HomeMy WebLinkAboutBorrowers Environmental Report BORROWERS ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT COOPERATIVE POWER ASSOCIATION KEGAN LAKE TO LEBANON HILLS 69 kV LINE MINNESOTA 106 REDWOOD Prepared By and For COOPERATIVE POWER ASSOCIATION 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 -2287 612- 937 -8599 June 17, 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT 1 2.0 NEED FOR THE PROJECT 1 3.0 ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT 1 4.0 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 1 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT 2 6.0 CORRESPONDENCE WITH AGENCIES 2 EXHIBIT 1: PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE EXHIBIT 2: SINGLE SHAFT WOOD POLE CONSTRUCTION ATTACHMENT 1: AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT Cooperative Power (CP), a 17- member electric generation and transmission cooperative headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, is proposing to construct a 2.7 mile long 69 kV transmission line in Dakota County, Minnesota. The project will bring a new line to Dakota Electric Association's (DEA) Lebanon Hills Substation located in Eagan. The project is located within the city limits of Eagan (Section 36, T27N, R23W) and Rosemount (Section 17, T115N, R19W), Minnesota (Exhibit 1). The transmission line will be built primarily using single shaft wood poles (Exhibit 2), although steel poles may be used on corners. The poles will be set approximately 250 -325 feet apart at an average height of 57 feet aboveground. Just under one mile of the new line will be underbuilt with existing distribution line. 2.0 NEED FOR THE PROJECT Due to increased load levels in the area, the existing source into the Lebanon Hills Substation can become inadequate under some operating conditions. The proposed transmission line will become the normal source into the substation, with the existing source as a backup. The new line will also provide an additional path of supply into the Eagan area in general and add flexibility in switching operations. The goal of the project is to increase transmission reliability and service in the DEA service territory and to replace the lost transmission source serving the cities of Eagan, Inver Grove Heights, and Rosemount. 3.0 ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT Project alternatives were limited by the location of the Lebanon Hills Substation. The proposed route alignment has the least impact on affected landowners and utilizes existing road right -of- way for the entire distance. 4.0 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT Dakota County is located in the southeastern part of Minnesota near the junction of the Minnesota and Mississippi rivers, just south of the Minneapolis /St. Paul metropolitan area. Land use in Dakota County is approximately 60 percent cultivated, 18 percent pasture and open, nine percent urban, eight percent forested, three percent water, one percent marsh, and one percent transportation and extractive. Topography along the proposed transmission line route is nearly level. 1 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed project should have minimal impact on the environment. CP and its contractor will follow the guidance presented in the USDA/USDI Environmental Criteria for Electric Transmission Systems in the planning and construction of this project to the extent practicable. CP will obtain road crossing authorizations and road right -of -way use permits from the county and state highway departments. Very little tree clearing will be necessary for construction of the transmission line. The line will not pass by or near any parks or recreation areas. If unknown archaeological articles or locations are discovered, construction will be halted at the site until the Minnesota Historical Society has had the opportunity to take whatever action is necessary. The Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer has reported that their review reveals no sites of historic, architectural, cultural, or archaeological significance within the project area. The actual operation of the 69 kV transmission line in transmitting electrical energy to consumers will have negligible effects on the environment. 6.0 CORRESPONDENCE WITH AGENCIES CP has contacted the following agencies by letter: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Minnesota Depaitinent of Transportation, Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Discussion of Agency Responses 1. USDA NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE This project will involve no direct or indirect conversion of farmland since the site is already zoned for other uses and would not be subject to the Farmland Protection Policy Act. 2. U.S FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE The USFWS has no objections to this project. CP must comply with any recommendations made by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 3. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION The MnDOT Office of Aeronautics indicated that the nearest public airstrip is approximately five miles from the site and the nearest private airstrip is about 3.5 miles from the project. It therefore has no objections to the project as proposed. 2 4. MINNESOTA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE No properties eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places are within the project's area of effect. 5. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES The DNR made several recommendations regarding wetlands along the proposed route. Although the entire route is within existing road right -of -way and should not impact wetlands, CP will minimize disturbance when constructing the transmission line near wetland areas. 6. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS The proposed transmission line project is not within the regulatory jurisdiction of the Corps of Engineers. No work will be done in a navigable water of the United States, and no dredged or fill material will be discharged in any water of the United States, including wetlands. A Department of the Army permit is not required for this project. 3 EXHIBIT 1: PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE r1f U,IL t 1 1V1AY R23W t i rr 1FF ROAp r NORTH DEB HILLS:. tartastr UBSTATJ N_..) li Mil iilltAsa 1 ell AO:PM VIMIPV 4 41e. "Irv c Moillapri At i(NP:4411 a a-- ,1�11p o r* Atiztr o 0-;, o fiii_ 61 Ail ig gala drig i II?Il II I a Vi ?Sf: S i.... III A131 k k_-. .1, 1 romilli: e 1, 1 i EAGAN i- 2. SEC. ROSEMOUNT j� 7 q P'°, a A A__ se /milk (E_T----. liffi IV i TAP',/ -1- .MC AN �iOrlD' -4_ f 1. 1 R19W .-+-.a PROPOSED TRANSMISSION ROUTE WITH UNDER BUILT EXHIBIT 2: SINGLE SHAFT WOOD POLE CONSTRUCTION TRANSMISSION LINES TRANSMISSION LINES Underbuilt r v 0•••• Average Height of Poles 57 Feet I ATTACHMENT 1: AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE UNITED STATES Natural Resources 821 Third St., Suite 100 DEPARTMENT OF Conservation Farmington, MN 55024 AGRICULTURE Service (612)- 463 -8665 Carole Schmidt 06/10/97 Cooperative Power 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Dear Ms. Schmidt: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills 69 kV Transmission Line, and I am sorry that it has taken me so long to respond back to you. It is the responsibility of the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service to monitor the effects of Federal programs or money on the conversion of farmland to nonagricultural uses through the Farmland Protection Policy Act (Public Law 97 -98, Dec. 22, 1981). Upon reviewing the information provided on this project, it appears there would be no direct or indirect conversion of farmland by the proposed project since the site is already zoned for other uses and would not be subject to the Farmland Protection Policy Act. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact our office at (612)- 463 -8626. Sincerely, Roy A. Diver District Conservationist Natural Resources Conservation Service 11 C a PO ER 313. 1 14615 Lone Oak Road 1 Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 -2287 1 `y (612) 937 -8599 FAX (612) 949-1511 30 April 1997 Ms. Lynn Lewis Field Office Supervisor United States Department of the Interior Twin Cities Field Office 4101 East 80th Street Bloomington, MN 55425 -1665 RE: Proposed Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills 69 kV Transmission Line 2.7 miles Dakota County, Minnesota Dear Ms. Lewis: Cooperative Power (CP) is in the process of preparing an environmental report for the Rural Utilities Service to assess the environmental impacts of 2.7 miles of 69 kV line that would serve Dakota Electric Association's Lebanon Hills Substation. CP is requesting information on the possible effects of the proposed project on wetlands or on any listed or proposed threatened or endangered species and designated or proposed critical habitat that may be present in the project area The proposed project does not represent a "major construction activity" as defined in 50 CFR 402.02. For your information. a nrniert riPCprirst;, ^a UNITED STATES DEP,_.RTMENT OF THE INTERIOR To meet deadlini FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVJCE 'eceiving any written coma TW C F ,I F C S If you have any t This project has been reviewed under the authority of tank you foryourcooperai and in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; Sincerely, U.S.C. 661 et seq.), the National Environmental Policy Act and the Fish and Wildlife Service's Mitigation COOPERATIVE Policy. This proposal was also examined for its conformance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, and Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. There are "No Objections" to this project as reviewed Carole L. Schmid under the above Acts, Policy or Orders. This approval Environmental S 1 is given with the understanding that the applicant will comply with any recommendations made by the Enclosure Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. h: \cschmidt \lebhillsVebt K./W.1271 1J`` RAM DATE TITLE: F, C.J. Vi-4 ,'fd TELEPHONE: (612) 725 -3548 e► o 1 Minnesota Department of Transportation F Q� Office of Aeronautics yr' Thy Mail Stop 410 Phone: 612/ 296 -8202 222 East Plato Boulevard Phone: 612/ 297 -1600 St. Paul, MN 55107 -1618 Fax: 612/ 297 -5643 Fax: 612/ 296 -1828 May 8, 1997 612 296 -2788 Ms. Carole L. Schmidt Environmental Specialist Cooperative Power 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 -2287 Subject: Proposed Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills 69kV Transmission Line Dakota County, Minnesota Dear Ms. Schmidt: We have reviewed your proposal to construct 2.7 miles of 69kV transmission line to Dakota Electric's Lebanon Hills Substation. The nearest public use airstrip is approximately 5 miles from the site and our records indicate that the nearest private airstrip is approximately 3.5 miles away. Since the height of the power poles is on average 57 feet, the Office of Aeronautics has no objection to the project as proposed. Sincerely, 0 /e. SW Gene R. Scott, P.E. Regional Airport Engineer An equal opportunity employer 14 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY May 28, 1997 Ms. Carole Schrnidt Cooperative Power 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 -2287 RE: Power Line Installation from Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills Dakota County SHPO Number: 97 -2425 Dear Ms. Schmidt: Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the above project. It has been reviewed pursuant to the responsibilities given the State Historic Preservation Officer by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Procedures of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (36CFR800). Based on available information, we conclude that no properties eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places are within the project's area of effect. Please contact Dennis Gimmestad at 612- 296 -5462 if you have any questions regarding our review of this project. Sincerely, Ll_t. i i'L L. Bloomberg Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer 0 :f: -I !�,..u,l. II( lL;.1 \ii.)1�!�; ,i i.`!! `;�i 1 1 1 1.1'ii+ MINA/ 6 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources N m w U 500 Lafayette Road 111 St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 -40/0 ��F NANaP June 13, 1997 Carole L. Schmidt Environmental Specialist Cooperative Power 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 -2287 Re: Cooperative Power Dakota Electric Association Proposed Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills 69 kV Transmission Line (2.7 miles), Dakota County Dear Ms. Schmidt: The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has completed a review of the proposed Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills 69 kV Transmission Line (2.7 miles) in Dakota County. We offer the following recommendations for your consideration. There are numerous wetlands along the proposed route. Work within the existing road right -of -way should not impact wetlands. However, work outside of the right -of -way has the potential for negative effects to wetlands. Impacts to wetlands should be avoided, or if unavoidable, minimized to the extent possible. Construction in wetlands should be conducted during low -water periods. July 15 through March 31 is the preferred time period for construction in wetlands. The amount of wetland vegetation removed should be kept to a minimum and be restored immediately •following the completion of work at the site. Disturbed areas should be re- seeded with native plant species. Strict sedimentation and erosion control procedures should be followed at these crossings, including use of filter fabric, straw bales, mulch and silt fence. Wetlands should be restored to their pre- construction state as quickly as possible following construction. The soil profile within the wetland area should be replaced as close as possible to the original state, i.e., the organic topsoil material should be placed on top during backfilling. The DNR Natural Heritage Program has reviewed the proposed location for the presence of rare, threatened, and endangered species and they have no concerns. Thank you for the opportunity to review this proposal. If you require additional information from the DNR in regard to these comments, please contact Gail Fox from my staff at (612) 296 -0731. DNR Information: 612 -296 -6157. 1 -800- 766 60011 TTY: 612- 296 -5484, 1- 800 -657 -3929 An Equal Opportunity Entplo■cr A I'rintetl an Re cictl I'aper Containing a Who Values Diversity u 3 Minimum ul III`; Past- Can.untcr Waste Cooperative Power Dakota Electric June 13, 1997 Page 2 Sincerely, Thomas W. Balcom, Supervisor Natural Resources Planning and Review Services c: Kathleen Wallace Conrad Christianson Pete Otterson Del Barber Lynn Lewis USFWS 970299 -01 ER11:COPOWKEG.doc t K n DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ST. PAUL. DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS R ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CENTRE 190 FIFTH STREET EAST ST. PAUL, MN 55101.1838 j REPLY TO May 2 9 1997 ATTENTION OF Y 1 Construction Operations Regulatory (97- 04067- NP -RJA) Ms. Carole L. Schmidt Cooperative Power 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 -2287 Dear Ms. Schmidt: We have reviewed information about your project to install an 69 Kv electric distribution line in Eagan and Rosemount. The project sites are in Sec. 17, T. 115N., R. 19W. and in Sec. 36, T. 27N., R. 23W., Dakota County, Minnesota. The work proposed at the location stated is not within the regulatory jurisdiction of the Corps of Engineers. No work will be done in a navigable water of the United States, and no dredged or fill material will be discharged in any water of the United States, including wetlands. Therefore, a Department of the Army permit is not required to do this work. This letter is valid only for the project referenced above. If any change in design, location, or purpose is contemplated, please contact us to avoid doing work that may be in violation of Federal law. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS CONFIRMATION LETTER DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR STATE, LOCAL, OR OTHER AUTHORIZATIONS, SUCH AS THOSE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OR COUNTY. If you have questions pertaining to this determination, please contact Mr. Ralph J. Augustin in our St. Paul office at (612) 290 -5369_ cr inquiries, i^ c i In correspondence p a refer to the regulatory file number above. Sincerely, i e c a acil‘ ..Q '('T Marita T. Roherty, Acting Chief Central Permits Section P•mled on R ecycied Pape/ INP P OWER COOPERATIVE 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 -2287 (612) 937 -8599 FAX (612) 949-1511 30 April 1997 Mr. John Corrigan District Conservationist Natural Resources Conservation Service Farmington Field Office 821 Third Street, Suite 100 Farmington, MN 55024 -0129 RE: Proposed Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills 69 kV Transmission Line 2.7 miles Dakota County, Minnesota Dear Mr. Corrigan: Cooperative Power (CP) is in the process of preparing an environmental report for the Rural Utilities Service to assess the environmental impacts of 2.7 miles of 69 kV line that would serve Dakota Electric Association's Lebanon Hills Substation. CP is requesting information on the possible effects of the proposed project on important or prime farmlands in the project area. For your information, a project description and site map are enclosed. To meet deadlines for construction and plans and specifications approval, we would appreciate receiving any written comments from your office by Friday, May 30, 1997. If you have any questions about this proposed project, please contact me at (612) 949 -1551. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, COOPERATIVE POWER Carole L. Schmidt Environmental Specialist Enclosure h: \cschmidt \leb hills \lebhnres.doc alo COOPERATIVE P OWER 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 -2287 (612) 937 -8599 FAX (612) 949-1511 30 April 1997 Ms. Lynn Lewis Field Office Supervisor United States Department of the Interior Twin Cities Field Office 4101 East 80th Street Bloomington, MN 55425 -1665 RE: Proposed Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills 69 kV Transmission Line 2.7 miles Dakota County, Minnesota Dear Ms. Lewis: Cooperative Power (CP) is in the process of preparing an environmental report for the Rural Utilities Service to assess the environmental impacts of 2.7 miles of 69 kV line that would serve Dakota Electric Association's Lebanon Hills Substation. CP is requesting information on the possible effects of the proposed project on wetlands or on any listed or proposed threatened or endangered species and designated or proposed critical habitat that may be present in the project area. The proposed project does not represent a major construction activity" as defined in 50 CFR 402.02. For your information, a project description and site map are enclosed. To meet deadlines for construction and plans and specifications approval, we would appreciate receiving any written comments from your office by Friday, May 30, 1997. If you have any questions about this proposed project, please contact me at (612) 949 -1551. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, COOPERATIVE POWER C }A.0 6t1-t- Carole L. Schmidt Environmental Specialist Enclosure h: \cschmidt \lebhil ls\lebhfws.doc COOPERATIVE PO WER 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 -2287 (612) 937 -8599 FAX (612) 949-1511 30 April 1997 Mr. Gene Scott Office of Aeronautics Minnesota Department of Transportation 222 E. Plato Blvd. St. Paul, MN 551074618 RE: Proposed Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills 69 kV Transmission Line 2.7 miles Dakota County, Minnesota Dear Mr. Scott: Cooperative Power (CP) is in the process of preparing an environmental report for the Rural Utilities Service to assess the environmental impacts of 2.7 miles of 69 kV line that would serve Dakota Electric Association's Lebanon Hills Substation. CP is requesting information on the possible effects of the proposed project on airports or airstrips in the project area. For your information, a project description and site map are enclosed. To meet deadlines for construction and plans and specifications approval, we would appreciate receiving any written comments from your office by Friday, May 30, 1997. If you have any questions about this proposed project, please contact me at (612) 949 1551. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. •Sincerely, COOPERATIVE POWER j uvo (An oLf Carole L. Schmidt Environmental Specialist Enclosure h: \csc hmidt \lebhi lls \lebhmndo.doc PO COOPERATIVE WER 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 -2287 (612) 937 -8599 FAX (612) 949-1511 30 April 1997 Ms. Britta L. Bloomberg Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Minnesota Historical Society 345 Kellogg Blvd. West St. Paul, MN 55102 -1906 RE: Proposed Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills 69 kV Transmission Line 2.7 miles Dakota County, Minnesota Dear Ms. Bloomberg: Cooperative Power (CP) is in the process of preparing an environmental report for the Rural Utilities Service to assess the environmental impacts of 2.7 miles of 69 kV line that would serve Dakota Electric Association's Lebanon Hills Substation. CP is requesting information on the possible effects of the proposed project on historic properties in the project area. For your information, a project description and site map are enclosed. To meet deadlines for construction and plans and specifications approval, we would appreciate receiving any written comments from your office by Friday, May 30, 1997. If you have any questions about this proposed project, please contact me at (612) 949 -1551. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, COOPERATIVE POWER S Ci/\ Carole L. Schmidt Environmental Specialist Enclosure h:\cschmidt\lebhills\lebhmhs.doc COOPERATIVE POWER 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 -2287 (612) 937 -8599 FAX (612) 949-1511 30 April 1997 Mr. Thomas W. Balcom Supervisor Natural Resources Planning and Review Services Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 RE: Proposed Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills 69 kV Transmission Line 2.7 miles Dakota County, Minnesota Dear Mr. Balcom: Cooperative Power (CP) is in the process of preparing an environmental report for the Rural Utilities Service to assess the environmental impacts of 2.7 miles of 69 kV line that would serve Dakota Electric Association's Lebanon Hills Substation. CP is requesting information on the possible effects of the proposed project on wetlands, threatened and endangered species, and other important state natural resources that occur in the project area. For your information, a project description and site map are enclosed. To meet deadlines for construction and plans and specifications approval, we would appreciate receiving any written comments from your office by Friday, May 30, 1997. If you have any questions about this proposed project, please contact me at (612) 949 -1551. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, COOPERATIVE POWER a g_ 5�-- Carole L. Schmidt Environmental Specialist Enclosure h:\cschrnidt\lebhills\lebhdnr.doc COOPERATIVE P OWER 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 -2287 (612) 937 -8599 FAX (61 2) 949-1511 30 April 1997 Mr. Ralph Augustin Department of the Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District, Attn: CO -R Army COE Centre 190 Fifth Street East St. Paul, MN 55101 -1638 RE: Proposed Keagan Lake to Lebanon Hills 69 kV Transmission Line 2.7 miles Dakota County, Minnesota Dear Mr. Augustin: Cooperative Power (CP) is in the process of preparing an environmental report for the Rural Utilities Service to assess the environmental impacts of 2.7 miles of 69 kV line that would serve Dakota Electric Association's Lebanon Hills Substation. CP is requesting information on the possible effects of the proposed project on floodplains, wetlands, and other important natural resources that occur in the project area. For your information, a project description and site map are enclosed. To meet deadlines for construction and plans and specifications approval, we would appreciate receiving any written comments from your office by Friday, May 30, 1997. If you have any questions about this proposed project, please contact me at (612) 949 -1551. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, COOPERATIVE POWER Carole L. Schmidt Environmental Specialist Enclosure h: \csc hm idt \Iebhi l is \lebadoa. doc