HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01-24-00 DRAFT
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Keith Knautz, Janet Larson and Kelly Sampo
STAFF PRESENT: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director and Sue Gee, Recording Secretary.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jill Peterson and Phil Sterner - (late arrival)
1. CALL TO ORDER: Kelly Sampo, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Additional update to Family Resource Center report.
3. APPROVAL OF THE December 27, 1999 MINUTES:
MOTION by Keith Knautz to accept the minutes of December 27, 1999.
SECOND by Kelly Sampo. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
DISCUSSION: Keith Knautz requested a list of previously discussed items that are still on the table. Dan Schultz said he will include such items in his Director’s Reports.
Knautz inquired about park hours at Jaycee Park, and reported that people are still skating after 9:00 pm.
Janet Larson praised the grooming of the ski trails and said they are being used. She suggested grooming a loop around the parking lot.
Kelly Sampo asked Dan Schultz to report on the meetings which have taken place with interested users of the forthcoming amphitheater. Schultz has received input on what the different
organizations are looking for in an amphitheater. He has met with Rosemount High and Middle schools staff and the Leprechaun Days committee.
Sampo expressed that Charlies Park should be resurfaced before tennis lessons start this summer. Schultz stated that is the Department’s goal.
a. RAAA – Committee requested clarification of “elimination of RAAA as an agenda item” on December 27 meeting minutes. RAAA will not continue to be on the “Agenda” for Parks & Recreation
Committee meetings because of their lack of attendance at the meetings.
The first annual report was presented to the Parks and Recreation Committee by those providing services at the Center. The purpose of the annual report is to make sure the Family Resource
Center is meeting the use requirements outlined in the Youth Initiative Grant and that CAC is fulfilling their lease.
Marilyn Herman, Dakota County Extension Service, summed up their mission is to involve people in improving the quality of life and enhance the economy and the environment through education,
applied research and the resources of the University of Minnesota and Dakota County. They have a staff of 35 persons. The activities for the year 2000 will include: Rural-urban interface;
maximizing benefits of diversity; needs of the growing senior population; supporting an economically viable agriculture sector; understanding youth issues; enhancement of technology
for learning, water and air quality; balancing work and family issues; affordable child care, housing and medical care; fostering and strengthening collaborations to met community needs;
parenting skills and family relationship; active citizenship; health living; enhancing and strengthening nutrition, food security and food safety; promoting volunteerism. Successful
activities since the center officially opened in February of 1999 include the Friendship Club; 4-
H; Starbase Minnesota; Youth Teaching Youth; Reaching Out Theatre; Dakota County Environmental Education Program; Immigrant Farmers Education Program including teaching the art of drying
food; three Teen Leadership Leagues; On the Move for Minnesota Families; nutrition programs and Inter-Generational Programs. Youth outside the immediate neighborhood are getting involved
and are paid for working at Teen Nights.
Doreen Ulrich, Neighborhood Services Director of the Community Action Council of Rosemount, reported that the CAC is a nonprofit agency that works in partnership with individuals, families,
volunteers, schools, congregations, service organizations and businesses to help our neighborhoods and communities stay strong, safe, and healthy. They focus on Violence prevention
and intervention, school success and self-sufficiency. Neighborhood and community services include school-based family support services; community based family support services; child
care resource and referral; basic needs; no-interest family loans; transportation; income tax services and Armful of Love holiday gift program. Ulrich shared information of specific
activities they sponsored in 1999 and new services coming in 2000.
Nancy Wall, Dakota County Social Worker and Sue Johnson, Family Support Worker, CAC, reported on the Rosemount Community Project. They bring services to families to ensure the safety
of the children in the home and help families reach their goals of providing the best home environment for their children to grow up. Currently, RCP is working with more than 14 families.
They have helped increase school attendance, helped families access winter clothing and furniture, educated on appropriate supervision of children, offer a safe and caring after school
program for middle school age children and wish to initiate a support group for teen girls and a support group for mothers. The RCP is an alternative to neglect. Also included in
this report was an update on the Early Childhood Family Education “Together Time Monday” program for Rosemount parents which is a collaboration of several agencies providing the following:
A meal currently provided by CAC; a program for children ages K-5 provided by CAC and Minn Ext. 4-H; a program for young children ages birth-k and the parenting class provided by ECFE
teaching staff; CAC also provides the outreach into the community. Also included in the CAC report was the accounting trial balance as of 1/21/00.
Dan Schultz said the Dodd Blvd. Reconstruction project is scheduled to take place in two phases. The first phase will begin in the summer of 2000 and will include the section of road
between Chippendale Ave. and Shannon parkway. The second phase is scheduled to be reconstructed in the summer of 2001. The second phase will include the section of road from Shannon
Parkway to Delft Ave. Committee viewed the aerial photo and discussed Twin Puddles Park. Some suggestions for the 1st phase include leaving the current trail, 2nd phase adding crosswalk
signs, diverting the storm water run-off, widening the entrance, enlarging the parking lot & adding more gravel, and adding another ball field. Schultz said a feasibility report is
being compiled on the project.
The City of Rosemount has recently been approached by the Friends of the Mississippi, who are working with the City of Hastings to secure a Metro Greenways Planning Grant. The Friends
of the Mississippi Conservation Director, Tom Lewanski had previously met with Mayor Busho and Dan Shcultz to discuss the City of Rosemount being a partner in the grant. Schultz reported
the meeting information to the Parks and Recreation Committee as follows:
The grant would be used to fund the Hastings-Area Greenway Strategic Plan that is intended to build on three recent efforts with similar focus: Hastings Green Way Plan (City of Hastings),
Protecting Dakota county Farmland and Natural Areas (Dakota county) and Dakota County Township Greenway Plan (Township Officers Association). The process of creating a strategic plan
is intended to: (1) build multi-jurisdictional consensus around a unified greenway effort; (2) illustrate how greenways can co-exist with various land uses: and (3) strategize site
specific tools and implementation steps necessary for greenway protection. The plan will focus on a broad (1-3 mile wide) band of land along the Mississippi River including the communities
of Hastings, Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount, Nininger, Marshan and Ravenna. If the city of Rosemount would become a partner in the grant, we would be expected to provide a funding
match of approximately $5,000 and we would need to host one or more of the workshops/meetings that may be planned for the city of Rosemount as part of the workplan for this project.
MOTION BY Kelly Sampo to support the City of Rosemount being a partner in the Metro Greenways Planning Grant.
SECOND by Keith Knautz. Ayes 5. Nays 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Dan Schultz reported receiving two phone calls to date, on the Requests For Proposals that were mailed out February 22, for Kidder park and Camfield Park.
Schultz reported good participation at our indoor and outdoor skating lessons this season.
Schultz announced an all Committee/Commission meeting to take place at Wednesday, February 2, at City all at 6:30 P.M. It is for all new and returning committee and commission members.
The bylaws communicate we must choose a Parks & Recreation Committee chairperson at the February meeting. Mayor Busho relayed that City Council may appoint the chairperson.
Mayor Busho said the City Council will have a goal setting and budget retreat on February 5, 2000.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mike Eliason to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM. SECOND by Keith Knautz. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Gee
Recording Secretary