Lot 4, Block 4, PRESTWICK PLACE 14TH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota �
I ( V
- � � N
� nT ; 14085 Ailesbury Avenue,Rosemount, Minnesota �� x
L_�./ I �i � � k' �
�EXISTING�HOUSE o 30 I �- � � �
� � NOTES Z � � �
°D " +544 OS B 9�•0� u � 1. Bearings are based on the recorded plat. � � � �
~ � � .t W 2. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal and vertical placement of � �
� � - S89°31 '31 E 140.�0 - � m a � structure onl See architectural lans for buildin and foundation � �
�.,•-s� � � � � Y• P g
3 [943.0 8431 943.8 9�.r'J 9�3.0 949.3 p � n � � � ZZ
,.� 943.0 �n �•� 949.4 � \ � I � 3. No specific soils investigation has been completed on this lot by James � \ ��
/ � H.P. � � - - - - - �-
� � �� R. Hill, Inc.the suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed ��
(94 .3] y� � eso.�] I W is not the responsibility of James R. Hill, Inc.or the surveyor. � � �
I� v [9429 944.0] 945.0
W � [9�6]3d�4�.5]_��� � 16�5 'N\24.5 o __30.0 > 4. No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded or � � � �
„ ____-- -� ` � �o,\�N Q � � un-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part ' �m � ,
� I }� w��c� 2A � 3 � ; " Q of this survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown. '
N O � ~� �^' ��� � � I � � � 5. P r o p o s e d g r a d e s s h o w n w e r e t a k e n f r o m t h e g r a d i n g&/o r
�� .. of- oQ o rn � N O � � C�l
develo ment lan re ared b Probe En ineerin Com an Inc.
o O � �9xZs�4$']2� '�a ,�9�8� � ��z o� �5 0� � I N� � �` u� I � 6. Grading plan date/evpion dat: 5/30/17�. g p Y 'I
Opp w� .. ��o� _ __ _ � � o � 7. Sanitary service invert elevation per City engineering
IQ i? x o 2 � � � � department=935.95 I
Z O z w t�' � � 'n a�� (�
��� ��� /�� li
N [s%ze7 [K�.�� o w �943.7] \34.0 � o � I W �
�� [�f s) �`` ta4s., ca�►rT- o [s+�.o� � � � B E N C H M AR K v� �� il
30 I 1 � � �Q �
� L L� - _ - � � � 1 . 1 Top nut of hydrant located at Lots 4 and 5, Block 4=949.32 O Q c 'i
9425 9�.3 ` 942.0 843A 943.2] �945.8 948.0 �947.8 D47.2 � � ■ ■ J I
0 941.4 '- . 948.0 � � � � � x a� �
�t; �- � o . „ _ � g � - FLOOR ELEVATI ONS q Y T
S89 31 31 E 140.00 °° � Q � o "; ',
°%'� sa�.o � � Pro posed Asbuilt O � � o
� �^ , � °' 3 Garage Floor @ Front =950.1 = 950.2 �� �o
� n-r- � a o f- , o W � w Garage Top of Block =950.5 �r a o
L_�./ I �.,� y =o � a•Q Q' � 30 I House Top of Block =951.2 � � �o
�o � �,Q o Lowest Floor =942.5 ��
cn v � o� � Top of Block � -m°o
w� ' a at Lookout Window =945.7 F
I � ( � *DROP GARAGE TOP OF BLOCK 0.7'* V � Ja
a Lot = 11,200 sq.ft. PU"��A�
NHouse/Garage =1,851 sq.ft. DATE
Porch = 105 sq.ft. 4 5 18
Driveway =850 sq.ft. ����5
Sidewalk =27 sq.ft. 4 23 18 Im ervious
Stoop =9 sq.ft. 8 10 18 As-built
Total Impervious =2,842 sq.ft. or 25.4%of lot final rode
8 17 18 U date
�,}���� � SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE drivewa and im .
I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
-�r11t� ��Q,�� my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
o�� p �,��
0 Denotes set spike laws of the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show all
ki�� O Denotes set iron monument improvements,easements or encroachments,to the property except as
�,yp� ��' �j�`���,6j�,(�=�"" � • Denotes found iron monument shown thereon.
3.�3t�.�6.i�r'z , .r ,;;
c � Denotes proposed drainage
��' � `'� SCALE IN FEET tc Denotes top of curb Signed this lOth day of August, 2018 Civ� 3D\380316
0 30 60 x900.0 Denotes existing elevation
(930.0) Denotes proposed elevation PRO�CT NO.
x[900.0] Denotes as-built elevation �316
1 inch = 30 feet Marcus F. Hampton, MN L.S. No.47481 �E� � � �
, �
���c-,�,;;� .� ��� �1 ��,���,� . �)-� ��� � �L� �,--- ,:
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