HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ic of osemoun1 PHONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Our Fax No: 423 -5203 Sheila Klassen James (Red) Stoats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippemiann FACSIMILE COVER LETTER AD Stephan R Jk iOR DATE: 7 -J 7 3 Please deliver the following page(s) to: NAME: F �r r s FAX NUMBER: 4 6 3 4 FROM: PE i` r RE: tc... 4MM(i G ts5( A.1 f/ oA.I TOTAL number of pages including this cover sheet: MESSAGE: If you do not receive the entire fax, please call 3 22- 2 O Z as soon as possible. HARD COPY TO FOLLOW YES NO CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The materials enclosed with this facsimile transmission are private and confidential and are the property of the sender. The information contained in the material is privileged and is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity(ies) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this telecopied information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile transmission in error, please immediately notify us by telephone to arrange for return of the forwarded documents to us. 6ver @oming `2.4 Rosemount!! i1y of Rosemount PHONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats May 17, 1993 Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Jack Lewison Stephan Jilk Spectro Alloys Corp. 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Lewison: The City of Rosemount Planning Commission reviewed the site plan review for the motor house, liquid fuels storage area and lime silo at their regular meeting on May 11, 1993. After some discussion, the Planning Commission granted approval conditioned on the following: 1) Providing the City with a copy of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit and annual report (due in September, 1993) and implementing best management practices for erosion control and stormwater management as deemed necessary by the City Engineer; 2) Conformance with Section 4.9 of Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance (attached) by removing all trash, junk and debris from the grounds within thirty (30) days; 3) Posting a security in the amount of $1,200 for landscaping in accordance with Section 8.3G of Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance; and, 4) Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. As we discussed in our phone conversation on Friday, May 14, 1993, installation of six five foot high evergreen trees or two inch diameter shade trees prior to applying for a building permit and showing evidence of a warranty for the trees by a nursery according to Minnesota Nurseryman's Association standards will substitute for condition #3. These conditions must otherwise be met in order to obtain a building permit for the above mentioned projects. Please call me with your questions at 322 -2052. Sincerely, Richard s earson Assistant Planner cc Paul Heimkes, Building Department verylking s @oming CUP cRosemounill recycled pane, i1y of osemouni PHONE (612) 423 -4411 2875. 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen TO: Planning Commission James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann FROM: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk DATE: May 7, 1993 SUBJ: May 11, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item 5 ATTACHMENTS: Application; Site Plan; Building Plans; 5. SPECTRO ALLOYS CORPORATION SITE PLAN REVIEW 13220 Doyle Path PROPOSAL Mr. Jack Lewison of Spectro Alloys Corp. is requesting site plan approval to construct a two story addition to the plant in the General Industrial (IG) District. Spectro Alloys Corp. occupies fifteen acres north of State Highway 55 at the end of Doyle Path. The company recycles aluminum by melting scrap into ingots. In addition, Spectro Alloys Corp. intends to upgrade existing hazardous materials storage facilities to respond to issues raised by the City Fire Marshall. DISCUSSION Planning Staff toured the site with the Fire Marshall in an effort to address the hazardous materials storage and identified several ordinance violations in the process. Specifically, Those violations include: 1) outdoor storage of trash and junk associated with the recycling operations going beyond what would be allowed in the General Industrial District that permits outdoor storage as well as other debris scattered about the site; 2) a general lack of turf and paving resulting in potential erosion and contaminated stormwater runoff problems; and 3) semi trailer parking within the public right -of -way of the Doyle Path cul -de -sac turnaround in addition to an apparent overall lack of trailer parking organization that could inhibit emergency response. Planning Staff would encourage the Planning Commission to visit the site. The proposed building addition will consist of two stories of approximately 460 sq. ft. per level and will be attached to building #2. The addition will primarily house an electrical motor control room for the large blowers that are part of the pollution control system. In addition, air compressors will also be housed in the addition that are integral to the casting of the aluminum ingots. C yy n� Overylhings Coming `L p osemounlll tJ recycled paper Spectro Alloys Corp Site Plan Review May 11, 1993 Planning Commission Agenda Item 5 Page Two The addition will be located approximately 445 ft. from the highway 55 right -of -way, and as a result, Planning Staff has asked for landscape enhancements to the boulevard area in a manner similar to arrangements with KOCH Refining Company where building improvements do not abut public rights -of -way. Resolution of the previously mentioned ordinance violations and safety issues are also a primary objective. A twelve foot diameter by thirty foot tall lime silo will be constructed just north of the bag house indicated as B.H. #2 on the site plan. The chlorine storage will be phased out, and a "just -in- time" delivery system will be implemented. In addition, a liquid fuels storage area will be constructed that has a dike and a canopy in accordance with applicable standards. The dike will consist of a two foot high by eight inch thick poured concrete wall completely encircling the storage facility. The City Fire Marshall has reviewed the specifications provided by the consultant and has found them to be acceptable. Spectro Alloys Corp. has indicated that it has a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit in response to the storm water runoff question. BUILDING MATERIALS AND LANDSCAPING: The addition will be constructed of painted concrete block consistent with the general character of the building complex. The lime silo will be screened by the bag house and the liquid fuels storage area will be painted similar to the buildings with a white canopy. Six boulevard trees will be installed in a bermed area that separates the parking lot from S.T.H. 55 in accordance with ordinance standards. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Motion to approve the site plan review for the two story addition to Spectro Alloys Corp. building #3 subject to: 1) providing the City with a copy of the NPDES permit annual report (due in September, 1993) and implementing best management practices for erosion control and stormwater management as deemed necessary by the City Engineer; 2) conformance with Section 4.9 of Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance by removing all trash, junk and debris from the grounds within thirty (30) days: 3) posting of a security in the amount of $1,200 for landscaping in accordance with Section 8.3G of the Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance; and 4) conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP' 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 5 U.S.A., FAX: 612/438 -3714 Phone: 612/437 -2815 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 2875 W. 145 TH ST. ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 APRIL 20, 1993 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION Dear Planning Commission Members: Please find enclosed Spectro Alloys application for a building permit. This application includes the following items: 1. Text about the project. 2. Drawing of the proposed MCC addition. 3. Criteria for the outside storage of chlorine. 4. Criteria for the diked fuel storage area. 5. City of Rosemount, Site Plan Review Application and fee. 6. Site drawing, facility with building areas and parking information. 7, Site drawing, detail of building no. 4 and the area to the north, locating the proposed chlorine storage. WR Design Structural Engineers Inc. is presently finishing the drawings required for the construction of the Diked Fuel Storage and the Outside Chlorine Storage areas. WR Designs work is expected to be completed in two days, upon receiving the drawing I will forward them to The City Of Rosemount. If you require additional information do not hesitate to contact Jack Lewison or myself at 437 2815. Sincerely: Dan Hoklas Plant Engineer SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP. mccrose2 SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 U.S.A. FAX: 612/438 -3714 Phone: 612/437 -2815 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 2875 W 145th ST. ROSEMOUNT, MN April 9, 1993 mccrose CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP.:, Spectro Alloys Corp. occupies a fifteen acre site one mile east of highway 52 on the north side of highway 55. Spectro Alloys is an aluminum recycling company employing 90 people and providing business opportunities for many subcontractors. Spectro Alloys purchases millions of pounds of aluminum from local recycle organizations and converts this aluminum scrap into ingots. The ingots are cast into as many as one hundred different certified alloys. Much of Spectro's ingot production is sold in our area to support the needs of Minnesota aluminum foundries and aluminum die casting plants. Spectro Alloys is a low cost producer helping Minnesota companies remain competitive. Spectro Alloys Corp. is both a major Minnesota recycler and a major supplier of aluminum to Minnesota industry. COMMITMENT TO THE FUTURE: Over the past ten years Spectro Alloys has reinvested a major percentage of it's income into rebuilding and modernizing each of our major manufacturing systems. This recapitalizing has been done to improve safety, reduce pollution and improve our competitiveness in the market. We have been very fortunate to have the services of a highly professional manufacturing team who has kept our plant competitive. The aluminum recycling industry has seen many of it's plants close in recent years but Spectro Alloys has remained competitive. SPECTRO ALLOYS IS REQUESTING A PERMIT FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1.0 Installation of a lime silo. 2.0 Motor control and compressor rooms addition. 3.0 Chlorine storage area. 4.0 Diked fuel storage area. SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP. THE PROBLEMS TO BE CORRECTED: Spectro Alloys has suffered for years from a lack of compressed air capacity which has prevented us from performing simultaneous manufacturing functions. The area that our present air compressor is located in is to small and to hot to allow the after cooler to work properly, the result is, very wet air, a real problem for a unheated plant. We propose to install a new air compressor with increased capacity and a small compressor, as a back up to the main compressor, allowing the main compressor to be taken off line for preventative maintenance. Spectro Alloys has two, large, 200 hp blowers, vital to the operation of our pollution control equipment. The blowers are of the fixed displacement type, lacking variable speed drives. However the process is variable and would benefit from a variable displacement system. Electrical energy could also be saved with a variable speed drive. Variable speed equipment is both sensitive and expensive this type of equipment will require a building to protect it. A building is also required to protect €he variable speed drives from temperature extremes. Our baghouse uses lime injection, the lime is transported by the existing partial vacuum of the system. This method of transport lacks the required energy to do a good job and frequently plugs. With a pressurized injection system we will not only acquire plug free lime injection we will also acquire the performance benefit of significant baghouse flow increase. To make this lime handling improvement a new motor starter and control room is necessary. 1.0 SPECTRO ALLOYS PROPOSES TO INSTALL A LIME SILO: Presently Spectro Alloys manually handles hundreds of pounds of lime filled bags every week. We hand open and manually pour the contents of the bags into hoppers in our baghouse. This is a dirty job and could potentially cause a back injury. Spectro Alloys is proposing to install a lime silo to eliminate the existing manual system. This silo will except sealed bulk delivery, by truck, and will utilize the above pressurized lime injection system. The lime will then be transported through sealed piping to the baghouse and injected into the bag cells. The standard silo, that is proposed for this project, will be approximately twelve feet in diameter and thirty feet tall. For the sake of comparison our baghouse is twenty eight feet tall and our building number four is thirty four feet tall. We propose to install the silo on the north end of our present,baghouse. Because our industry generates a dust that is difficult for some bag shaking mechanisms to remove from the bag it has been necessary for workers to enter the bag house regularly. We would like to install an advanced designed bag shaking system that will give us both more air flow and keep our employees out of the bag house. Our plant is divided into two manufacturing centers, presently our pollution equipment electrical energy supply is a branch taken off of one. If for any reason the number one production center switch gear must be de- energized the pollution control equipment for the entire plant is shut down. We would like to install a stand alone switch and control center for our pollution control equipment making it independent of any single plant manufacturing center. Because our existing pollution control equipment controls and electrical power sources are auxiliaries to other systems it makes it very difficult to add improvements, and it will be almost impossible to add future technologies and electronic management systems. To take advantage of both present technologies and future '-systems it will be necessary to build a dedicated electrical switching and system control center to allow the installation of best practical pollution control 'equipment as it becomes available. 2.0 SPECTRO ALLOYS PROPOSES TO BUILD A MOTOR CONTROL ROOM: Spectro Alloys proposes to build a 19x25 foot addition to the south west corner of our plant. This proposed addition would be built at our dock #2 location which has a canopy, from a plan view prospective the addition will increase the plant foot print 10x19 feet. The addition will be built to conform to the same roof line as the existing building, this will provide adequate elevation for two floors. The upper level will be our new compressor room and the lower level will be our new pollution control, control and motor switching room. The new pollution control room will have the following initial equipment installed: 1, Basic electrical entrance switch gear. 2, Basic electrical panels. 3, Motor starters for the new bag shakers. 4, Bag shaking system control panel. 5, Motor starters for the lime injection system. 6, Lime system control panel. 7, Motor starters for the air compressors. 8, 200 hp blowers variable speed drives. WR Design Structural Engineering has been retained, by Spectro Alloys, to design the electrical control room, their drawings are included in this submittal. 3.0 SPECTRO ALLOYS PROPOSES TO BUILD CHLORINE CYLINDER STORAGE: Spectro Alloys proposes to build a chlorine cylinder storage area on the north side of our plant. The City of Rosemount Fire Marshal indicated to us that our currant open ground storage method is not acceptable. We have hired Psihos and asc., Inc. to write the design criteria for the storage area. This design criteria is enclosed in this submittal. Spectro has hired WR Design Structural Engineering, to design the storage area with canopy. This proposed installation is indicated on the site plan. 4.0 SPECTRO ALLOYS PROPOSES TO BUILD A LIQUID FUEL STORAGE AREA: Spectro Alloys proposes to build a diked fuel storage area. Psihos and Asc., Inc. was retained to create the design criteria for the project, the criteria is enclosed with this submittal. Spectro Alloys has hired WR Design Structural Engineering, to design the canopy covered fuel storage area. This proposed installation is indicated on the site plan. FUTURE ITEMS TO BE EXPLORED: Spectro Alloys will implement operational changes, to the procedures now being used, that will allow Spectro to stop using Doyle Path culd -sac as a trailer parking area. It will take 60 days to implement the changes and complete the employee training and customer communications necessary to change the practice. Spectro Alloys proposes to plant a minimum of six trees on it's south property line. Spectro Alloys has a NPDES permit ,for storm water run off, we are presently developing our Best Management Practices Plan, the Annual Report is due in September, 1993. If the members of the planning commission should require additional information, please do not hesitate to, call on Jack lewison or myself and we will do our best to assist you. Sincerel `C� C Dan Hoklas Plant Engineer Spectro Alloys Corp. mccrose \4/12/93 APR- 3 -93 MON 18:03 PSIHOS AND ASC TEI 6129204918 P.01 PS%HOS ASC., 1NC. April 2, 1993 SPECTRO ALLOYS CORPORATION Attn: Dan Hoklas 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: OUTSIDE STORAGE OF LIQUID CHLORINE ONE TON CYLINDERS Dear Mr. Hoklas: The outdoor storage of liquid chlorine must be within Article 80, Hazardous Materials, Division I, as per the 1991 Uniform Fire Code. Chlorine is classified as a toxic, an oxidizer, a corrosive and it also reacts with water. It therefore must meet all of the provisions in Article 80 that apply to these characteristics. These are Sec.80.301, Sec.80.303, Sec.80.306, Sec.80.310 and Sec.80.314 for Exterior Storage. The following design parameters are required to fulfill these sections: 1. A storage plan that indicates the storage arrangement, including the location and dimensions of any aisles. 2. The floor shall be sloped not less than 1% to the containment area. 3. Guard posts are required to protect the storage tanks from vehicular damage. 4. Secondary containment for one one -ton container of chlorine shall be provided. The maximum rate of release from the chlorine valve on the cylinder is 525 1bs per hour based on the cylinder temperature of 70 F and releasing it to the atmosphere. This is equivalent to 43.6 cubic feet per minute of gas corrected to atmospheric conditions. This discharge rate is greater than the rate of release as shown on Table No. 80.303-8 for cylinders. 5. The storage area must not be closer than 75 feet to any building. 6. The storage area shall not be within 75 feet of air intakes. 7. The area surrounding the exterior storage area shall be kept clear of combustible materials for a minimum 5520 HALIFAX LANE EDINA, MINNESOTA 55214 PHONS (612) 920 -4918 FAX (612)-920-1630 APR- 5 -93 MON 18:05 PSIHOS AND ASC TEI 6129204918 P.02 distance of 30 feet. 8. the cylinders stored outdoors shall be stored under a canopy of noncombustible construction material. The supports shall also be of noncombustible construction and the walls shall not obstruct more than 25% of the perimeter of the storage area. 9. The storage area must be labelled with a maximum rate of chlorine released at 525 lbs per hour and must also show the equivalent chlorine release at 43.6 cubic feet per minute. 10. The storage area must be secured against unauthorized entry. A fence surrounding the chlorine storage area may be needed to satisfy this requirement. 11. These articles include incorporating an automatic fire sprinkler system for storing toxic gases under certain conditions. However, water must not be sprayed into liquid chlorine because this increases the vaporization of the liquid chlorine. Therefore, the storage area will include a containment area that receives any spilled chlorine from the sloped concrete floor. 12. The storage area must be marked with one inch letters with appropriate safety labels. This must include "LIQUID CHLORINE." 0 OUT FACT Enclosed ie the plot plan received from SPECTRO ALLAYS which shows the location of the outside storage area for the liquid chlorine. This shows that the storage area selected ie greater than 75 feet to the building and is not within 75 of any air intake. It also shows that the fuel storage area will be located more than 75 feet from the chlorine. The following items are incorporated into the design: 1. A plan showing the storage arrangements is enclosed. 2. The floor will be a concrete slab that will drop in elevation by 4' over a 16 ft span. This is a 2% slope. 3. The secondary containment area will be a trench at the bottom of the slope at the north perimeter covered by a grate. This will have dimensions of 16 ft long by 2 ft wide by 1 ft deep. This will 2 APR- 6 -93 TUE 10:38 PSIHOS AND ASC TEI 6129204918 P.02 contain the volume of 1 one ton cylinder which is 28.8 cubic feet. 4. The chlorine cylinders will be placed onto two rows of 6" WY 12.0 on 67' centers which will hold each row of cylinders. These beams will be leveled by 'shimming and will be anchored to the concrete slab with steel clips and anchor bolts. Each cylinder will be stabilized on the beam by placing them between two 4' X 4' X 6" long angles. These angles will be welded to the 6" W beam. There will be two rows of cylinders within the storage area. 5. The east, west and north elevations will have a 6" high curb. The south elevation will be open since it must be serviced with a forklift to place and remove the chlorine cylinders. Any chlorine will flow on the sloped floor to the north and not out this open area. 6. Washed crushed rock will be placed and leveled on the sloped concrete slab. This rock will form a footing for access if any liquid leaks from the cylinders. 7. The canopy will be constructed of steel members and will have a steel roof. 8. A fence will be installed surrounding the chlorine storage area. 9. Guard poste will be installed at each corner of the building. The guard posts will be constructed of 4 diameter, concrete filled and set in 3' deep sonotube footings with a diameter of 15 10. Each side of the building will be labeled with one inch high letters with the appropriate safety labels. This will include "LIQUID CHLORINE." I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Registration No. 15287 Sincerely, PSIHOS ASC. D fai l is, George J. P os, P.E. President GJP /dlp 3 ily of Rosemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James May 17, 1993 r(Red) Willcox Dennis Wippermann Mr. Jack Lewison ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Spectro Alloys Corp. 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Lewison: The City of Rosemount Planning Commission reviewed the site plan review for the motor house, liquid fuels storage area and lime silo at their regular meeting on May 11, 1993. After some discussion, the Planning Commission granted approval conditioned on the following: 1) Providing the City with a copy of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit and annual report (due in September, 1993) and implementing best management practices for erosion control and stormwater management as deemed necessary by the City Engineer; 2) Conformance with Section 4.9 of Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance (attached) by removing all trash, junk and debris from the grounds within thirty (30) days; 3) Posting a security in the amount of $1,200 for landscaping in accordance with Section 8.3G of Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance; and, 4) Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. As we discussed in our phone'conversation on Friday, May 14, 1993, installation of six five foot high evergreen trees or two inch diameter shade trees prior to applying for a building permit and showing evidence of a warranty for the trees by a nursery according to Minnesota Nurseryman's Association standards will substitute for condition #3. These conditions must otherwise be met in order to obtain a building permit for the above- mentioned projects. Please call me with your questions at 322 -2052. Sincerely, Richard Pearson Assistant Planner cc Paul Heimkes, Building Department 6 veriyl la ings @oming Q11) gosemounil! SPEcTRO ALLOYS CORP 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 U.S.A. FAX: 612/438 -3714 Phone: 612/437 -2815 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 2875 WEST 145th STREET ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 MAY 6, 1993 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION Dear Planning Commission Members: On April 20, 1993 Spectro Alloys Corp. sent you an application for a building permit which amongst several items included a request to build an outside storage area for chlorine cylinder storage. This storage was necessary to supply the plants production requirements over weekends and holidays. Spectro believes that we have developed a satisfactory plan, using just in time delivery and best :management practices to eliminate the need. for this extra storage. We have just received agreement from our suppliers to implement the plan. We have a high level of confidence that this plan will work, but it is always possible that and unforeseen element may make it necessary to resubmit the request to build this facility at a later date. SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP. REQUESTS: Spectro Alloys requests that our application for a building permit of outside storage of chlorine be withdrawn from our submittal of April 20, 1993. If you require additional information do not hesitate to contact me at, 437 2815. Sincerely, at-rt Dan Hoklas Plant Engineer SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP. mccrose3 City of Rosemount PLAT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Project name: S, CJrRo %Cc- YS /N L Location: /327 00 'T Please return to: by: Administration 57 Planning Department e-1 Finance Fire &a—c, Parks Recreation 0,4-. Police L c�c. Public Works go (4 0 P Review Comments: 6uAgo Ea( rs La fro m at i v .cI r. `1 G 26 ov 1t7iii6 4-- Z tip 1 ELt- N ICS t� F►L--) In) i h Ewer :lewd ki 1 4 k ri A 00 ail 11,P IT is DATE: A At SIGNATURE: SPECTRO, ALLOYS CORP' 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 U.S.A... FAX: 612/438 -3714 Phone: 612/437 -2815 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 2875 W. 145 TH ST. ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 APRIL 20, 1993 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION Dear Planning Commission Members: Please find enclosed Spectro Alloys application for a building permit. This application includes the following items: 1. Text about the project. 2. Drawing of the proposed MCC addition. 3. Criteria for the outside storage of chlorine. 4. Criteria for the diked fuel storage area. 5. City of Rosemount, Site Plan Review Application and fee. 6. Site drawing, facility with building areas and parking information. 7, Site drawing, detail of building no. 4 and the area to the north, locating the proposed chlorine storage. WR Design Structural Engineers Inc. is presently finishing the drawings required for the construction of the Diked Fuel Storage and the Outside Chlorine Storage areas. WR Designs work is expected to be completed in two days, upon receiving the drawing I will forward them to The City Of Rosemount. If you require additional information do not hesitate to contact Jack Lewison or myself at 437 2815. Sincerely: Dan Hoklas Plant Engineer SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP. mccrose2 SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 U.S.A., FAX: 612/438 -3714 Phone: 612 /437 -2815 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 2875 W 145th ST. ROSEMOUNT, MN April 9, 1993 mccrose CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP.:, Spectro Alloys Corp. occupies a fifteen acre site one mile east of highway 52 on the north side of highway 55. Spectro Alloys is an aluminum recycling company employing 90 people and providing business opportunities for many subcontractors. Spectro Alloys purchases millions of pounds of aluminum from local recycle organizations and converts this aluminum scrap into ingots. The ingots are cast into as many as one hundred different certified alloys. Much of Spectro's ingot production is sold in our area to support the needs of Minnesota aluminum foundries and aluminum die casting plants. Spectro Alloys is a low cost producer helping Minnesota companies remain competitive. Spectro Alloys Corp. is both a major Minnesota recycler and a major supplier of aluminum to Minnesota industry. COMMITMENT TO THE FUTURE: Over the past ten years Spectro Alloys has reinvested a major percentage of it's income into rebuilding and modernizing each of our major manufacturing systems. This recapitalizing has been done to improve safety, reduce pollution and improve our competitiveness in the market. We have been very fortunate to have the services of a highly professional manufacturing team who has kept our plant competitive. The aluminum recycling industry has seen many of it's plants close in recent years but Spectro Alloys has remained competitive. SPECTRO ALLOYS IS REQUESTING A PERMIT FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1.0 Installation of a lime silo. 2.0 Motor control and compressor rooms addition. I 3.0 Chlorine storage area. 4.0 Diked fuel storage area. SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP. THE PROBLEMS TO BE CORRECTED: Spectro Alloys has suffered for years from a lack of compressed air capacity which has prevented us from performing simultaneous manufacturing functions. The area that our present air compressor is located in is to small and to hot to allow the after cooler to work properly, the result is, very wet air, a real problem for a unheated plant. We propose to install a new air compressor with increased capacity and a small compressor, as a back up to the main compressor, allowing the main compressor to be taken off line for preventative maintenance. Spectro Alloys has two, large, 200 hp blowers, vital to the operation of our pollution control equipment. The blowers are of the fixed displacement type, lacking variable speed drives. However..the process is variable and would benefit from a variable displacement system. Electrical energy could also be saved with a variable speed drive. Variable speed equipment is both sensitive and expensive this type of equipment will require a building to protect it. A building is also required to protect fhe variable speed drives from temperature extremes. Our baghouse uses lime injection, the lime is transported by the existing partial vacuum of the system. This method of transport lacks the required energy to do a good job and frequently plugs. With a pressurized injection system we will not only acquire plug free lime injection we will also acquire the performance benefit of significant baghouse flow increase. To make this lime handling improvement a new motor starter and control room is necessary. 1.0 SPECTRO ALLOYS PROPOSES TO INSTALL A LIME SILO: Presently Spectro Alloys manually handles hundreds of pounds of lime filled bags every week. We hand open and manually pour the contents of the bags into hoppers in our baghouse. This is a dirty job and could potentially cause a back injury. Spectro Alloys is proposing to install a lime silo to eliminate the existing manual system. This silo will except sealed bulk delivery, by truck, and will utilize the above pressurized lime injection system. The lime will then be transported through sealed piping to the baghouse and injected into the bag cells. The standard silo, that is proposed for this project, will be approximately twelve feet in diameter and thirty feet tall. For the sake of comparison our baghouse is twenty eight feet tall and our building number four is thirty four feet tall. We propose to install the silo on the north end of our present,baghouse. Because our industry generates a dust that is difficult for some bag shaking mechanisms to remove from the bag it has been necessary for workers to enter the bag house regularly. We would like to install an advanced designed bag shaking system that will give us both more air flow and keep our employees out of the bag house. Our plant is divided into two manufacturing centers, presently our pollution equipment electrical energy supply is a branch taken off of one. If for any reason the number one production center switch gear must be de- energized the pollution control equipment for the entire plant is shut down. We would like to install a stand alone switch and control center for our pollution control equipment making it independent of any single plant manufacturing center. Because our existing pollution control equipment controls and electrical power sources are auxiliaries to other systems it makes it very difficult to add improvements, and it will be almost impossible to add future technologies and electronic management systems. To take advantage of both present technologies and future systems it will be necessary to build a dedicated electrical switching and system control center to allow the installation of best practical pollution control equipment as it becomes available. 2.0 SPECTRO ALLOYS PROPOSES TO BUILD A MOTOR CONTROL ROOM: Spectro Alloys proposes to build a 19x25 foot addition to the south west corner of our plant. This proposed addition would be built at our dock #2 location which has a canopy, from a plan view prospective the addition will increase the plant foot print 10x19 feet. The addition will be built to conform to the same roof line as the existing building, this will provide adequate elevation for two floors. The upper level will be our new compressor room and the lower level will be our new pollution control, control and motor switching room. The new pollution control room will have the following initial equipment installed: 1, Basic electrical entrance switch gear. 2, Basic electrical panels. 3, Motor starters for the new bag shakers. 4, Bag shaking system control panel. 5, Motor starters for the lime injection system. 6, Lime system control panel. 7, Motor starters for the air compressors. 8, 200 hp blowers variable speed drives. WR Design Structural Engineering has been retained, by Spectro Alloys, to design the electrical control room, their drawings are included in this submittal. Y 3.0 SPECTRO ALLOYS PROPOSES TO BUILD CHLORINE CYLINDER STORAGE: Spectro Alloys proposes to build a chlorine cylinder storage area on the north side of our plant. The City of Rosemount Fire Marshal indicated to us that our currant open ground storage method is not acceptable. We have hired Psihos and asc., Inc. to write the design criteria for the storage area. This design criteria is enclosed in this submittal. Spectro has hired WR Design Structural Engineering, to design the storage area with canopy. This proposed installation is indicated on the site plan. 4.0 SPECTRO ALLOYS PROPOSES TO BUILD A LIQUID FUEL STORAGE AREA: Spectro Alloys proposes to build a diked fuel storage area. Psihos and Asc., Inc. was retained to create the design criteria for the project, the criteria is enclosed with this submittal. Spectro Alloys has hired WR Design Structural Engineering, to design the canopy covered fuel storage area. This proposed installation is indicated on the site plan. FUTURE ITEMS TO BE EXPLORED: Spectro Alloys will implement operational changes, to the procedures now being used, that will allow Spectro to stop using Doyle Path culd -sac as a trailer parking area. It will take 60 days to implement the changes and complete the employee training and customer communications necessary to change the practice. Spectro Alloys proposes to plant a minimum of six trees on it's south property line. Spectro Alloys has a NPDES permit ,for storm water run off, we are presently developing our Best Management Practices Plan, the Annual Report is due in September, 1993. If the members of the planning commission should require additional information, please do not hesitate to, call on Jack lewison or myself and we will do our best to assist you. Sincerely, A Dan Hoklas Plant Engineer Spectro Alloys Corp. mccrose \4/12/93 APR- 3 -93 MOH 18 :06 PSIHOS AND ASC TEI 6129204918 P.04 PSIHOS ASC., INC. April 2, 1993 SPECTRO ALLOYS CORPORATION Attn: Dan Hoklas 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: OUTSIDE STORAGE OF GASOLINE AND FUEL OIL Dear Mr. Hoklas: The outdoor storage of gasoline and fuel oil must be within Article 80, Hazardous Materials, Division I, as per the 1991 Uniform Fire Code. We are also including Division X Storage and Dispensing of Flammable and Combustible Liquids on Farms and Construction Projects. The following design parameters are required to fulfill these regulations and are included within this design: 1. The storage areas must be kept free of weeds and extraneous combustible materials. Open flames and smoking are not permitted in these liquid storage areas. 2. The tanks must be marked by labeling with GASOLINE for the gasoline tank and FUEL OIL for the fuel oil tank. Two additional signs must be within the storage area. They are as follows: a. FLAMMABLE -KEEP FIRE AND FLAME ANA! b. KEEP 50 FEET FROM BUILDINGS 3. Any electrical must be installed within accordance with the Electric Code. 4. The existing gasoline storage tank has a capacity of 250 gallons. This size tank requires a 1 1/2" size vent. The fuel oil tank has a capacity of 1000 gallons. This tank requires a 3` size vent. 5. The storage area must be at least 50 feet from any building. 6. The tanks must be mounted with metal legs or by blocks or timber to keep them from touching the ground. 7. The gasoline hand pump pumping device must be tightly and permanently attached with an approved hose for filling from the tank. The pump or hose must have a padlock with an antisiphoning device. 5S20 HALIFAX LANE EDINA, MINNESOTA 5424 PHONE (612) -920 -4911 FAX (612)- 920 -1630 APR- 5 -93 MOH 18:07 PSIHOS AND ASC TEI 61292049TS P.00 8. The fuel oil distribution pump must also meet the conditions of Item 7. r 9. A containment dike is required to contain the total volume of the larger 1000 gallon tank. This dike for the 12 ft by 12 ft storage area must be at least 12" high. However, we recommend that this height be increased to 18 10. Guard posts are required to protect the storage tanks from vehicular damage. These will be installed at each corner of the storage area. The guard posts will be constructed of 4" diameter, concrete filled and set in 3' deep sonotube footings with a diameter of 15". 11. The storage tanks shall be stored under a canopy of noncombustible construction material. The supports shall also be of noncombustible construction and the walls shall not obstruct more than 25% of the perimeter of the storage area. I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Registration No. 15287 Sincerely, PSIHOS 6 ASC. George J. P hos, B.E. President GJP /dlp 2