HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04-24-00 APPROVED
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Keith Knautz, and Kelly Sampo
Ena Cisewiski, City Council Liaison.
STAFF PRESENT: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director and Sue Gee, Recording Secretary.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Janet Larson & Phil Sterner
1. CALL TO ORDER: Kelly Sampo, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. following a tour of several parks.
3. APPROVAL OF THE February 28, 2000 MINUTES:
Minutes were not approved at this time due to changes suggested by Keith Knautz.
DISCUSSION: Moved to the end of the meeting.
Our Mission Statement and RAAA relationship with Park & Recreation Committee was discussed. Dan Schultz suggested we meet with RAAA and create a common goal. Ena Cisewski suggested
putting questions and concerns in writing for Dan Schultz to address with RAAA. Field usage and projected numbers were the biggest concern.
Mike Eliason inquired about Commission member attendance standards according to the Bylaws and asked for a clarification on the years he as served. Dan Schultz will check and advise
at the next meeting.
Kelly Sampo gave a list of concerns she has at several parks she has visited. She suggested a checklist be given to the maintenance people. Schultz said he will meet with the new Public
Works Director about parks maintenance. Councilperson Cisewski will approach the City Council at the May 10 meeting regarding giving strong direction to the new Public Works Director
to emphasize checking parks. Cisewski also suggested pushing our “Adopt A Park” program.
Keith Knautz gave a list of concerns that he has at several parks he visited. Dan Schultz will forward his and Sampo’s concerns to the Public Works department.
Keith Knautz gave copies of a letter he received from City Hall and relayed his displeasure in the commission appointment process. Ena Cisewski said the consensus is that no appointments
will be made until all appointments can be made.
Dan Schultz gave copies of the Kelley Trust Development plans and shared the recommendations that staff is working on. Schultz noted trail and other suggestions the Committee recommended.
Committee toured several parks prior to the meeting. Comments are as follows:
BISCAYNE PARK – Adding some amenities was discussed. The parking issue would need to be addressed if a soccer field was added.
BLOOMFIELD PARK – It has been graded and rough seeded. Schultz said we would want to irrigate the fields and possibly will develop it next year. Committee will re-visit and talk to
a park planner or landscape architect. Park Development funds could be used to hire a landscape architect to draw up some sketches.
BISCAYNE POINT DEVELOPMENT AREA – Approximately 2.7 acres of property that is currently City property. North area could be for a ball field when and if we acquire the land. It was
decided to put this on the agenda for next spring. Dan Schultz will obtain housing counts as well as RAAA future field needs and bring back to the committee for further discussion.
BIRGER POND – Committee looked at the shoreline and water level regarding capability of putting a trail around the pond.
Other discussion: There was discussion about the construction on Dodd Road and the impact it will have on the use of the park. Committee discussed if there should be any additional
fields added to the parks at the time of construction.
c. AMPHITHEATER – Band shell
Dan Schultz shared information and a drawing of proposed band shell for Central Park. Schultz brought input from future users to Miracle Rereation and discussed cost and options. Jack
Anderson of J.EA. Architects would consider being a consultant if needed. Included in Committee discussion was adding storage in the future, concern about tongue & groove and reinforced
walls, door size, concrete staging all the way around, and completion date. Schultz and Mayor Busho expressed a desire to have the concrete base in for Leprechaun Days celebration.
Bleacher Safety Legislation – A bill modifying the bleacher safety standards passed both the House and Senate and has been sent to the governor for his signature.
Kidder and Camfield Parks Play Equipment Installation – The play equipment for Kidder and Camfield Parks is scheduled to arrive around May 29. The Committee suggested installation with
the assistance of the residents on June 7th and 8th. Schultz will check dates and send out invitations to community.
Tennis Courts – Construction and re-construction of Charlies Park and Claret Park tennis courts are scheduled to start in early May and be completed by the first part of July. The school
district owns the property at Charlies Park and we have been leasing from them and maintaining them. The contract will be reviewed.
Schultz reported a call from a homeowner living west of Kidder park whose fence was blown down. The homeowner has asked the City to replace his fence since children go through his yard
to reach the park. Staff informed the fence would need to be replaced by the homeowner.
8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Keith Knautz to adjourn the meeting at 10:55 PM. SECOND by Mike Eliason.
Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Gee
Recording Secretary