HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05-20-02Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
May 20, 2002
Members Present: Mike Eliason, Phil Sterner, Jason Scribner, Mark Jacobs and Mike Hartley.
Members Absent: none
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation
Others Present:
Call to Order: Jacobs called the meeting to order 7:01p.m.
Additions to the agenda:
a. Old Business:
6. b. Rosewood Development Preliminary Plat
Approval of the May 20, 2002 minutes: Motion by Eliason to approve the minutes of May 20, 2002. Second by Scribner. Ayes:4 Nays: 0
Audience Input: none
Discussion: none
Old Business
Bloomfield Park Plans and Specifications - Schultz discussed the task of developing plans and the specs for the park and the need to have these items professionally designed. Staff
recommended contracting for Parts 1 and 2 of the Larson Engineering contract and looking at other options for Part 3. A security fence is also being reviewed by Staff. MOTION by Jason
Scribner to contract with Larson Engineering and cap the amount spent at $21,000 for Parts 1 and 2. SECOND by Mark Jacobs. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0
Rosewood Preliminary Plat – Staff recommended accepting full cash dedication to fulfill the parks dedication requirements. Staff also recommended an 8 foot trail be installed along
the north side of 145th Street, sidewalks on both sides of the street running north/south, on one side of private roads, and cul de sac, both sides of Bloomfield Path across from Bloomfield
MOTION by Mike Eliason to recommend accepting full cash dedication to fulfill the parks dedication requirements SECOND by Jason Scribner. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0
MOTION by Mike Eliason to recommend that an eight-foot wide bituminous trail be installed along the north side of the property along 145th Street, sidewalks installed on both sides of
the street running north/south, both side of the access across from Bloomfield Path, one side of private streets and that we review the need for a trail on the north side of Cty. Road
42. Second by Sterner Ayes 4 Nays 0
New Business
St. Joseph’s Property (Old Sunrise Builders Site) – Schultz indicated that St. Joseph’s has contacted him regarding the city’s interest in purchasing the Sunrise Builders site to be
used for recreational purposes. The 1991 Erickson Comm. Square plan details the
property being part of the park. Schultz said the site could be a good location for additional parkland. Schultz indicated St. Joseph’s representatives told him the asking price $50,000.00.
The Parks Plan does include the possibility of purchasing the site and be used in conjunction with Central Park. Schultz said with the current budget we have in place right now, parks
dedication funds would not be available to purchase the land without putting other projects on hold. MOTION by Mike Eliason to recommend that the City Council explore the options of
purchasing St. Joseph’s property across from the Rosemount Community Center with funds other than those in the parks improvement fund. SECOND by Jason Scribner. Ayes: 3 Nays:
0 Sterner abstained.
Parks Dedication fees – Schultz shared a 2001 fee review with the Commission.
Schultz provided a copy of our current Parks Dedication Fees and a survey reviewing parks dedication throughout the metro area. With the rising cost of land and construction, he felt
we need to review our fees collected for Parks Dedication.
The fees we currently receive are used to pay for new park development, purchase of land or for accessibility upgrades. At the rate we are currently collecting at we will not have the
funds to properly fund future development.
Motion by Stener recommending Council raise the parks dedication fees for residential to $45,000 per acre, Commercial to $40,000 and the Industrial to $40,000 per acre and to increase
the Commercial and Industrial dedication amount to 10%. MOTION by Phil Sterner to increase the parks dedications fees for residential to $45,000 per acre, Commercial to $40,000 and
the Industrial to $40,000 per acre and to increase the amount of land dedicated for commercial and industrial from 5% to 10%.
SECOND by Eliason Ayes 4 Nays 0
Director’s Report –
As of 4/30/02 the Park improvement funds are at $542,322.45
Schultz also reported on Arbor Day, Summer Programs, Skate Park Task Force and the Parks Master Plan.
8. Adjournment: MOTION by Mike Eliason to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Sterner. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.