HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Accept Quotes and Authorize a Contract for Engineering Services Related to the 2019 Street Improvements Project, City Projects 2019-01I:\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items\6.j. Accept Quotes and Authorize a Contract for Engineering Services Related to the 2019 Street Improvements Project, City Projects 2019-01.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: January 15, 2019 AGENDA ITEM: Accept Quotes and Authorize a Contract for Engineering Services Related to the 2019 Street Improvements Project, City Projects 2019-01 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, PE, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Stephanie Smith, PE, Assistant City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6.j. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Map; 2019 CIP; TKDA Proposal APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to 1. Accept Proposal for Engineering Services for the 2019 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2019-01; and 2. Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2019 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2019-01 BACKGROUND The pavement rehabilitation of approximately 3.5 miles of State Aid Routes in the City was included as part of the 2019-2028 Capital Improvement Plan and scheduled for construction in 2019, as shown in the attached map. The 2019 Street Improvement Project is proposed to consist of an asphalt mill and overlay and minor utility work as well as rehabilitation of pedestrian ramps to meet current ADA requirements. Pavement mill and overlay on both sides of the Connemara Trail bridge and the Fire Station #1 Parking Lot will be evaluated for inclusion in this project. Staff requested proposals from four members of the previously selected engineering pool, and TKDA was the low bidder selected to perform the design work on this project. TKDA is familiar with this area and type of project as that firm prepared plans and specifications for the 2018 Street Improvement Project. TKDA’s proposal in the amount of $125,500 provides the necessary engineering services to complete design and bidding of the 2019 Street Improvement Project. The resolution orders the preparation of a feasibility report which is a necessary step under the Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. This chapter specifies the actions that must be taken in order to assess property owners for all or a portion of the cost of local improvements. The feasibility report will provide information regarding whether the proposed improvements are necessary, cost-effective and feasible. The following information will be included in the report: • Existing conditions with detailed information on the existing materials • Proposed improvements • Detailed cost estimates and proposed funding sources • Estimated assessments 2 COSTS & FUNDING The design and construction costs for the 2019 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2019-01, are budgeted in the 2019-2028 CIP in the amount of $1,710,000. The street improvements will be funded by Minnesota State Aid and assessment of abutting properties and the utility work would be funded by the respective Utility Funds. A detailed estimate will be prepared as part of the Feasibility Report. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Council accept the proposal for engineering services to TKDA and adopt a resolution to authorize preparation of a feasibility report for the 2019 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2019- 01. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2019 – 03 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF A FEASIBLITY REPORT FOR THE 2019 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT 2019-01 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve the following streets with a mill and overlay: • Connemara Trail between Diamond Path (CSAH 33) and Shannon Parkway; • Dodd Boulevard between Shannon Parkway and Chippendale Avenue; • Chippendale Avenue between 145th Street and 160th Street (CSAH 46); • 151st Street between Shannon Parkway and Chippendale Avenue; • Cimarron Avenue between 151st Street and 150th Street (CSAH 42); • Claret Avenue; and • Crestone Avenue WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 429, and; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proposed improvement, called 2019 Street Improvement Project (City Project 2019-01), be referred to the City Engineer for study and that the City Engineer is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost effective and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for the affected parcels. ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 2019. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk G¥WX G±WX ?§A@ G¥WX G±WX ?§A@ 2019 Street Project Text 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000250Feet --· MSA Building Funds & Facilities Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Year Item -Descriotion DAnartment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utility Utility Utilitv 2019 1 LED Lighting Arena 2019 2 SAN Replacement Finance 35 ,000 2019 3 PC Workstation Upqrades (From 2014) (Admin , Park & Reel Finance 83 ,000 2019 4 Replace Air Compressor cal Station #1 Fire 65 ,000 2019 5 Add Station Exha ust Systems @ Station #1 and Station #2 Fire 75 ,000 2019 6 Replace Handheld Radios (17) Fire 76,500 2019 7 Citv-Wide Software Gen'I. Govt. 25 ,000 2019 8 Steeole Center Sianaae Park & Rec 5,000 2019 9 Steeole Center Assembly Carpet Park & Rec 30,000 2019 10 Family Resource Center Addition (City Share On ly) Park & Rec 450,000 2019 11 Caroet Cleaner for RCC Park & Rec 7 ,500 2019 12 Skate Park Uoarades -Phase 1 (Design) Park & Rec 2019 13 Carrolls Woods Restoration Park & Rec 2019 14 Trail Plans & Desiqn -Reqional Greenwavs Park & Rec 50,000 2019 15 Dunmore Park Development Park & Rec 150 ,000 2019 16 Squad Camera for CSO Vehicle #3550 Police 8,000 2019 17 Replace 1/2 of AED's (6) Police 8 ,000 2019 18 Replace Pole Camera Police 25 ,000 2019 19 Squad Set Uo and Equioment Installation Police 30,000 2019 20 Lease Program -Year 2 Police 61,309 2019 21 Replace Police Portable Radios (Encrypted) Police 162,000 2019 22 Pedestrian lmorovements Proqram Pub Works 125,000 2019 23 PMP(Chiooendale,Dodd , 151st,Crestone,Claret,Cimarron , Connemara A) Pub Works 150,000 1,300 ,000 50,000 150,000 60 ,000 2019 24 CR 73 -Bonaire Path to IGH (ROW) Pub Works 337 ,500 2019 25 Connemara Trail -East Extension (Construction) Pub Works 800 ,000 15 ,000 2019 26 Bonaire Path -Akron Avenue to Grevstone(with Quiet Zonel(Const.) Pub Works 1,000,000 2019 27 Downtown Planter Replacement Proqram Pub Works 10,000 2019 28 Picnic Table Reolacement Proaram Pub Works 25 ,000 2019 29 Lease Program -Year 2 Pub Works 62 ,347 8,418 2019 30 Blower Attach for #8418 & #8420 (Reolace #0123) (2008) Pub Works 6 ,000 2019 31 Equioment Trailer (Reolace #05031 (Purchased 1999) Pub Works 12 ,000 2019 32 Bobcat (Reolace #8418) (2008 Vehicle) Pub Works 55 ,000 2019 33 JD Tractor (Replace #8406) (2006 Vehicle) Pub Works 83 ,000 2019 34 NEW Portable Generator (#8058) Pub Works 30 ,000 30 ,000 30 ,000 2019 35 NEW Standby Generator (Well #7) Pub Works 100,000 2019 36 Utilitv Pickuo w/Crane (Reolace #8342) (2007 Vehicle) Pub Works 32 ,000 31,500 31 ,500 2019 37 Jetter (Replace #8445) (2006 Vehicle) Pub Works 132,500 132,500 520 ,000 1,262,500 879 ,656 150 ,000 200,000 2 ,300 ,000 15,000 0 0 220,418 344 ,000 254,000 Total CIP Funding Requirements -Year 2019 $2,662 ,156 (#) These ite ms will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) LED lighting funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Skate Park funding will come from the General Fund Parks Maintenance Budget. Carrolls Woods Restoration funding w ill come from assigned funds . (3) Highlighted items are part of a lease program . This is a summary of the total for the year. Detail is provided in an accompanying document. (4) Other funding for these projects are not included . Costs are Rosemount's share only. The $1 ,000 ,000 for Bonaire Path under "Other" is part of our share paid for by the State as part of the 2018 Bonding Bill. (5) Other funding comes from prepaid special assessments collected over the last 5-7 years . (6) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles . Total Building CIP levy for 2019 is $0 . If there is a difference, the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives (s uch as potential SKB reven ues). Total Street CIP levy for 2019 is $852,327. If there is a difference , the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives (such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2019 is $620,000. If there is a difference, the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives (such as potential SKB revenues). 1 of 11 1118/18 DebtServ Total Levv Other Cost 40 ,000 (1) 40 ,000 35 ,000 83 ,000 65 ,000 75,000 76,500 25 ,000 5,000 30,000 450,000 7,500 65,000 (2) 65 ,000 150,000 (2) 150,000 50,000 150,000 8,000 8,000 25,000 30,000 (30,500) (3) 30,809 162,000 125 ,000 1,710,000 (4) 337,500 357,000 (5) 1,172,000 1,000 ,000 (4) 2 ,000 ,000 10 ,000 25,000 (44 ,500) (3) 26,265 6 ,000 1,500 (6) 13 ,500 5,000 (6) 60 ,000 7,000 (6) 90 ,000 90 ,000 100 ,000 15 ,000 (6) 110 ,000 25 ,000 (6) 290 ,000 0 1,590 ,500 7,736 ,074 $0 December 20, 2018 Via Email Only: pwadm@ci.rosemount.mn.us brian.erickson@ci.rosemount.mn.us stephanie.smith@ci.rosemount.mn.us Mr. Brian Erickson, PE Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-4997 Re: Proposal for Engineering Services 2019 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2019-01 Dear Mr. Erickson: In response to your request, we propose to provide Engineering Services in connection with the 2019 Street Improvement Project. Our services will be provided in the manner described in this Proposal subject to the terms and conditions set forth in our Technical Specialty Consulting Agreement dated September 6, 2016, as amended (we also propose to extend this agreement). Hereinafter, the City of Rosemount is referred to as the City. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City is planning for over three miles of street improvements in 2019. The work will include improvements to Chippendale Ave, Dodd Blvd, 151st St, Crestone Ave, Claret Ave, and Cimarron Ave, and Connemara Tr. These streets are State Aid Roadways and work must be completed in conformance with MnDOT State Aid standards. It is anticipated that the Project will be a mill and overlay, but certain segments may require full depth pavement rehabilitation based on the pavement analysis. Damaged curb will be removed and replaced as a part of the Project. The Project will also include upgrading pedestrian ramps as needed and removal and replacement of damaged sidewalk segments within the Project area. There are approximately 100 pedestrian ramps for this area. The street improvements will be assessed to benefitting property owners and must, therefore, follow MN Statutes 429 as well as City Policy. The bidding for the work should occur in May of 2019 with construction work occurring in the summer of 2019. II. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY TKDA Based on TKDA’s understanding of the Project, we propose to provide the following services: A. FEASIBILITY REPORT FOLLOWING MN STATUTES 429 AND CITY POLICY A Feasibility Report will be prepared in accordance with Minnesota Statutes ch. 429 and City policy and will incorporate, at a minimum, the following sections: existing conditions, proposed improvements, estimated costs, quantity breakdown, Project funding, preliminary assessment Mr. Brian Erickson, PE City of Rosemount Proposal for Engineering Services 2019 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2019-01 December 20, 2018 Page 2 roll, assessment calculation, conclusions, recommendations on feasibility, pavement analysis, photographs, figures, and drawings. B. DESIGN 1. Survey –Survey work will be limited to a GPS survey for pedestrian curb ramp areas. The surveying will also locate several property pins as a check of the right of way corridors. 2. Pavement Analysis – Pavement analysis assuming a minimum of 25 cores within the Project area. Subconsultant, American Engineering Testing, will provide these services under subcontract to TKDA. 3. Public Meeting – Meeting attendance including preparation and attendance at the public hearing at a City Council meeting. 4. Design – Prepare detailed design for an anticipated mill and overlay project using “GIS - Grade” plan sheets for the general work and “GPS - Grade” plan sheets for pedestrian curb ramp upgrades. For bidding purposes, an educated estimate of curb removal and replacement will be incorporated in the plans, but will not specifically locate sections of curb and gutter replacement. The plans and specifications will be set up to bid portions of the work as an alternate giving the City flexibility for inclusion in 2019 or a future year. Specifications will follow MnDOT 2018 Specifications and the City of Rosemount Standard Specifications. One review and comment period is anticipated. 5. Private Utility Coordination – Distribution of plans and coordination with utility representatives 6. MNDOT Review – MnDOT State Aid plan review process will be followed including submission of plans to MnDOT, response memo for comments, and necessary plan modifications. No MnDOT design variances are anticipated. 7. Bidding - Bidding services will be provided including distribution of plans, maintaining plan holders list, responding to questions, issuing addenda, facilitating the bid opening, tabulating bids, and preparing a contract award recommendation letter. 8. Assessment Roll - The preliminary assessment roll is part of the Feasibility Report. In preparation for an assessment hearing, the assessment roll will be updated to include current property ownership as reflected in the assessor’s database. C. CONSTRUCTION 1. Construction Observation/Administration - Perform construction observation of the Street Improvement Project in 2019. For the purposes of the Proposal, eight weeks were assumed, with a construction week consisting of 40 hours. Administration is included within these assumed hours and will include preparation of partial payment applications or any contract modifications. 2. Material Testing - Material testing will include testing of bituminous as well as concrete in accordance with MnDOT and City of Rosemount specifications. Subconsultant, American Engineering Testing, will provide these services under subcontract to TKDA. Mr. Brian Erickson, PE City of Rosemount Proposal for Engineering Services 2019 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2019-01 December 20, 2018 Page 3 3. Construction Staking – Staking will include stakes and cut sheets for the pedestrian ramp improvements, marking curb removal, sidewalk removal, driveway impacts, and other key information for construction, for an anticipated 100 hours. 4. Private Utility Coordination – Distribution of plans and coordination during construction with utility representatives. 5. Contract Closeout - Contract closeout will include performing as-built GPS surveying of the improved curb ramp areas. Contract closeout will also include meeting with the contractor to reconcile final quantities and processing the final payment application. TKDA shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, for acts or omissions of the Contractor, Subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the Work, or for the failure of any of them to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. III. ADDITIONAL SERVICES If authorized in writing by the City, we will furnish or obtain from others Additional Services of the types listed below which are not considered as basic services under this Proposal. Additional Services shall be billable on an Hourly Time and Materials basis and such billings shall be over and above any maximum amounts set forth in this Proposal. A. Based on the RFQ and field inspection, the Project appears to be a straight-forward mill and overlay. However, if based on the pavement analysis, reconstruction of significant areas is needed, TKDA will negotiate with the City on an appropriate fee for reconstruction level plans. B. Ground Penetrating Radar or Falling Weight Deflectometer are additional tools which can assist in determining the structural integrity of the roadway and can be provided as an additional service if requested. C. It is assumed that notices for the public hearing and the assessment hearing will be prepared by the City and sent to the official newspaper and to impacted property owners. TKDA can provide these as additional services. D. If the City wishes to have TKDA facilitate and attend the assessment hearing, this can be done as an additional service. E. Right of way acquisition is not expected for this project, but if certain right of way services are needed TKDA can perform or facilitate this work as an additional service. F. Additional Construction Services, due to unanticipated Contractor means and methods, errors and/or omissions. G. The signal system at Chippendale and CSAH 42 is not assumed to be modified. TKDA can provide professional services to modify this signal for push button pedestals and count down timers as an additional service cost of $8,400. Mr. Brian Erickson, PE City of Rosemount Proposal for Engineering Services 2019 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2019-01 December 20, 2018 Page 4 IV. CLIENT’S RESPONSIBILITIES These responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to the following: A. Designate one individual to act as a representative with respect to the work to be performed, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define policies, and make decisions with respect to critical elements pertinent to the Project. This individual shall be identified in the signature block area of this Proposal. B. Provide TKDA with access to the site as required to perform services listed in SECTION II. C. Provide reviews of materials furnished by TKDA in a reasonable and prompt manner so that the Project schedule can be maintained. D. Provide As-Built Drawings for the streets within the Project area. V. PERIOD OF SERVICE We will expect to start our services promptly upon receipt of your written acceptance of this Proposal and to complete SECTION II services within 12 months thereafter. Segments of the work plan will be completed progressively to facilitate the Project Schedule. VI. COMPENSATION Compensation to TKDA for services provided as described in SECTION II of this Proposal shall be on an Hourly Time and Materials basis for a total not to exceed amount of $125,500. Our detailed Project Fee Estimate is attached. Payment shall be made in accordance with our Technical Specialty Consulting Agreement. The level of effort required to accomplish SECTION II services can be affected by factors which are beyond our control. Therefore, if it appears at any time that charges for services rendered under SECTION II will exceed the above, we agree that we will not perform services or incur costs which will result in billings in excess of such amount until we have been advised by you that additional funds are available and our work can proceed. VII. CONTRACTUAL INTENT We thank you for the opportunity to submit this Proposal. If acceptable to the City, please sign and return as authorization to proceed under the terms of our Technical Specialty Consulting Agreement or provide other appropriate written authorization. This Proposal will be open for acceptance for 60 days, unless the provisions herein are changed by us in writing prior to that time. Mr. Brian Erickson, PE City of Rosemount Proposal for Engineering Services 2019 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2019-01 December 20, 2018 Page 5 Our Technical Specialty Consulting Agreement has a term of two years, and effectively terminated September 6, 2018. However, the agreement provides for two additional one-year terms, when the parties agree in writing. We agree that the City’s acceptance of this Proposal will also extend our Technical Specialty Consulting Agreement for one additional one-year term. We look forward to working with the City on this Project and others in the future, and we will gladly negotiate additional term extensions. If you have any questions, please contact Larry Poppler at 651.292.4457 or larry.poppler@tkda.com. Sincerely, Lawrence P. Poppler, PE Dennis M. Postler, PE Project Manager Vice President, Municipal Services The City may indicate its acceptance by signing where indicated on the following page. ATTACHMENT: PROJECT FEE ESTIMATE LPP:DMP:ces:sfs ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA By: _______________________________________________________________________________ (signature) Printed Name/Title Date CLIENT’S DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE: __________________________________________________________________________________ Name/Title Phone Email Project Fee Estimate City of Rosemount Date: 12/20/2018 2019 Street Reconstruction Project By:LPP Sr Reg Eng Reg Eng Reg Eng ES I Survey Tech II Task 1 Feasibility Report Meetings with City Staff 3 3 6 780$ Site Evaluation 4 4 312$ Prepare Construction Cost Estimate 1 8 9 806$ Prepare Feasibility Report 8 24 8 40 3,912$ Prepare Preliminary Assessment Roll 1 4 10 15 1,224$ Assessment Calculation 2 8 10 988$ Prepare Exhibits (Location Map and Typical Section) 4 4 408$ Neighborhood Meeting 4 6 10 1,196$ Project Management 6 6 1,092$ SUBTOTAL HOURS 25 - 4 57 - 18 104 Expenses: Travel & Subsistence (TS)66$ Subtotal 10,784$ Task 2 Design Sub 1 Survey (Field Evaluate Pedestrian Ramps) Field Evaluate Pedestrian Ramps 32 32 4,640$ Gopher State One Call 2 2 156$ Project Management 2 2 364$ SUBTOTAL HOURS 2 - - 2 32 - 36 Expenses: Travel & Subsistence (TS)88$ Survey Equipment Rental 320$ Subtotal 5,568$ Sub 2 Pavement Analysis Project Management 4 4 480$ SUBTOTAL HOURS - 4 - - - - 4 Expenses: Subconsultant (AET)10,018$ Subconsultant Mark-up 10%1,002$ Subtotal 11,500$ Sub 3 Public Meeting Public Hearing Prep and Meeting 3 6 9 1,014$ SUBTOTAL HOURS 3 - - 6 - - 9 Expenses: Travel & Subsistence (TS)22$ Subtotal 1,036$ Sub 4 Design Prepare "GIS Grade" Plan Sheets 2 24 80 106 9,484$ Prepare Pedestrian Ramp Plan Sheets 4 40 80 124 11,768$ Prepare Fire Station Plans 2 2 156$ Prepare Striping Plan 1 2 20 23 1,982$ Specifications 1 16 17 2,102$ Update Cost Estimate 1 4 16 21 1,910$ Project Management 16 16 2,912$ Meeting with City Staff (1) 3 3 6 906$ SUBTOTAL HOURS 28 89 - 198 - - 315 Expenses: Travel & Subsistence (TS)22$ Subtotal 31,242$ Sub 5 Private Utility Coordination Utility Coordination 4 2 6 636$ SUBTOTAL HOURS - 4 - 2 - - 6 Expenses: Travel & Subsistence (TS)22$ Subtotal 658$ Sub 6 MnDOT State Aid Review State Aid Coordination 4 4 480$ SUBTOTAL HOURS - 4 - - - - 4 Expenses: Travel & Subsistence (TS)22$ Subtotal 502$ Sub 7 Bidding Submit Advertisement for Bids 1 2 3 266$ Distribute Plans and Specifications to Bidders 2 2 146$ Maintain Plan Holder List 2 2 146$ Respond to Bidder's Questions; Issue Addenda 1 2 2 5 568$ Bid Opening and Tabulate Bids (@ Rosemount CH) 2 1 2 5 588$ Prepare Contract Award Recommendation Letter 1 1 1 3 375$ SUBTOTAL HOURS 4 4 - 1 - 11 20 Expenses: Travel & Subsistence (TS)22$ Subtotal 2,111$ Total DollarsEstimated Person Hours Required Total Hours Project: Client: Task Task Description Project Fee Estimate City of Rosemount Date: 12/20/2018 2019 Street Reconstruction Project By:LPP Sr Reg Eng Reg Eng Reg Eng ES I Survey Tech II Total DollarsEstimated Person Hours Required Total Hours Project: Client: Task Task Description Sub 8 Assessment Roll Update Ownership of Property 4 4 292$ Update Assessment Roll 1 1 2 4 448$ SUBTOTAL HOURS 1 1 - - - 6 8 Subtotal 740$ 3 Construction Construction Observation/Administration Sub 1 Construction Observation (320 Hours) 20 40 260 320 28,720$ Sub 3 Staking of Pedestrian Ramp Areas (100 Hours) 50 50 100 11,150$ Sub 4 Private Utility Coordination 2 2 4 520$ Sub 5 Contract Closeout 4 16 2 22 2,266$ SUBTOTAL HOURS 26 40 - 328 52 - 446 Expenses: Travel & Subsistence (TS)1,210$ Survey Equipment Rental 320$ Sub 2 - Subconsultant (AET)15,525$ Subconsultant Mark-up 10%1,553$ Subtotal 61,264$ TOTAL HOURS 89 146 4 594 84 35 952 TOTAL PROJECT 125,405$ TOTAL (ROUNDED)125,500$ Additional Task - Signal Sytem Modification Prepare Design for CSAH 42 Signal Modification 14 48 4 4 70 8,316$ SUBTOTAL HOURS 14 - 48 - 4 4 70 Expenses: Travel & Subsistence (TS)66$ Subtotal 8,382$ TOTAL (ROUNDED)8,400$