HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Approval of August 21, 2018, Meeting MinutesROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 21, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was held on August 21, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Chair Weisensel called the meeting to order with Commissioners Droste, Wolf, Ober, Smith, and Freske in attendance. Staff present included City Administrator Martin and City Clerk Fasbender. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA City Administrator Martin stated there were no changes to the agenda except for the ordering; ‘Old Business’ will move ahead of ‘New Business’. Going forward, future agendas will follow this ordering. Motion by Wolf Second by Droste Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Wolf Second by Smith Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of July 17, 2018, Meeting Minutes Ayes: Droste, Wolf, Ober, Weisensel, Smith, Freske Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 4.a. Canada Circle Update Administrator Martin provided an update on the contamination issue at Canada Circle. Martin provided background on the issue and the conversations staff has had with the buyer and WSB, engineering consultants. Based on the discussions, there has not been an agreement yet on who will be funding the project mostly because it is not a guaranteed project at this time. First, a Phase II will be conducted to determine where the contamination may be. This process needs to happen first in order to determine the next steps. The city has initiated this work through WSB. The City has applied to enter this site into the Brownfield program through Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). Staff will continue to follow up with Port Authority and provide status updates. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 21, 2018 4.b. Project Updates Martin provided an update on Retail Strategies and the conversations that staff have had with Retail Strategies. Martin mentioned Retail Strategies will be providing staff with a quarterly phone call and a monthly written report to discuss progress on their activity, including providing lists of businesses that would be suitable for Rosemount. Port Authority is requesting more detail about how this list is compiled, how many hours Retail Strategies dedicates to Rosemount and also more accuracy on the lists they provide; as some items on the list don’t seem to be all suitable for Rosemount. Martin shared Lindquist will provide a monthly email update to the Port Authority which will include a report on progress. Chair Weisensel questioned whether there are tools available to drive certain industries to Rosemount, for instance medical office buildings. Weisensel concluded that Rosemount needs to get more aggressive to get the services to Rosemount that our neighboring cities already have. Martin highlighted other project updates including the public hearing that is scheduled for August 21st council meeting for Northern Tap House, located in the former Applebee’s building. Staff is continuing to push for action at the Israelson property. Commissioners are questioning what Port Authority or staff could do to support this item in order to continue moving forward. NEW BUSINESS 5.a. Business Visit Program Martin provided an update regarding the initiation of the business visit program between Rosemount Business Owners, staff and Port Authority. Currently, Ten Tiny Toes and Sentinel Assurance Group are confirmed for a meeting. Port Authority discussed the scheduling of these meetings, who is best to attend these meetings, and the types of discussions that should take place. Once these meetings are complete, an update will be provided at the following Port Authority meeting to recap how the meeting went. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT DIRECTOR’S REPORT REPORTS FROM PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSIONERS Martin provided an update regarding the downtown redevelopment opportunity. Martin made mention of the City Council and City’s Port Authority willingness to provide financial incentives to a qualifying project. Martin shared staff received feedback immediately from these cover letters and discussed how staff went and met with these businesses. COMMUNITY/AUDIENCE RECOGNITION ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Port Authority and upon a motion by Weisensel, second by Freske, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 6:54 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Erin Fasbender, City Clerk