HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05-22-00 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Eliason, Janet Larson, and Kelly Sampo Ena Cisewiski, City Council Liaison. STAFF PRESENT: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director and Sue Gee, Recording Secretary. MEMBERS ABSENT: Keith Knautz & Phil Sterner 1. CALL TO ORDER: Kelly Sampo, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 27, 2000 AND APRIL 24, 2000 MINUTES: MOTION by Kelly Sampo to approve minutes of March 27, 2000 with one correction, and April 24, 2000. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION: (Response to Audience Input) Dan Schultz relayed Mayor Busho’s definition of the “Discussion” portion of the monthly Commission meeting agenda. Discussion should be responding to audience input only. The Committee can either respond at the time of audience input or at a later meeting. New issues should be discussed with the Director prior to the evening of the meetings and possibly added to the agenda as a topic. Maintenance issues should be reported to Dan Schultz before or after meetings, and he will relay to Public Works Department. 6. OLD BUSINESS EVERMOOR -KELLEY TRUST UPDATE Dan Schultz informed the Committee that the City Council approved the following items with regard to the Evermoor development: The Evermoor preliminary plat/PUD development plan, subject to approval of the wetland mitigation and replacement plan and execution of a PUD agreement that will secure the recommendations of the Engineering/Public Works, Parks and Recreation, Planning, Police, Fire Departments and Planning Commission; rezone land consistent with applicable districts; adopt a resolution to approve a subdivision of the Evermoor property commensurate with the phasing plan subject to the execution of the PUD agreement. The Committee reviewed and discussed the changes to the wetland mitigation and replacement plan with five recommendations that Dan Schultz will bring to the Council: 1) Parking spaces need to be doubled to 20 with one access. Some stalls should be designed for canoe trailers. 2) No more water to be added to this park. 3) Make smaller shelters and picnic tables for different spots, single or double with roofs, instead of one large pavilion. 4) More money dedicated to playground ($45,000. 5) Check into boardwalks in exchange for losing land. They would like the trail to go all around Birger Pond. Schultz reminded the Committee that when we reach the point of discussing trails, the transitions from bituminous to wood chips will need to be addressed for biking purposes. CAMFIELD PARK AND KIDDER PARK PLAY EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION The new equipment for Kidder Park and Park will be shipped on May 26. Committee decided to install Kidder Park equipment on June 7 at 6:00 and Camfield Park on June 8 at 6:00. Dan Schultz will contact the volunteer list with the dates and times. c. AMPHITHEATER – BANDSHELL Committee reviewed and discussed the Request for Proposal (RFP) prepared by Dan Schultz for the bandshell at Central Park. A fee schedule will need to be decided. It was suggested that weddings could be held at the amphitheater. MOTION by Kelly Sampo to approve the RFP for a Bandshell at Central Park. SECOND by Janet Larson. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED NEW BUSINESS a. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Dan Schultz reported 176 trees given away at the very successful Arbor Day celebration May 20. The Rosemount City News for summer has been sent to residents. Summer programs are quickly filling. The 2001 budget is being prepared. Schultz will bring to Committee at future meeting. Tennis court at Cahrlie’s Park is being reconsturcted Construction of the tennis courts at Claret Park has started. The target completion date is July 1. Ena Cisewski announced the reappointment of Kelly Sampo as Chairperson of Parks and Recreation Committee. Jason Scribner has been appointed the new Park & Recreation Commission member starting in June, 2000. Council will approve all commission members officially on June 6. 8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Janet Larson to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 PM. SECOND by Mike Eliason. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Sue Gee Recording Secretary