The remaining unserved properties are generally located in the undeveloped eastern area and northwestern rural residential area, but there are some Individual Sewage Treatment Systems (ISTSs) scattered throughout the existing served area. Figure 5-2 shows the existing ISTSs within the City limits. Existing Wastewater Flows 5.2.1 Existing Sewershed Flows The City’s existing sanitary sewer system shown in Figure 5-1 identifies trunk sewers, MCES interceptors, lift stations, and resulting existing sewersheds. The flow meters and lift station service areas were reviewed to estimate the existing sanitary sewer flow within each sewer shed. The estimated unit wastewater flow, discussed in the following section, was multiplied by the number of existing platted units. Table 5 shows the estimated average flow rates for the City’s existing sewersheds compared to the 2017 average flow rates measured by the MCES flow meters in Million Gallons per Day (MGD). A possible explanation for the difference between estimated and metered data is that some units may be platted but not constructed or occupied, resulting in a higher quantity of existing units generating wastewater flow. Another factor is that the flowrates used in design tend to be conservative in nature and over predict the actual flow contributions. Since existing flows for each sewer shed did correlate to the total existing flows measured at the MCES flow meters M641 and M655, estimated unit wastewater flows were assumed to be a level of accuracy sufficient for determining existing infrastructure capacity. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Existing Sanitary Sewer System City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 7 Table 5 Existing Wastewater Generated per Sewershed Existing Waste Water Generated per Sewershed Sewershed Estimated Average Flow (MGD) Metered Average Flow (MGD) LS 3 0.335 Danville 0.101 M641 0.436 0.294 150th 0.191 Canada 0.104 LS 1 0.046 LS 4 0.126 LS 5 0.138 LS 6 0.007 LS 7 0.023 LS 8 0.089 LS 9 0.041 Auburn 0.013 Business Parkway 0.085 Biscayne 0.079 Connemara 0.233 Lan-O-Ken 0.117 MWCC10 0.018 MWCC08 0.063 M655 1.729 1.137 5.2.2 Estimated Unit Wastewater Flows The Comprehensive Water System Plan provided a detailed analysis of the estimated unit water demand for each land use type. The analysis found the existing land uses exhibited the following water demands:  Residential – 95 gallons/capita/day (gpcd)  Public/Institutional – 250 gallons/acre/day (gpad)  Commercial – 800 gallons/acre/day  Industrial – 800 gallons/acre/day  Flint Hills/Waste Management – 55 gallons/acre/day To verify existing sanitary sewer flows as a percentage of water demand, annual average flows were compared to winter water usage in Table 6 below. Winter average water usage (October through March) correlated 100% to average sanitary sewer flows. Therefore, the difference in annual water demand and sanitary sewer flows is caused by Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. Existing Sanitary Sewer System City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 8 lawn watering. The ratio of annual water usage to annual wastewater flow is shown in Table 6 as well. Table 6 Water Demand to Wastewater Flow Ratio Water Demand to Wastewater Flow Ratio 2002 2003 2004 Average Winter Water Use (MGD) 1.031 1.086 1.129 1.082 MCES Sanitary Annual Avg. Flow (MGD) 1.062 1.091 1.157 1.103 WW/Water Ration Winter Avg 103.00% 100.48% 102.44% 101.97% Annual Daily Water Use (MGD) 1.463 1.872 1.818 1.718 MCES Sanitary Annual Avg. Flow (MGD) 1.062 1.091 1.157 1.103 WW/Water Ratio Annual Avg 72.58% 58.29% 63.62% 64.23% Since the majority of Rosemount is residential, it is critical to accurately represent residential density in sewer planning and design. Existing development densities for the serviced area were determined in the Comprehensive Water System Plan (Water Plan), and were based on typical development densities for each land use found throughout the City at the time. At the time the water plan was completed, there were 2,400 developed residential acres, 6,013 residential connections, and a serviced population of 18,038, yielding 2.5 units/acre and 3.0 people/connection. The Water Plan projected the following densities (per gross acre) per residential land use type.  Urban Residential – 3 units/acre (future), currently 2.6 units/acre  Transition Residential – 2 units/acre  High Density Residential – 12 units/acre (future), currently 10 units/acre  Medium Density Residential – 7 units/acre Each land use type was assumed to have 3.0 people/unit and 65% of water use flows to sanitary sewers as evidenced by Table 6 above. Therefore, the resulting wastewater flow for each existing residential unit was assumed to be 185.25 gallons per day (gpd) per unit (95 gpcd X 3 people/unit X 65%). Infiltration/Inflow 5.3.1 General Infiltration is water that enters the sanitary sewer system by entering through defects in the sewer pipes, joints, manholes, and service laterals, or by deliberate connection of building foundation drains. Water that enters the sewer system from cross connections with storm sewer, sump pumps, roof drains, or manhole covers is considered inflow. Water from inflow and infiltration can consume available capacity in the wastewater collection system and increase the hydraulic load on the treatment facility. In extreme cases, the added hydraulic load can cause bypasses or overflows of raw wastewater. This extra hydraulic load also necessitates larger capacity collection and treatment components, which results in increased capital, operation and maintenance, and replacement costs. As sewer systems age and deteriorate, I/I can become an increasing problem. Therefore, it is imperative that I/I be reduced whenever it is cost effective to do so. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 9 The MCES has established I/I goals for each community discharging wastewater into the Metropolitan Disposal System (MDS). In February 2006, MCES adopted an I/I Surcharge Program which requires communities within their service area to eliminate excessive I/I over a period of time. All communities exceeding their wastewater flow goal for the period of June 1, 2004, through June 30, 2006, were charged at the beginning of 2007, and from July 1, 2006, to June 30, 2007, will be charged at the beginning of 2008. The City of Rosemount was not identified by MCES as a community with excessive I/I and, therefore, is not on the MCES I/I Surcharge List. 5.3.2 I/I Analysis The majority of the City’s existing sanitary sewer system has been constructed within the last twenty years. City construction standards have been followed to minimize I/I flow contributions to the system. Included in the City’s System Statement for the 2030 Regional Development Framework adopted by the Metropolitan Council in 2004 was the City’s I/I goal for the years 2010, 2020, and 2030 based on MCES assumed flow increases. MCES assumed peak flow factors used as the limit for peak I/I flow rates are variable depending on the average flow. The sliding scale used by MCES has been included in Appendix 1. The City’s current peaking factors are well below the MCES guidelines as shown in Table 7 below. Table 7 Existing Peak Flow Factors Existing Peak Flow Factors Year Average Flow (MGD) Peak Flow (MGD) City Peaking Factor MCES Maximum Peak Factor M641 2013 0.303 3.8 2014 0.293 3.9 2015 0.29 3.9 2016 0.31 3.8 2017 0.273 3.9 M655 2013 1.109 3.3 2014 1.137 3.3 2015 1.141 3.3 2016 1.157 3.3 2017 1.139 3.3 Total 2013 1.412 3.2 2014 1.43 3.2 2015 1.431 3.2 2016 1.467 3.2 2017 1.412 3.2 Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 10 5.3.3 Municipal I/I Reduction The City’s strategy for preventing excess I/I is based on requiring new development to conform to City standards and ongoing maintenance. The City performs maintenance on the sanitary sewer system on a consistent basis, and the City reconstructs several streets within the City annually. As a part of street reconstruction projects, sanitary sewers are replaced or lined if they are in poor condition. The City construction standards include prohibiting the connection of sump pumps, rain leaders, and passive drain tiles to the sanitary sewer system. All developments are designed and constructed as public improvement projects, therefore projects conform to the City construction standards. In addition, development construction is observed to verify construction is in accordance with plans and City standards. All newly constructed sanitary sewers are televised and pressure tested to confirm they have been constructed in accordance with City standards. Evaluation of Existing Facilities 5.4.1 Wastewater Treatment As discussed previously, the City of Rosemount is responsible for wastewater collection only. Treatment is provided by MCES at the Empire wastewater treatment plant. The Empire wastewater treatment plant is located south of Rosemount in Empire Township. There are approximately 480 remaining properties within the City with ISTSs. These properties are shown in Figure 5-2. Property owners with ISTSs are required to connect to the City collection system within ten (10) years of City service becoming available or when the City has determined the ISTS has failed, whichever is earlier. 5.4.2 Lift Stations The City currently has nine lift stations in service and their locations are noted on Figure 5-1. The total capacity, existing flow, and ultimate future flow for each lift station is listed below in Table 8. Based on the service areas for Lift Stations No. 1 and No. 8, estimated existing peak flows exceed the lift station capacity. However, City staff has indicated that there have not been any incidents involving flows exceeding lift station capacity Table 8 Existing Lift Station Capacities and Flows Existing Lift Station Capacities and Flows Lift Station Estimated Existing Avg Flow (gpd) Estimated Ultimate Ave. Flow (gpd) Estimated Ultimate Peak Flow (gpd) Lift Station Capacity (gpd) LS 1 45993 45993 183971 432000 LS 3 335168 388758 1399528 1267200 LS 4 125970 125970 491283 864000 LS 5 138382 138382 539689 612000 LS 6 7410 7410 29640 50400 LS 7 23156 23156 92625 90720 LS 8 89291 89660 358639 64800 LS 9 41126 41126 164502 21600 LS 10 58870 58870 235480 172800 Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 11 5.4.3 Trunk Mains The existing City of Rosemount sanitary sewer system is comprised of gravity sewers ranging in size from 6 inches in diameter to 30 inches in diameter. The City sanitary sewer mains flow to the MCES interceptor sewers. The MCES interceptor sewers provide service to the City of Rosemount only. Figure 5-1 shows the existing City sanitary sewers and MCES interceptor. Existing peak flows from each sewer shed were estimated based on the developed area within each sewer shed and estimated unit wastewater flow. Table 5 shows the existing average flows generated in each of the sewersheds; however, Table 9, below, shows the peak flows from each sewer shed used to evaluate the adequacy of the existing trunk sewer system. Table 9 indicates that all existing City trunk mains except for M641, have adequate capacity to serve ultimate flows. The estimated peak flows at M641 are marginally above the estimated ultimate peak flows. Further analysis of the existing sewer should be completed to determine the remaining capacity in the line before any substantial future development is undertaken. Table 9 Existing System Trunk Main Capacity All peak flows shown in the above Table 9 are based on MCES supplied peaking factors. This variable ratio, called the peak flow factor, has been found to decrease as the average flow increases. They are generally considered conservative, and are widely used for planning in municipalities throughout the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Appendix 1 lists the peaking factors for this study. 5.4.4 Summary of Existing System Evaluation Existing system infrastructure including gravity mains, lift stations, and force mains has adequate capacity to serve existing system flows. Lift Stations No. 3, No. 7, No. 8 and No. 10 may exceed ultimate peak flows and should be monitored by City staff. 6. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Future Service Areas The future sanitary sewer system is based upon dividing up the ultimate potential service area into major service areas or sewersheds and then dividing those major sewersheds into sub- sewersheds. The existing City sewer shed locations were dictated by the location of existing infrastructure; however, selection of future sewersheds was generally governed by existing Existing System Trunk Main Capacity Trunk Main Existing Trunk Main Size (in) Existing Trunk Main Capacity (MGD) Estimated Ultimate Average Flow (MGD) Estimated Ultimate Peak Flow (MGD) Contributing Sewersheds M641 15 1.617 0.472 1.651 Danville, LS 3 150th 27 5.181 0.990 3.167 LS 4, LS 5, LS 6, 150th, Canada, LS 1, Biscayne, Business Pkwy Lan-O-Ken 18 2.351 0.153 0.598 Northwest, Lan-O-Ken Connemara 30 6.384 0.461 1.612 Connemara, LS 9, Lan-O-Ken, Northwest, MWCC10 Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 12 topography and or other existing features such as roadways. In addition, determining future sewersheds was generally not affected by existing sewer shed locations, because existing sewersheds typically flow into MCES interceptors without crossing undeveloped areas. The ultimate future potential service area was broken up into seven (7) major sanitary sewer districts: Northwest, MWCC08, MWCC09, Southwest, South Central, Southeast, and West Central. Figure 6-1 shows the future sewersheds, and the existing sewersheds. The Northwest, Lan-O-Ken, MWCC10, and North Central sewersheds were determined based on previous studies including the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study and the CSAH 42/Akron AUAR. The following is a brief summary of the steps taken to develop the future trunk sanitary sewer system based upon the ultimate service area: 1) The ultimate potential service area was determined by eliminating large areas not likely to be served in the future, which generally included the area surrounding Flint Hills Resources. 2) The service area was divided into sub-sewersheds based on gravity sewer constraints and roadway boundaries. Sanitary sewers were designed with minimal crossing of higher capacity roads such as CSAH 42 and TH 52. 3) Sanitary sewer flows were generated for each sub-sewer shed based on the gross developable acreage and the anticipated land use. The wastewater flow generation rates for the various land use categories discussed in this section were used to project future wastewater flows. 4) The sanitary sewer system was developed using the existing MCES interceptors as trunk sewers except in the east. Future trunk sewers in the east area were laid out based on ground contours which govern how far the gravity trunk sewers can feasibly be extended. All trunk sewers were designed to be no deeper than 35 feet, and no shallower than 8 feet from the existing ground surface. 5) Gravity sewer mains, lift stations, and force mains needed to accommodate the ultimate service area were then sized for peak sanitary sewer flows from those sub-districts which are tributary to each particular trunk gravity sewer main or lift station. The remaining developable area, summarized in Table 2and shown in Figure 3-2, has been further broken down by sewer shed and is shown in Table 10 on the following page. The Table shows amount of developable area in each sewer shed by land use category. Some of the existing sewersheds have been included because the sewer shed has not been fully developed. Future Waste Water Flows 6.2.1 Estimated Unit Wastewater Flows Future sanitary sewer flows, in conjunction with available slope, govern the capacity of sanitary sewers. To determine future sanitary flows, existing water demand and MCES recommendations were considered. MCES typically estimates 274 gpd/connection or 75 gpcd for residential estimates and 800 gpad for non-residential developments. However, these estimates are used for determining flows in the MCES interceptors. On a local design level MCES recommends sizing sanitary sewers for greater than 800 gpad for non-residential. Typically 1,000 gpad for commercial/business park areas, and 1,500 gpad for industrial/mixed use areas. The following estimated flows per acre were assumed:  Business Park – 1,000 gpad  Commercial – 1,000 gpad  Corporate Campus – 1,000 gpad Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 13  General Industrial – 1,500 gpad  Industrial/Mixed Use – 1,500 gpad  Waste Management – 1,000 gpad Future residential development was reviewed with the City Planning Department over the course of developing the Comprehensive Water System Plan. MCES recommendations of 75 gpcd were used in conjunction with planning department development projections and densities. The following estimated flows were assumed:  Urban Residential – 3 units/acre, 3.0 person/unit, 75 gpcd = 675 gpad  Transition Residential – 2 units/acre, 3.0 person/unit, 75 gpcd = 450 gpad  High Density Residential – 12 units/acre, 3.0 person/unit, 75 gpcd = 2,700 gpad  Medium Density Residential – 7 units/acre, 3.0 person/unit, 75 gpcd = 1,575 gpad  Rural Residential – 0.2 units/acre, 3.0 person/unit, 75 gpcd = 45 gpad Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 14 Table 10 Summary of Gross Developable Acres by Sewershed Summary of Gross Developable Acres by Sewershed Sewershed High Density Residential Urban Residential Medium Density Residential Business Park Trans. Residential Rural Residential Agr. Agr. Research Corp. Campus Downtown Parks/ Open Space Gen. Industrial Industrial/ Mixed Use Neighborhood Commercial Public Institutional Regional Commercial Waste Manageme nt Total 150th 0 Auburn 0 Biscayne 12.7 0.6 13 Business Parkway 0.0 2.6 216.5 80.5 300 Canada 1.4 0.2 2 Connemara 0.0 0 Danville 0 Lan-O-Ken 36.0 5.6 42 LS 1 0 LS 3 1.2 44.9 3.4 17.5 67 LS 4 0 LS 5 0 LS 6 0 LS 7 0 LS 8 2.0 2 LS 9 0 MWCC08 59.3 1384.7 194.2 163.9 153.5 131.8 238.9 2326 MWCC09 4.7 1.7 68.6 0.0 337.7 19.6 115.9 548 MWCC10 127.4 127 Northwest 0 South Central 7.5 43.2 1030.6 39.6 114.5 1235 Southeast 85.5 1633.9 448.4 422.3 217.6 94.1 91.4 17.4 12.7 3023 Southwest 172.5 10.8 183 Total 145 3369 703 1905 0 0 0 0 508 0 0 603 350 26 0 261 0 7869 Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 15 6.2.2 Future Sewershed Flows The estimated unit wastewater flows previously described was tied to the remaining developable acres and potential ultimate service area in each sewer shed as shown in Figures 3-2 and 4-2 to determine the future average future flows shown below in Table 11. Table 11 Future Wastewater Flows by Sewershed Future Wastewater Flows by Sewershed Sewershed Existing Avg. Flow (MGD) 2020 Avg. Flow (MGD) 2025 Avg. Flow (MGD) 2030 Avg. Flow (MGD) 2035 Avg. Flow (MGD) 2040 Avg. Flow (MGD) Ultimate Avg. Flow (MGD) 150th 0.191 0.191 0.191 0.191 0.191 0.191 0.191 Auburn 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 Biscayne 0.079 0.079 0.080 0.081 0.081 0.081 0.081 Business Parkway 0.058 0.058 0.176 0.294 0.294 0.294 0.294 Canada 0.104 0.104 0.105 0.106 0.106 0.106 0.106 Connemara 0.232 0.232 0.232 0.232 0.232 0.232 0.232 Danville 0.101 0.101 0.101 0.101 0.101 0.101 0.101 Lan-O-Ken 0.103 0.103 0.107 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111 LS 1 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 LS 3 0.317 0.317 0.344 0.371 0.371 0.371 0.371 LS 4 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 LS 5 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 LS 6 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 LS 7 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 LS 8 0.089 0.089 0.089 0.089 0.089 0.089 0.089 LS 9 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 MWCC08 0.061 0.338 1.536 2.734 2.949 3.163 3.163 MWCC09 0.000 0.037 0.614 1.192 1.307 1.422 1.422 MWCC10 0.016 0.016 0.025 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 Northwest 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 South Central 0.000 0.000 0.359 0.718 1.070 1.422 1.422 Southeast 0.000 0.166 0.743 1.320 1.876 2.432 3.565 Southwest 0.000 0.000 0.027 0.053 0.094 0.135 0.135 Total 1.789 2.268 5.167 8.065 9.343 10.621 11.754 As discussed previously, MCES regional interceptor capacities are planned for based on a average wastewater flow generation rate of 800 gpad. Therefore, regional wastewater flow projections are different than the local wastewater flow projections included in Table 11. Futre regional average flow is show in Table 12 by sewershed and connection point to MCES facilities. Table 13, immediately following shows the projected future regional wastewater flows in 10 year increments Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 16 Table 12 Ultimate Regional Wastewater flows by MCES Connection Point Ultimate Regional Wastewater Flow by MCES Connection Point MCES Facility Sewershed Ex. Avg Flow (MGD) Developable Acres Future Development Avg. Flow (MGD) Ultimate Avg. Flow (MGD) Cumulative Ultimate Avg. Flow at MCES Connection (MGD) M641 LS 3 0.317 67 0.054 0.37 0.47 Danville 0.101 0 0.000 0.10 L74 to Blaine Ave. (CR 73) MWCC08 0.000 756 1.392 1.39 6.38 MWCC09 0.000 357 1.128 1.13 Southeast 0.000 3023 3.565 3.56 MWCC09 0.000 191 0.294 0.29 Blaine Ave. to Akron Ave. South Central 0.000 1235 1.422 1.42 7.80 Akron Ave. (CR 73) to Biscayne Ave. Northwest 0.043 0 0.000 0.04 10.16 Lan-O-Ken 0.103 42 0.007 0.11 LS 9 0.041 0 0.000 0.04 Connemara 0.232 0 0.000 0.23 MWCC08 0.000 863 0.913 0.91 MWCC08 0.061 707 0.797 0.86 MWCC10 0.016 127 0.018 0.03 Auburn 0.013 0 0.000 0.01 LS 8 0.089 2 0.000 0.09 LS 7 0.023 0 0.000 0.02 Biscayne Ave. to City Boundary (M655) 150th 0.191 0 0.000 0.19 11.28 Canada 0.104 2 0.001 0.11 LS 1 0.046 0 0.000 0.05 LS 4 0.126 0 0.000 0.13 LS 5 0.138 0 0.000 0.14 LS 6 0.007 0 0.000 0.01 Southwest 0.000 183 0.135 0.13 Business Parkway 0.058 300 0.236 0.29 Biscayne 0.079 13 0.003 0.08 Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 17 Table 13 Future Regional Wastewater FLow my MCES connection point and 10-year Increment Future Regional Wastewater Flow by MCES Connection Point and 10-Year Increment MCES Facility Cumulative Existing Avg. Flow (MGD) Cumulateive 2020 Avg. Flow (MGD) Cumulative 2030 Avg. Flow (MGD) Cumulative 2040 Avg. Flow (MGD) Cumulative Ultimate Avg. Flow (MGD) Sewershed Existing Avg. Flow (MGD) 2020 Avg. Flow (MGD) 2030 Avg. Flow (MGD) 2040 Avg. Flow (MGD) Ultimate Avg. Flow (MGD) M641 0.418 0.418 0.472 0.472 0.472 LS 3 0.317 0.317 0.371 0.371 0.371 Danville 0.101 0.101 0.101 0.101 0.101 L74 to Blaine Ave. (CR 73) 0.000 0.460 3.905 5.246 6.379 MWCC08 0.000 0.258 1.392 1.392 1.392 MWCC09 0.000 0.037 0.966 1.128 1.128 Southeast 0.000 0.166 1.320 2.432 3.565 MWCC09 0.000 0.000 0.225 0.294 0.294 Blaine Ave. to Akron Ave. 0.000 0.460 4.622 6.669 7.802 South Central 0.000 0.000 0.718 1.422 1.422 Akron Ave. (CR 73) to Biscayne Ave. 0.622 1.101 6.560 9.035 10.158 Northwest 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 Lan-O-Ken 0.103 0.103 0.114 0.114 0.111 LS 9 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 Connemara 0.232 0.232 0.232 0.232 0.232 MWCC08 0.000 0.000 0.484 0.913 0.913 MWCC08 0.061 0.080 0.858 0.858 0.858 MWCC10 0.016 0.016 0.040 0.040 0.034 Auburn 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 LS 8 0.089 0.089 0.089 0.089 0.089 LS 7 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 Biscayne Ave. to City Boundary (M655) 1.371 1.850 7.605 10.161 11.282 150th 0.191 0.191 0.191 0.191 0.191 Canada 0.104 0.104 0.106 0.106 0.106 LS 1 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 LS 4 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 LS 5 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 LS 6 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 Southwest 0.000 0.000 0.053 0.135 0.135 Business Parkway 0.058 0.058 0.296 0.296 0.294 Biscayne 0.079 0.079 0.081 0.081 0.081 Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 18 Future Trunk Sanitary Sewer System The future trunk sanitary sewer system layout is shown in Figure 6-2. It shows the proposed trunk sewers, lift stations, force mains, and sewersheds. Using the projected wastewater flows for each of the sewersheds and sub-sewersheds, design flows were determined for each segment of trunk sewer to determine sizing requirements. The sanitary sewer trunk system was divided into pipe lengths with collection points. Each sub- sewer shed was designated one collection point, and the collection point was assumed to be the location where the sub-district’s flow entered the pipe network. The collection points were assumed conservatively and were typically the lowest elevation in the sub-sewer shed at the greatest distance from the connection point to the trunk sewer. A SewerCAD model was developed for the future trunk system based on the collection points. Laterals were extended from the collection points to the trunk mains and were sized based on the peak wastewater flow generated at the collection point. Trunk mains were appropriately sized where collection laterals connected to each trunk main. The sanitary sewer collection system must be capable of handling not only average flows, but also the anticipated peak flows. These peak flows can be expressed as a variable ratio applied to average daily flow rates. This variable ratio, called the peak flow factor, has been found to decrease as average flow increases. The peak flow factors applied in this study are listed in Appendix 1. These values were obtained from MCES. They are generally considered conservative, and are widely used for planning in municipalities throughout the twin cities metropolitan area. 6.3.1 Existing City Sewersheds The City’s existing service area is located in the southwest area of the City. It was broken down into sewersheds based on existing lift stations and connection points to trunk sewers. The sewersheds named for connection points to trunk sewers were named for streets where the majority of flows would be collected. Some sewersheds are fully developed in accordance with the 2030 land use plan including Danville, 150th, Canada, LS 1, LS 4, LS 5, LS 6, LS 7, Auburn, and Biscayne. These sewersheds will not generate additional future flow unless major redevelopment occurs. The balance of the existing sewersheds, LS 3, LS 8, LS 9, Business Parkway, Connemara, and Lan-O-Ken, have developable area remaining. Wastewater from existing development is collected by sewer mains ranging in size from 8 to 30 inches in diameter. All flows are conveyed to the Rosemount Interceptor, with the exception of flows from the Danville and LS 3 sewersheds. Wastewater from those sewersheds flows through MCES flow meter M641 in the southeast corner of the City to Apple Valley and ultimately the Empire wastewater treatment plant. The fully developed existing sewersheds will not require future improvements, since additional future flows will not be generated. Of the existing sewersheds with developable area remaining, only the Lan-O-Ken will require trunk main extensions. Connemara, LS 8, LS 3, LS 9, and Business Parkway will require additional collection laterals only. The Lan-O-Ken trunk sewer extension was included in the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study that closely reviewed the Northwest, Lan-O-Ken, MWCC10, and North Central sewersheds. An 18-inch trunk main would be extended further west and north from the current endpoint and a 950 gpm lift station would be required to pump flows from the northern tier of the district and the Northwest sewer shed south to trunk main. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 19 The northern portion of the Lan-O-Ken sewershed is currently planned as a transitional residential zone will likely be conveyed north into Eagan’s sanitary sewer. The area has a potential average flowrate of 0.085 MGD and an estimated peak flow of 0.34 MGD. Assuming the connection to Eagan is placed a the 10 State Standards minimum pipe slope, a 8” trunk sewer line would be capable of serving the transitional residential area. 6.3.2 Northwest Sewershed The Northwest Sewer Shed includes the existing developed rural residential area north of the existing City service area and west of Robert Trail. There is no existing sanitary sewer collection system in this developed area and wastewater treatment is accomplished by ISTSs. Additional trunk sanitary sewer improvements will be necessary, although it is not likely this area will be served in the future. Sanitary sewer service to this area was originally planned for in the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. A 12-inch trunk main would convey wastewater to the 950 gpm lift station in the Lan-O-Ken sewer shed. Sewage would be pumped from the lift station to the Lan-O-Ken trunk main. 6.3.3 MWCC10 The MWCC10 Sewer Shed is bounded by Robert Trail on the west, the Lan-O-Ken and North Central sewersheds to the north, the MWCC08 sewer shed to the east and 135th Street to the South. The MWCC10 sewer shed is mostly developed rural and transition residential, with the exception of some remaining developable urban residential in the west. There is no existing sanitary sewer collection system in this developed area and wastewater treatment is accomplished by ISTSs. Additional trunk sanitary sewer improvements will be necessary to serve this area. Sanitary sewer service to this area was originally planned for in the MWCC08 Sanitary Sewer Study. A 12- to 15-inch trunk main would be extended north along Bacardi Avenue from the Connemara sewer shed to collect flows from the MWCC10 sewer shed. 6.3.4 MWCC08 The MWCC08 sewershed was re-delineated by the City of Rosemount in 2018 and combines the sewersheds previously known as North Central, Southwest Central, and Central sewersheds. The new sewershed flows into the Empire Interceptor. The northern portion of the sewershed is planned as primarily rural residential. Further south towards CSAH 42 the land use transitions to urban residential with small sections of commercial and high density residential near the hiway. The souther portions of the sewershed are primary urban residential with some sections of agricultural research on the far southern end of the sewershed. Due to the hilly topography of the northern portion of the sewer shed, an 850 gpm lift station would be required to collect and pump wastewater south to an 18- to 21-inch trunk main that would convey flows to the West Akron trunk main. If the rural residential area in the west were to be served, three small lift stations with capacities of 5 gallons per minute (gpm), 15 gpm, and 25 gpm would be required to pump wastewater to the 850 gpm lift station in the northern tier of the sewer shed. Additional trunk sanitary sewer improvements will be necessary to serve future development as shown in Figure 6-2. The sewer shed is broken up by two lift stations, one in the north and one in the south. Wastewater from the southern area is collected by 8 to 10-inch mains and then pumped to the northern area by an 850 gpm lift station. Trunk mains ranging in size from 8 to 18-inches in diameter collect wastewater from the northern area. The southern lift station would pump sewage to the northern lift station (2,200 gpm) and it would then be pumped to the Empire Interceptor. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. FUTURE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 20 6.3.5 MWCC09 The MWCCO9 sewershed was also re-delineated by the City of Rosemount in 2018 to combine what was previously the Southeast Central and the Northeast sewersheds. sewer shed is bounded by the Rosemount wastewater treatment plant to the south, CR 71 to the west, and Pine Bend Trail on the east and north. It is mostly undeveloped with the exception of some general industrial in northern portion and Flint Hills Resources. The existing properties have septic systems, but may be served by the City’s municipal sewer system in the future. The future land use is exclusively general industrial. The Rosemount Interceptor flows from west to east through the district and terminates at the Rosemount wastewater treatment plant along the southern boundary of the sewer shed. Wastewater is then pumped from the existing Rosemount wastewater treatment plant to the Empire Interceptor. A trunk main ranging in size from 8 to 15-inches was constructed in 2007 running north along TH 52 from the existing Rosemount Interceptor to Flint Hills Resources. Trunk sewer improvements will be necessary to serve future general industrial development north of the Rosemount wastewater treatment plant. An 880 gpm lift station with an 8-inch force main would be required to pump wastewater from the future general industrial area north of Pine Bend Trail and east of TH 52. Trunk mains ranging in size from 8 to 21-inch would be required to collect flows from remaining future development south of Pine Bend Trail and east of TH 52. The Flint Hills Resources trunk sewer is used to collect flows from some of the future development south of Pine Bend Trail. 6.3.6 South Central Sewershed The South Central sewer shed is similar to the south portion of MWCC08 in that it is generally within UMore Park and is bounded by CSAH 42 on the north, 160th Street on the south, Southwest Central sewer shed on the west, and TH 52 on the east. There is a small area north of CSAH 42 that would be included in this sewer shed. The future land uses within the district include business park, regional commercial,and small section of agricultural research and medium density residential. There is no existing sanitary sewer collection system in this area. The Empire Interceptor is mostly force main along the northern border of the sewer shed, being pumped from east to west. Additional trunk sanitary sewer improvements will be necessary to serve future development. The topography provided relief to create a 15 to 30-inch trunk main flowing from the southern boundary of the district, northeast to the Rosemount Interceptor in the Central sewer shed. The trunk main connects to the Rosemount Interceptor just to the west of TH 52, but a crossing of CSAH 42 would be required. A 530 gpm lift station would be required to pump wastewater from an area in the southeast corner of the sewer shed to the future trunk main. 6.3.7 Southwest Sewershed The Southwest sewer shed is within UMore Park. It includes the area east of Biscayne Avenue, west of the Southwest Central sewer shed, south of CSAH 42, and North of 160th Street. It is currently undeveloped and future land use would be almost exclusively Urban Residential with a small portion of the developed area being planned as commercial space. The Rosemount Interceptor flows west to east, then north through the district. The Empire Interceptor flows to the east along the northern boundary then south along the eastern boundary of the district. Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (CIP) City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 21 Additional trunk sanitary sewer improvements will be necessary to serve future development. Due to the proximity of both the Rosemount and Empire Interceptors, the majority of sewers would be collection laterals. A 10-inch diameter main would be required to collect flows from the largest sub-sewer shed and convey flows to a 470 gpm lift station that would pump to the Empire Interceptor. 6.3.8 Southeast Sewershed The Southeast sewer shed is generally located in the southeast corner of the City limits. It is bounded by the City limits on the east and south, Pine Bend Trail on the north, and the Northeast and Southeast Central sewersheds to the west. It is currently undeveloped, however, there are some existing rural residential areas served by ISTSs. Future development is planned to be largely urban residential, industrial/mixed use, corporate campus, and business park, but there are smaller areas of commercial, medium density residential, and high density residential. There is no existing sanitary sewer collection system or MCES interceptor sewer within this district. Additional trunk sanitary sewer improvements will be necessary to serve future development. Since there is no existing MCES interceptor east of the Rosemount wastewater treatment plant (MCES L74 Lift Station), a major City interceptor was required. The topography provided relief for a southeast interceptor flowing from the eastern border, initially 24-inches in diameter increasing to 36-inches in diameter, then west and north to a 6,300 gpm lift station located near MCES L74 Lift Station (L74). The lift station would be required to lift flows a short distance since the existing invert at L74 is near elevation 829 and the proposed trunk sewer invert would be approximately 800. The southeast interceptor would have to cross CSAH 42 and 140th Street. The proposed trunk sewer would flow from the southeast to the northwest across land that is largely owned by Great River Energy. Great River’s development plans are unknown; however, the future trunk sewer can be routed around the land if it is not developed. The future trunk sewer is not necessary until development occurs in the southeast sewer shed, therefore, final routing should be reviewed once development begins in the southeast sewer shed. In addition, as development begins to occur, the trunk lift station may not initially be constructed with 6,300 gpm capacity. The lift station could be constructed in phases with room for capacity expansions as development increases in the southeast sewer shed. Lift station capacity phasing would be dependent upon the rate of development at that time. Other trunk sewer improvements would be required to convey future flows to the major City interceptor. These improvements are shown in Figure 6-2 and include sanitary sewers ranging in size from 8 to 18-inches in diameter, and three lift stations. The lift stations include a 1,400 gpm station in the northeast that would generally serve the corporate campus area, a 770 gpm station in the southeast to serve urban residential along the southern City border, and a 130 gpm station in the southwest to serve urban residential along the southern City border. 7. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (CIP) Estimated Cost of Trunk System Improvements The projected ultimate sanitary sewer trunk system was broken down into improvements based on sewersheds and development projection time frames. The overall cost associated with trunk system components over the next 23 years is estimated to be approximately $41,687,358 in 2017 dollars and ultimately $6,169,222 more. Table 14 summarizes the trunk improvement costs necessary for each district. Detailed cost Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (CIP) City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 22 estimates for each district are available in Appendix 2. Furthermore, construction schedules for trunk facilities in each sewer shed are included Appendix 3. Future improvement costs were based on 2017 construction prices, including a 10% construction contingency, and including 30% overhead (i.e., legal, engineering, and administrative). Street and easement costs and other miscellaneous costs that may be related to final construction are not included. Table 14 Capital Improvement Plan by Sewershed 1) Costs are for budgeting purposes only, and are subject to change as projects are studied, designed, and constructed. 2) Costs are estimated based on 2017 construction costs. 3) Land acquisition costs are not included. Future Trunk System Funding 7.2.1 General Future trunk sewer improvements are funded through the City’s Core Fund. As properties develop, initial costs are paid by the core fund. Then, the core fund is reimbursed by trunk area assessments and individual connection charges. The current available balance in the core fund is approximately $5,000,000.00. Trunk Area Assessments are collected when a developer applies for a plat/subdivision agreement. Any fees not collected with the plat/subdivision agreement are collected as a connection charge prior to system connection. The assessment is calculated based on the entire parcel area to be developed. The current Trunk Area Assessment is $1,075 per acre. The SAC fee, or connection charge, is collected when a new or existing property applies to connect to City sanitary sewer. The SAC charge is $1,200 per SAC unit, and is equivalent to 274 gallons per day (gpd). A single family residence is considered one SAC unit, but other types of buildings pay a prorated SAC fee relative to their estimated sanitary sewer flows. 7.2.2 Future Connection Fees and Trunk Area Growth Future connection growth dictates the expected future income of the core fund based on Trunk Area Assessments and SAC collected from development. Table 15 below shows the projected development fees based on the growth assumptions assumed in Sections 3 and 4. Capital Improvement Plan by Sewershed District 2020 2030 2040 Ultimate Total MWCC09 $0 $2,727,922 $0 $1,004,202 $3,732,124 Southeast $0 $5,415,200 $13,585,978 $0 $19,001,178 South Central $0 $1,356,162 $353,930 $3,556,893 $5,266,985 MWCC08 $1,944,498 $5,757,143 $0 $7,846,927 $15,548,568 Southwest $0 $0 $0 $1,078,451 $1,078,451 Lan-O-Ken $0 $969,620 $0 $0 $969,620 Northwest $0 $0 $0 $413,700 $413,700 MWCC10 $0 $456,680 $0 $0 $456,680 Total $1,944,498 $16,682,727 $13,939,908 $13,900,173 $46,467,306 Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (CIP) City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 23 Future developable area, discussed in 3.2 and shown in Figure 3-2, was correlated to the projected land use phasing discussed in 4.3 and shown in Figure 4-2 to project the development timing of remaining developable area broken down by land use. The number of SAC units expected to develop were based on the estimated unit wastewater flows discussed in 6.2.1. SAC units for residential land uses were based on the estimated units for each type. However, SAC units for non-residential land uses were prorated based on the assumed unit wastewater flow. For example, one acre of business park development was assumed to generate 1,000 gpd, which was divided by the SAC unit flow equivalent (274 gpd), to determine that each acre of business park development would generate 3.6 SAC units of wastewater flow. 7.2.3 Core Fund Rate Analysis To accurately reflect future infrastructure expenses, the Capital Improvement Plan estimated costs for each design interval, but not increased for inflation. It was assumed that rates would be increased at a rate similar to inflation. Full development was assumed to occur in 2037. Table 15 shows existing rates’ impact on the balance of the core fund. Existing rates appear to be adequate to fund future improvements, assuming they are increased at a rate similar to inflation. The fund balance is estimated to decrease from approximately $5,000,000 to $145,000 once the City is fully developed. Since the City funds the initial infrastructure cost and is then reimbursed by development fees, it is recommended to review rates on a regular basis. Some debt financing may be required to fund future improvements depending upon the cost of individual sewer improvement projects. Table 7-2 Sewer Core Fund Balance Projection Table 15 Core Fund Assume Gross Acres Development Core Fund Assuming Gross Acres Development1 2018-2020 2020-2030 2030-2040 2040-Ultimate Total Area Developed 726 5,429 2,493 1,398 Trunk Area Charge Rate per Acre $1,075 $1,075 $1,075 $1,075 SAC Fee Rate per Unit $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 Beginning Year Balance $5,000,000 $6,464,835 $12,895,761 $8,944,002 Development Costs (CIP) $1,944,498 $16,682,727 $13,939,908 $13,900,173 Balance after Expenses $3,055,502 - $10,217,892 -$1,044,147 -$4,956,171 Total SAC Fees $2,628,452 $17,277,390 $7,307,861 $3,598,261 Total Revenues $3,409,333 $23,113,653 $9,988,149 $5,100,877 Balance after Revenues (Year End) $6,464,835 $12,895,761 $8,944,002 $144,706 Balance change $1,464,835 $6,430,926 -$3,951,759 -$8,799,296 % change 29% 99% -31% -98% 1 Assumes SAC charged to newly connected properties served by ISTS Prepared by: Bolton & Menk, Inc. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (CIP) City of Farmington - Comprehensive Sewer Plan ǀ [T18114157] Page 25 Appendix 1: Figures Map Document: H:\ROSEMNT_CI_MN\T18116417\GIS\ESRI\Figures\GIS\3_1 LandUse.mxd Date Saved: 8/21/2018 10:23:16 AMComprehensive S anitary S ewer System Plan City of Ros emount August, 2018Figure 3-1 Land Use Plan Legend Parcel Boundary MUSA Boundary 2030 2040 2050 La nd U se Agricultural Agricultral Research Business Park Cor porate Campus Downtown Gener al Industrial High Density Residential Industrial /Mixed Use Medium Density Residential Nei ghborhood Commercial Public/Infrastructur e Parks & Opens Space Regional Commercial Rur al Residenti al Transitional Residential Urban Residential Waste Management 0 1,5 00Feet So urce: !I Map Document: H:\ROSEMNT_CI_MN\T18116417\GIS\ESRI\Figures\GIS\3_3 Gross Developable.mxd Date Saved: 8/21/2018 10:36:23 AMComprehensive S anitary S ewer System Plan City of Ros emount August, 2018Figure 3-2 Gross Developable Land Legend Undeveloped Developed La nd U se Agricultural Agricultral Research Business Park Cor porate Campus Downtown Gener al Industrial High Density Residential Industrial /Mixed Use Medium Density Residential Nei ghborhood Commercial Public/Infrastructur e Parks & Opens Space Regional Commercial Rur al Residenti al Transitional Residential Urban Residential Waste Management 0 1,5 00Feet So urce: !I Map Document: H:\ROSEMNT_CI_MN\T18116417\GIS\ESRI\Figures\GIS\4_2 Potential Ult Service Area.mxd Date Saved: 8/21/2018 2:31:40 PMComprehensive S anitary S ewer System Plan City of Ros emount August, 2018Figure 4-2 Potential Ultimate Service Area Legend 2020 R esi dential 2020 N on-R esidential 2030 R esi dential 2030 N on-R esidential 2040 R esi dential 2040 N on-R esidential 2050 R esi dential 2050 N on-R esidential 0 1,5 00Feet So urce: !I