HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.m. Special Appropriation Grant Application - Expansion of the Family Resource Center EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: December 18, 2018 AGENDA ITEM: Special Appropriation Grant Application - Expansion of the Family Resource Center AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 6.m. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and Grant Application APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution that approves staff to submit the Special Appropriation Grant application to the State of Minnesota for funding to assist with the expansion of the Rosemount Family Resource Center. BACKGROUND City staff worked with Senator Greg Clausen and Representative Anna Wills to get funding for the expansion of the Rosemount Family Resource Center in the state bonding bill. The City and the legislators were successful in getting $450,000 appropriated in the 2018 state bonding bill. The facility is currently about 1,500 square feet and is being used at its full capacity. The proposed concept plan shows a total of 4,680 square feet, which will allow the building to better serve the needs of 360 Communities. A copy of the proposed expansion is included with the executive summary. The expected cost of the expansion is approximately $900,000. The remaining $450,000 for the project is identified in the City’s Capital Improvements Program (CIP) budget for 2019. In the summer of 1997, the City of Rosemount received a Youth Initiative Grant from the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning in the amount of $214,900. This grant, along with other smaller grants and donations, allowed the construction of the Family Resource Center. In December of 1998, 360 Communities and the City of Rosemount agreed to have 360 Communities lease the facility. 360 Communities would then provide their services and also share space and encourage other service providers to use the facility. The lease states that the facility will be used for serving children and families in the community through services such as crisis intervention, providing food, clothing, housing assistance, parenting support, academic support through mentorship, child care assistance, violence prevention outreach and recreation. The Center officially opened in February of 1999. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve a resolution authorizing staff to submit the Special Appropriation Grant Application to receive $450,000 in funding from the State of Minnesota to assist in the expansion of the Rosemount Family Resource Center. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2018 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 2018 STATE FISCAL YEAR SPECAIL APPROPRIATION GRANT APPLICATION TO STATE OF MINNESOTA – DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMNT FOR FUNDING OF THE EXPANSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT’S FAMILIY RESOURCE CENTER BE IT RESOLVED that City of Rosemount (Applicant) act as the legal sponsor for project(s) contained in this Application to be submitted on December 5, 2018 and that Logan Martin, City Administrator and Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director are hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of City of Rosemount (Applicant). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City of Rosemount (Applicant) has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure accomplishment of the program goals, provide proposed deliverables and successfully manage all aspects of this grant, including timely reporting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City of Rosemount (Applicant) has not violated any Federal, State, or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice, and that the Applicant is currently in good standing with the principles of the grant management as established by the Office of Grant Management, Minnesota Management and Budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of its application by the state, City of Rosemount, (Applicant) may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above referenced project(s), and that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Senator Greg Clausen (Title of First Authorized Official) and Senator Jim Carlson (Second Authorized Official), or their successors in office, are hereby authorized to execute such agreements, and amendments thereto, as are necessary to implement the project(s) on behalf of the applicant. I CERTIFY THAT the above resolution was adopted by the City Council (Board) of City of Rosemount (Applicant) on December 18, 2018 (Date). William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk 3 CERTIFICATIONS I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 7th day of November, 2017, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) ______________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Motion by: ___________________________ Second by:______________________________________ Voted in favor: ________________________________________________________________________ Voted against: ________________________________________________________________________ SFY 2018 GO Special Appropriation Grant Application Project Name: Grantee: City of Rosemount Project Contact Person: Dan Schultz Email address: dan.schultz@ci.rosemount.mn.us Title: Parks and Recreation Director Address: 13885 South Robert Trail City: Rosemount MN, Zip Code: 55068 Phone: 651-322-6012 Minnesota SWIFT Vendor Number*: 0000198697 Organization/Agency CEO: Logan Martin – City Administrator Phone: 651-322-2006 Email address: logan.martin@ci.rosemount.mn.us *If your organization has not previously registered you may need to register as a vendor by going to: https://mn.gov/mmb/accounting/swift/vendor-resources/ For new vendors, please note that approval of your registration may take 3 – 4 business days. If you need assistance obtaining a vendor ID or completing the registration process, please call 651-201-8100, Option 1 Payment Request Contact: Name of responsible entity who is responsible for submission of payment request forms to DEED (Complete only if different from above) Contact Person: Email address: Title: Mailing Address: City: MN, Zip Code: Phone: This funding is made available through 2018 Minnesota Session Laws Chapter 214 Article 1 Sec. 21. Subd. 22. Grant funds are to be used by the city of Rosemount for to design, construct, furnish, and equip an addition to the Family Resource Center in the city of Rosemount, to provide after-school tutoring, a food shelf, and other programs, subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. The Grantee certifies that the grant and match funds will be used solely for eligible expenses defined below and in Minnesota Management and Budget Statewide Operating Policy 0302-01 and all relevant state statutes. City of Rosemount Family Resource Center 2 The following describes the grant information and allowable expenditures. Eligible Expenses: (1) Capital expenses that include land acquisition, predesign, design, construction, major remodeling, and other improvements or acquisitions of tangible fixed assets of a capital nature; (2) Major remodeling if it adds to the value or life of a building and is not of a recurring nature; (3) Equipment only if purchased and installed upon initial acquisition and construction of a building, expansion or major remodeling and needed for the governmental program to operate in the project. Key items are defined as follows: Construction or major remodeling: means construction of a new building, a substantial addition to an existing building, or a substantial change to the interior configuration of an existing building. Predesign: the stage in the development of a project during which the purpose, scope, cost, and schedule of the complete project are defined and instructions to design professionals are produced. Design: the stage in the development of a project during which schematic, design development, and contract documents are produced. Tangible Fixed Assets: Fixed assets must be long-lived defined as having a useful life of 10 years or more. Stand-alone equipment is not defined as a fixed asset unless it is purchased and installed upon initial acquisition and construction of a building, expansion or major remodeling and needed for the governmental program to operate in the project. Ineligible Expenses: (1) General operating expenses and general administration or similar costs, moving and relocation expenses, overhead, master planning, maintenance, operating costs, software and personal property such as computers; (2) Remodeling cost that do not add to the value or life of a building or is of a recurring nature; (3) Depreciation, amortization, or overhead. Public Ownership: The facility or property that is the subject of this grant must be owned by a state agency or political subdivision of the state, and a public program must be provided in the facility or operated on the property. See “State of Minnesota Capital Grants Manuel” for more details. Grant Amounts: the amount available for grants is $450,000 of which $0 will be held for DEED administration. The net grant amount is $450,000. Grant Match: Grantees are asked to propose a project total budget that includes and identifies the sources of any project matching dollars. Proposals must also identify the dollar amount and percentage of state money involved in the total project cost. Grant Process: Upon DEED review of application and approval, an award letter will be sent to the successful applicant. Following this letter, DEED and the Grantee will enter into a grant agreement to secure the grant funds. Once an official fully signed grant agreement is in place, a disbursement request form will be emailed to the Grantee. Submittal: Please submit an email copy of this complete application to: 3 Economic Development Division ATTN: Brandon Toner, Program Manager Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development First National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 St. Paul, MN 55101 Email Address: Brandon.Toner@state.mn.us 4 Narrative Section Please provide an answer to each part of the General Narrative listed below. Attach any supportive documents to the back of this document. General Narrative 1. Please give a general Narrative and Project Description of this project. Describe the proposed project with an overview, including background, legislative language, and description of the work to be performed. The Family Resource Center facility is currently about 1,500 square feet and is being used at its full capacity. The proposed concept plan is to expand the center by 4,680 square feet. In the summer of 1997, the City of Rosemount received a Youth Initiative Grant from the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning in the amount of $214,900. This grant, along with other smaller grants and donations, allowed the construction of the Family Resource Center. In December of 1998, 360 Communities and the City of Rosemount agreed to have 360 Communities lease the facility. 360 Communities provides their services and also share space and encourage other service providers to use the facility. The lease states that the facility will be used for serving children and families in the community through services such as crisis intervention, providing food, clothing, housing assistance, parenting support, academic support through mentorship, child care assistance, violence prevention outreach and recreation. 2. Organizational Structure. Describe the ownership and tenant status of the property and facilities, including who operates and maintains the property and facilities. The City owns the facility and leases the building to 360 Communities. 360 Communities operates the building and we have a shared maintenance agreement. 3. Provide Project Goals, Activities and Times tables. The proposal should show clear and measurable outputs, outcomes, activities and a reasonable timeframe for performing and reporting on project activities. The facility will be used for serving children and families in the community through services such as crisis intervention, providing food, clothing, housing assistance, parenting support, academic support through mentorship, child care assistance, violence prevention outreach and recreation. 4. Collaboration and Partnerships. Describe any current or proposed financial and programmatic partnerships that support this proposed project. 5 At this point, the City will fund ½ of the project with the other half coming from the State of Minnesota. 360 Communities is planning to fund the furnishings for the facility. 5. Provide methods of Assessment and Evaluation. The proposal should clearly explain how the project will be evaluated and the measurable output and outcomes that will be measured, and must include the performance measures, if any, listed in authorizing appropriation. The outcome and measurements of success will be based on the number of people served and the amount of new programming that will take place. 6. Provide a review of the Organizational Capacity and Relevant Experience. The proposal must provide a brief profile of the applicant organization including information to complete a financial review. Please provide your organization’s most recent certified financial audit. The City of Rosemount is 15 miles south of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. With land area of nearly 36 square miles, Rosemount residents enjoy the advantages of living in a community with both a small town and large metropolitan city atmospheres. Unusual for a city of its size, Rosemount combines industry, agriculture, and agricultural research with a rapidly growing residential community providing an excellent environment in which to live and work. The western part of Rosemount exhibits a dynamic, expanding residential community with an older, yet vital, commercial center at its heart. Housing options include single family homes, townhomes, condominiums, and affordable housing. Residential developments with hundreds of homes are currently under development, and this pattern of growth will continue for several years. Rosemount is a close-knit community in touch with the urban environment. Rosemount is a community rich with resources: undeveloped land; easy access to Minneapolis, St. Paul, and other major markets; quality education; and friendly residents. 7. Provide a proposed project budget. Applicants must complete a detailed project budget which lists sources and uses of all program related funds (use table on following page). See the attached table 8. Conflicts of Interest. The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) will take steps to prevent individual and organizational conflicts of interest in reference to grantees per Minn.Stat.§16B.98 and Department of Administration, Office of Grants Management, Policy Number 08-01 Conflict of Interest Policy for State Grant-Making. When a conflict of interest concerning state grant-making is suspected, disclosed, or discovered, transparency shall be the guiding principle in addressing it. Please fill out and submit the Conflict of Interest (COI) form below with your proposal 6 7 Project Sources and Uses Budget Provide a proposed project budget. Applicant must complete a detailed project budget which is delineated into sources and uses of all program related funds. SFY2018 Project Activities DEED Grantee Total Facility Expansion – Building Cost $450,000 $304,266 $754,266 Soft costs (Arch/Eng. fees) $69,932 $69,932 Contingency $75,802 $75,802 Total Costs $450,000 $450,000 $900,000 Project Timeline Please provide a project timeline that identifies significant planned program deliverables and benchmarks. Activity Start mm/yy Finish mm/yy Design 12/18 3/19 Bid 3/19 3/19 Approve bids 4/19 4/19 Construction 5/19 11/19 8 2017 Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form for Grant Contract This form gives grant applicants an opportunity to disclose any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest that may exist when applying for or receiving a competitive grant. It is the grant applicant’s obligation to be familiar with the Office of Grants Management (OGM) Policy_08-01, Conflict of Interest Policy for State Grant-Making and to disclose any conflicts of interest accordingly. All grant applicants and recipients must complete and sign a conflict of interest disclosure form. Please checkmark one of the two boxes below;  I or my grant organization do NOT have an ACTUAL, POTENTIAL, or PERCEIVED conflict of interest.  I or my grant organization have an ACTUAL, POTENTIAL, or PERCEIVED conflict of interest. (Please describe below): If at any time after submission of this form, I or my grant organization discover any additional conflict of interest(s), I or my grant organization will disclose that conflict immediately to the appropriate agency or grant program personnel. Printed name: Signature: Organization: Date: