HomeMy WebLinkAbout19810908 Indenture BRAUER ASSOCIATES TEL No .6128329475 Jan 23,96 16:38 No.001 P.04 mikonvinprorpm•-,,evelwr-s.gtvprfo!x5nrem•rt. espplimilaPAWItMgi10151.04- twAtale :it\o •:•1' ,i, s',....., i 71;),) tor, 7' rf',17-t L., .c.cT;si,'.',;/;;.4',....;'•...;,.,',:.7),'i,;„....!4'...,. 1 .:;(....,1,,',. .N "4, L'ii,"ri. f ,of.,...t• rt. -0, .:1:;;•;-: i•, ko',0?-4 t ge64, 4.'•;';'-' l tr• 110', ,.;1■1- 1 ;f4, f t 11; ,4L .4 4 fit''' t 4 ,i.. 5 ....4 'I.' i4:-J -^r L e ils *40 4r j 0' 'ii ''':•f' -;'il ,,'',1 r .....:0.v.....,,,,.,..„) v .i...: N ........,,,....:.•,i...„..v,..:.;„...„... 3 ,0i'if-I p l;Nlit e.' 1- li .if.tl, ,‘,.!,,i'4' ,I.,•,':'.:..,,i 1 '17'...' i g :a' 1 I 1 it A %V t ei i'• 1 •,:2, 4 ,4 ..0.,•. ...:r c. i .1 Y',4" 't i 4z ,ir. 1,4• :d. i. 4, .,p.:.....kik-, t.ih r .,0,...:. A:10 .,.3 4* 2 ';,t r .c 1- •••:1• 4,."1. w.wl, .‘;',..1•Oik,4%;•,:t.'„IkA.t...4ikl,:t.r,4'kr•;',,ii 4vii, il` 1 '10 k". 7 .r .".",it; 4 f 1 ...1 4. I t 0,..4 .1 41 ill. ,+'•'1 ..,;-.4,5,0",,,..4.,,•/..,.....-5,... .......t. NI -S. .t, ,-,4 -4 J-4 1 UR li"•:' :Alik_../..k;F.Agle,T 1 .,1'. k 44,4,:, -4.14k...zi,444:.40,.o.ik.,,A,k 'in 1 "1 ,..v. r' T''';'.. ,s0„. 1 ,....c:0.;, :,'.5.;4-.,+.,-. Li, itt,'.4.. 1, ,,te- .t4I'4 4 F 4 t N V.:;...".1 W" i 's i 5 0: 0 1r, tfi-‘17; i ,2 1 4.,,,,,'..;;;...•,,,s,'„,.. h r., _'1, 1 1 fh..4 k t 1 1 111brftruer. Made 'thi• L day of Oaptiod/er, 2011 '.,11 ‘i' by and among/ t.,....1 'It t; :,!1(1! 11 OPEdTPO ALLOY, CONDOMTION, NAriftwts Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "ilercrn0* 1., and PATE OF MJNNtSOTA si- Openly co4 Dabsti CITY Ol /1001hHOUST, hunt olps I Corporation I. A.. Office of elifinity escodolf In the County of Dakota and Stet. of ..4, Thit al lo caret/ Mat Mo istthin Hi osssots, horst os tt07 referred to e• "CITY i tooSsmsni wit Mod Iv rerxed Ineenit 4M tInILfI MO WI TNEBBC111 0 o r loF 19. o'clock ,11., and that il wilERIEhes See0tre le the *whet' ot th* foilowinod•soribed S lat04 Wit Wit recoidad in Dilota Count/ Rotordc premises situate an Paketa County, Iiinn*fotal tO ••Wite t A.ERIAtti,'2_.--- Lot. 1, 2, 3 and 1 Slook 1, 061141nbaah a 7 f' 4 ams* L Nelson, Inc. rirst Addition, according to to Nr the recorded plat thereof in th• offioe et ths County neeord•r in end for &aid County and Stat•I ,'s f4 '1,,,. W1111AtAll, the said Lots I and 2 are adjacent sacra to tha 1 other whereby tha northerly lin* of said Lot 3 constitutes the Southerly line of said tot 2# and the said Lots 2 and 3 •r• L L.. s• ,p Pi:' h adj a cent each to the other whereby the Northorly..lin• of said J. .i 'V .1. l ist 2 constitutaa tha Southarly line of maid Lot 3, and **LI 9 0, ,e, Al 1 ...'1. i; 1 tote 3 *and 4 are adjacont mach to eh. r•thir 1/hereby the Lots 3 and 4 have common boundary liner •11 were folly sst A "'t f.... S+i t. 1 n ii. 4 1 7 forth on the said recorded plat thor•of, f-ri......;;:.''..,.''.,. ,!,.17 111121MAS• thirre has b•en oonstrusted a oertein concrete, 1 5..„ block building Over and across a portion of the said Northerly t 0.:;' t o r A 0 line of said lot 2 and the" Southerly line of said Lot 3 whoraby o• t• v _40 4f• ft r ,,i I ..0 1 ...F '4.,., dlidin 1 maid buil,ding, as single Integral Dnit, is •altuata.onbOth..,.' 4,/,)( .j,2t) 4,:o laid Lots 2 and 31 and .7 Jt Wwittradp Spootro otintexPlatote'thohapeneion of said'. building over and Ogoroas the said demon boundary .line of,said.„;...,„) .N, i P,,..... "ie, •T, 1:41'....* .....j.i 1 t: i i' 4 1 :''5' L :,-...2' 1 1 .:[N' -,•,,.:(er:c.. r :i .f,"„-,;.,:: s 14 1/ 1., k, r 1 '..i 7.`-'"".- ."1 r 1 :ir';''''''-' 2.. t,Y..: 7 1 q'. Vii l 6 :W WO' i i',. V; ...1•- ...V;,. 1.. 0 1 ..t 44 '-N‘ -64 4, 44,r-:,YR).-:14,7ki,; :.,..qii$.40- :t:/ c y ;`,4;::; '...z.:; :,',,,t y '1 '1: 4 'I': 1 "...L. 'F•kt i' .i,,.1`,.:,1 gq .'1',..,.•.'!',1 '''-'7:'' l f f v. ...T -7'"", s...3:t-:"0;• i,•'•:,k' ..k ',1•!,"4,.,■ c.),, e40 I. .•,;:i s ...r- 1 .,/•,-,±11.1c1 1 *,,,,,‘1/4`- i'.'.„, Ali,,.-s'','Pt',.',' 2'. -I -?'-r k 4,• J i 4 1, )'i: 4:1'-.,',,j1a,`„.t 1/4 7' ...:2■...ge.... t. '1:. 1 i.: 141i,, ,,i,i,... ',,,i,,I [C.', le= BRAUER ASSOCIATES TEL No.6128329475 Jan 23,96 16:38 No.001 P.05 J, 'i •:rY Alk'L ..a�rti&C I LL C r' r'.:_I' :'r r "I:If: .iCt' _y;;.:;;. ra'aY .$:n i;iv.. •:,�rS�,, a �Ylw,rlM► W'1 '}w, I w M. q r.+w1•. ,i ..11..•. w srti lW,/..r.w„ t r L O, //AA'NVr a,:':.,*.7....,. ∎Wrt r.p..; .,.R i+ 'F. ,..,y.., a e .r •�.r T h? r•y "r f.r. r. M fir i 1 ti %'1 i u ,44:4 1 Y: Y,G 4 t,t y y t A`, t I Y �i f e� l' s.f tY f7 r a S 1 L J Jy� h p J 'Sit, f r4. y L u• r �g tai 0 6 r a L' 1 <lqY t Ri R� ti ?l 7 tcA^ ti +V Y, a •v 1 r t 4 n r r Y J i i rF r J l,� r h iY 1L t o- L(; 1' 1 f S :i ,�,r f.;-.;- t a 1 t r 1 r, fir R if t' .1,11',..., tt i, r ;y f F t t 1, J i I l r +l t i' ,l,r.', i y l ei fr w.. 4.ra1, 'T >•;.N4M,' „J. C1 w 1,.. ri ,I 14 1 r2 2! 1f r� 'y. W E as r S n a r`} �t,z r w 3 F f ry J° Y x L f L 1 0-•YF,1f x r t 1 I '�1'. .z rK, •.$:,,,,n,.,' t., tfk'-'∎ T. �r S 7;4'1:: 1.r •1 r i 1 4!: i i 'r,' i t iL J 9 t. 4 1 {;1 r' fr r ,�;S i" ^tl P V r t d 5 r r r -r ;L Y al 4i Iw .1,.::''....!`e• 1 ,ii,. y,.,sf r U d jk 3 .7 Y y� i �4 d�1 Pk h. d�::47 t L M i i •4 i c/�.d,s 1 YI'L'' S l' 1 ,t; yi 'el:. _ry e 12F t. :i� ;R, ;I A.,. r j j y fi i�. y j �r 1 r,,�; q1�. '�o :t f 7 ,.i r ).q y 1,. .:•ti, .y ii�4'Y:M, li re tr L 1 y1 ,,.,,q; =0.,),', vU, i I T t' f t fr'h 111 hi-;-..#114,4,."..,i- ..4.0 t J 3; MF l 7 a t r 1 .1• •1.. 7j 1 1 "rr *1 4 7: t (1 t Y1 l r ,l' r M i' t w/ ,t 1 e/S Ir, r.4 t 4 ;q 1 ...L �x'.r ay 4i,'";.'.; 11'11°'. Y r r R r t t4a 1 1 ,,r •.Y ,te �t R JI.Jp r i MI•ip,,,. r1;w'�t r i t q 1 i ?1.i .•.�q' f t 1 I n r r f'• ,:r. bq M 'fit th1t�1MT 1 M rt s �1 a. 1 i, 1 r 1 1 r7 ai yi h c�ri, ,v.+k z^ 'Lt f 1 'f 7 7 L I 1 r Y M 4 1, ti+hy+s ,a ia;.. lift,, U> Ib,1 i I 1•�'rr'at t the Jr Sr r c L kti 4 n i -;37 a t 1 et t»�Az :q.i 4yy� it ?Y y li C J ,;,ea «.tC ,-.,,..,.,f,,, .1. I tr 1 c 1 s .t; '1 t F tvk't,x �4;:li,xi :1 F 'r t t ,-1 L_' r f i $C,.j. t r +v fS (tl 1 L tl :g A1`M' r Y r ,1....:,, rl I 1 `l? v,f' x 4 Y rb 1' ir f 1101 NOW Tlir:RLtoRR, the parti•e do hereby env «Went and declare r that meld trots 1, 2, 3 end 4 be, and the oafs. hereby are, eubjt• 1 to the following r•itrl*tlnns, to -wlti .1. That none of said hots t, 1 and 4 he sold, trans- tarred, encumbered or oth.rwiaa alienated separate and apart from the other. It is intended hereby that the ownership of o said Lots 1, 3, a and 4 shall be considered to bs the ownership of a single integral tract and that the 4040 boundary lines be .r..y described tween said Lots shall ha deemed to be nonexistent. ,;�,,,,f 2. that none of said Lots 1, 3, 3 and 4 may be subdivided. 3. ?het the restrictions herein set forth by this 1:r Covenant and declaration shall continue, and be in fUll lard•.., and *Cleat, fox so long se the pteaently existing building .and ,r .e h to, the the said proposed expanelen o! said building shell Geiit over and actives' any part at the said common boundary lines between``'.` !we kh* t.�k %aid kite. said r'.` l PRCTRD .a 0h ty said' A Amid ?at* f i a' rain a ass en :3 .'.,.'..;1-.. oily. oily. est., i i rs I. 00 01101'41W •t• r 1 CITY, Cr Rdestio rr 4 q+ rthecly 4 1 'rr EV, whereby 1 c tt J►ttemtt. Y I� f a n u Tor both r ryi 1 n IC ng. er i; i r ,4 4 r ;4, ~4, J ..1 said, t d f V C 1 of said 1 �i y'' ;!r. 1 a t ,L h y. 14 1 'i< 1 n, 1�y r r t L 1 a�' et' 09 k 5 t '1,:-.., t r, t i r •h 1 'X 1 �i (-.4,..„.2i.7.4,. X 1K t' 1./' Y t j t o IY- a .`1 ..rl r %1 ty f 1 t n r J y y r l �t J b r h r a 'Yy ;s. r I a r r i 14 L '.:k M f rr> g',!fi l 1-- 1 r 1 t I 1 a t L r f +i r13 'YAt, C 4t' l L i� 1 r 1 tr 1 1 t` L'''''''''''''''''''''' t f ry "i'f �A t -.,-,...i!.,.,10,-. p4 I 3 fi t i e r 9 k S y y) r ?tw �,t 4 J+ k A �1; a f J T y h ."I', S 4 50,1 ti p' ;V h s a1 „qty rt t, 1 it T h 43 1•.. Y r IS St t V A �.'F T 1' 1 ,ro i K 4 j c. l ,rcl. f `�Y!�?'}'fSf i a '1 r!+' M �.l. e� t 1 r nyy x Y r 4 r •1 ky 2 i t' r 1 F P tY d i y 'S� .1 1 f 4 r r w.•. t ei,. J Y Yl fv A P 31 h 1 4 k •4 ,LC 1 t 1 N y y r Y r: 4 t•' J,�Jj i t t r G ,�j ,f,.+1 \p Y J J '�P�ki 1 .1,j -1 k;',-111-' .r i• �i[. �CiY: i 1 i�I T ..k A l:d5� :ek'.:.Y, 1 r�` t l t I� L r`tL e'•: y s 1 �A+f h+T•, ,r w F '1• ,9� Y -P