HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12-18-00 APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Janet Larson, Kelly Sampo, Jason Scribner and Phil Sterner. STAFF PRESENT: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director and Sue Gee, Recording Secretary. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Eliason, Ena Cisewski – City Council Liaison 1. CALL TO ORDER: Kelly Sampo, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 27, 2000 MINUTES: MOTION by Jason Scribner to approve minutes of November 27, 2000. SECOND by Janet Larson. Ayes: 3. (3 members present at time of motion). Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE INPUT: Brian Hansen, RAAA Traveling Baseball Program liaison was present to comment on the possibility of constructing a storage/concessions building at Shannon Park. The RAAA Board has given the traveling baseball representatives the go-ahead on looking into the facility. A storage facility is the first priority with a concession area and possibly in the future, restroom facilities, depending on easements and sewer lines. The RAAA urgently needs storage for pitching machines and other equipment. The organizations have no way to raise money and believe having a concession area would be profitable for all. After discussion, the Committee gave their recommendation that RAAA should decide on size and location and obtain costs and blueprints before pursuing donations for funding. This item will be put on the agenda again next month after more information is secured. DISCUSSION: (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS BIRCH PARK- CONCEPT PLANS Dan Schultz presented Ingraham and Associates’ updated concept plan. The Committee discussed play facility options and types of amenities, keeping in mind the possibility of partnering with St. Josephs church. Items discussed included a smaller hard court surface in lieu of a tennis court, trail connection between the two sites, maintenance of the fields, the need to review St. Josephs’ concept plan, and expanding to the North if we don’t partner with the church. Schultz’s recommendation was for staff to keep the Ingraham & Associates plan the way as is, mark the basketball court as a future hard court area, leave green space and use crushed rock for an accessible loop trail. Committee suggested having two covered picnic tables instead of an $8,000 shelter, keep the loop, checking into the cost of using crushed rocks which could later become a bituminous trail or mow a path, toddler play equipment, swings & playground with the grassy and wildflower area. Committee suggested holding another neighborhood meeting or to write a letter to them explaining that planning is going to be on hold until we have more information St. Josephs Church. This Committee will again discuss their ideas and recommendations at the January 2001 meeting. MOTION by Janet Larson that Committee would like to further review St. Josephs Church’s concept plan before continuing with our planning and write a letter to the neighborhood residents advising them. SECOND by Phil Sterner. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. b. DALLARA PARK AND BIRCH PARK PLAY EQUIPMENT RFP’S Dan Schultz presented the Committee with copies of RFP’s for replacing the play equipment at Dallara Park and new equipment at Birch Park. MOTION by Kelly Sampo to approve the RFP for Dallara Park. SECOND by Jason Scribner. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. c. CENTRAL PARK BANDSHELL UPDATE Committee reviewed the plans designed by Bob Kilgore of Sebesta Blomberg and Associates for the bandshell at Central Park. Schultz said Mr. Kilgore is currently working on the cost estimate for constructing the stage and Schultz added that he would like to put it out to bid by the end of December. MOTION by Janet Larson to approve the Plan for the band shell stage at Central Park and to put it out to bid. SECOND by Kelly Sampo. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. d. 2001 FEES AND FEE POLICY Committee discussed the proposed changes to the 2001 Fees and Fee Policy. Changes included an increase to the full day rental of the gymnasium, listing what months ice is sold at prime and non-prime rates versus summer ice rates, and increasing parks dedication fees for residential due to rising land values and increasing costs of developing parks. MOTION BY Kelly Sampo to recommend the City Council approve the 2001 Fee and Fee Policy changes for the Parks and Recreation Department in areas of Community Center, Arena and Parks Dedication. SECOND by Phil Sterner. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS DIRECTOR’S REPORT Schultz reported that he and staff recently met with students at Rosemount Middle School to discuss the students’ wishes for a skate park in Rosemount. The students indicated that they will be sending a letter to the Parks and Recreation Committee asking the Committee to discuss their desire for a skate park. The Committee suggested posing the question to the public on the next City Questionnaire, if they want a skate park. Schultz reported that staff demolished the skate warming house at Rosemount Middle School on December 5. A portable trailer has been rented for the winter for this site at the rate of $200 per month. All warming houses are set to open on Saturday, December 16. 8. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Kelly Sampo to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 PM. SECOND by Janet Larson Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Sue Gee Recording Secretary